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Posts posted by ready4change88

  1. Hello everyone, just checking in. So, tomorrow I will be 1 month post op and down about 30lbs from my surgery weight.
    Here is what I have noticed:
    1. Its hard to not eat and drink when you have had tha t habit for all of your life.
    2.Its bittersweet when you realize you can no longer can down the foods that you used to eat into your bottomless pit. Literally after 2-3 bites you are full.
    3. I am not motivated to exercise and am in search of some fun ways to get real exercise in. When I don't get on my treadmill I powerwalk through whatever store I want to visit that day with my son in his stroller or cart. Takes 45-1hr. Stopping and going. It is better than nothing.
    4. I crave coffee and spicy foods, don' care for sweets too much now....and I used to have a horrible sweet tooth. Feels weird and I don't really care for coffee either. But I put salsa on almost everything.
    5. sleeping on my stomach is not an issue,it was uncomforable at first but pillows helped and then I got comfy on my own.
    6. I do have some pains sometimes that feels like something is pulling so,I am going to tell my Dr at my appt on Thursday.
    7. Every time a commercial comes on or that I am interrupted I take a sip of Water and that is my secret to getting my fluids.
    8. Pintreset is a great tool for healthy recipes and meal hacks
    That is all for now! It' been an interesting journey so far and I keep telling my that "if nothing changes, then nothing changes" meaning if you do nothing you get nothing in return. I got this surgery to save my life and I want to take full advantage of it. [emoji6]

    I’m 2 weeks out from having a sleeve I’ve lost 18 pounds and I’m always craving the things I use to eat. I’ve been doing my best with sugar free things and make sure to get in what I need to make my surgery successful. It seems all commercials are food, every where I look I see food

  2. Surgery had a few complications. While in recovery started to bleed internally. They had to rush me back in to surgery and fix the problem. Finally recuperating. It’s been a rough two weeks. I feel very lucky to be alive. While in hospital they pumped me up with 25lbs of Fluid. So since my release I’ve lost 35 lbs. mostly all that fluid they pumped in me. Have lost10 lbs in 2 weeks of my regular weight.

    I’m so glad you are ok and recovering now

  3. How’s everyone feeling. I was sleeved 2/15. I’m down 2 sizes and feel like I can take in more Water today than even this morning. I just had 12 oz of water in about 1 hour when before that would take several. Anyone struggling with purée (current stage) Or liquids are you starting to feel a little better ?


    Sleeved 2/27 and I drunk a 16oz bottle of water within a hour and a half so things are getting better

  4. Congrats on your surgery. I hope your recovery is going well. Thank you so much. I didn't tell many people but I was hoping my mother would be supportive but she said she doesn't want to hear about it because she think its dangerous.

    Thanks so much I’m healing up fine still getting use to things. My mom was supportive but my grandma was kind of like that saying it was dangerous but she eventually came around. But this is a great place. Everybody is so nice and I found out a lot of information before and after surgery

  5. Hello everyone, my name is Lisa and I'm a 24 year old nursing student. I was recently scheduled for the sleeve surgery for May 10th. Excited but wish it was sooner. I start my 11 day cleanse April 29th. Does anyone have their surgery for May?? Would love to share this journey with you all. I don't have much of a support group because they think its a dangerous surgery. My doctor told me support is a major key for a successful operation and joining this site is a motivation for me.

    Hey I had my sleeve 2/27 but I will for sure support you thru the journey. I didn’t really tell people about my surgery because I didn’t want the negative energy

  6. I was sleeved last week and I wasn’t prepared for that day one pain which did include vomiting. But each day has gotten better and I feel great now! Hang in there!!!

    The Road 2 A Better Me

    Yes I was the same way I was sleeved last week and the antacids they gave me in my iv made me nauseated and I kept gagging it was the worst it was hurting my stomach so bad but today is a better day besides me being hungry

  7. This is exactly how I feel right now. I have been starving since surgery last week. I just started wondering how much longer I can do this liquids thing. I know people say the pureed stage is tough but I'm dying for some eggs or something. Ugh.
    But for your sake SillyKitty, I hope that feeling lasts forever for you!! That's so awesome. I'm totally jelly.

    Today is 1 week for me as well and I’m very hungry as well the liquids not doing it for me today

  8. I was sleeved on 2/28. I'm just starting to meet the Protein goal but the liquid goal I still come up short by about 10 to 20 ounces per day. Tomorrow is my first post-op visit to my surgeon, as well as the dietician. The pains inside have stopped but I've started to feel what I think are hunger pains. I'm not really sure though.

    I have to do better it’s like I’m not getting in the correct amount of Water or protein

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