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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KCgirl061

  1. Yikes. Corn syrup and sugar listed as ingredients #2 and #4... the high sugar content could definitely be to blame! I’d look around for some lower sugar choices. I personally prefer Premier Protein. I’ve also ordered the Syntrex Nectar variety pack from the Bariatric Pal store and they were pretty tasty IMO.
  2. KCgirl061


    I thought there was no guarantee you'd dump with RNY? That seems like a weird reason to choose it. There are more complications with bypass and it's malabsorption component. I choose sleeve for that reason. Both surgeries are a TOOL and your long term success depends on the lifestyle choices you make in the years afterward.
  3. KCgirl061

    Oced Tea???

    I love iced tea! I'm not a southern belle so I never drank it sweet. I usually buy bags and make my own at home. My husband and I prefer Tetley. We just pop 2 or 3 bags in the 4 cups of water and microwave it for 5 minutes and then add it to a pitcher of ice!
  4. Quest bars are my saving grace in the afternoon. They are sweet and pack in 20gm of protein and 15gm of fiber. Going to the gym is great but remember you can't out exercise a bad diet. Focus on your food choices.
  5. Congrats on your 40 pound weight loss so far! Thats one of the best results I've seen on the forum in one month, so I'd say you are right on track if not a super loser! There is a chart out there that can tell you what to expect based on your starting weight. However - don't measure your success using someone else's ruler! Your journey is your own. I'm 10 months out and hopefully wrapping up my honeymoon period now, I've actually upped my calorie intake on my surgeon's request because he doesn't want my BMI to get lower than 20. My hunger returned almost 6 months to the day of my surgery. Until then I followed my surgeon's plan and ate near perfectly as I could to maximize my weight loss during that time - high protein, lots of veggies, no sugars or complex carbs. When the hunger came back it came back like a monster and I took a mild appetite suppressant to keep myself from grazing. I only needed it for about 2 months before the hunger monster died down (or I just got used to it?) But those diet pills were a saving grace! See you around the forum!
  6. I think you meant to post a picture or link but it didn't go through. What was it?
  7. KCgirl061

    Food getting stuck

    That will get easier but is still a potential problem far out. I had it happen myself last night and I'm 10 months out. Just got too excited about my food and ate it too fast.
  8. KCgirl061

    Crunchy salty snacks

    Quest also makes protein chips, you can find them by the other protein shake and bar products at the grocery, but they are pricy!
  9. KCgirl061

    Crunchy salty snacks

    I like to make zucchini chips in the air fryer
  10. KCgirl061

    Yogurt brand?

    Oikios Triple Zero is good with 15g protein, 6g of fiber and 7g of naturally occurring sugar. Its 120 calories I also like Two Good, it has 12g protein and only 3g carbs. Its 80 calories and I'll add some protein powder and benefiber to it.
  11. KCgirl061

    IUD Before or After Surgery?

    I've had the IUD for 10 years. I never felt it contributed to my weight gain. The extreme weight loss over the last year hasn't caused any problems with it's placement either. I highly advise you to have it placed by a GYN doctor and not a general practice physician though. It's more likely to be improperly placed by a GP than a GYN.
  12. When I remember to take it! LOL sometimes I forget 🤭
  13. KCgirl061


    My Multi makes me sick too. I take it at night before bed and that helps . Careful though too that your multi doesn’t contain your iron supplement, because you shouldn’t take that with dairy products like yogurt or shakes. I usually have mine with a rice cake and PB2 and it does a good job keeping the nausea at bay.
  14. KCgirl061

    Bikini Shopping Midway Progress Pics – POST YOURS!

    Push up bra or like get on the floor and exercise?!? Any way here are my swim suits for this season. No bikinis. Just not my style. I love the black one but my butt squooshes out. Probably not noticeable to anyone but me though.
  15. KCgirl061

    Bikini Shopping Midway Progress Pics – POST YOURS!

    Gah! You guys all look so great! My breasts are practically non existent so I don't think I could pull off a bikini. But I'll post pictures in my swimwear soon too!
  16. I wish I had known that it can cause lactose intolerance. It wouldn't have slowed my decision to have the surgery by any means but once I started getting really bad gas it would have helped me solve the problem with medication quicker.
  17. KCgirl061

    Menstrual Cycle changing.

    Yes it's normal for your menstrual cycles to be a little off after surgery. I have an IUD so my cycles don't come on a regular basis, usually only a light flow every 3-4 months or so. After surgery I had a heavy flow a couple weeks after and then more random cycles for a couple months after that. I'm 10 months out and now its more like it was before.
  18. KCgirl061


    Congrats on a successful surgery! You'll move in and out of those high school clothes faster than you can imagine. That was the only slightly frustrating thing - having to buy transition clothes and wearing them for only a short time. I went from a size 18 to old pairs of 16s and 14s I had around. Then I was finally able to buy 12s at a thrift store. I skipped right past size 10 and picked up 8s (again at thrift stores). When those got too big and I was nearing my goal weight I finally bought some size 6 jeans at nicer stores. I've surpassed my goal another 15 pounds and can actually fit into size 4 now but since I don't anticipate staying at this weight long term I'm not going nuts buying a bunch of size 4. Sex is a nice NSV. I have a lot more sensitivity, flexibility and endurance than I did before. I love being able to cross my legs. Shoe shopping is a lot more fun. I don't need wide width shoes anymore and my feet don't hurt as much carrying around all the weight that was previously there. I could wear my wedges at a wedding last weekend for several hours and they never became uncomfortable. I might be able to tolerate heels now! Exercising is a lot easier. I exercise for fun and its actually fun now. Bike riding and dancing, even just evening walks with my husband aren't as difficult and I'm more willing to do it. I do need to start a muscle building regime though because I lost all the padding on my butt and my tailbone hurts A LOT with sitting a long time and hard chairs are awful. Shaving my legs is easier. So is painting my toe nails. Shaving my arm pits is NOT. They are a lot more concave and I can't quite figure out how to maneuver the razor.
  19. KCgirl061

    Day of Process

    My surgery was scheduled for 11 am. I was NPO at midnight but could have clear liquids until 6 am. The NPO didnt bother me and after my shake for dinner I didn't feel the need for anything else. I got up at 5 and had a cup of tea and watched the news. Then I showered and put on comfy clothes and waiting until it was time to head to the hospital. I got registered and only had to wait about 10 minutes before heading back. In preop they got my IV in and took a bunch of health questions. Then I got to walk. And walk and walk and walk. My surgeon wants all his bariatric patients walking before surgery to prevent blood clots. No laying on the cart watching Price is Right for me. And after 45 minutes of walking up and down the same small hallway I definitely wanted to. 11 oclock came and went, as it sometimes can in the surgery world. His first case started a little later than scheduled and was more complicated than anticipated. I talked with anesthesia and walked some more. Then I finally talked to my surgeon. It was getting closer. My preop nurse then gave me a couple medications including IV pepcid and a shot of Lovenox (blood thinner) in my abdomen. I waited another 15 minutes or so while the OR Team got the operating room ready and when the nurse came to get me it was a couple more questions from him and then I was wheeled back. HA! I wish. I got to walk back to the operating room as well, hop up on the OR table and wait for anesthesia to kick in. I woke from surgery it seems only minutes after and remember being in a lot of pain. That kept me in the recovery room longer than normal. It only felt like half an hour to me but I'm told I was there closer to an hour and a half.
  20. KCgirl061

    5.5 Year Update

    Thank you so much for visiting and sharing your experiences. Its great to hear from veterans. Good luck with that last 8 pounds!
  21. I think sex is much better now. Everything is more sensitive down there. Not to mention I'm in better shape now and have more endurance as well.
  22. Mine had to be 40 at my first consultation with the PCP. I was the same as you, my weight fluctuated depending on how much water I was retaining at the time. It made me nervous that I would be 39.8 at that appointment and not qualify. So the days before the appointment I ate high sodium meals and really binged. I also wore a pair of boot cut jeans with 5 pound ankle weights on. Got my BMI up to 41.1 on that first appointment.
  23. Hair loss - for most its unavoidable but it is temporary Saggy breasts and loose skin - THATS A BADGE OF HONOR. You have to get there first and successfully lose the weight and keep it off. Plastic surgery is the only way to deal with loose skin and its up to you whether it bothers you enough to spend the thousands of dollars on it. Insurance doesn't cover plastic surgery. Sometime the loose skin causes rashes and pain and then you can try to get insurance to cover it. Start saving now if you think you'll need plastics. $10 a day for 3 years should get you over $10K saved to afford something like a tummy tuck.
  24. KCgirl061

    Halfway Point!

    Yay! Keep up the good work!
  25. KCgirl061


    I don't think its the lack of vitamins, its the lack of calories plus the fact that you just had surgery and your body is recovering.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
