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Miss Norway

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Posts posted by Miss Norway

  1. 2 hours ago, Kiki20 said:

    I can't believe I am coming across this post. Hi there! Did you end up getting the surgery and how are you doing?

    I'm a powerlifter too and am looking at getting this op and have the same numbers as you for my Squat bench and deadlift. Am worried if il be able to get my strength back


    That's so funny, what are the odds of that!!

    I never managed to go through with the surgery, and I am very thankful for that these days. As of now I am at 81 kg and have just decided to take my time and do things naturally.

    I guess i won't be of much help to you seeing as I never got the surgery. But I want to wish you the best of luck on your journey, which ever route you decide to go down :) :)


  2. On 21.3.2018 at 7:11 PM, BigViffer said:

    I've had a minor set back. My knee was causing me pain, so I took a month off. I went to a doctor then was referred to a specialist. Looks like I need surgery. My patella has arthritic growths that are digging into the soft tissue beneath. Good news is that it is not related to my lifting. Bad news is that he said it was "maturity related". I.E. he called me old!

    I have started lifting again, but with a renewed focus on my form. I must have been getting sloppy before because I don't seem to have the pain after deadlifting nor squatting. But I played volleyball with my daughters and that inflamed it pretty bad. Surgery will need to happen, but I want to push it off as long as I can.

    Since you are trying to lose weight again, are you following a bariatric diet currently?

    Oh man. That sucks...! Injuries can easily ruin your motivation. Good to see that you still are keeping it up...! "maturity related". well thanks <_< you've got to keep me posted on the surgery.

    Sometimes its really efficient to take a step back in powerlifting, I have found that it helps on minor injuries or pain, more than not training at all. So I think you might be on to something :)

    As of now I am just trying to eat less without obsessing about it. I am trying not to step on the scal to often, and just seeing if it's doable without having to stress over everything I eat and feel bad every time I have something I shouldn't. I don't really know if it's a good approach, but I feel like it's worth a shot. I can so easily obsess to much over food and it's not a good way to live. So I guess I just have to see how this plays out. Surgery scares me, but I guess you've already heard that :D

    Sorry if I have any spelling errors, I don't always bother to look every word up :blink:

  3. 21 hours ago, BigViffer said:

    @Miss Norway - Hoping you perhaps get a notification of this comment. It's been a while and I was curious if you decided to move forward with surgery or keep up the power lifting? Anything new with the lifts?

    Hi Viff...! So nice of you to check in :)

    These days I am still thinking about the surgery, but I haven't done anything but think. I am still powerlifting. Just like @Brik8te did, I have decided to try for one last time to lose the weight on my own. I already know that it's not really going to work, but I just need to know that I have really tried everything before heading for surgery. So nowadays I am thinking a little bit about having the surgery in a year, next winter. The surgery still scares me a bit, so this is tough.

    Oh, and about the lifts, I haven't tried any new PRs lately, but I do feel strong so maybe I will before summer.

    What about you, how are you doing?

    Hanne :)

  4. 22 hours ago, Brik8te said:

    I'm 16.8kgs down as of today :) still losing very slowly, but that's just me!

    I can honestly say I have no regrets. Thankfully the recovery for me has been great and I have enjoyed the process. Yes the first couple of weeks were uncomfortable and little anxiety-ridden, but I was gentle with myself and I listened to my body. I know I'm probably going to have some loose skin on my tummy, thighs and upper arms, but I can't say at this stage I'm too concerned - plus I'll continue lifting and building muscle to help this. Anything that has been 'hard' throughout this process so far, is less 'hard' than continuing to live in the body I was pre-surgery.

    I've ready a lot of comments from people still feeling 'big' but to be honest for me I never saw myself as big as I was - it was only when I looked in the mirror or stood on the scale it hit me (so I avoided both).

    Where are you at with your decision at this stage?

    16,8 is great! that's a lot to get rid of. Must feel amazing.

    Again i really identify with you, in a weird way I don't feel big. And I have been skinny before so I know I just want to get back to that. It won't be such a change that my head can't keep track - at least I have a very hard time imagining that.

    I feel that this whole process really has just been building up to me making the decision. Like, somehow I already know I am going to do it - but I need to take my time reading and checking everything in advance so it doesn't feel rushed.

    But now I have spoken to both my parents about it to, so it feels another step closer.

    Only hesitation is my very active social life, but it seems like all of you are saying I shouldn't worry as much as I do.

    I am not 100% yet, but sure does feel like I am headed for the surgery :)

  5. 10 hours ago, Brik8te said:

    Hey Hanne,

    Sorry for delay! Been a busy few days.

    Yes, I've had alcohol a few times now - mostly I'll get a glass of wine and sip on it, which I've done 3-4 times. I had a wedding in December where I had 2 glasses throughout the whole day/night. I read a lot about alcohol hitting you a lot quicker after surgery, which is why I've been very careful and sipped only. Can't say it felt any different to me than normal but I do find it can give me heartburn now.

    I love wine and I'm sure they'll be times where I miss being able to join in like a I did before, but I can't say it's been an issue for me yet! Your perspective changes when you are forced to think much more carefully about everything you put in your body and the things you think will be hard just . . . aren't.

    Don't worry - just reply whenever you have time :)

    It's so great hearing your experienses.

    Have you lost any more weight?

    It sounds like this really has been an awesome decission for you. No regrets at all yet?

    Are you able to enjoy your progress? I read a lot about people's heads not quite following and that they still feel big after :)

  6. 1 hour ago, mille80 said:

    Hei @Miss Norway! Sleeveoperert i fra Norge her :-) Jeg har begynt å leke litt med tanken om styrkeløft og hører gjerne fra deg i forhold til gode informasjonskilder her til lands. Prøvde å finne instagramprofilen din men finner bare en lukket "hannegart", er det deg?

    Når det gjelder dehydrering - jeg går selv en del i fjellet og gikk 10 dager av Camino de Santiago i Spania i fjor. Lengste dagen var på 32 km. Ingen problemer med vanninntak.

    Ellers så har jeg klart å beholde mesteparten av muskelmassen etter operasjon ved å trene mye og regelmessig og ha stort fokus på Protein i kostholdet.

    Jaaa! Hurra! Vi har masse å snakke om. Jeg deaktiverte faktisk Instagram i går. Men vil du legge meg til på Facebook?

    Det er Hanne gartland. Bare jeg som heter det. Bilde fra fjellet.

    Add meg så kan jeg hjelpe deg med styrkeløft og du hjelpe meg med operasjon? :-D

  7. 18 hours ago, Brik8te said:

    I was on the fence about the decision for a good 12 months prior to surgery, during that time I threw myself into diet and exercise (more than my usual) to ensure I'd honestly exhausted my options (as medication prior to this had also failed). While my physical results were good, the scale, blood tests and hormone levels did not improve and I even developed liver damage (reversible) due to my hormone levels. Just felt like a huge snowballing effect!

    Thankfully I didn't have any sleep apnea or similar issues, but I know they're very common.

    So I completely understand your concerns re dining out and Water intake - I have an active social life and work in sales, so a lot of my work involves dining out with colleagues and clients (am actually about to jet off for a work trip to Vegas next week). For the first couple of months I stuck to Soups when dining out, but can now handle the soft fish or chicken and steamed vegetable options. I order an entree serve and it's fine, because it takes me a while to eat it I'm done around the same time as those around me eating full size servings. It's really not as bad as what I expected and you get used to it really quickly.

    The Water intake is fine too, I average 2+ litres a day, but I do have to keep a track on my intake to ensure I'm hitting that. I have also become a huge fan of Protein water (I order from Bodiez Protein Water) which I have 2-3 times a day, at 30g of protein per serve. I find it easier and lighter to drink compared to standard protein powders (and the Bodiez one isn't too sweet). I really understand your concerns on this point, but this is one of this things I was most pleasantly surprised with - thought obviously we all recover differently :)

    Oh, we are so much alike. I was thinking also about trying one last time. I know I would have to really starve, and deep inside I know it's not goint to be sufficient no matter what I do. Also, how much time am I going to spend in this mode, struggling with no real results. It's not magically going to change after turning 35, that's for sure.

    I feel you on the snowballing. Knowing how much harder dieting gets for each time you have gained weight, it's so not motivating.

    What about alcohol? Tried any of that yet? :)

    Hope you'll have a great trip to Vegas, and that you get some time off to do fun stuff there too :)

  8. 3 hours ago, Brik8te said:

    Hi Hanne,

    Yes, I chose the sleeve. It felt right, to be honest I didn't consider the other options. Are you considering others?

    I completely agree re this option sounding drastic - I've been very open about my surgery to friends and co-workers and I've been met with a few puzzled looks and responses. It is tiring to have to explain the reasons why, so sometimes I do but if I simply can't be bothered I let them judge, haha. At the end of the day it's my body and my journey and I only have myself to be accountable to. And thankfully this has turned out to work for me so far.

    I don't have a goal weight - because I've been disappointed so many times before I was reluctant to work towards one. I'm taking every kilo lost as a blessing! My non-scale goals are the blood results improving (and disappearing) for the insulin resistance and the PCOS reducing (or disappearing!) on the next internal ultra sound I'll have. That for me is the ultimate goal.

    To be honest I've not even considered how I will maintain in the future if the conditions don't improve. That sounds incredibly naive but I'm committed and will continue to be committed - it's not in me to give up. So if I go off track a little at times I have faith that I have the knowledge to recognize and catch it, and do something about it. I've been agile year upon year to this point and tried everything available to me, so if I need to do that for my whole life . . hey it sucks, but I got this. WE got this!

    I'm so glad you posted as well! I hope your concerns are eased somewhat?


    No, the only thing I am considering is sleeve or nothing. Its such a hard decission. How long did you think about it before you decided?

    I really understand what you mean about the reactions. I think I would do the same. Just don't bother explaining. Many people don't understand regalrdless of how much you explain, I feel.

    I forgot to ask - do you have issues with sleep apnea or poor sleep prior to surgery? If so, has it improved yet?

    It sounds like you are very commited, so I think you are going to be succesful. You sure are so far :)

    It's really hard to make up my mind, I kind of fear missing to be able to go out to dinner and stuff, I don't know how I will handle all the changes. And the Water - part aswell. So I'm still having a hard time deciding :o

  9. 1 hour ago, BigViffer said:

    No I do not. Honestly I think I would embarrass myself. A lifter my size should have much higher PR's. I have seen people on the Starting Strength forum start and blow past me within a few months. It is very disheartening. But I do try to keep it in perspective. None of them have the injuries and limitations that I have (that I am aware of) and I know that none of them have had gastric surgery. But to lift such paltry numbers in front of people would be devastating to what little ego I have.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not a fragile little snowflake that cannot handle being outclassed. Obviously I have no problem talking to a woman that lifts more than I do and it doesn't affect my self image. But to compare my lifts with people at a competition would only highlight my inability to make significant gains in the weight room.

    I get that. I really do. Even though everyone is welcome in powerlifting, and the feeling of being proud over yourself for finishing a meet is awesome, I get why you don't bother.

    The most important thing here is that you keep pushing your own limits and that powerlifting gives you joy. It's really not important with the competitions. You are doing so great the way you are right now, so you just keep it up.

    I'm so dying at the "snowflake" - expression, I think it's the funniest thing :lol:

  10. 1 hour ago, Diana_in_Philly said:

    Hanne - FWIW, I was an athlete before I gained huge amounts of weight and had my sleeve 16 months ago. I've gone from 271.5 to 165. In the last four months, I've taken my body fat down 4 percentage points, which has been my goal. I recently started lifting to support my true calling - foil fencing. I'm nowhere near your records, but last week did deadlift more than my own bodyweight. (Lifted 175 - just started lifting with my trainer about a month ago.) I fence for 2.5 hours twice a week and am in the gym (lifting, cardio, pilates) another 3-5 hours a week.

    On days I work out, I up my calorie intake, but I'm very cautious. It does require more monitoring, but once you are beyond the initial weight loss phase it gets easier. I drink two liters of Water on days I don't train - generally, always have a water bottle with me.

    Best of luck on making your decision.

    Thanks for your reply :)

    First of all congrats on your deadlift PR! Thats just great. All progress is good :D

    This is turning out to be a real difficult thing to make up my mind about. However I know that I will never reach my goals without surgery. It's just not going to happen.

    Thanks for sharing your experienses with me :) :)

  11. 1 minute ago, BigViffer said:

    Vasalva maneuver is the act of taking a large inhalation of breath and maintaining that with a closed glottis instead of exhaling during exertion. This enables the spine to be supported by a strong core. Basically, you were breathing properly during a lift.

    Oh, and they way you set your back on a dead lift was textbook. Just all around impressive to me.

    Ah, cool. Never heard the word :)

    Yeah the breathing is important, can't release your potential without it.

    Do you do competitions as well?

  12. 9 hours ago, Brik8te said:

    I can relate to so much of what you've written! I'm 11 weeks post op, started at 94.3kgs with PCOS and insulin resistance. I'm 33, turning 34 this year. Everything you wrote about how you felt about your body is what I felt, and our concerns where almost identical!

    I'm certainly not as proficient in lifting as you are, but I've been working with a PT for the last 8 months and love our lifting sessions. I also run, do pilates, yoga, and hike. Pre-op I made sure I worked out as much as possible (5 sessions a week) to help my body be in the best shape possible for surgery. My biggest fears were complications from surgery keeping me out of the gym for too long post op, and not being able to drink enough Water during a workout (and just in general!). To my relief, surgery went well and my recovery was (close enough) to a breeze! I was cleared to start working out again 3 weeks post op and have stayed committed to building my strength back up, am just now back to where I was pre-op in terms of my stats. The only difference right now is that I've dropped my workouts back to no more than 45 mins a session (otherwise I'm just to beat, but this will change, I'm sure) and I sip on the Water instead of gulping. For the first 2 weeks post op I really had to focus on taking small sips, but that has now become my new 'normal' (and the restricted feeling has eased somewhat as well).

    Like you, my PCOS (and insulin resistance) stopped me from losing weight regardless of my good diet and exercise. I literally didn't lose a gram in the 8 months pre-op and it was so frustrating to feel trapped in a body which did not convey how seriously I was focusing on doing all the 'right' things. I lived like this for 10+ years before making the decision to have surgery. I'm losing very slowly compared to most people, am sitting at 15.7kgs down right now and I have hit so many 'stalls' in the last 11 weeks I've lost count. But I don't dwell, I just pack my gym bag and head off for a session!

    I look forward to hearing how you go :)

    Oh my, we are very much alike! I am so glad you replied here.

    So you ended up choosing the sleeve. On one hand, it feels very drastic since we are not really that fat, on the other hand we have these kg's really making our lives suck a lot. It's such a struggle and PCOS is horrible.

    I agree on best possible shape preop, and it sounds like it really worked for you. That's a relief to hear. And the fact that you are 11 weeks out, lost 15 kgs and you are able to lift like preop is amazing. As you and i both know, you would've never lost 15 kgs in 11 weeks without surgery. So the tool is really working. And since you were fit and didn't have that much weight to lose, dont you think those numbers are ok? I mean the more extra weight you have, the faster you lose it at first.
    How do you feel these days, enjoying your results? What is your goal weight?

    Do you know if we will gain weight easier than others a couple of years postop due to our condition? I worry about success only being temporary and that I am doomed to an overweight life forever in a way.. This is feeling like a prison and such a hopeless situation these days.

    I have to say you are doing great. I know your struggles and it can be so tempting to give up. Now you have an amazing opportunity and you are really making the most of it. I really agree, going to the gym is like brushing your teeth. It's just something that has to be done. No need to think about if you want to go or not. Nobody is motivated every day :)

    Again, I am so glad you wrote, and I really want to here more from you :)

  13. 10 hours ago, BigViffer said:

    Damn, you made that squat look easy! I squealed when I saw you vasalva before squatting then go below parallel. You are no pretender, that's for damn sure. And you're stunning! When I think of a powerlifter from Norway, I don't expect a beauty like that. Wow... just wow.

    Take this only as a stranger on the internet giving advice; don't get the sleeve. I know nothing about PCOS. I mean, yeah I can read about it, but I can't experience it and none of the women in my life have either. So I cannot comment on how the gastric sleeve may or may not help you in that aspect. What I see is a woman who is healthy enough to put most American men to shame in regards to a barbell. I saw you with mountain pictures and scuba diving. You can and have experienced a physically active life unlike many who here in America have not. You will definitely be able to do all of that post sleeve, but the powerlifting will most likely suffer.

    HOWEVER - there are some people that have had gastric surgery that have gone onto bodybuilding. You and I know the difference, but the lay person may not. Hypertrophy is the goal of bodybuilding, not strength. Lyss Remaly is the most famous example I can think of:


    She went from 350lbs to 150lbs and looks very healthy, but I don't know how strong.

    Sorry, went off on a tangent. Nutritional needs do not change post op. As a lifter, you are probably watching what you eat as far as quality of food. I would imagine you eat clean for the most part. Post op, I find that I will eat my dense Protein and that's eat for that meal. Less than 2 hours later, I will eat some vegetables. Later still I will eat some carbs like oats or figs. I still eat the correct macro mix as anyone should, but I have to break it up in 2 hour increments. So what a normal lifter would have for Breakfast, it takes me all morning to do. Then after my workout, lunch takes me until 5pm. Hitting the 3000 calorie mark is a mix of timing and food choice. High fat foods like avocado or whole milk will make it easier. A sweet potato with real butter and a bit of maple Syrup is another way to get the calories for those days.

    When I say full from drinking, it's not painful. Well, I mean it has happened once or twice, but I had that happen pre-surgery too. It is just a feeling f being very full. Have you ever chugged an entire beer? When you are done, you feel that if you could just burp, it will make all the difference? That is the feeling. It goes away fairly quickly though. And no, it has never been bad enough to make me stop a session.

    Oh, and since you keep mentioning Water, you should know that many of us cannot stand the taste of Water post op. I used to drink it all the time, now it taste... wrong. I just can't explain it. But it is very common for people to have a hard time drinking water post op.

    Whatever you decide to do, I am betting you will be successful at it. No one gets to the level you are on by being casual. Deadlifts and squats train the mind to do things that are hard. If you can put 200lbs on your back, you can pretty much do anything in my book. And if you are going to be buying dresses and bikinis, I am going to bookmark your instagram!

    Thanks, the squat was good, only regret not daring to add more kg to it. I think I could've handled 5-10 kg more with a bit of a grind. I dont know what vasalva means, but yeah. I guess its something I did :)

    I've heard of Lyss and read her story. She has really changed so much, its crazy. I dont know about strong, but she sure has a lot of hours in the gym. Probably didnt have any muscle preop so they are all built postop I guess. She really got a second chance in life. But I guess that's how you all feel now :)

    PCOS is so horrible. I see the "fat girl dancing" - chick on tlc and she is so annoying. THAT is not how you get because of PCOS. She is giving us other PCOS - girls a bad look because it's obviously just a bullshit excuse with her. Grunt.

    I have absolutely had a very active life and done tons of fun stuff. But I think that especially my trips hiking in the mountains would have been so much better at another weight. Its exactly like @Brik8te says. You wont believe the frustration of working out and doing your best and not have your body cooperate or show it. It really is a struggle, and I hate my extra kg's a lot. I do have hot flashes like an old lady, and sleep apnea. These are things that are normally helped a lot with surgery. The sleeve is very good for the PCOS symptoms. I haven't slept a whole night since I was a teenager, and I'm always tired. So those things come in to play when considering the sleeve also.

    This sure is an enormous decission, and I don't know yet what I'll end up doing :blink:

  14. 10 hours ago, jenn1 said:

    After surgery things become routine and a new normal.

    (1) Eating frequently. There are days I am busy and don't get all my calories in. Normal portions..I feel I eat more normal portions now. Like @BigViffer said. It comes down to what your personal goals are. You can lose weight and have a great fitness level. To get the gains you are looking for....Diet is going to come into play.

    (2) You see the theme here.....Sipping Water all day long;). I always have a sports bottle on hand. I get more than enough water in. I don't miss gulping. When you get thirsty, drink! I got dehydrated on run in the summer. I don't recommend it...lol

    Yeah, I've heard many people say that dehydration is really bad, thats kind of scary.

    Thanks for your answers, i really appreciate it :)

  15. 1 hour ago, BigViffer said:

    First off - let me take a moment and tell you how excited I am there is someone on here that is interested in powerlifting, much less competing. Low bar or high bar squats? Sumo or traditional deadlift? There is so much I would love to talk to you about! Do you have any form check or PR videos?

    Can my body take a beating in the gym? Honestly, I feel better physically in the gym than anywhere else. I would say I am more resilient now than before. But I was in pretty bad health prior to surgery. So I am not a good person to tell you if you have the same endurance and/or toughness. I know for a fact that I do not have the endurance for long sessions in the gym. Unless I would pack a lunch and eat after squats and before deadlifts! You just use up so much fuel training.

    According to Mark Rippetoe, Jon Sullivan, and my coach, a lifter at with my build needs 5000+ calories a day to add more muscle. They however are not thinking about a gastric sleeve patient. When I spoke with Sullivan and my coach, they said that recovery is what is going to hold me back. They told me ways to get more calories, but I don't want to gain the weight. So to me, the numbers on the bar are not as important as the inches on my waist. Maybe if I was 20 years younger.

    That's what this is going to come down to for you. Do you want to be as strong as possible or overall healthier? For me, I want to be healthier overall first, and stronger than I was. I have succeeded at that. However, the desire to always get better is what the powerlifting does for me. That is probably why I have been successful keeping the weight off too. I keep meticulous records of my nutritional macros. That 3000 calories I mentioned, that is rare. My average is 2000. And yes, eating all day gets monotonous. I paid attention to my drinking at the gym today, I can gulp no problem, but my stomach cannot take the volume it could before. So two gulps and I'm full for a few minutes.

    I can talk about powerlifting all you want B-)

    I do a high bar. Been trying the low bar lately but I am not really friends with it just yet. I do sumo deadlifts at meets, but i train the classic ones to. If you go to my instagram (hannegartland) and scroll down a bit I do have a few videos, all pr's from last meet is on there. Check it out if you wanna ;)

    I think it's kinda scary with all the unceirtanty (spelling?!?!) of life after the operation compared to now. Maybe I will be better of not doing it. I do feel pretty healthy, obviously except from the excess weight. I guess I am "fat fit" as I saw someone on here call it.

    Does your nutritional needs change because you are sleeved? And does it vary for you from day to day how much your stomach can handle? or is it just about the time and planning whether or not you reach 3000 kcal? And when you say you are full from the Water, are you just normal full or does it get painful in any way? Can it hit you like a ton of bricks if you chug to much water? I'm thinking to the point where you feel bad and give up the session?

    I agree on the numbers on the bar. I am never going to be any kind of powerlifting legend, I basically compete with myself. So I dont really care about losing strength in numbers. But I am worried about losing use of potential. Now I know for sure my body can take any beating needed with the weights, and I am scared to lose that feeling. At the same time I want to buy some dresses and wear a bikini, so the dilemma is real :)

  16. 2 hours ago, BigViffer said:

    Those are some impressive stats! I did not get into the main lifts until after getting sleeved, so I have no idea what I would have been capable of before hand. I've had some serious injuries from car accidents and that may be playing a part in preventing me from making gains now. As you know, lifting is not just about strong muscles. Strong bones, good joints, and a healthy nervous system are vital.

    That being said, I am only higher than you on my bench. My current PR's are such:

    Squat: 205lbs

    Deadlift: 260lbs

    Bench: 185lbs

    Press: 120lbs.

    I am able - at best - to eat 3000 calories a day and hitting 200-ish grams of Protein. And that is with supplemental powder. I am 6'1" 225lbs. I was 330lbs prior to surgery. While it was possible for me to add muscle after about a year post op, I find that it is a very slow process. And there is no way in heck I am able to drink a liter of Water while training, much less an entire gallon.

    I adhere to the Starting Strength model, well as best as I can, and it is difficult. My gut says that you will not be able to compete at the same level as now. But I do not know if my limitations are because of my previous injuries AND being sleeved now, or just because of being sleeved. Being sleeved does make your recovery phase more difficult to manage.

    As for belts, I use mine religiously, so there is no issue with that. The only problem I have is the excess skin getting pinched. Though I doubt you would have that issue since you are not as big as I was. 210 doesn't sound that big, but if you are short, I can see it being more of an issue. What is your height?

    Oh, one last thing. I will take being healthy over being obese any day. I know my lifts will never progress to the numbers I once wanted, but I can at least move now. I couldn't even lift my left leg prior to surgery and now I can put 200lbs on my back and squat. Totally worth it.

    Thanks for your reply :-D

    Thats so cool that you have gotten into powerlifting after the sleeve. Its such an amazing feeling to feel strong!
    Do you feel like you are really able to release your potential in the gym with the sleeve? Do you think you body can take the same beating now as if you would have lost the weight without surgery?
    I mean, if you are able to eat 3000 calories in a day I cant se why you would not be succesful in the gym. That gives me hope :) But that means you have to eat often? Do you get sick of it, or does it become a habit? You couldn't drink a liter, but do you feel thirsty or are the sips really enough? I do have a love for chugging Water so I can imagine it being a struggle not being able to.

    I forgot to include my height, you're right. I am 160 cm/ 5,25 feet. I have always been kind of sturdy buildt, I dont think you would guess my weight is as high as it is by looking at me. But I can sure feel the kg's myself.

    I know that my powerlifting PR's will take a serious hit if i lose a lot of weight - but I am wondering if I will be able to stay the same level of strong compared to my new weight. You know, the Wilks and all. Powerlifting is just for fun for me, but I do want to be able to train and still have progress at the new weight.

    210 is really not THAT big, but I have always felt overweight, and I really should lose. But having such a hard time with it, kind of giving up on it. Feeling like the sleeve might be an option on some days, other days I am not that certain. Its really helpful to hear your experiences :)

  17. 7 hours ago, jenn1 said:

    It was hard to build muscle while in weight loss mode. I managed to retain it by lifting and increasing my Protein goal. I built more after stopped losing weight.

    After I lost my weight, I used sports medicine dietitian to dial in my diet. My calorie intake and macronutrients are increased to support distance running. It takes all day eating small meals to fuel your body as an athlete.

    I am competing in a half marathon altitude trail race this April. The starting line is at just above 2,500 feet above sea level, and runners reach an elevation of about 4,700 feet above sea level. I've been competing in distance runs for three years now.

    Training: My gym sessions are two hours five days a week. In the gym I use a sports bottle with a rubber camelbak bite straw.(I refill it several times) I sip and I don't get air in my stomach. I can't gulp Water.

    Hiking, biking and distance runners hydration vests. They have a straw bite ...You can sip slowly on your route. They hold tight to your body. Less bounce than a camelbak system. I use nuun tabs for hydration. they don't upset my sleeve.

    Below links to a bodybuilding /powerlifting





    Thank you so much for your reply :-D

    I am wondering - how do you feel about "eating all day", does it make you crazy? Or has it just gotten to be a habit? Do you ever miss being able to eat a "normal" portion?

    Altitude run - thats so cool! I think the Water - part is kind of hard to imagine. I worry about being very thirsty at the gym and not feeling satiesfied with the smaller sips. But I haven't really seen any of you sleevers mention it as a problem? Do you miss gulping the water or has this just become a habit also?

    Thanks for the links to, I will check them out :)

  18. Hi!

    My name is Hanne and I am from Norway. I have been considering the gastric sleeve.

    I am 34 y/o and weigh around 210 lbs /95 kg. I am overweight but not extremely fat/obese. My struggle is my pcos condition. It is making it so hard for me to lose weight, and even though I have managed to lose a lot of weight a few times, I've obviously never been able to keep it of. I had some issues with anorexia when I was a teenager. Even with an eating disorder I became normal weight, and not looking dangerously underweight as one might associate with anorexic patients. This has made me lose so much hope of ever living in a body that has a normal weight without starving myself. So this is why I am considering surgery even though I really dont have huge amounts of weight to lose. My weight is making me very depressed and is really stopping me from going on dates and stuff like that. I really dont have any confidence, and this body is starting to feel like a prison. I feel like I am always waiting for my life to start, and I would have to be normal weight for that to really happen.

    I have always been very active, and I guess that's why I haven't gotten even worse with my weight. However, I should lose around 65 lbs/30 kg to feel okay with myself. I never seem to be able to keep the weight off, and at this age I dont know if I can try it all over again knowing my past struggles.

    I am also competing in powerlifting, and my current PR's are squat 265 lbs/ 120 kg, bench 170 lbs/77,5 kg and deadlift 352 lbs/160 kg. I am including these stats because I am curios to see if there are any fellow powerlifters who has gotten the sleeve. I worry about losing a lot of muscle, even though I know it is inevitable in the first period after surgery.

    But what will life be like maybe a year after surgery? Will I be able to be a powerlifter still and will I be able to really build muscle after surgery? How has the sleeve affected your training? Are you okay training with belts? Can your body do anything in terms of training now?

    I love to go hiking in the mountains, and I worry about my fluids. Will I be able to drink all the Water necessary during a day in the mountains? What about high altitudes, any sleevers have experiences with that? I would love to take a lean body back to the Himalayas, I would imagine the experience to be easier. But you have to drink a lot of water up there. Is it doable with the sleeve?

    If i go to a spin class today, I will drink around 1 liter/0,25 gallons of water in an hour. Is that possible with the sleeve? I really worry about not being able to drink/eat enough for me to keep really pushing hard in the gym after surgery.

    I would really love to hear if anyone has gotten surgery without being very obese, and whether or not it was worth it for you. If anyone has experience with the sleeve and powerlifting or hiking/altitudes I would be grateful to hear your experiences with the sleeve :)


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