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Posts posted by insta_adventurer

  1. Surgery doesn’t fix emotional eating. That’s what therapy is for and I strongly encourage you to address this- as doing so will increase your chances for success and help you work through how to handle your husbands lack of support.

    That said, even if it doesn’t fix why you eat, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, because not doing anything surely won’t fix them either.

    Good luck!

  2. On 11/12/2018 at 07:35, Hrsnjs said:

    I guess my body is changing so I'm trying not to feel too discouraged. I gained 1.4lbs in the last week...I'm 3 weeks post op today. Total loss since the surgery is 11.2 lbs. But in the last week I've also gone from a size 1X in comfy stretch pants to a regular XL. And I've lost 20" which is CRAZY. Nice to see some results and not just be obsessed with the scale. I'm also off of 3 of the 5 RX meds I was on, and another reduced by half. No more diabetes or high blood pressure. All of this is amazing for three weeks and that's what I need to hold onto.

    Sent from my moto g(6) play using BariatricPal mobile app

    The dreaded three week stall. Just stick to your plan. My three week stall lasted a frustrating three weeks, but many only stall for a few days to a week. It’s completely normal and you are doing the right thing by focusing on inches! 😀

  3. Y’all... the struggle is real. Almost 4 months post op and I pray to have the runs nearly every day. I take colase every morning... and drink Smooth Move tea at night... and then drink milk of magnesia if things getting really out of hand.

    This morning I was so out of sorts that I got nauseas and vomited while clearing the pipes. My failure to produce is really starting to get worry me and I need to find some routine to keep me regular. 😩😩

  4. On 11/08/2018 at 23:16, GreenTealael said:


    This thread hit home for me. I can't take a compliment to save my life. It's a literal complete struggle but I'm working on it.

    The more attention I received the more withdrawn I become. Being an object of desire is not as fun as it sounds. I don't trust motives anymore where things used to be so clean cut. I've worked hard to curate my personality and all of a sudden it doesn't matter anymore and long as you look pretty. I feel disenfranchised.

    Men will look for attention in all the wrong places, it's not you, it's him. Don't focus on reasons too hard, it will only make you feel worse.

    Spot on with questioning motives. I think mostly the surgery has had a positive impact on my marriage, but that hasn’t come without some self-work with being more open about my feelings and needs. I noticed it seemed like he was being more affectionate post-surgery than he had been before... and it was really starting to get under my skin.. the possibility that he might like me more now... However, when I brought this up during a “discussion” and mentioned it was a bit of a mindf*ck, he told me it was really due to changing jobs and being a lot less stressed. So yeah- glad I finally opened up about it and didn’t let it just fester (which I’m prone to doing).

  5. On 11/08/2018 at 20:27, Kay07 said:

    Hi ladies,

    So I was hoping to start an open thread about how you feel as you lose the weight. I mean this to target how you personally feel about yourself and not necessarily health wise. I’ll preface this with the truth that my husband and I are going through a bit of a rough patch. I caught him texting inappropriate things to another woman and all of it has lead to me to really focus on my own feelings about what I think of myself. (She was thin and pretty and that shouldn’t be important but my brain just sort of locked in on that.)

    I feel great. I don’t feel like people are staring at me because of my size anymore (not that they probably ever were) and I don’t feel like I stick out like a sore thumb when standing next to my thin family. But when I think about what I am capable of since surgery, I should feel like the queen of the freaking world. I lift weights. I am a squat pro. I ran a 5k. I mean who am I?!? I tackle multiple flights of stairs in high heel shoes like it’s nothing. Scratch that, I WEAR high heel shoes which I haven’t been able to do in years. I feel healthier than I have in so so long.

    But despite all this, I still truly struggle when people compliment me. I get nervous and awkward, and honestly it’s not cute on a 31yr old mother of 2 as it was when you were a teen. I am still so uncertain of what’s appropriate for the new me. I had these aspirations to wear maybe a few form fitting clothes, but still won’t dare. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super conservative anyways but I was kind of hoping to retire the “flowy I might be pregnant” shirts LOL. I still look in the mirror and think “just a little more and you’ll be normal”. Despite how great I feel, I still struggle a little with thinking I look good. I almost feel bad thinking I look good, if that makes sense? Like instead of just saying “you look beautiful today” I think instead “you look so much less terrible than you did before” or even “you’ll look better if you just lost xx more”.

    So yeah I am working on that. Did any of you struggle with reevaluating your relationship with yourself? Do you view yourself as a project in the works?

    For those of you who hit goal or are maintaining, did you decide that because you felt like you hit it, or because you hit the number you set? How long did it take you to feel comfortable in your new skin?

    Maybe I wouldn’t be thinking this if my husband inspired this reflection, but here I am. I want to start appreciating my successes more and perhaps learn to just accept compliments. You know without the awkward laugh/giggle thing I do when someone says something LOL.

    Funny story: a (quite handsome) stranger asked to buy me a drink when I was with my boss a bar for a work even where I proceeded to gape like a fish, awkwardly point at myself and squeak (yes I really squeaked) “me?!”. It was all sorts of pathetic and then I proceeded to word vomit how I was married but how this never happened and I was super flattered and it was just a sad sad mess. I used to be so confident....

    Anyways would love to hear your thoughts and maybe some funny stories of how you are acclimating to the new you!
    I feel about the same. Any time I get attention makes me feel super awkward. But I’m pretty sure I did score a free tea two weeks ago for being cute, so that was neat.

  6. On 11/08/2018 at 16:07, mousecat88 said:

    For what it's worth, I am a week out and I regret it. I did this for the wrong reasons and I know it. I am also dehydrated, bad, but I am waiting for lab results to return before my surgical team decides if I need emergency fluids. I haven't walked since I was gone because I can't stand more than 3 min without getting lightheaded. I am starving and have cravings, despite eating. I CAN drink Water, but it feels like it gets stuck when I swallow and it's a huge deterrent but they won't look for a stricture for 4 weeks. I get about 20oz of liquid a day right now. I used to get over 100. My urine is straight up brown. Maybe it'll get better. Maybe it won't. Either way, it is what it is and you aren't alone. I was told NOT to go to the ER yet. So I wait.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Just curious, but what are the wrong reasons?

    I didn’t have many strong reasons to do it. Sounds crazy, right? I just thought I should do it to try and make my body healthier... so I did it. Didn’t really think about everything this journey would entail. Still fighting head hunger. In hindsight, the lack of thought I put into all that I would be giving up is pretty frightening.

    I’m just being a bit emo. Had to leave work early, because part of lunch didn’t settle so great. Oh.. and I’m presently stalled to boot.

    I don’t regret doing it. I just maybe regret that I didn’t fully prepare myself for the emotional roller coaster that was coming my way.

  7. On 11/07/2018 at 07:36, pdamoci said:

    I just heard that you can have any bread for at least 4 to 5 months. I don’t think I could ever go that long without eating one slice or half slice of pizza. Is this true?
    This varies by plan.

    Also- keep in mind you are doing this to break those habits. After awhile your carb cravings will subside a bit. And maybe you’ll slip up and take a bite of that pizza, but the important thing is to get back on your plan and stick to it as best you can.

    The truth is you have to find other things that make you feel good and comfort you post-op, because using food to do these things is what got many of us here to begin with.

    I never thought I could give up soda or carbonated beverages. Drank them every day for basically my entire life. Drank them more than Water. But here I am- four months out- haven’t had even a sip of soda and don’t really mind that. Are you gonna let not eating pizza for a few months stop you from your goals?

  8. On 11/05/2018 at 13:06, hillanbrand111 said:

    Hi everyone, got a question for all those who smoked [emoji377]. How long does it take for nicotine and cotinine to get out of your body? I stopped 25 days ago and i don't want to get bloodwork done to soon. If anyone knows it will be so helpful!

    Sent from my LM-X210(G) using BariatricPal mobile app

    For me, a former heavy user of nicotine products- it took about 8 or 9 days to test negative on a urine test. Most likely they will test your urine- as cotinine is detectable in your urine for longer than nicotine is detectable in your blood.

    You should be fine on either test, especially after 25 days. Just be sure not to hang too closely to smokers or get too much second hand exposure. :)

  9. On 11/04/2018 at 15:42, NYJenn said:

    Hospital drama; 1am couldn’t sleep so I decided to walk the halls of the hospital. I heard a patient screaming “you can’t do this to me. I’m recovering from a gunshot wound!” She’s throwing things around the room. I’m really feeling bad for her thinking she’s probably in a ton of pain, she can sleep, they keep waking her up, taking her BP, etc, plus you get cabin fever because they don’t really let you go anywhere etc.

    By the time I walked the whole exterior of the hospital wing and came back around the corner, all the stuff in her room was in the hallway, and when I walked passed the room it smelled like weed SO BAD! 😂 Ok, now I understand why she was upset.
    I guess people getting caught smoking cigarettes or weed.. or drinking or doing drugs in hospitals is a super common thing!

    Like.... how do people think they’ll not get caught?!

  10. It honestly varies from person to person.

    I ate dry chicken a few times and got sick from that. However, I am 3.5 months post op and have experienced none of the typical complications. You do figure out what you can tolerate and what you can’t fairly quickly. I tolerate most things. Super sweet things make me feel a little yuck, but not full on dumping, so I basically avoid them.

    But you’re right... some people follow the rules and still experience issues. I’m not sure of actual percentages, but it does happen. What’s important is to ask YOUR surgeon about THEIR complication rate.

    Also- keep in mind that people are more likely to be more vocal about problems they are having than about not having problems. Nobody asks for advice when things are going great and according to plan!

    Good luck!

  11. Following up with this! My highest weight was 380, my weight when I started the program was 340, weight day of surgery was 302, and now I’m 3.5 months post RNY and weigh 244.

    They expect I’ll make it to onderland by 6 months post-op... so I’ve got a bit of work to do!

    I do work out. I do spin, boot camp, and boxing. I try to make it to at least 3 classes a week of one of those. It has really helped speed up the weight loss.

  12. Well- fear not. sleep apnea increases blood pressure and puts a lot of strain on your heart. It can also lead people to stop breathing post-surgery. That’s why they want to see if you’ve got it and treat it if you do.

    I know- I had to do the tests and wear the mask for awhile. It’s a bit of a pain. But we do what we have to do to get us to where we want to be. 🙂

  13. I am pretty low key. I never worried about dying, but I was super worried about the pain.

    My dramatic moments were probably repeatedly asking for pain medicine the day after surgery. Or when I blended up a mini chicken quesadilla and projectile vomited all over the place (self included!) I have never been able to vomit discretely. My husband thought I was dying. 😂😂

  14. On 10/30/2018 at 14:53, Creekimp13 said:

    Hey Fluff, thanks for the bump.

    While I realize you do not value this information or believe in it's relevance, I do appreciate that your comments keep it moving up the board so that others who might find it of value can find it.

    By the way, how's business? Sell any of your Keto cookbooks lately? http://fluffychixcook.com/


    Wait... did you just dox someone for disagreeing with you? That’s kind of an internet no-no and a bit creepy.

  15. On 10/30/2018 at 10:11, MysteriousGal said:

    I haven't gone out and purchased any clothes, but I have a pair of jeans from high school that are a size 18 which I am dying to get back into. Those are my goal jeans 😊

    Try them on now. I held on to so much stuff with the idea that I’d wear it when I was small enough and then when I finally got enough confidence to try them on... I discovered they were all too big.

    Missed opportunity, that one. 😂

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