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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BuzzVSG

  1. I had terrible acid reflux before I had surgery. I would wake up in the middle of the night with bile in my throat coughing and gagging. I can say that I have not had any acid reflux after surgery. I also had a hiatal hernia repair at the same time, I am not sure if that had a lot to do with it. Hope this helps.
  2. Even as a clinic nurse, her job is patient care, not giving her two cents about your current situation regarding your surgery. If it bothers you enough, I would say something. I certainly would have.
  3. BuzzVSG

    Drinking wine

    I am just shy of 2 months post-op. I am debating on trying wine to see what kind of effect it has on me. This of course will be in the confines of my own home, possible with a helmet on. I wouldn't dare try hard liquor yet. I am thinking I will try that around New Years.
  4. BuzzVSG


    Prior to me having WLS, Coke and Pepsi were my crutch, my kryptonite. I could go all day without eating just drinking soda. I was so dehydrated for many years. I hated water with a passion and I would drink it rarely. Now, I don't crave soda and water and I have a good relationship. My body feels better.
  5. BuzzVSG

    To tell or not to tell?

    I think it all depends on you and how you feel. Me personally, only a select few people in my life I have had the sleeve. I don't think it is anyone's business in my opinion. Everyone and their mother has an opinion and preconceived notions about overweight people and how to lose weight. If you feel comfortable sharing then by all means tell them and educate them that this is not the easy way out and not a walk in the park. Good luck!
  6. BuzzVSG

    Dining with Friends

    I am about seven weeks post-op. I went out for Cinco De Mayo yesterday and it was rough. My friends asked me why I wasn't drinking ( I had unsweetened Ice Tea). When it came down to sitting down and eating, I told my friends girlfriend I am watching what I eat. I had a shrimp appetizer which filled me up. I came this far and I think I made good progress. I have to find the balance of socializing and sticking to my regiment. My biggest fear is sabotaging myself. I guess I will take each situation as it comes.
  7. BuzzVSG

    What is happening to our ‘likes’? I am losing mine!!

    I feel silly because this has been a concern of mine also. Glad to see that I am not the only one.
  8. Good luck on your journey! I wish I was up and taking selfies six hours after surgery! I was still in la la land.
  9. BuzzVSG

    May 23rd surgery date. Waking up?

    For me it was just like the movie, Dazed and Confused.
  10. Well folks. I am about five weeks post op. This coming Monday I start eating without restrictions. I really didn't get any good advice or direction from the nutrionist at my surgeons office on how to proceed. I am assuming this is going to be trial and error. I am going to continue or try to at least to high protein low carb, however I don't know how many grams of carbs is my limit. So far, I feel great. Energy is up, I went from a 46 inch waist to a 40, I sleep better (no more snoring), and I am lighter on my feet. As great as I feel, I am avoiding and paranoid about hanging out with my friends. I am scared to eat out not because of temptation but for fear of inadvertently sabotaging my sleeve. I don't want to lose my friends. They are however losing patience with me.
  11. There was a video not too long ago where Steven was bragging that he acquired Fentanyl patches. Seems like he is up to is old shtick.
  12. I am about 50 lbs down from my highest weight and about a month post surgery. My libido went from 0 to 500. Sometimes I think my water bottle is cute. Orgasms are through the roof. Three times a day at least. Sorry for the TMI. I can't wait to start dating again. But for now it's spanking the rabbi like an imprisoned Iraqi prisoner.
  13. BuzzVSG

    Poll: What is your goal?

    My goal weight is 185 lbs. I am 5'8. My all time highest was 289 lbs. I had surgery on March 19 and my weight was 263. This morning I was 237 lbs. I have 52 lbs to go to hit goal.
  14. BuzzVSG

    Question for the men

    Hey fellas, Post surgery, after weight loss, have you noticed your testosterone levels shoot up ? Mine have nearly doubled. I just got blood work back. Any experiences and insight are greatly appreciated.
  15. Good job! You look great!
  16. Well, I dun goofed. I am on the moist and mushy phase and I ate all 4 ounces of the pastina that I made. I had it yesterday but only could eat about 3 bites of it. Tonight, for some reason I didn't heed the warning signs until it was too late. It felt like I had an elephant on my chest, stomach gurgling, hiccuping, and I threw up a little. It was very uncomfortable. I just hope I didn't damage my sleeve.
  17. BuzzVSG

    Learned My Lesson

    Definitely a learning experience. I also watched a few doctors on YouTube who don't believe you can stretch your sleeve.
  18. BuzzVSG

    Hi I’m a Jersey girl newbie

    Hi there. I am from Montclair. I was sleeved on 03-19.
  19. Looks delish! I love shrimp.
  20. So I am graduating to phase 2 on Monday. Tomorrow I will shop. My three meals on Monday are going to be: - Breakfast - Chocolate Pudding - Lunch - Cottage Cheese - Dinner - Pastina w/butter and parmesan My dietitian says 4 ounces eaten in a half an hour four hours apart. I know at first I will only be able to have a few bites. Anyone have any creative ideas for me to whip up in this phase?
  21. BuzzVSG

    Monday is mush foods for me

    I will have to re-read what they gave me.
  22. BuzzVSG

    Monday is mush foods for me

    I wish. I wasn't given the okay to have any meet yet. Just cream soups and broth soups.
  23. Hi everyone. I am seeing my surgeon tomorrow, but I wanted to ask this to see if anyone had similar experiences. I was sleeved March 19. So far I have never had a problem with drinking, no pains going down or any discomfort. I only feel full when I drink plain water. I am mainly drinking diluted gatorade. I am down 17 lbs. As a habit, I will wake up really thirsty and I have on one or more occassion taken fairly large swigs of my liquids. I don't do it intentionally, I am half asleep when it happens. My question is I don't feel any discomfort whatsoever, Shouldn't that be alarming that I don't feel uncomfort when taking large swigs?
  24. My parents were not supportive at first. Why you ask ? Because their knowledge of the surgery stemmed from My 600 lb Life. I was below 300 lbs and they thought I was too small. It took them speaking to my surgeon and see what I go through to get behind me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
