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Posts posted by insta_adventurer

  1. On 10/07/2018 at 20:47, AJP said:

    Insta same here except I haven't gone down that much 😩. Have those expensive lane Bryant ones that have too much room in the cups so wearing stretchie ones for now
    Ughhh Lane Bryant bras are so expensive, but they are the best (that I’ve found at least!).

    I picked up a few 42DDs from there when they were having a sale, $20 a piece for cotton bras!

    However, the one area of weight loss that is bothering me (loose/saggy skin wise) is my side boob-under arm area. I wish I knew a way to tone or like, smooth things out there!

  2. Crazy suggestion, but if the remedies suggested do not work, it may not be a cold sore. For years I thought I had an awful problem with cold sores... I tried everything. Prescriptions, home remedies, abreva, lysine supplements, etc. You name it and I tried it.

    Come to find out, I really was dealing with various forms of cheilitis caused by a variety of things like food allergies, sunburns, chapped lips, licking my lips, etc. Once I figured out what caused my flare ups, it got much easier to prevent them/heal them.

  3. On 10/08/2018 at 06:45, AEdoesRnY said:

    I gained this week! Trying not to be too bummed/worried about it because otherwise despite what seemed like plateaus at the time I’ve actually been losing steadily if I look at it weekly. I still weigh myself most mornings but I only “count” the weigh ins on Monday mornings, which helps me not obsess as much...

    I’m about 10 weeks out if I’m counting correctly, breakfasts and lunches are going well but my dinners have been all over the place and not great, so that and getting to the gym will be my focuses this week!


    Awww I wouldn’t stress out too much! That little amount of gain could be hormonal, retaining Water, or just a bit of Constipation.

    My weight fluctuates about a pound throughout the week. I weigh myself every morning. After strength training, I’ll see a small weight gain the next day. Then it will go back down. Then after a cardio day, it’ll go down a bit more. But it is not consistently going down every single day.

    Just stick to your plan and it’ll come off!

  4. Congratulations!!!! As someone who kicked both in the last year, quitting soda was muuuuuch easier than quitting smoking! So you’ve totally got this!

    I basically just weaned myself off of Coke Zero before surgery. I’m sure I drank some during pre-op, but I knew post-surgery I could not have it... and I haven’t touched it so far! :)

  5. Started at a 48DD, now wearing 42DD. I try to hit up sales. I’ve been in the 42DD for a little over a month. Only the leisure one is getting too big. But yeah- bras are super expensive. Especially when you have a larger cup and can’t settle for a lot of the cheap brands, as they lack the structure you need!

  6. On 10/07/2018 at 00:56, CyclicalLoser said:

    Everybody has different levels of addiction, but I smoked for 3 years and was instantly hooked. I got up to 2/3 or a pack a day. I quit long before surgery, and I don't want to say I quit cold turkey, but I didn't use any tools other than my wallet. Essentially if I got the urge, I would go out, buy a pack, smoke one, and then throw them out. Sometimes I would even tear them up in angst. This was very expensive, and it really helped me quit...but...

    For me, there were certain behaviors associated with smoking. After I drove to work, I would smoke a cig in my car. At lunch I would do the same, sometimes twice. After driving home, smoke. After dinner, smoke. When I worked on my car, a cig was a "victory" for taking a part off, and another for putting it back on.

    I had to adjust things. As soon as I parked my car, I had to practically jump out of it like it was on fire. Sitting there felt stupid and made the urges incredible. Working on cars, well, I work all the way through, and when I'm done, I now have a Vitamin Water and call it a day.

    But the real reason is to stop for the health reasons. I'm sure you getting this surgery is at least partially because of the health benefits (For me it was 100% why, but I know some people also do it for looks). So tell yourself if you're willing to go through the surgery for health, then you can simply not put a cigarette in your mouth and light it! :)

    If you think you need to "transfer" your addiction, then you could look into something like tea, coffee, expresso, sugar free gum (If your surgeon will allow it), or something else that is healthy.

    I was so worried about transfer addictions after surgery.. but thankfully- I’m now 10 months smoke free. I know if I make it a year, statistically the odds of me starting again go down drastically.

    I hope it worked out for the OP!

  7. I went to the seminar, then to the first appointment and after that, went to see my primary for a letter of medical necessity. She was super supportive of me doing this.

    My insurance did not require six months of supervised diets, but between all the appointments to check for co-morbities and meeting my pre-op weight loss percentage, the process was about 6 or 7 months. My point is, do not let 6 months of supervised dieting discourage you from trying to get it covered, because it will likely take that long to get through all of your pre-op testing anyways.

    Even though the surgery is less expensive in Mexico than it is to private pay in the US, it still would save you money if your insurance would cover it here, because your out of pocket would hopefully be much lower.

    But heck, if you’re sitting on a pile of cash and want to see Mexico- then do what works for you.

  8. On 10/06/2018 at 12:59, looly said:

    Oh well...let's hope my cheek bones reappear before it all drops out, so I can have a pixie cut! 😉

    That was my plan!!! However, I’m a dummy that ripped a patch out in the back somehow that left a nice little bald spot (not surgery related)... so sticking with a short bob instead.. 😂😂

  9. So before surgery I went and got the Kyleena IUD put in, because I just didn’t want to deal with remembering to take a pill or put something in my hooha. It hurt like a b$&ch to get it put in and I have wonky as heck periods now, last months was 4 days and was super light... this month has been 1.5 weeks so far and has gone from light to heavy to light to heavy.

    Not sure if this is a winning decision, but I haven’t gotten pregnant so I might as well stick with it at this point... 😂

  10. I am just about 3 months out. Certainly noticing an uptick of hair coming out in the shower and it’s feeling a bit thinner.

    I started Biotin back in January. While this has improved the health of my hair strands, as Matt mentioned, it doesn’t do anything to combat telegon effluvium...

    The good news is Hair loss does stop eventually and will grow back (to varying extents).

  11. I went for a stroll with my coworkers and didn’t hate it, kept up, and wasn’t a hot, sweaty out of breath mess after!

    Also- I wear a men’s tee shirt size that’s smaller than my husbands! This hasn’t been the case since the year we met.

    It’s things like the above that keep me motivated and going!

  12. As far as Protein goes- try a few brands/kinds but do not overbuy, as your tastes may change post-surgery. I loved Premier Cookies and cream shakes before surgery, but after, the taste made me gag! I still liked the other flavors- but that one just makes my stomach turn now.

    So find a flavor you like- buy enough for a few days (3 or 4) post op and hope you still like the taste of it. 😂

  13. On 10/06/2018 at 09:26, tmrtyty2018 said:

    That’s great advice. Thanks so much. I will try that!

    As an aside, you probably should wait until you’re at least a month post-op, or cleared by your surgeon) to do them.

    And once you can hold for 2 minutes, you can start modifying them (side planks, up downs from high to low plank etc.) to get more out of them. 😀

  14. I got the shots while in the hospital- but didn’t have to do them after that. My surgery buddy who is 20 years older than me ask only received them in the hospital.

    The bruises from the shots were a bit nuts! My surgery buddy is much fairer skinned than me and their poor belly was a rainbow of blues, reds, purples, and yellows from the shots!

    Okay- so the bruises look bad, but the shots themselves weren’t that bad. I was sore enough from the surgery that I barely noticed them doing the shots!

    Now for smells- I haven’t noticed any body smells, but I do have stank breath. I still have this close to three months out. I think it’s all the Protein. I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in my cubicle at work to try and combat it, because I’m horrified by the thought of other people noticing my stank breath!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
