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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by bookworm1983

  1. Going back to work had its positives and negatives: consistent walking help break my stall :) but I caught a lovely bug and now feel like crap. I have been resting and making sure to get as many fluids and protein that I can. Excited to see the scale go down but it is also nice to hear the comments from my coworkers about good I look! I am not one that is used to getting compliments so its something I have to get used to.

  2. Had my gastric sleeve surgury on 12/28. I have lost about 15 pounds since surgery but have hit a stall. It is soooo frustrating! Any advice is greatly appreciated :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Holls06


      I'm in the same boat, i was sleeved 12/29 and lost 15 lbs since surgery, and the scale hasn't moved for me in 3 or 4 days. Its frustrating.

    3. devaunt


      I’ve had the same problem(twice). The first time was about a month after surgery and I added exercise to my day. If you are already walking add 10 minutes. The second time was this last month and I upped my calorie intake slightly. I’ve been exercising pretty hard and my calorie intake was very low. Once I upped the calories by just 100-200(not going over 1200) with the heavy exercise, I started dropping again. I hope that helps.

    4. Holls06


      I'm getting a gym member ship this weekend. Hopefully working out will help me lose. My doctor wants me 25 lbs down by my next appt ( a month).

  3. Had my three month visit with the dietition today. So far, I have lost 41% of my  excess weight. It is nice to see and feel the results of my hard work! I need to get some new shirts since the ones I have now are hanging off me; same with pretty much everything else I own! I'm looking forward to being able to shop at most "normal" stores: Target, Wal-Mart and most stores at the mall. I have never liked clothes shopping so it is hard to get excited about shopping for the first time in 34 years. I am going to hit up Goodwill and the thrift stores first so I am not spending a lot of money on clothes that I am only going to wear for a few months.

  4. I really need to go shopping for new shirts and things but it is hard to get motivated since I have never really liked shopping.

  5. So, I have my 2 year appointment with my surgeon and nutritionist next week. I looked at my weight at my 1 year appointment and compared to this morning, I have gained about 5 pounds. Not horrible in a year. I have gotten away from tracking my steps and food so I am going to go back to wearing my FitBit. I also am going to go back to tracking my food in MyFitnessPal. I figure if I can track at least breakfast, lunch and snacks, this should make me more aware of what I am eating and where my protein, fat, sugar and fiber is to make sure I am eating what I am supposed to. I also need to be better about drinking water. I usually get about 75% of the suggested amount but I know that is not good enough. I also adjusted my goal weight. I really wanted to be under 200 pounds but for me, that is just not realistic. I would be satisfied with 225 and really happy with 215. I have to try and remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint; surgery was NOT the finish line and I cannot just coast. I still need to put in the effort to keep off the weight I worked so hard to lose!

  6. Under 300 pounds for the first time in over a decade!

    1. allwet


      congrats on another milestone. stay strong and keep those goals both small and long term in front of you

    2. Mattymatt


      Way to go!!

    3. bookworm1983

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