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Posts posted by BlueGirl1920

  1. Has anyone else experienced this? Now that I have lost 80lbs, I am changing in a lot of other ways. I am living my body and realizing that I have so many more opportunities now that I didnt before. I feel like I am reinventing myself. As exciting as it is, it is also a little scary. So much has happened so fast. Please tell me I'm not alone.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Starting weight: 257lbs Size: 24 and 3X

    Current Weight: 192lbs Size: 16 and 1X

    First of all, I am happier than ever, that is the most important takeaway.

    Other than my husband, no one knows I had surgery. I am so glad that I didn't tell people.

    I feel amazing! I have energy and confidence again. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for years. Weight loss combined with proper medication has really helped.

    For the first time in my life, it is starting to get fun to shop for clothes and clothes are comfortable. Nothing hangs out or over anymore.

    For anyone considering surgery or who has just had surgery and wondering if it was worth it, I promise you, it is the best decision you will ever make.

    The first few months are challenging but you are forced to completely change a lifetime of habits overnight. You will learn and every day gets easier, especially once you start to see the weight come off.

    For all of those on this journey, I wish you all the best and I hope this helps if you are struggling. Keep up the hard work!

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. I am trying to not let it go to my head. I am liking what I see in the mirror. My confidence is better than it has ever been. I suddenly have friends coming out of the woodwork and my schedule is always full. I have energy and I am active and alive again. I feel like I have been given a second chance at life. I am using every spare moment to try new things and embrace all of the wonderful things I couldn't before. Sex is better than ever and my labido is off the charts these days. I only have 34lbs left to hit my goal weight and I am not yet 6 months out from surgery. If you are on the fence about this surgery it is so worth it. The food will get replaced with things far better and the pain at first really isn't that bad. Don't let fear keep you from being happy.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I have lost 57lbs and gone from a size 24 to a 16. My quality of life has improved exponentially. I am doing things I love again like playing softball. I hurt less and I can do so much more now. Today, I cleaned out my closet and promised myself to never go back and to keep moving forward. I am so glad I had the surgery.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I started at 257lbs, I now weigh 213lbs. The weight is coming off slower now. It was really exciting to try new clothes on. I was a size 24 and when I went to the store, I grabbed a bunch of size 18's to try on, they were all to big. Friends and family or noticing. My confidence has really increased. The changes are very motivating.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I am on day 4 of my preop diet. I am currently starving to death! I am afraid that i will have this feeling after surgery...i guess because of all of the food restrictions....
    Thoughts? Do you feel hungry? How did you get past it?

    I started my preop diet a month before surgery. The first two weeks were tough. It gets easier, especially after surgery. You have to learn that what your brain wants and your body needs are different and how to distinguish when urges happen. If you slip, you get sick, then you get better at sticking to your goals. You will feel hungry at times but this is the diet you can't quit. Years of bad habits don't stop overnight. However, you will find that you are satisfied with a Protein Drink or broth. I absolutely love Premier Protein, the caramel flavor. You can get it in bulk at costco. Good luck, it is worth it.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. The pain in my back and hips is gone. I am starting to get my energy back. My clothes are almost starting to get to big. So many good things to report, it certainly outweighs the bad. Speaking of bad, I went a week without laxatives and ended up with Constipation so bad, giving birth was easier. I still have a hard time eating solids without feeling sick. I Thought I was drinking enough fluids but I guess I wasn't. I kept getting really dizzy and almost passed out a few times. I figure low fluids equal low blood pressure. I increased my fluids and I am doing fine now. I am getting used it crunching down 4 Vitamins a day. Not always easy to remember. Every morning I put four on the microwave and that reminds me to take them and I don't lose count throughout the day. Sadly, my weight loss has slowed. Diet want be enough from here on out. I am going to have to start exercising and stop being a couch potato. Exercising will be easier now that I have a bunch of weight off. Overall, I am motivated, excited, and starting to dream again. For so long I decided I would never lose weight and started to give up on some dreams. I see myself being able to do things that were once not possible. This is no cake walk but it sure is worth it.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I think it is safe to say that none of us got here without trying diets that we inevitably cheated on and then quit. I am at week seven and I have lost 33lbs. My clothes are getting big and I am starting to see changes. If I wasn't seeing changes, I think I would be having a harder time dealing with my new lifestyle. Now that I can't turn to food, unless I want to suffer, I am starting to realize how much I used food to deal with almost everything from stress to boredom. I know I would have never found the self control to stop abusing food without this surgery. I am so glad that I jumped through all of those hoops to make this possible.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. I have officially lost 30lbs. Just 28 more lbs until I am under 200lbs. I am finally going back to work today. I have really enjoyed the time off. I haven't lost much weight in the past two weeks. Hopefully my weight loss will pick back up. I am wearing clothes again that I haven't been able to wear for years, that is exciting. Most of my weight loss has been on my legs. I wish it was my face, arms, and stomach. Eating is painful at times. I still need to practice eating slower and chewing better. No one has seen me since my surgery. I wonder if anyone will notice the weight loss. I kinda hope not, I don't really want to talk about it.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Week 5 has been rough. Dealing with the worst Constipation of my life. Haven't lost weight. The reality that this is permanent is really setting in now. I am still basically on liquids because I can't chew with these turbo things the dentist put on my teeth when I got my braces, to keep my bite open.

    It is hard to be out running errands and see all of these fast-food restaurants and realize, I can never eat there again.

    I had been out running errands for several hours yesterday with nothing to eat. I had to get gas and when I went into the convenience store I was lucky enough to find a muscle milk Protein Drink. I was kind of proud of my purchase as I thought of how easy it was to pass up junk food. Small wins really help.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I hit my goal and lost 25lbs in the first four weeks. That's 25% of my total goal approximately. I started at 257lbs now I weigh 232lbs.

    I hadn't thrown up once in the four weeks until last night. I had chicken and mashed cauliflower. I did everything wrong. I didn't chew enough and I probably ate to much to fast. I spent an hour with the worst indigestion of my life. I could tell that food was just sitting there and was not going down. I sipped some Water hoping it would help. Then I finally threw up and felt so much better. It was a good lesson I guess. I finally understand what sensations to pay attention to with my stomach. I will be more careful going forward.

    I still haven't exercised at all yet. I worry about how much muscle mass I have lost. I guess exercising will be my goal for the next four weeks. I gotta get ready for softball season. [emoji7]

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Okay, I decided to eat one meal a day that is pureed instead of staying on liquids another week. Tonight's meal was blended brussel sprouts and chicken. It tasted amazing! I don't think I have ever eaten brussel sprouts before but they sounded so good when I was at the store. I am so glad I did. This seems like a lot of food. Three weeks ago I would have been like, this is a joke right?
    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app


    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

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