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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by kimbers18

  1. I’m almost 3 years post op and 17 weeks pregnant (it was an oops, did not plan to get pregnant but losing weight and getting healthy can apparently make someone who was never going to get pregnant, get pregnant).

    Doctors are all much more concerned about my age (39) than my history of gastric bypass (way healthier now than I was 15 years ago), but I am seeing my bariatric surgeon regularly to ensure nutrient levels are good and adjust Vitamins. So far age and WLS history just means a bigger team of doctors involved and more appointments.

    The only differences I’ve found between my experience and friends who haven’t had WLS is the insistence of seeing a Fetal Medicine doctor in conjunction with the OB (due to age and WLS) which has really just meant way more ultrasounds than normal, and I won’t be able to do the typical gestational diabetes testing (sugary drink and blood test) and will have to do two weeks of blood sugar monitoring (finger pricks, ick).

  2. I’m 15 months out and it does get better. I’ve found I can eat most things with no issue if I do it slowly. My three encounters with a small piece of cake or cupcake have gone well. But, I got drunk on a shot of vodka and then ate a pack of 6 donut holes quickly (despite my husband trying to tell me no) and I thought I was going to die. I have friends who are over a year out and can eat anything, but I can’t tolerate any rice, Pasta, and Cereal with milk (all learned the hard way) so I plan to avoid. Even 15 months out I test all foods I haven’t eaten since before surgery at home just in case and then I know what I can splurge on slowly when out and about later. Also, eating too much of anything still makes me super sick — I haven’t hit a point where I don’t have to be super aware of my body telling me I’m full.

  3. I felt exactly like you for the first two months. I had zero energy. I was off work for six weeks bc I couldn’t stay awake for more than 3 hours at a time. I threw up everything. I told my husband repeatedly it was the biggest mistake ever.

    Fast forward and I’m nine months post op and it was the best thing I ever did. Those first two months were a bear for me to figure out. I felt sick all the time and was sad all the time. But I followed my doctor’s plan to the best of my ability, I found a rhythm, I figured out what worked for me. And today I have more energy than I ever imagined possible.

    It seems impossible when you’re in the middle of those first months, but it gets so much better as your body and brain adjusts to the change.

  4. On 9/17/2018 at 5:48 AM, OhioSparkle said:

    Hi everyone, I am 3 weeks post-op. I have only gone to the bathroom twice since then and it's been very small bowel movements. What can I take to help me use the bathroom?

    Also, I get very tired after walks in the park. More than I did before surgery. Is this normal?

    I’m a little late to this post, but I had the exact same issues early on and ended up with impacted bowel and endured the worst week of my life about 4 weeks post surgery. Turns out too much fiber can actually do the opposite of what it’s supposed to do. For the last 5ish months I’ve been doing 1/2 cap of Miralax three times a week and I’m making sure to eat foods with natural fiber but not go crazy. I monitor the bathroom situation just as much as my Water and diet. If I don’t “go” for two days I increase to a full cap of Miralax. If you do end up having impacted bowel issues and need to know the TMI of how to fix an impaction when every over the counter option doesn’t work, shoot me a message.

    Also, early on I had zero energy. Once I got the protein/water/food/sleep thing balanced I was able to walk forever. It took about two months for me to feel real energy.

  5. Officially six months post surgery, down 126 lbs and feeling like a million bucks...44lbs away from my goal! And I can no longer shop at Lane Bryant...which is sad because I’ve been shopping there for 20 years. I get anxiety going into “regular” stores. But it’s a good problem to have! I flew Southwest this weekend and fit so comfortably in the seats. No more spending big bucks to fly first class!



  6. Checking in...first time secure enough to post a before and after (I have very few before pics). Down a total of 110 since Jan 1st, down 75 since surgery March 7. Went from a Lane Bryant size 28 to a LB size 14. I’m going to need to find a new store!!!

    (And I got the new job where no one knows the former 300+ lb me)...

    I now spend all my free time at Taylor Swift concerts because I have nothing but energy! I may even try the pit for a show in September since I can stand for hours and no longer spend extra money flying first class or buying an extra ticket to fit comfortably in a plane seat!


  7. My husband can tell when this is going to happen to me because he sees me eating too fast or taking too big of bites. I’ve only had one severe case that lasted hours like you described, but have had many mini cases and it’s a constant reminder to slow down, take small bites, and chew. I ate some lean steak last weekend for the first time and was diligent in eating correctly and it worked perfectly.

  8. I ended up with impacted bowel 4 weeks after surgery and was in pain and miserable for a week; I would tell you how my doctor had me fix the situation but it’s gross and TMI. I now religiously take 1/2 cap of miralax with 4 oz of Trop50 every morning. If I miss a dose or don’t go at least every other day, I know it’s going to be problematic.

  9. My family was not supportive of my decision either -- my parents, sister, and husband were all trying to talk me out of it even as I was heading to the operating room. They had the same reasoning -- if you just ate better, worked out, etc. I had done all of those things for spurts over the past 25 years (since I was a pre-teen), but my willpower gave out when the scale stopped moving for weeks at a time despite the work. I was pre-diabetic, had high blood pressure, hypothyroid, and I couldn't move enough to work out properly. The surgery was my only option.

    I've rocked post-surgery (granted, the first month sucked)...I'm not pre-diabetic anymore, my blood pressure is perfect, I can walk, do chores, go to the grocery store without needing a nap, and the scale is moving. I'm developing healthy habits and I finally see my goal as obtainable.

    In a recent support group meeting my husband came along and told the group that he was 100% against this surgery, but in the three months post-surgery he's been shocked at how seriously I've taken it, how I've followed the plan, and how the plan has worked. He now understands that I knew I needed to do this and he knows it was the best decision I've ever made for myself.

    Ignore the naysayers. You are the only one who knows what is best for you. If you've done the research, talked to the doctors, and understand what this entails, then you are the only one in the position to decide what step to take next.

  10. Awesome to see so much success on this page! That first month was brutal for me but the last two months have been amazing. Lots of scale and non-scale victories -- I cross my legs all the time and actually enjoy walking and cleaning my house! I have a job interview today for a position that would be a step-up from my current role and I have more confidence than I've ever had going into an interview, 100% because of the weight loss. One of my best decisions ever!

  11. I went back a week after surgery. Felt great my first week back to work (still on liquids), then had an extremely difficult time adjusting to anything solid and ended up having to take off weeks 3, 4 and 5 with several different issues (nausea, zero energy, blocked bowel). Everyone told me the first month would be a mix of really good and really bad, and that's exactly what I experienced. Looking back, I probably should have planned to take the full 4 weeks as directed by my doctor just to get adjusted to how much energy I'd have and eating/preparing new foods.

  12. Hi everyone. 9 days post-op and struggling. Does anyone else feel awful all day long every day?

    I struggled initially to find Protein sources I could stand drinking -- I loved my Protein Shakes pre-op, but post-op every single one tasted like chocolate (I hate chocolate). Tried the fairlife milk and strained, creamed, low fat Soups that were allowed by doctor, but those just made me miserable so I cut out dairy for now. Purchased the nectar fruit juice flavored protein and have been drinking those and Water the last few days, but no change in how I feel physically.

    On the plus-side, my incisions are great (though getting itchy now), I've been able to sleep on my stomach and side with no issues, and the weight is falling off.

    Just trying to figure out if how I'm feeling is normal.

  13. 1 hour ago, Rudedogg89 said:

    Hows the liquid diet?

    Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

    Harder than I thought. I thought I had prepared well by doing a strict 1200 calorie diet for two months, but nothing could prepare me for the lack of chewable food. I liked Protein Shakes a week ago, I resent them now, but I think it's a good thing to go through one or two weeks of this to really make sure you're making the right decision. Saturday was a tough day physically, mentally, and emotionally, and if I wasn't committed to this lifestyle change, I would have run to the kitchen (or Taco Bell -- I saw a commercial and cried; I don't even like Taco Bell).

  14. 2 hours ago, Rudedogg89 said:

    I started this process in jan, as of the first appt the 90 day count down per my insurance requirement started, march 6th is my pre op appt, the list of blood tests ex rays edg ekg all pre reqs all were supposed to be completed by this date. Im hoping some good news comes out of tomorrow. So anxious for this change.

    Hoping all goes smooth for you!

    My whole process went much smoother than I anticipated. I started in December (11th) and insurance gave the pre-approval for the three month program (by 3 months it meant Dec., Jan., and Feb., not 90 days). Did all my steps -- only hiccup was a faulty EKG machine that led to me having an echocardiogram that came out fine. Had my final nutritional meeting on February 19th and the next day I got the call with my surgery date of March 7th pending insurance approval which came 3 days later.

    Now I just have to make it two more days through this liquid diet!

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