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Everything posted by insta_adventurer

  1. insta_adventurer

    Full size pills/medication

    I never crushed pills. The only pill I ever broke in half were Potassium pills that I was on for a bit, but those are massive and hard to swallow. So- the surgery wasn’t the reason why I was splitting them.
  2. Ughhh the worst pain I have ever experienced were rupturing ovarian cysts! Seriously, the two or three times it has happened, I have been thisclose to going to an ER! It was so painful it took my breath away and left me doubled over for a good 20 minutes. Totally sympathizing with you right now!
  3. insta_adventurer

    30 second elevator interview

    34 year old who works in higher ed as a professional nerd (front end/full stack web developer). Married, no kids, but we have a cat that we think is the bees knees. I’m pretty into music, books, and terrible reality TV, outdoorsy with an indoorsy streak.
  4. Good luck! I remember panicking in the days leading up to surgery... but I’m so glad I did it!
  5. I’m the same way! In theory, working remotely from home sounds awesome... no traffic.. no worrying about what to wear... but the reality is that I know myself and need to get out and interact with others! I had a job that allowed working from home on inclement weather days and after 2 or 3 days of being snowed in, I’d start to go a little nutty! Have you thought about renting a co-working space? That’s what my husband does, as he is remote. It allows him to still get out of the house.
  6. insta_adventurer

    Anyone in NY?

    A friend had surgery with him and raves about him! I’ve also heard lots of wonderful things about him so you’re in good hands! Good luck!
  7. insta_adventurer

    Anyone in NY?

    Dr. Sanders at Samaritan Bariatric & Metabolic. I had surgery at Samaritan. She was/is great! Who are you going to and what hospital are you having it done at?
  8. insta_adventurer

    Anyone in NY?

    Awesome! I’m in the Troy area and had surgery July 17th! Best of luck to you!
  9. I have to weigh in next Friday and am only down 30 in two months, because of a 3 week stall. I’m sure they’ll be a bit disappointed, but I’m okay with my progress. Sure, I wish I hadn’t stalled, but I know that it was out of my control... so it is what it is. I’m discovering that I more or less eat out of habit/boredom. As I’ve been breaking this cycle, I feel less concerned with eating. I know I need to get at least 60g of protein, take my vitamins, and drink my water. But other than meeting those goals, I feel like I’ve just lost interest in food. Not sure if anyone else is in the same boat?
  10. insta_adventurer

    “Healthy police” rant

    “That’s not enough calories to survive on!!” “Uhhhh I’m on a medically supervised diet, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t kill me.”
  11. insta_adventurer

    How old were you when?

    34. Had gained about 130lbs over the last 6 years and had been working at getting my weight under control through diet and exercise. Progress was pretty slow and the. I stalled for about 6 months. Never even considered surgery before because I smoked cigarettes and always figured I’d never be able to quit. But then my dearly beloved finally cajoled me into quitting and it then dawned on me that this was now an option.
  12. insta_adventurer

    “I’m so proud of you!!”

    Does this sound condescending to anyone else? Maybe it just irks me so much because of my own situation. I’ve got a few people tripping over themselves to let me know how proud they are of me for having the surgery... mostly family members. I am pretty open about having had surgery- so I know that opens me up to this sort of stuff... and comments like “before long that dress will be like a tent on you!” 😒😒 But what really grinds my gears about this “proud” comment? I completed my Masters degree this year also and these same people barely said a peep about it. I’m sorry, but in my mind getting an advanced degree is an accomplishment... having weight loss surgery to improve my health is just a smart medical choice. Obviously it’s something I’m working hard at... so yeah, it is an accomplishment, but I just feel that the “I’m so proud of you” comments are really, “I’m so proud that you’re going to be thin and attractive.” It just really kind of highlights how much importance some place on physical appearance and a number on a scale above all else. I am not trying to diminish our struggles or experience with weight-loss surgery. I know we all fought for this and worked for this, but I’m pretty sure most of the ones telling me “I’m so proud of you” are probably the same ones who will think I took the easy way out and didn’t work hard enough to lose the weight. I was working plenty hard at this BEFORE surgery. I got to the point where at 340lbs I could actually do a push up, plank for 2 minutes, and make it through a 45 minute spin class and not die. I have a family reunion in a few weeks and am already prepared to clap back when someone tries to give me their opinion about my body and my decision. So yeah- this is my contribution to the rants section. 😂😂
  13. insta_adventurer

    Then and Now

    Wow! You look like a different person!
  14. I am a bit jealous. It took me over a month to get regular and I still take colase every morning. The first few weeks I rotated smooth move tea, miralax, milk of magnesia...
  15. insta_adventurer

    Marijuana week after surgery?

    IDK one of the surgeon’s in my program said he couldn’t tell us that something illegal was okay to do, but that it wasn’t a big deal down the road and just watch out for the munchies.
  16. insta_adventurer

    Marijuana week after surgery?

    Can you vape it at all? The biggest concern I would have is that you may have a coughing fit from smoking... and that might be painful/damaging to the stitches you have internally. I vaped 1 month post op and didn’t have any issues. But I am a casual/social participant in such things. My usage is generally between 3-10 times a year depending on the situations I’m in, people I’m around, and how I’m feeling. I would just be really careful to not cough. And yeah- smoke isn’t so hot for your insides at this point (or ever really) so maybe check out other ways to enjoy it.
  17. @ellie123 glad you are on the mend! Has anyone heard how @Frustr8ed made out? I’ve been thinking of her all morning!
  18. Hey all- 7 weeks post-op. Had my morning shake as usual- and now I keep getting the slimies and feeling like I may get sick! Has anyone else had spontaneous nausea this far out? Could the chicken I had for dinner be stuck? Wouldn’t I have felt that before now?
  19. My go tos are: Egg salad Chicken salad (with either low fat mayo or with that cedars tzatziki dip) Chicken cooked in something to keep it juicy/easy to digest Cheese (I eat the heck out of some cheese) Lean ground beef with taco seasoning Greek yogurt Milk Almonds/peanuts (not cleared for these yet so I make sure to chew the heck out of them, but man are they helpful to put you over the protein goal) Deli meats I’ve had beans a few times. They’re not as protein dense as I’d like, but they have a lot of fiber which is helpful!
  20. Yeah- idk. I think it depends. I’ve stolen a fry here or there from my husband, but haven’t like.. had a meals worth of crap foods. Thankfully- many just seem unappealing at the moment, because in my mind they’re going to make me sick. Will they? Probably not. In my head, I feel like super doughy stuff like bread, pasta, pizza dough would gunk up together in my pouch and get stuck. So, I haven’t had any of these things. I did have the tiniest bite of cake and instantly knew my body was not going to handle it well, so I didn’t have any more. I think it varies from person to person as to what foods they can and cannot tolerate afterwards. But I tell ya, nothing will kill a craving for something like vomiting from it a few times.
  21. It’s the final countdown! https://youtu.be/TcJ-wNmazHQ
  22. insta_adventurer

    Non Scale Victories

    Guess I’m crazy, cause my NSV is that my wedding ring is almost too big for me. This means it’s time for an upgrade!! 😆😆
  23. Yes! Annnnd putting the robe on was difficult with my IV, which was in an awful spot on my inner forearm. I became more aware that I was making an ass out of myself as the drugs wore off. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  24. I’ve thrown up a number of times. Usually if I didn’t chew chicken well enough and it got stuck. If you can identify a cause to it, I’d say it’s fairly normal. It’s when you throw up for no reason that you should be concerned.

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