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Posts posted by istytehcrawk

  1. 4 hours ago, AshAsh1 said:


    join the party!

    I'm here, I'm here!

    When I initially started the process three years ago (this week, actually), I was at 416. Lost some, gained some, then switched programs, started my new program, gained some more at first (I wasn't the best at eating on-plan pre-op) and had my highest weight at 427.4 in January. Surgery weight was 413. Down to 354 now, 13 weeks post-op.

  2. Am I really going to be the last one to post last week and the first one to post this week? Guess so!

    Stats first:

    HW 427.4 (Jan. 2)

    SW: 413 (Feb. 15)

    Last week: 359.2

    Today: 355.4

    So, down 3.8 since last week, 57.6 since surgery and 72 overall.

    Another good week, though not as good as last week.

    Hair loss has DEFINITELY started in earnest now; I can tell a difference in the amount that comes out in the shower. Thankfully, I haven't noticed a difference on my head yet, though I'm sure I will. Started taking hair/skin/nails Vitamins and bought some Biotin Shampoo and thickening conditioner; hopefully the combination will help keep it under control so it doesn't get TOO bad.

    Hit three months out yesterday. Over the last few days I've seen several people (friends/acquaintances and distant relatives) who commented (positively) on my weight loss being noticeable. I still can't see it for the most part, other than in my face.

  3. At my last pre-op appointment (the big group one), we were told "avoid straws in the early stages, and then be careful with them." I didn't use straws until I hit regular food stage (five weeks out), and I have had no problems with them.

  4. Stats first:

    HW 427.4 (Jan. 2)

    SW: 413 (Feb. 15)

    Last week: 365.4

    Today: 359.2

    So, down 6.2 since last week, 53.8 since surgery and 68.2 overall.

    The good: FINALLY a good week. Makes up for the abysmal week I had last week, I guess. Hopefully I'll continue to have good weeks for the next two weeks, because I see my surgeon for my three-month follow-up two weeks from Thursday and I would REALLY like to be below 350 for that. I'm wearing clothes I haven't fit into for quite some time, and even some of those are already getting to be too big. Going to have to cave and buy a pair or two of capris pretty soon, I think, because I almost had a wardrobe malfunction at work yesterday because the ones I had on are too loose (and only have a fake drawstring that doesn't actually tighten the waistband).

    The bad: I think the Hair loss has started. It's kind of hard to tell for sure because I have always been a shedder, but it seems to have increased lately. My hair's already thin, so I hope I don't lose TOO much. I'm on track with Vitamins and Protein (and fluids), so fingers crossed. Not doing as well with exercise as I should, simply because I haaaaaaaate it. Exercise is definitely the hardest part of all this for me, because I loathe it so much. I do it, but I could/should be doing more.

  5. I've been dying my hair a reddish brownish color for several years now, because my natural color is a dull, mousy brown that I hate (one of my potential rewards for reaching a major goal is to get some sort of professional mermaid-style hair color, but I'm chickenshit and cheap so I may not go that route because it takes so much aftercare).

    For the past few years, I've been using Feria 36 (deep burgundy brown):


    Will be dying it again tonight, actually (my mom does it for me because I just end up making an uneven disaster of a mess if I try it myself). Every once in a while, my arm is drawn toward the more violet shades, but I haven't gotten up the nerve to go that far yet.

  6. I have the Nexplanon implant in my left arm. It's good for three years, and aside from a nearly two-month-long period at first as my body got used to it (I've always had horrible, hemorrhage-like periods, so this wasn't a surprise even though it was super inconvenient), I've only spotted here and there since then. I'm due to get mine replaced in early August.

  7. Stats first:

    HW 427.4 (Jan. 2)

    SW: 413 (Feb. 15)

    Last week: 365

    Today: 365.4

    So, up 0.4 since last week and down 47.6 since surgery and 62 overall. (Grrrr.)

    I had gained a pound, but now I've lost another 0.6 pounds of that, so I'm "only" up 0.4, which I know could be something as simple as minor digestive delays, but it's still annoying.

    Since the weather is warm enough now (finally!) to no longer need long sleeves, I cleaned out my closet and dressers last night and got rid of an entire 55-gallon bag of clothes that are either too large or will be by the time cool weather comes around again. Kept my largest pair of jeans (34s) and my progress photo outfit, but the rest of it is going to Goodwill this weekend (after I do laundry and throw a few more things in the bag). I also went through some of my clothes in the next stages down and fit into a few t-shirts and pairs of capris that had been too tight, so that was a good NSV, and I'm glad I won't have to spend money on capris, at least for a while.

    I noticed this week that I have a bit of a sunken-in area on the right side of my stomach, like I lost a bunch of fat in that one spot all of a sudden. Rather amusing.

  8. Since the weather has finally warmed up enough that I won't be wearing long sleeves now, I just went through my dresser and closet and culled a full 55-gallon trash bag of clothes that either are already too big or will be by the time cool weather rolls around again. It'll be off to Goodwill soon. I did save my biggest pair of jeans (34s) and the outfit I take my progress pics in.


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