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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AshAsh12

  1. Hey all, I had my surgery 7/2 and I got pushed back to the puréed diet due to so much nausea and vomiting. It’s so frustrating for me because I can’t work out due to not eating hardly anything. The Protein Drinks make me sick and the Vitamins make me sick so I’m falling so far behind. My team at the hospital hasn’t been much help except to push me back to the puréed diet from the soft diet. I can’t wait for this part to be over with. Plus with the heat I’m too weak to really leave my house except for work! Did anyone else have this issue?

  2. On 07/23/2018 at 18:19, nibble said:

    Did your team give you Zofran? In my case I would take the Zofran, wait 10 min, then test with a tiny sip. If it wasn't rejected, I'd try another and so on. If it's plain Water you don't like, try it as Crystal Light or some such. What kind of foods can you have at this point? Can you incorporate Water into them?

    Thank you for your reply! I just started taking the Zofran they gave me so I’m hoping that will help! I actually love the taste of plain water! I just started my soft foods a little early so that I could get some toast in my stomach to try to soak up any of the nausea.

  3. On 07/06/2018 at 14:11, Lmcdooley said:

    Sounds like you are dehydrated and that is why you are getting sick. Have you tried sucking on ice?

    I am also experiencing the hunger pains today. I just had some broth which seemed to help.

    I was feeling sick and I went back to timing my drinking and using the small medicine cup (30 ml). Fill larger cup with one part Water, one part apple juice, and ice. Fill medicine cup with mixture. Set phone timer for 15 minutes, Space our small sips throughout the 15 minutes. Wait 5 then repeat. This helped me .

    Thank you so much! Yes very dehydrated. I have been back to the hospital 2 times for IV fluids and I have tomorrow and Sunday also scheduled for IV fluids. I am going to try that mix right now!

  4. I had my surgery on the 2nd. I didn’t get out of the hospital until the 4th. I haven’t been able to ingest anything other than apple juice. I am trying my clear Protein Drink today. But I have to warm up all liquids in the microwave because of all the swelling. I really want to try sf Jello to get more substance because today I am feeling more hungry then ever. I haven’t been able to take any meds because they keep getting stuck in my esophagus and I end up throwing them up and they are all liquid.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of the hunger pains?

  5. Aww you guys are the best! I feel better after getting IV fluids for 4 hours today, they also have me scheduled to come back tomorrow and Saturday for more fluids in the IV. I will say, that I can tolerate WARM liquids better than room temperature. That was a suggestion from my program coordinator. I find that it doesn’t stick in my esophagus as bad. Also I’m hoping by the time I’m finished with my IV fluids that my stomach swelling will be down enough for me to drink. I also haven’t been able to do the medications as well so I can’t wait to be able to get into those some more. I’m just thankful that my incisions haven’t been that bad! Thanks guys!! 🌟🌟🌟 here’s to positive thinking!

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind words. Last night was a struggle. Can’t keep any fluids or medicine down. If I ingest anything it comes right back up when I’m trying to sleep. This morning I called my hospital program and they are trying to get my in the hospital for IV fluids to avoid me getting too dehydrated prayers are still welcomes for me to get past this funk. Thank you guys!

  7. On 07/04/2018 at 19:13, ClarksvilleSleever said:

    @AshAsh12 So sorry you had to go through that!!! I'm glad you're home now and doing better!

    I had a little bit of nausea after I would do my breathing exercises. My Husband told me I was going too hard and needed to slow down when doing those exercises. I threw up blood from it twice! I thought I was going to send myself back into the OR :(

    I was like you and couldn't wait to drink water! I finally was given ice chips the day after surgery and was given a plastic container to spit the Water out when the ice was all melted.

    I fly home tomorrow and cannot wait to be in my home and in my own bed! Cheers to us for making it this far already ;)

    Congrats to you!! That is amazing! Going home made me instantly feel more relaxed! Yes those ice chips, they didn’t even make me spit out the Water, I wonder if that was part of the problem! Apple juice and room temp water go down okay for now. But that breathing machine thing makes me cough so much and it hurts!! Thankfully no blood came up but lots of fleme!

  8. Thank you everyone! I was actually able to get an oral medicine that took away the gas in my chest and they did send me home. Now I’m on the road to recovery in my own peace and quiet. I appreciate everyone’s words the only thing that is bothering me now is all the gurgling coming from my belly! But they said that is normal!

  9. On 07/03/2018 at 14:58, BajanSleeve said:

    @AshAsh12 Congratulations!!! You did it! whooohooooooooooo The hardest part is over and you are on your way to a great new beginning. You were my starting weight so we are on this journey at a similar starting point :)

    Make sure you have some electrolytes for the first 2 weeks. It helps with dehydration and helps to keep your blood pressure stable newly post op.

    Don't be shocked or surprized if you find yourself feeling very weak and no energy for the first 2 weeks post surgery. That is a common thing for not just VSG but coming out of any surgery. Also keep your eyes on your blood pressure because it can drop low post surgery and that also makes you feel weak. The electrolytes also help stabilize that.

    Looking forward to the progress updates :)

    Thank you for that! I actually have good energy, but it’s the chest pain. Nothing will pass my esophagus so it is so painful to ingest anything. They might even make me stay another night to try to fix this. It’s so unbearable

  10. On 07/03/2018 at 14:58, BajanSleeve said:

    @AshAsh12 Congratulations!!! You did it! whooohooooooooooo The hardest part is over and you are on your way to a great new beginning. You were my starting weight so we are on this journey at a similar starting point :)

    Make sure you have some electrolytes for the first 2 weeks. It helps with dehydration and helps to keep your blood pressure stable newly post op.

    Don't be shocked or surprized if you find yourself feeling very weak and no energy for the first 2 weeks post surgery. That is a common thing for not just VSG but coming out of any surgery. Also keep your eyes on your blood pressure because it can drop low post surgery and that also makes you feel weak. The electrolytes also help stabilize that.

    Looking forward to the progress updates :)

    Thank you for that! I actually have good energy, but it’s the chest pain. Nothing will pass my esophagus so it is so painful to ingest anything. They might even make me stay another night to try to fix this. It’s so unbearable

  11. On 07/03/2018 at 09:45, ClarksvilleSleever said:

    I had mine done yesterday and was pretty out of it. I slept most of the day which I guess helps with the pain

    Congrats on your surgery yesterday! Mine was yesterday too! It sounds like we both lucked out! And here’s to an even easier recovery!!

  12. On 07/03/2018 at 09:36, jjacobs0816 said:

    checking in on those from surgery day yesterday!? AshAsh12 was the only name I could remember... Hope all is doing well so far. My pre-op diet starts on the 18th and surgery on the 25th. Nerves getting a little stronger.

    Thank you the surgery went well!! Yesterday I was very sick with nausea and I even threw up once. I didn’t have any pain and almost no gas. Today I woke up with no nausea and still no pain but I do have some gas in my chest area! However it isn’t unbearable. The one down side of my day is that I had to try the swallow test a couple times and failed each time. For some reason the contrast is stuck in my esophagus and won’t move to my new sleeve. They say it can be normal because of swelling. Just talked to my surgeon for the first time since surgery and he seems very positive about it. So that you all for the well wishes!!

  13. Thanks everyone! I’ve been so sleepy so it’s been tough to get on here! So yesterday was a little rough. Had a lot of nausea, even threw up once. Had very little pain at all. But today I woke up a new woman! I have little to no pain with the meds and I have no nausea. I’ve been up around walking and prefer sitting in my chair to the bed. The only bad thing is that I have to do the swallow test twice and I failed twice. For some reason my stomach is too swollen and it won’t leave the esophagus so that is my goal. Still no Water so I can’t wait to get some!! Thank you everyone for your positive vibes and prayers!!

  14. Hey guys! So I’m up early (4am here) so that I can get to the hospital at 5:30 for check in. I am a bundle of nerves, and even have quite the turning tummy! I hope it goes away once I get there! Anyways, I appreciate any prayers and well wishes for today. This is my first surgery ever! So I’m not sure what to expect. I can’t wait to join everyone on the losers bench! I’ve been working towards this for so long!! Well thank you guys and I will check back in later and let you all know how it went!! 🌟💜🌟

  15. On 07/01/2018 at 09:25, nibble said:

    Ohhh, you must be counting the hours. I assume your bag is packed, and your counter is organized with all you will need. It's 10:25am here -- this time tomorrow you'll probably be in recovery! Off you go!!!

    I so am!! I cannot wait!! This is something I’ve wanted for so long!! I am so ready!

  16. On 06/30/2018 at 15:50, shrinking_wildflower said:

    Who is the first cab off the rank? It is July! I think we have some 2nd July people?

    Sent from my SM-N950F using BariatricPal mobile app

    I’m July 2nd! First surgery of the day tomorrow! My countdown as officially changed to hours instead of days! Makes me nervous! Just waiting to get out of work and get this show on the road!!

  17. On 06/28/2018 at 19:13, JulesUp said:

    You will get through it!! It’s a tough transition! My hardest part was being at work around everyone else who was eating and snacking but I just keep telling myself that this is what I will have to get used to from now on! You’ve got this!! 🌟🌟🌟

    Thanks! Yes, the toughest is at work when everyone else is eating around you. Only 13 more days to go...

    It will come around the corner so fast!! Mine is in 3 1/2 days! I’m so excited but getting more and more nervous everyday! But I’m so grateful for this community on here and we will have each other!!

  • On 06/28/2018 at 15:36, JulesUp said:

    Hello! My surgery is scheduled for July 12. I started the liquid diet today. It’s been a rough day, but staying positive and taking it one day at a time.
    You will get through it!! It’s a tough transition! My hardest part was being at work around everyone else who was eating and snacking but I just keep telling myself that this is what I will have to get used to from now on! You’ve got this!! 🌟🌟🌟

  • On 06/28/2018 at 15:42, nibble said:

    Thank you so much Nibble! My hospital didn’t give me any lists so I very much appreciate you listing yours!! I will be bringing all of that stuff! Plus I love the notebook idea because I always forget things like that so easily and I definitely don’t want to this time!! I appreciate your time to explain that to me! 😆

    Three more items I forgot to mention: 1) Biotene Oral Gel - we will be dehydrated after surgery. The morning after, they will test me for any staple leaks; if OK, only THEN I can begin Sip&Chip (water & ice chips). Biotene is used to help against dry mouth from meds and I use it daily. 2) a few Q-tips - just in case, for whatever. 3) facial moisturizer and/or body lotion; again, we'll be dry dry dry and I hate skin itching...

    I did pick up some biotene spray! I saw that on here before that was one of my first things I went to buy! Thank you I hope that will work as well as the gel! And the rest I will put in my bag tonight when I get home from work!! My boss put me on the work schedule for this Sunday (the day before surgery) so I’m trying to get everything done tomorrow!! Thanks! 🌟

  • On 06/28/2018 at 10:29, Dessy said:

    Day 2 and I honestly have to say that I feel amazing. I am now drinking liquids which is going down smoothly. Walks have been amazing. Me and my roommate have a walking schedule which makes it more fun. The spirometer is also a fun little gadget. I felt nauseous a couple of times but they gave me some medicine for that, and haven't had a problem since. My incisions looks lovely, no pain whatsoever. Now I am waiting for lunch which will be Jello and chicken broth. I will let you amazing people know how that is going for me. And again I wanna thank everyone for the lovely warm wishes yesterday and for constantly checking in on me, you guys rockSnapchat-224509428.jpeg 20180628_054634.jpeg

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Congratulations Dessy! I can only hope my surgery on Monday will go as smoothly as yours!! That’s amazing! And love the selfie!! You look so happy! 😁

  • On 06/27/2018 at 22:58, nibble said:

    The hospital should give you a list of stuff for hospital. The list I was given includes deodorant, toothbrush/paste, Shampoo, soap (if you have a preferred brand/type), hairbrush/comb, non-skid slippers, contact/glasses case, (+ denture cups, c-pap machine if you use). Optional: own gown or pjs and robe, pillow, and really comfy clothes to go home in. Others on this site had good suggestions: lip balm, extra long phone charger cord, and one gal took a small clip-on fan as she was waay too warm and uncomfortable. Since I can't have sugar-free jello/popsicles, I am taking a few teabags - green, ginger, peppermint, and earl grey. Those were suggestions for easing nausea - ginger & peppermint. There are likely more suggestions I haven't run across yet. I will also take my pen & notebook to record pain, mood, and any other thing -- questions to ask, etc. I won't be able to remember much due to anesthesia, so jotting it down is best. I will also get a hospital visit from the nutritionist and just hope what she tells me will also be on a handout. Cool that you have your own private fridge!

    Thank you so much Nibble! My hospital didn’t give me any lists so I very much appreciate you listing yours!! I will be bringing all of that stuff! Plus I love the notebook idea because I always forget things like that so easily and I definitely don’t want to this time!! I appreciate your time to explain that to me! 😆

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