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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by insta_adventurer

  1. What Matt said. Don’t compare yourself to others. You don’t know if they had more or less than you to lose. Focus on your own percentage lost and not lbs. Figure out what works for you and stick with it.

    I discovered early on that I likely have a really low BMR- which means for me to see results, I *need* to do things to increase my metabolism- like working out. Before figuring this out, I was struggling pretty bad with slow weight loss. But yeah- trial and error for sure.

  2. On 10/29/2018 at 12:08, Megan Sadler said:

    So my boss is planning on bringing in treats for us to eat while at work on Halloween since everyone has to work. He’s bringing candy. Same with Christmas. He stopped yesterday and asked me what I can eat so he can bring that so I’m getting black berries as a treat 😂😂 love my boss!! He’s the best lol.
    😂😂. I had someone bring bakery treats to a meeting and they brought me in this little cheesecake type thing cause they knew I couldn’t do bread yet. I thanked them and politely explained that unfortunately super sweet stuff is also a no go for me. It was so thoughtful of them, though! I felt bad for having to turn it down.

  3. My entire life I’ve never been a beef fan. As an adult, I’d occasionally eat steak, but only if I made it myself at home (so many restaurants ruin good cuts with awful sauces or not cooking properly). I was always a chicken person...

    Chicken now is difficult for me... and since surgery, I’ve been eating the hell out out of ground beef... tacos (without a shell, naturally), chili, etc.

    Sweet stuff is also pretty unappealing now, but I was never a big sweet person before.

  4. On 10/25/2018 at 14:27, Oct517 said:

    I agree 100%! I'm tired of seeing people post "use the search bar!". I have tried to use it multiple times and it sucks. It always shows me irrelevant posts, posts from years ago, and is just a mess. I'm not sure if it's only app thing because that is the only place I've used it but from my experience on the app, the search bar is totally useless. I'd be better off manually scrolling through each post to try to find what I want.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Right? Or it will return posts within threads where there is one mention of your search term, while threads about that search term appear way down in the results. Thread topics that contain the search term should be prioritized in results.

    It’s just frustrating to me, because I’m a front-end developer who specializes in the usability and accessibility of web sites and applications, so the shortcomings of it jump out to me.

  5. To be honest, I’ve tried to use the search for various topics and it kind of sucks, because stuff isn’t sorted by date, so the top results are things from billions of years ago. There’s also no way to sort by date or relevancy.. and I’m not sure if any of the Boolean operators work on it to narrow down your search.

    Also- @Fluffychix is right about the 💩 stirrers that act like martyrs being pretty obnoxious. NO IDEA of who she’s talking about though.. 👀👀

  6. I think the “is it because I’m visually appealing” question is tough, but I totally get it. Someone else mentioned we all have types, and this is true, I’m sure many of us have noticed being treated differently the closer we get to physically looking “socially acceptable” and it is a bit of a mindf$&@! for sure!

    Keep in mind- the physical side is only part of the equation when it comes to dating. Sure- your appearance may have been the cause of their initial interest, but it’s the inner stuff, the personality, that keeps interest. I mean, I think flowers are beautiful, but I can’t hold a conversation with one. 😂

  7. Every day things are getting better and better. 55lbs down since surgery, 93lbs since starting the program. I tried doing things the exercise and dieting way, but only saw small changes over a year and a half. Now, I am noticing changes weekly from working out! This tool has been a game changer for sure!

    One of those changes is that I have to work out harder to burn the same amount of calories, but— it’s easier to push myself like that now.

    Before and after... the photos on the left were taken tonight and the photos on the right were from the night before I started the two week liquid diet before surgery.



  8. How did I miss this? I love my Apple Watch! I’m on my second, as I upgraded this year. My first was a Series 0 and still worked. I just wanted the Water resistance of the newer models and the quickness of them, too. I really like it for workout purposes and I also like that it nags me to stand up and move around every hour (I work at a desk).

    Then of course, there’s other fun stuff like walkie talkie and seeing message and email notifications.

    I know some of these features are available on Fitbits at a much lower price. For me, I use other Apple products- so it made sense to go with the watch.

  9. On 10/18/2018 at 11:08, Creekimp13 said:

    Only if you're an authoritarian who feels that there are one set of rules that everyone must follow...and that anyone suggesting otherwise is a trouble maker.

    I am an authoritarian, I guess. I think a person’s medical team is more knowledgeable about their success than I am. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Also- people who are freshly moved into their glass houses (meaning you’ve been at maintenance for like a second) really should not throw stones about how to successfully not regain or fail.

  10. On 10/18/2018 at 10:49, Creekimp13 said:

    My medical provider is 100% on board with my diet. My medical provider is also a leading university teaching hospital. If your medical provider does not agree with my medical provider, there's nothing I can do about that.

    We've known about the dangers of low carb diets for along time. Here's an American Harvard study of 120,000 people.


    And that’s great! But the only thing you seem to come here to do is advocate on behalf of your beloved carbohydrates, as if the rest of don’t know any better and are doing this thing all wrong.

    It just seems a bit antagonistic. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. First of all... good on you for recognizing and admitting you have a problem. That’s not an easy step and is honestly the hardest part. You should be proud that you’re able to be so honest with yourself. Most people go years and can never manage to do so!

    At this point, I would really recommend finding a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction treatment. They will be the ones that can help you figure out what you’ve been using food and now alcohol to really cope with.

    Best of luck to you! It’s time to take control and you’ve already taken the hardest step!

  12. On 10/13/2018 at 06:55, ellie123 said:

    Ellie123 I think that your son would rather you be alive rather then you be at a dance, please take care of yourself for you and for him.

    Thank you all for your well wishes. I missed it and my heart is broken...

    I have been admitted at a bariatric hospital. I have suffered so much. I was on my way to pick up my kids from school in the pouring rain (the 30 min ride was over an hour due to an accident), and I was on the freeway stopping every 10-20 minutes on the side to throw up. At one point in time my heart was palpitating and my fingers and toes started to go numb so I pulled over at a gas station and my husband who was over an hour away from me dialed 911 for an ambulance to come . They showed up with the Fire department and run an EKG to make sure I was not having a heart attack, my heart was racing and I continue to feel like I had an elephant sitting on my chestFire department and run an EKG to make sure I was not having a heart attack, my heart was racing and I continue to feel like I had an elephant sitting on my chest. I told them I needed to get to a place that handles Bariatric’s, But they refused to transport me all the way to Dallas where my doctor is private surgical center, as that would have been two hour ride in rush hour traffic, so I refuse to go with them to a local emergency room as I knew that they would not really know what to do with me and judging from my experience at the ER the previous day they would just try to control the nausea and let me go even though the strongest medicine they have, promethazine has not been controlling my vomiting.i also knew the wait there would be hours and hours as I would be triaged with trauma patients.

    My husband picked the kids and they met me in the gas station and I watch my eight-year-old son well up with tears streaming down his face when he realized mommy will not be making the mother son dance that he has been waiting for over a year )missed last year’s one due to being out of the country, and this year I promised him come whatever, I’ll be there! I even rescheduled my work trip out of county to be there (scheduled to leave this Thursday and I just don’t know how I can go...). My heart just broke and I felt like I had failed him as A mom, and even then, the crazy side of me tried to tell him it will be OK and we will still go but then I proceeded to violently vomit in front of my kids and realized it’s just not gonna happen . I had my husband stay with the kids and I still drove myself to the hospital in Dallas. Because him driving me would mean bringing along the kids for a long night and what is the point in that. I drove through the rain vomiting most of the way by the time I made it here I was vomiting every 10 minutes. Exhausted, my esophagus burning, felt like a giant grapefruit was stuck in it. They started an IV and gave me some nausea meds which did not work and I just keep throwing up spit and bile. Morning can’t come soon enough so my surgeon will come and probably scope me.

    sorry for long post... got nothing but suffering and time here. But I thank God he’s kept me alive, so please pray they fix me soon...

    Ohhh Ellie! My heart goes out to you!!!! Hoping you get answers and healing ASAP.

  • Man! I’m only down 50lb since surgery and mine are not holding up as well as yours have! I plan to have a reduction/lift once I’m done losing and after kids (if we’re able to conceive). For those of you who did this, what was the pain like post-surgery?

    My understanding is that recovery from plastic surgery is substantially more difficult than the initial weight loss surgery.

  • On 10/11/2018 at 09:37, James Marusek said:

    If you have RNY gastric bypass surgery, then the part of the stomach that normally processes fats and sugars has been cut off. Therefore if you consume fats and sugars it can lead to dumping syndrome. After about a year, your intestines will figure out something is wrong and adppt this function. Therefore for Gastric Bypass patients, this restriction will go away. So generally when you reach the maintenance phase, fats are reintroduced back into the diet because fats are important in hunger control. So in the maintenance phase, my nutritionist recommended a diet with equal levels of fats, carbs and Protein. But Protein always comes first.

    If you had sleeve surgery, I am not sure of this requirement.

    I actually don’t think this is true. The part of the stomach bypassed is not “the part that processes fats and sugars”. And gastric bypass patients don’t “lose” restriction, but the body does adapt to the malabsorption initially caused by the surgery.

    The low fat requirement is, as someone else stated, because these foods generally have more calories in them. This surgery is about developing healthy habits long term, and abiding by a low fat, low calorie, high protein diet is part of that.

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