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Posts posted by stabb009

  1. So i had my weigh in December 28th. I did not meet weigh in because i still need to lose 4lbs. My insurance required me to do 6 month diet etc. Now im foing a 7th month to lose more weight before they submit to insurance and give me am actual surgery date. My surgeon suggested drinking two Protein Shakes a day ans eating one balanced meal. Now until my appointment. Has anyone ever done this? Has it worked?

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I take HCTZ which is a diuretic to help with my blood pressure. My surgeon took me off post op just becayse the risk of dehydration after surgery but after a few days of bad edema I broke down and took one. Now I'm monitoring my sodium intake very closely since I'm still on the liquid phase and upped my Water intake and I'm doing much better. The sodium in broths and Soups are definitely a trigger for retention but hopefully I can manage to stay off it.

    Sent from my VS995 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I have high blood pressure too. Im just trying to meet weigh in goal. Its stressful

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. It's never a good idea to take meds that are not prescribed for you.
    If you want to dump Water weight for a one-time weigh in, you can do it without pills. This isn't healthy and probably isn't even a good idea to list....but it's better than taking someone else's pills.
    1. The day before your weigh in, drink a glass of water every half an hour. Drink, pee, drink, pee, drink, pee......this will purge a ton of salt from your body and purge retained water.
    2. The next morning (after waking up twice overnight to pee) have a cup of strong coffee and nothing else. It's a natural diuretic.
    3. Go for a 30 minute walk. You'll pee and very possibly, poop, too.
    4. Take a very hot bath.
    5. Don't eat or drink until your appointment. Take water with you to drink right after your weigh in.
    Be sure to wear the lightest clothing you have. A sheer shirt and leggings weight a LOT less than jeans and a normal top. If you need to, wear a long cardigan sweater over your lightweight outfit and take it off to weigh. Don't wear jewelry. Don't wear hair accessories. Don't wear watches, fitbits, etc. Every ounce counts. Take your shoes off and wear sheer socks.
    Again...none of this is healthy. But it will knock a few pounds off.
    Don't use someone else's meds. Very bad idea.

    I know it bad [emoji26] i didn't take them. I guess im over stressed about my weight. Like i pushed and worked so hard and nothing happened. But im going to stay positive. Thank you for advice

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Why would you want to drop Water weight? It's not real weight anyways. And the resulting dehydration is bad for your heart, kidneys, brain and basically shuts down the metabolism of body fat. Kind of the exact opposite of what you should be striving for if you want to lose real weight and stay healthy.

    Well honestly i was just trying to i guess trick the scale. It was a one time thing. I do eat healthy and exercise. But this laxt 5lbs has been a struggle. And i wanted to meet my weigh in for surgery. Tho i know its not real fat etc. Then after that try harder and change up diet to help more with weightloss. Basically im just trying to get thru this one last appt

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. What she said.... it's a diuretic used to control edema in CHF and HBP patients. Taking it without doctors supervision can lead to dehydration, cause electrolyte and thyroid hormone imbalances as well as liver and kidney damage.
    Are you inquiring because your doctor is prescribed it or are you looking for a temporary Water weight loss?

    Well i do have high blood pressure. I take something else for it. A friend has these and said it could help drop Water weight.

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I'm embarrassed to admit I gained 25 pounds in the 6 months that elapsed while awaiting surgery. I still had surgery without any resistance from the surgeon or insurance company.
    So, yes, it's still possible to have surgery after pre-op weight gain depending on your surgeon and insurance company.
    Some surgeons will promptly cancel for a major weight gain whereas others don't care. Some insurance carriers won't approve payment for surgery with a major weight gain while other companies don't care.

    I don't have a date yet. Tomorrow is suppose to be my final appt. For them to submit to insurance. But im like so nervous because i gained 5 instead of losing 5...

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Im in the same boat as you hun, I have to go to the hospital to be weighed and I have really struggled to excersize and eat better. Had a lot of stress as well as being the holiday period! I'm hoping we'll both be OK [emoji21]

    Surgery due January 17th 2018

    CW 238
    GW 133

    My starting weight was 252 and i haven't been under that since i started. Im 257 now and was 255 last appt....man im so over it. Im stuck. I was gonna take Water pills

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Whatever the outcome, just don't skip it! In the end, it's not a big deal if you have to go one more month before submission. ((hugs)) I'm sure there are more out there and they are used to dealing with this situation!

    I think it depends on your insurance requirements. Mine (FEP Blue BCBS) just required me to complete 3 nutrition classes. I weighed 1 lb less at my last class/appointment and had no issues with approval.

    Thank you. I just cant get the last 5lbs off. Im thinking about Water pills or something. Its hard

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

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