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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by bookworm1983

  1. 8 minutes ago, New&Improved said:

    It is time to make a stand... Throw out all the junk food.. tell your partner to get back on track and help each other be successful.. it is time to make a change before it is too late..

    It feels like you both have eating disorders and need to get some help to combat that asap before you corky undo the surgery..

    All I see is someone making excuses not to get back on track... the weather, the gym, the husband...

    oof. Well, I have thrown out all the junk food (several times, in fact) and it just gets replaced; the food I get for myself (cottage cheese, yogurt, lean meats, etc.) get eaten and NOT by me. Conversations with the hubby have been had, but pretty much ignored. I acknowledge I have impulse control issues when it comes to food and I am working on it, but having temptations around all the time makes it difficult.

    I actually purchased new shorts and shirts online a few days ago so I can be more comfortable (waiting for them to be delivered) as my current clothes are too tight/small for me to comfortably leave my house to walk around the neighborhood. I am also going to talk to my boss about changing my login time so I can try walking in the morning when it is cooler rather than when I get off work when it is the warmest. (This seemed to work well when I had to go into the office. I took an earlier bus so I could get 30 minutes of walking in before work.) I downloaded a calorie tracker so I can start using it tomorrow morning.

    I literally cried when I got on the scale on Wednesday because my weight was way worse than I thought. It was a slap in the face and a huge reality check. I cannot change everything at once or I will get overwhelmed and quit. I am hoping that making these smaller changes now, losing a little and feeling better, I can make more and more changes.

    Since I really do not have a lot of support from my husband, I felt that coming here, I could find some POSITIVE support and encouragement to help me make these changes and STICK to them.

  2. OMG I am totally there with you! I has VSG 2.5 years ago and was doing pretty good (from 390s to 230s) and then (of course) COVID hit and I am working from home. I eat when I'm bored or just eat mindlessly. I have been really trying to increase my Water intake but the snacking is HORRIBLE! It does not help that my hubby (who also had VSG 4 weeks before me) also fell, hard, off the wagon and there is ice cream, chips and Snacks all over the place. I have NOT been tracking my food and the exercise (walking) is NOT happening either because of the weather. I know that gyms are opening again but I do not live within walking distance and we only have one car, which my husband uses every weekday and does not get home until 6pm. I have good days and bad days but the bad days seem to really get me down, making it difficult to recover and get back on track. I will be following this thread as well as I could also use the support to get back on track.

  3. I have been gradually backsliding for the past few months. I have gained about 7 pounds since the first week of June. I know I need to get back to measuring and tracking my food and drinking the amount of Water that I need to on a daily basis. I know I can't just snap my fingers and magically be back on track but does anyone have any ideas that worked for them? I know part of my issue is once I hit 230, the weight loss stopped.

    I also feel like I am able to eat more and that scares me. I am worries that I will gain the weight and and be right back where I was. To make things more difficult, I am totally an emotional eater so that makes it harder to stay away from the sweets. Any advice, words of encouragement, links, books or anything that you found helpful on your own journey, I welcome.

    Thank you :)

  4. I also stayed on Prozac through surgery. My team said that i needed to be off the time-release medication for the first month and then I could go back on. Obviously, check with your team but if you feel the need to go back on your meds, talk to someone and do it :) You need to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health. If you neglect your mental health, it can effect your physical recovery. Best of luck!

  5. Right now, we are focusing on strengthening our emotional relationship and hoping that will naturally lead to reigniting our physical relationship. We fell into a rut where we really we went to work, ate dinner and then went and did our own things in different parts of the house; we were more like roommates than husband and wife. We are trying to communicate more and spending time together on the weekends, even if it is just going grocery shopping or running errands. Weekdays we are usually both tired after work but we are making an effort to go on a bike ride 1-2 times a week; it is a nice way to spend time together and support each other on keeping up with the physical exercise part of our journey. We both went through a huge physical change and so now we are both working on the mental changes that come along with it. There are two people in this relationship and we both need to make an effort to make things better.

    I also realized that I was not being as thoughtful about his feelings as I should be. I was so wrapped up in how I was feeling and how to fix it that I didn't really think about some of the things that I said did that could be hurting his feelings. He is not huge on verbal communication and I usually have to make an effort to try and get something out of him. I was so focused on myself I kinda forgot about the communication piece.

  6. A little background: my husband and I have been married since May 2014 and together since October 2009. My sex drive has always been less than normal. I was admitted to the hospital with large blood clots in my lungs in September 2016 due to birth control (which I no longer can take). My husband was sleeved early December 2017 and myself at the end of December 2017. I am down a little over 100 pounds and my husband down 150+. Sex pre-surgery was difficult as we were both large. I was hoping that after both of us lost weight that my sex drive would come back but no such luck. My husband's sex drive is high than ever. I feel horrible that I have no sex drive. I know it has to be hurting my husband but he doesn't voice his feelings so I don't know how much. Has anyone else gone through something similar or have any advice on where to go from here? I have a doctor's appointment this week with my GP to address high copper levels so I am hoping to address this problem as well.

    I am Prozac and have been since middle school with no dosage change in 10+ years (30mg). I also am on medication for hypothyroid. I also am seeing a therapist for my depression.

  7. My NUT said I coud try coffee after my 3 month visit but to introduce it slowly. I'm a Starbucks girl and order 2 shots of blond espresso over ice in a venti cup and then I pour my Protein Shake over it (premier Protein Caramel). It dilutes the coffee and adds great flavor so I do not need to add any cream or sugar. It takes me a little while to drink it but all the ice melts and it is 24 ounces of liquid every morning!

  8. Good for you for addressing the situation and not just letting it fester! I hope things get better for both of you and he can support you through this big life change! This experience can also bring you closer; Best if luck to you both!

  9. I am also an emotional eater too. For me, the best thing was to talk to a therapist. I was able to express my feelings without judgement and get support in my decision to lose weight. As for the boyfriend, his actions show a lack of respect for you and your choices. Your boyfriend should be the first to support you and encourage you on your journey. He should be helping you to make good food decisions, not flaunting bad food in front of you. You may want to keep your shakes somewhere he doesn't normally go and then just pour them over ice in the morning and evening; that way they are cold for you but not easily accessible for him. Good luck and you can do this!

  10. How did you decide on your "goal weight"? Was it something that you talked to your surgeon about? How many of you took your BMI into account? I am hitting non-scale milestones (smaller clothes, able to walk fast and further, etc.) but I still focus on the scale since that is what I have done my whole life. Trying to get away from it but it is hard. I'm 5'9 and was 419 at my heaviest and around 355 on surgery day 12/28. I'm down to 278 as of this morning so I am making great progress. I was thinking of setting my goal weight around 190. I want to get under 200 and 190 seems like a weight where I would be happy. I know that I will never be "skinny" but I just want to be healthy.

  11. In the past week or so, i have been craving all my old comfort foods, which has lead to snacking; granted, the snacking is "smarter" than it was pre-surgery but I know that snacking is not something I should be doing. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get thru this rough patch?

    Normally, I would go for a walk or do something to take my mind off food but the weather here has been terrible (we are supposed to get 6-12 inches of snow this weekend) and that makes just leaving the house difficult.

    Luckily, the snacking hasn't shown on the scale but I know it is just a matter of time before it does and I want to stop it before it does. Thanks!

  12. I didn't really notice my Hair loss at first. I wore my hair in a ponytail all the time and thought that the band was just stretching out. Boy was I worng! I had my sister, who is a hairdresser, cut off the dead ends and cut/style it in such a way that it at least looked fuller. Just be gentle with your hair :) My surgon said that hair loss pretty much stops at the 6 month mark for most. I take so many Vitamins, supplaments and medication that I am wary to add another.

  13. I was sleeved on 12/28. I was off work for 2 weeks and I needed every minute! I had a good amount of pain from drinking anything (finally went away after 2 months) and ended up in the ER after a few days home. Take the time that that you need and don't push yourself. A trip to the ER can really set you back physically and mentally.

    My husband was sleeved on 12/4 and had pretty much no pain after the first day home and breezed through recovery with almost no issues (a few incisions ot infected but that's it).

  14. I ended up in the ER becuase I could not get warm (teeth chattering cold) and was having stomach pain. They gave me fluids and sent me home. I had layers on a so many blankets! It took a few days to get used to the change but my body finally adjusted. I've always been the one who is cold so at least I'm used to always having a blanket nearby.

  15. I got my period for the first time since October 2016. It started on January 30 and is still going! Luckily, it has been light but very annoying. Also, I have not lost any weight in about a week. I have an appoint with my GYN next week so I am hoping she will tell me this is normal. Has anyone else experience this? I read some of the other posts and it seems like the majority of the ladies got their period for the first time it was really heavy. Maybe just stop complaining and deal with it?

    Any comments/suggestions are welcome!

  16. I thought I was the only one! Both my husband and I had weight loss surgery in December and his libido is a lot higher than mine now. I have hypothyroid and am on two meds for depression so I know that is part of the reason that my libido is so low. He is so much more affectionate and I love it but I cannot get into the mood! I want to but it is like the sex drive switch is stuck in the "off" position! It is something that I am going to address with my therapist but it is almost easier in this forum as you are not face to face with someone. And everyone you are talking with has had (or is going to have) a similar surgery as you so they can REALLY understand.

  17. Both my husband and I had WLS in December (him, early December, me late December). The whole journey has strengthened our marriage. We have opened up to eachother like never before. We are also there to support eachother as no one really knows what we are going thru unless they have had WLS themselves. We are happier as individuals so our marriage is better.

  18. On 1/31/2018 at 11:41 AM, Brittanyblue said:

    How is everyone doing?

    I was sleeved on 12/28. I was at a stand still for almost 2 weeks and it was extreamly frustrating! I kept on the diet my surgeon gave me and stayed away from the scale. Finally dropping weight an fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years! Only down side, I have been getting really bad pain in my upper right abdomen (where my liver is). The doctor did blood tests and a CT and they said everything was normal. Hoping the nutritionst can give me some insight at my 5 week appointment tomorrow! How are you doing?

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