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Everything posted by insta_adventurer

  1. I know for me, it’s realistic to acknowledge I will fall off the wagon and snack on occasion. I’ve got beanitos, nuts, and cheese for those occasions. It has helped a lot and they all have some protein in them. Plus, beanitos have a lot of fiber, so I can only eat a couple before I’m full!
  2. insta_adventurer

    CO-Workers knowing you business

    I was extremely open with my boss and co-workers. However, this was my choice. All the formal stuff was handled confidentially between myself and our HR team. I’m pretty sure I just informed them that I needed time off for a medical procedure and we went from there. I don’t think it specified on the disability or FMLA paperwork that the surgeon filled out the exact procedure, just how the procedure would limit me and prevent me from working for X amount of days. There was no requirement for me to inform my boss or co-workers, but I elected to due to how tight I am with most of them.
  3. I grew up in a family that didn’t blush much about nudity. I mean, obviously we didn’t walk around naked, but being naked around family members of the same gender as you was not a big deal. Also- there was a big focus on “if you don’t like what you see then don’t look.” I guess I figure medical professionals are, well professionals, and not phased by the naked body. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
  4. insta_adventurer

    I can’t date overweight people

    Exactly this! My husband is not obese, but we have had to have some discussions about foods that cannot be brought into the house and changes in behavior that he needs to make to support me in this journey or at least not inadvertently sabotage me. I know I’m the one that had surgery, but such a drastic change for one half of the relationship does not happen in a vacuum. Willpower fails, because we are human. Being realistic about that fact is self preservation. I don’t want the surgery to have been for nothing. I’d also like to see him adopt a healthy lifestyle with me, cause I want him to be around forever and enjoy life with me. I totally get where Ryan is coming from. I don’t think it is shallow or superficial, I think he is being self aware about his own willpower and the risks associated with constantly being around temptations. I wouldn’t date a smoker... because I know that would increase the likelihood that I would smoke again. Ryan- keep on keeping on! Best of luck!
  5. Well, I had a robe, but the first 18 hours I was so hopped up on painkillers and so sore that I just gave zero effs about who saw my butt. 😂😂 However, I realize that most are probably much more modest and less of an exhibitionist than me 😂😂 My roommate luckily was my surgery buddy who is also someone I’m incredibly close with... I remember saying to her, “sorry you have to keep seeing my butt!”
  6. If your incisions no longer have scabs on them and are fully closed, you should be fine.
  7. insta_adventurer

    To purchase or not to purchase?

    Sugar free popsicles! Sometimes they were the only thing I felt like having the first couple of days.
  8. I overpacked as well. The reality was I only needed the following: Toothbrush Toothpaste Deodorant Chapstick (this is super important!) Robe (don’t wanna show your butt to everyone like I did the first 18 hours) Clothes to wear home I had my kindle for reading and didn’t crack it open once. I don’t think I even bothered with my cell phone. I stayed pretty up on the painkillers and slept through most of my stay and if I wasn’t sleeping, I was walking the halls.
  9. insta_adventurer

    Instagram Friends!

    mandygranger on IG! I’ve thought about making a wls-only account, because sometimes it’s awkward posting certain things that folks IRL will see, but ... effort.
  10. I didn’t want to jinx myself by getting anything too small. The smallest I’ve been as an adult is a size 16, so the thought of buying anything smaller than that is crazy town to me! I did buy one cute shirt at a consignment store that is a little too small at the moment. I also picked up a couple blouses at Target that ended up being a size too small, but I didn’t return them, because I know they will fit soon. I’m trying to acquire things as needed. Today I bought three new bras, because they were on sale at LB for $20 and well- I didn’t have any real bras left that fit (I’ve got some lounge ones, but they don’t lift things much.. 😂). I’ve got picked up one pair of jeans in my current size. I’m sure once I stop losing my shopping will be out of control! But in the meantime- I’m trying to be financially conservative and make things last a few sizes, not over shop, and looks for deals.
  11. insta_adventurer


    I’ve got two tattoos so far. My next will be a lucky cat, probably on my outer/upper arm.  This will be for the surgery, as I feel lucky to have the opportunity and means to have the surgery. I also want to get a tribute piece for my dad and incorporate some of the lyrics from Dropkick Murphy’s “Rose Tattoo”. I’ve got my cats name on my shoulder and I’d like to get it touched up, as weight gain prior to surgery kind of made it too fuzzy to read clearly. Have to make it more visible or cover it with another tribute to her. (I sound like a crazy cat lady, but I’m cool with it!) I’ve also got a shamrock on my back hip. Most of my cousins on one side all have some form of shamrock or clover tattoo. My husband is not a tattoo person, but yeah, he’d never in a million years tell me not to get any more. That just wouldn’t go over well. 😂
  12. I can say the day my stall broke, my period also started. I am not sure if those things are related, but quite possibly, as I am typically bloated/retaining fluid prior to my period. @mercmerc that’s my point. If scale shows you gained weight- it is likely hormonal or fluid retention or perhaps a bit backed up... any number of things... all of which are not your fault and out of your control. If you stick with your program, it will come off. Especially with that workout routine of yours!!
  13. Totally can relate! When I first stalled, I told myself, “The three week stall is totally normal and happens to nearly everyone!” Then a week passed and I repeated the above to myself... then week two passed, and I started researching, but not finding definitive answers, how long the three week stall typically lasts. Then week three passed and I started to get really frustrated and debated calling my surgeons office. The truth is there is no set time for how long the 3 weeks stall will last. Some it only lasts a week for... others stalled for a month... but it does break eventually. Just remember that there is likely no possible way you could be consuming enough calories to be gaining weight or not losing at this point... so whatever is causing it is not your fault.
  14. The coffee with protein powder concoction was pure trash. Only drank half of it. Going to have to find better tasting powder before I do that again.
  15. insta_adventurer


    This is a normal feeling! Most people have an emotional relationship with food. We eat when we’re sad, , when we’re bored, when we’re happy, when we’re celebrating with friends and spending time with family... and the surgery temporarily prohibits us from doing those things and from using food to cope. It is a struggle! But it does get better... and if it doesn’t get better, there are therapists that can help you work through it. I’m currently reading this book: The Emotional First Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery, Second Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0054RXXS0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fp-IBb93VX555 I’ve found it to be helpful for me in dealing with some of the emotions that come post surgery.
  16. My three week stall seems to have officially ended! It started just shy of three weeks post op for me and lasted for about 3.5 weeks.
  17. Apparently being post op RNY is a mosquito repellent. This weekend I was at an outdoor party and after dark everyone (except me!) was going nuts about mosquitos and drenching themselves in bug spray. Previously, as much as I hated the idea of spraying toxic chemicals on myself, I would eventually cave if they were really unbearable and douse myself as well. However- this time I hardly noticed an issue with them at all!!! I’m not sure what it is (possible malabsorption/malnutrition) that made me so unattractive to them, but I’ll take it! 😂😂
  18. I caved and am enjoying my first post-surgery cup of coffee. I put a scoop of protein powder and some 1% milk in it to try to make it more diet friendly. But the good news is I didn’t have one of the cookies that was staring me down as I made my coffee. I stuck the package of cookies on a tall shelf instead!
  19. insta_adventurer

    Smelling Sewage Constantly

    Sometimes I get an awful taste/smell from my breath!!! I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste at work for this very reason!!!
  20. insta_adventurer

    Face to Face Friday!

    It is! It’s especially nice to compare right now, as I’ve been in a stall since week 3 (might be coming out of it just now...) so it’s nice to see that even if the scale isn’t moving, *something* is still happening to make a difference!
  21. insta_adventurer

    Face to Face Friday!

    And I’m starting to have a neck again! 😂😂
  22. I don’t know about your decaf, unless it’s got absolutely 0 caffeine in it... but any caffeine free liquid counts... so soups count, broths count, jello counts, sugar free popsicles count.
  23. True! It will be a while before I have pizza or those twists again! I was a pizza nut! But I’ve only been missing it occasionally post-surgery. It does get easier. The longer I avoid things, the less I seem to crave them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
