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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by logicwand

  1. Having this surgery and working a new job are two huge life events - I don't blame you one bit for being nervous about it. It can be so difficult to get back into something that you haven't done in awhile. But just like with your surgery, you took a first step and my god, look how far you've come!!! I'm all about "baby steps" because slowly building up to something makes it more sustainable. I LOVE GreenTealael's post. I think starting out with something part time would be great. You might also try temp agencies or other employment agencies which may offer free career counseling. I think there's all kinds of interesting work out there and I hope you find something you love. :)

  2. I remember taking my first two or three bites of scrambled egg when I hit the soft food stage. Oh my goodness, I thought I was gonna pop. I'm going to say the reason you feel yucky with only three bites, like I did, was because you are only three weeks post op. Your stomach is still wondering what the heck you did to it. LOL I can now eat almost 2 scrambled eggs a year after surgery. In your first 6 months post op, you're going to have a lot of "firsts" introducing food back into your diet. But over time, it gets better and food becomes much more tolerable. At least it did for me.

  3. So, I got on Tinder shortly after my sleeve surgery. (What was I thinking?! I hadn't dated in YEEEEEARS!) I had lost about 40 pounds and was already feeling so good - mentally and physically. The three biggest takeaways I got after using Tinder for three months:

    1) Meet for coffee. Keep it casual. Going to dinner with someone you don't know can be excruciating, especially if you haven't been talking for long and you feel there's pressure for it to go well. Meeting for adult drinks is casual, but obviously it's not good for your stomach and if the date goes well, you won't be able to keep up after a drink or two. When you meet for coffee, there's no pressure to finish food or explain yourself.

    2) Expect the unexpected. Guys you think that are totally into you will disappear. Guys you thought may not have the time of day for you will want to meet you out of the blue. There's hardly any courtesy on Tinder (e.g. ghosting, cancelled dates, flaking, etc.)

    3) People are diverse. There are SOOOOOO many unique souls out there! Wow. Like, a lot. We just need to find ONE (I'm assuming you want to be monogamous lol). It will take time - or, at least, it usually does. I met guys that I knew almost immediately were not my type but enjoyed my time with them because I learned more about them and myself in the process.

    I will always be uncomfortable with my body. I know that sounds sad, but it's something I feel is true. And while I've made SOOOOOO much progress with my weight and my confidence, I know I will always feel uncomfortable being naked.

    So I eventually got off Tinder. Why? Because I met my boyfriend. He's silly, sweet, and supports me 100%. Once we began dating in earnest and were having meals together, he asked baldly, "Did you have weight loss surgery?" I felt my heart fall to the floor. OMG OMG OMG I didn't want him to know!!! WTF?!! And in those few seconds I realized I needed to be honest with him even though it was embarrassing and I was upset he would ask something so personal. I said, "Yeah, I did - why?" He told me he noticed I didn't eat very much and his friend had also recently done it. But he asked so casually because he said he didn't think it was a big deal. (!!!!) Fast forward 10 months later, we're still happily dating. I'm uncomfortable with my body but he's always telling me how much he loves everything about me including my body (which is SO hard to believe but I just go with it). He makes me feel comfortable in every possible way which is what I needed. Yes, I need therapy. LOL

  4. 15 hours ago, Kris77 said:
    On 4/16/2019 at 1:41 PM, logicwand said:

    I don’t see any of your trocar incisions either!!

    You're right! LOL I can barely tell where they are in the pic! (Lighting is everything!!) I can tell which shadows are them though. Haha. But all of them healed pretty well except for one which is bumpy and a lighter color than the rest of my skin. I probably should have been better with the bio oil. Sigh.

  5. 11 minutes ago, sallie Lindsey said:

    Inspiring I want me some boobs now too I’m a 34D and worry what they will look like a year from now now I know they is hope

    Congratulations on your surgery!!! You are gonna do great!! I waited 9 months after my sleeve surgery to get implants. I was at my goal weight. I got both a breast augmentation surgery (implants) and breast lift surgery with Dr. Michael Ciaravino and he charged $10,800. I was overjoyed at how affordable he was because I had previously gotten quotes from other doctors at $21,000 and $18,000. Yikes. There's no way I could swing that.

    With implants, you get your usual mammogram each year but the technician will take additional photos so they can get a better look behind your implants. People worry about rupturing an implant during a mammogram but that is rarer than rare. Here's a link I looked at:


    Good luck on your new weight loss journey!!! :D :D

  6. 20 hours ago, sillykitty said:

    I was on Depo on and off for years. I loved it. I gained weight while on it, but my lifestyle changed during that time, so can't pin the weight gain on Depo.

    But I decided to go off it permanently due to the effects on bone density.


    Just prior to WLS I also switched to the Mirena IUD, and have been very happy with it for the last year.

    That's why I chose not to do Depo again too! The loss of bone density with continued use. Thank goodness we have options - and good ones at that.

  7. 7 hours ago, Kris77 said:

    Wow!! You look great!!
    I want and need my boobs done too!! You’re here in Houston right?
    Your stomach/body looks so tone...mine is very loose looking but I think that had a whole lot to do with my not getting enough protien in and losing a ton of muscle along w my fat. Trying to lift weights in the gym and get it back—the muscle that is lol not the fat!!

    Thank you so much!!! Honestly, I don't know how my stomach looks so flat in that photo. LOL My skin didn't snap back after my 70 lb weight loss, but it's not too horrible for being 42 I guess. I definitely have no muscles and need to work out too! I think that will really help with the lax skin. It's worst in my stomach and arms. If you can do your boobs I think you should!! I am SO glad I did it. I'm very happy with them. ANd yes!! I am in Houston!! If you make any appointments for consultations on breast augmentation, you MUST visit with Michael Ciaravino. He did a spectacular job on my deformed looking breasts. He's a miracle worker and the most affordable (that I found). I'm SO glad I got him to do the surgery on my breasts.

    And holy smokes!! I just read your stats!! CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss!! You totally killed it girlfriend!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!

  8. After sleeve surgery, I thought my mom was going to have a conniption at the thought of my getting a boob job. "Oh pleeeeease don't do that! You don't want huge knockers! It'll look so horrible on you. You don't want to be a sex symbol or a porn star! What are you thinking?! You're body is perfect the way it is!!"

    Well, in some ways I agreed with her. No, I don't have any desire to be a porn star. However, my breasts look deformed, so how can I get implants to have them look natural and not overdone? GREAT question. And honestly, the doctor I chose had so many good before and after results, that I trusted what he recommended. And he told me "You need between 320 and 350 ccs for your body type". Ha! There it was and I didn't really question it. (I got 320 in right and 350 in left because I had different sized boobs to start! And I was roughly a 36B before surgery.) liquid volume doesn't equate out well with cup sizes but it would roughly be a full C / D and that made me a bit nervous. HOWEVER. I continued to read reviews online about how many women regret not going bigger. So I thought, you know, I will take his recommendation and I know it will be great. And you know what? I love them. Not too big and not too small. I think they're literally perfect for me.

    Now here's the OTHER thing I've noticed now that I actually HAVE them. I can make them look super small or I can make them look HUGE. It's all on what bra you wear and what outfit/shirt you have on. If you want to look modest for work or what have you, throw on a spandex bralette that provides lift but keeps them tucked in. If you want to look big and sexy? Throw on a push up bra and wear a LOW cut t-shirt. It's crazy but my friends told me they never would have noticed my boobs unless I told them about the surgery.

    Here's a few pics so you get the idea of how different they can look depending on how you're manipulating the girls. LOL These pics are ALL post op BL/BA.







  9. 6 minutes ago, sillykitty said:

    You look fantastic @logicwand! I'm so envious you didn't need a TT!

    Are you happy you went with the cohesive gel (i.e. Gummy bear)? Any reason you chose round vs. tear drop? (Can you tell I've been doing a lot of research? 🤣)

    Thank you so much! So first, I'll tell you that I trusted my doctor's opinion and he recommended the high profile round implants. I definitely desired a natural tear drop shape and he said that with my extra skin and fat (lol) that I don't need the Gummy bear implant; my breasts will "drop and fluff" as they say and that will create the look I'm going for (and it's cheaper apparently). Second, I took the most flattering pics in those tops! LOL I play with angles and lighting and posing. Hahaha. See attached for how my tummy looks at its worst! I sucked it in on one side shot and let loose in the other. I would definitely like a TT and BBL too!! Is surgery an addiction? Eeeeek!!





  10. 6 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    Let me know! You should also come to our support group. My RD is the bomb and the girls are so neat. It's at Park Plaza Hospital on a Saturday--1 time per month. The Saturday changes right now...but it should be second Saturday. :)

    Ooooo I'm glad you mentioned that. I need something like that right now. To make a long story short, after the holidays and this boob job (no intense cardio) I've gained at least 7 lbs. I really need to get back on the band wagon. I would LOOOOVE to go to the next support group meeting and to meet you!! Consider me there!

  11. Boobs take a long time to heal...just like our stomachs. The scars are looking better and they have really dropped and fluffed. Just wanted to post an update. Another before and after. This BL/BA was like the crown on top of sleeve surgery. I highly recommend if you're considering it. I have even more confidence and I didn't think that was possible after the sleeve. Lol




  12. On 3/20/2019 at 6:46 AM, FluffyChix said:

    Hey! I'm in Tomball girl! We should totally meet up sometime! Congrats on the girls and losing so much!!

    Fluffy!! Just saw this! OMG, my mom lives in Tomball!! Actually she just moved to my area closer in Houston, but I was in Tomball all the time! We definitely should meet up!! And same for all the Texas ladies! Or anyone visiting for that matter! Small woild. :) :) :)

  13. 03/19/2019 07:37 PM, Sosewsue61 said:

    Where did you have your plastics? Did you have other plastics besides the boobs?

    I had Dr. Michael Ciaravino in Houston do my breast surgery. After three other consultations, he had the best results photos (and more of them) and he was the least expensive at $10,800. The highest quote I got was $21,000 and it required two surgeries. It’s so difficult to find the right doctor, especially when you have a full time job! Lol. I haven’t done any other plastics yet but would like a face lift next, then thigh lift, Tummy Tuck, Lipo and Brazilian butt lift. Maybe arms last. LOL 🤣🤣🤣 Never ending projects...just like my house. 

  14. 01/21/2019 08:43 AM, Jean E. said:

    Do you mind if I ask what your final bra size is?

    This is crazy but I haven’t gone for a proper fitting yet! I’m 4 months post breast lift and implants. I should really get some decent, supportive bras but I have two great sports bras that have worked so well thus far. Lol I’m about a 36D and was a 36B/34C. I will update with my true size after a bona fide fitting.

  15. It's been one year since my surgery and though I think my Hair loss had finally stopped, I have not begun growing hair back. My hair is still sparse and completely thinned out. I used to wreck pony tail holders, now I barely have enough hair for one. I can't wait to see if my hair comes back. I've accepted the loss if it doesn't and will look into hair pieces and extensions. :)

  16. 3 hours ago, FluffyChix said:

    You look fantastic!!! Now spill your guts...where'd you get the turtleneck? :D Inquiring minds and all! :D

    Thank you so much!!!! LOL, isnt that turtleneck so classy looking?? I was at White House Black Market and hit the black friday sale. Boots are from there too. :) I NEVER could wear heals with my previous weight because my feet hurt so bad.

  17. My weight finally stabilized around 145 (original goal weight), so I went forward with surgery for a breast lift with implants (Dr. Ciaravino in Houston is amazing). I lost 72 lbs total after the sleeve but added approximately 1.5 lbs of implants (Mentor MemoryGel Smooth Round High Profile 350cc). I cry when I see these photos side by side. I got sleeved on 2/28/2018 and got these boobs 9 months later on 11/30/2018. What a year.


    IMG_4158.jpg IMG_3565.thumb.jpg.0599e8c67ec964fda4271f5b628fbca4.jpg


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
