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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by FromBiggie2Smallz

  1. How was the skin situation? I’m just curious because I’m nervous about that

    I started working out regularly last July. I was losing weight, prior to then, pretty quickly, but it was leaving my skin very loose and flabby. Now, after a little more than 7 months of working out 6 days a week, I've been able to fill the lose skin with muscle, it's made a drastic impact on the flabbiness. My stomach and legs have the most lose skin, but it's not terrible, everything seems to be shrinking, slowly but surely. All in all, I'd say lifting weights and building muscle has reversed the skin issue.

  2. I had the opposite done the day of my surgery. I had an issue with scar tissue from chronic heartburn tightening my esophagus until it was difficult for me to swallow when I ate. The day of surgery, they stretched my esophagus and haven't had an issue since.

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  3. Hi! I'm a teacher too and had my appointment at the beginning of my Christmas break in 2016. I started my process in May of 2016. Our district gets 3 weeks for vacation, it was plenty of time to adjust to the change. I was ready to return to work within 10 days from my surgery date. The most difficult part of having surgery during Christmas time was most certainly the family gatherings and the realization that every occasion revolves around food. It did a number on my patience, but I strove on. If Christmas weren't an option, I certainly would have waited for summer. All in all, I was about 7 months from my first appointment to my surgery date. Hope this helps, good luck!

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  4. Guys, I love the goal of pull ups. I remember when I couldn't do 1 rep. Now I am up to 25 strict reps. Two things made a world of difference. First, I practiced the hollow body position on the floor so I could really learn to squeeze my core and glutes tight while hanging from the bar. It was invaluable and I always demand my students learn the hollow body position before pull ups. Second, you need to progress using a technique called "Grease the Groove." This is a very simple technique that gets you results so fast it is almost unbelievable. What you do is start out with a baseline of what you can do. If you can't pull yourself up on the bar, use a stool or ladder, assume a chin-up grip (palms facing you) and use your legs to get your chin above the bar. Use the hollow body position and lower your weight back down. If you can manage 1-3 reps in a set, then that is what you will do. Perform 3 sets of 3 reps 3 days per week. Your body will adapt and you will get strong. Give yourself a minimum of 2 weeks and usually a maximum of 4 weeks and then test your pull ups. I think you'll be amazed. I knew a 62 year old man who used this method. He was a marine and could do about 6-7 reps. He used this method and after 3 months he was able to do 20 pull ups. He couldn't do that many during his boot camp days as a young Jarhead. So it will work for you as well.

    Sold! I'm adding it to my regimen. Update in a month!

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  5. I was wondering, when you stack your BCAA's & Creatine, do you have to ingest them over a period of a couple hours to get it down? After Bypass it would seem hard to get down more than 8oz of liquid at one time. I know that you're supposed to build up your creatine intake and BCAA's you can mix in Water and take all day. Just wondering how you schedule everything in including Protein I would imagine.
    Thanks for the previous response too.

    I've not really had an issue with water intake. I have my pre-workout 15 minutes before and then my bccaa/ creatine (20 oz) during my workout. Some days I add my creatine to my Protein Shake, too, if I fail to add it during my workout.

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  6. I drink carbonated beverages from time to time. Mostly carbonated Water but I've had some beer and a little champagne at special events.
    My surgeon said to wait 6 months and the proceed with caution. He said it will not stretch out our stomach but it can cause discomfort and pretty serious gas. For me, if I sip slowly it does not effect me negatively but it's not something I drink regularly. I mostly stick to water and unsweetened iced tea.

    I'm the same way. Beer fills me up quickly, but if I go slowly I can enjoy one.

  7. I've had a c pap machine for about 6 weeks; things were fine in the beginning but I find myself rebelling against it and on a couple nights took it off,in the middle of the night. It probably doesn't help that I've got a head cold right now. Help.
    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    I had mine recalibrated by my sleep center. After losing weight, the pressure requirements changed a lot. I'd see about getting an in home sleep study.

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  8. Hi. Does anyone know whether the surgery impacts metabolism or whether it impacts Portion Control alone?

    I'm 13 months post-op, and after my one year appointment I found my metabolism wasn't impacted by surgery. I started this process with a high metabolism rate, which attributes to my never having an issue dropping weight pre-op. For my one year, they tested my metabolism to find it's the same.

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  9. Yeah it sucks when your partner doesn't bring her A-game. Looking back this was a sign of the impending end of my marriage. Once a woman looses interest in physical affection its not a big leap for her to loose interest in staying married.

    I'm sorry for all you had to go through. I've been very conflicted about my marriage, long before surgery, and have noticed the lack of bringing her A-game. It's slowly becoming clear that a relationship that might offer what I need, should my wife not be willing to try, is available. It's something pre-op me wouldn't have considered, due to my low fat man self confidence. Ideally, we avoid divorce and figure this all out. It's a horrible-delight, being married.

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  10. Sex is part of a healthy relationship, both partners have to pull their weight, tell her how it is, if you are willing to fight for your family she should be willing to fight for hers.
    Its great to say you would be faithful to your wife nomatter what, but that gives her free rein to get as lazy as she wants with the relationship. You have to give yourself some leverage. Truth is if it got bad enough you would have to leave the marriage and she needs to know that.
    She now knows what her limits are, you need to tighten those limits like you are your waistline, you now have more sexual options and if she knows this it will encourage her to keep up with you. She has already shown that shes willing to try because she wants to stay together, but you let her slack off, she will push the boundries.

    I think this has been a part of the issue with her and me. We have each gotten very comfortable with the quick pace our life has reached and neither of us took the time to stop and reestablish our relationship. Essentially, what's happened is I've always just voiced issues I've had and never provided alternatives or solutions. It's very easy to revert back to the "easier" or "less work required" relationship.

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  11. I had the same issue the first few months of recovery. I found that using a kid's fork and spoon was the easiest way to remind myself to eat small and slow portions. My 3 year old and I were using the same utensils for a while. Ikea has inexpensive plastic silverware.

    RNY 12/20/16 32YO 5'9" HW- 408 SW- 388 CW- 247 current BMI- 27

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  12. I'm not sure how you're dealing with all this still, but I had the same issue after surgery until I started working out daily. Since then, I've been regular like pre-op. Have you gotten into working out yet? When I don't workout, I notice how big of an impact it makes.

    RNY 12/20/16 5'9" 32yo HW-408 SW-388 CW-247

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  13. then you should have put it in the main forum. this place is for the XY.

    Noted. [emoji106]

    In regard to the rest of your post, you're right, I love my wife and we are amazing together! I think my greatest hurdle in all of this has been understanding that my wife has had to make drastic adjustments to the new me, and my peace in progressing is probably much faster than hers. Neither of us are the same as we used to be, before my surgery, me for the obvious physical and emotional, and my wife for emotional adjustment to being with a new me and how she perceives herself. Essentially, as a few others have suggested (outside of the forum) that each of us (my wife and I) need to approach our relationship as though we are dating again.

    Thankfully, I never got lost in the fantasy of someone new showing me interest, and the further I find myself detached from that relationship, the clearer my path becomes and more confident I am in e choice I made to my commitment to my wife and family. I'm not going to lie though, the detachment sucks and I miss the connection with the other person, but I understand if I want my marriage to succeed I have to pursue that same connection with my wife.

    RNY 12/20/16 5'9" 32yo HW-408 SW-388 CW-247

    Sweat is just fat crying!

  14. I love this so much. I felt a little tired this morning and I'm not sure if it's cause day 4 of my liquid diet or what but I needed a pick me up so I grabbed a carmel Premier Protein and went to starbucks and got me a dou20180112_084659.thumb.jpg.a562a2f96584e509a9290d77edd233ce.jpgble shot of espresso over ice in a venti cup and added my carmel premier Protein and made Iceed coffee. It's delicious. Just what I needed. 20180112_084621.thumb.jpg.d5358b2ca34415db03acaaa1d9be03b5.jpg

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    This is my favorite Protein that Premier makes! Our costco just got it in!



    HW-408 BMI-56%


    CW-248 BMI-27%

    "Sweat is weakness leaving the body"

  15. I've been hitting weights 5 days a week since June '17, I stack Pre-Workout, BCAAs, and creatine in my supplement intake. I haven't noticed any issues, I drink tons of Water throughout the day, to counter the dehydration brought on by the caffeine in the Pre-Workout. I talked to my Dr about my stack, before I started it, he gave the green light and I've been rocking since. All creatine does is help with muscle growth and recovery. Some argue creatine will make you retain water, but I'd recommend doing your own research, if you're not sure, and determining if it would work for you. I swear by it though! GL

  16. I'm new here, so if my post is too lengthy, I apologise for not knowing protocol. I'm a year out from surgery, I've had great post-op results. I'm down to my college football build and am heavy in bettering myself physically. I've been married for nearly 13 years and recently have been realizing the sexual issues I felt in my marriage, which were already there pre-surgery, have been taking a toll on my happiness. Before surgery I would voice my feelings to my wife and things would improve for a short while, however our situation would always revert back to the "normal". The first 4 years of our marriage were outstanding, our sex life was phenomenal and exciting, but for whatever reason, things changed. Outside of our sexual relationship, our marriage is solid. My wife is truly my best friend. I expected surgery to make a great impact on our relationship, but it hasn't, regardless of the efforts I've made.

    Within the past month I began to gain attention from an old love interest, from before I was married. I'm a faithful man and would never cheat on my wife, though the opportunity was there. I can't help but notice how much I've craved the attention, being readily given by this other person. I've continued to attempt to mend my relationship and as a result I ended the communications with the other person, with great difficulty. I recently began the process of seeking counseling to workout my marriage.

    Before surgery, the thought of going outside of my marriage to connect with someone would never have been a possibility. I always looked down upon those who could not maintain faithfulness. I want my marriage to work and I will fight to keep it together. My question is, has anyone else experienced a change in their perspective toward relationships and how they define their happiness?



    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
