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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NewSho

  1. Burps? Rarely... But hiccups? Ah, they join me at nearly every meal, LOL... That's my signal to say "Waiter? Check, please!"
  2. NewSho

    Unfills for vacation purposes

    In my case, no... Would I give up comfortable restriction just to 'ease up' before a trip? No, Absolutely not ! Now, would I schedule a 'fill' like 2 days before a big trip? No, probably not. But I make sure I have good, steady restriction in the weeks before a trip or vacation. I am loving my life, loving dragging around less weight and as much as I enjoy food - I don't look at vacations as "all you can eat" opportunities anymore. I have different focuses - so getting an unfill just to eat 'new things' is totally just out of the question for me. I fight for every single .01 cc of restriction - so I wouldn't take a chance on an unneeded adjustment if it's working for me at the time. But that's just me! (And I'm not a self-pay so according to this thread, what do I know, right? :heh: ) No seriously, I'm kidding. :biggrin1: Good Luck and enjoy your trip...
  3. NewSho

    getting surgery, I hope!

    Welcome to the forum. But to be frank, it's kind of hard to really go through your post and find an actual question to respond to or answer. As for "diet after surgery" that could be mean as a brand new post-operative patient, as a one month out patient, after a fill or adjustment or years after surgery - I don't quite know what you mean about that. But kudos to you for attempting to battle obesity at this stage. I sometimes wonder if Weight loss surgery is one of the only areas where we reward people for waiting until (or being forced to wait) until they are even more significantly obese to get surgical help. I'm very supportive of those who have a lot more weight to lose (far more understanding than I think some heavierweight patients are, to the challenges that so-called lighterweight patients sometimes face). But there used to be a woman in my support group who would often interrupt the comments of another very active member who was a 'lighterweight' Bandster. This know-it-all used to say things to the lighter member like "Well, Jane Doe, remember you've only lost 50 pounds - I've lost almost three times that amount, and I think..." And she would go on and on. Finally one day after she belitted this member for the zillionth time, I snapped back to her: "All that means is that you were almost three times as obese when you got banded. Is that really something to brag about ??? ":phanvan That shut her right up, and she actually stopped to think about it. Rarely had trouble from her since. Anyway, good luck on your banding - remember it's not a surgery, but the start of a journey.
  4. Who knows? Who cares? Why focus on what I can't eat or what doesn't since being banded? I never thought about it like foods I gave up or what I can't eat. For the first time in my life, I'm not focused on foods or dieting - I'm focusing on improving. Maybe there are things I can't eat (seaweed? Does that come up much? I mean, I can still I eat sushi and that's fine with me) - but I never dwell on them at all. I care about being a better me! The only things I cared about giving up was the "Plus Size" clothing departments and stores like Avenue or Lane Bryant.:heh: Being healthier, looking great and better shopping (as in, shopping in regular stores, fashionable stores and hip departments) is ten times more important to me than anything on a plate now.:hungry: I never focused on what I can't eat - I'm focused on what I've gained. As always, good luck!
  5. NewSho


    WOW, great story. I bet you are a great advertisement for Curves with your great attitude and weight loss success so far. Honestly, I had been so sheepish about my weight loss - that I just didn't have the courage to do something like that. Even when my doctor asked me to get up and speak at his LapBand seminars, I would never do it. I always thought the other audience members would be thinking "Why is that girl up there? She's still overweight.":cry Now I realize that it's the journey that matters, not just the results. And I should be proud of that. So should you - congratulations Curves girl!:clap2:
  6. NewSho

    Port Replacement

    I had a port replacement to a lower-profile port (or a Low-Pro, as I call it). I'm glad I did, I think mine will hopefully be less conspicuous as I lose weight, as well. ... it was very easy but I absolutely have NOT heard of anyone having it done under local. I don't want to even be partially awake for things like that. The general anesthesia went fine. Over all it was much less recovery than the original LapBand surgery. It was so simple: I think it was a Wednesday morning I was weighed, checked, talked with anestheiologist, tested, and then wheeled in the OR. I was back out 25-30 minutes later in the recovery room. Just over 2 hours later I was walking through a store pushing a shopping cart, and picking up Rx meds for pain (Lortab - is liquid codeine prescription medication. It's nasty stuff so I only took one dose and realized I did not need that junk.) I wasn't groggy, I really felt fine - just some tummy soreness. I wore an abdominal binder (Spandex/Cotton wrap) from my original surgery. By that Friday I was back at Happy Hour. (Well I had Soup, and something light.) I really think it was only a portion of the original surgery - in terms of recovery. If you do a search for "port replacement" on this site, then you'll find many other similar stories. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  7. NewSho

    Why fill numbers are different.

    Yes, exactly! Often in support groups or online - we'll hear one patient say "Oh, I was over-filled. I had 1.5 cc's and it was just too much and too tight." And then we might hear another one saying "I have 2.9 cc's of fill, but I need at least 3.2 cc's to feel good restriction." As you said: we are all individual, and we all have different anatomies that are individual, too. This correlates to something I've discovered that my surgeon has validated. For many patients, the larger they are - the larger their stomach circumfrence. That's why for many new post-op patients just a little bit of fill is enough to feel restriction. On a fleshier, thicker tummy - than even 1.0 cc of fill is significant. But as you lose weight (or if you're a lighterweight patient to start with, or as in your case, have a not-so-fleshy stomach) you might need a bit more fill to experience restriction. That's been the case with me and I realize that just like a belt, as we get smaller it we often have to closer our belts tighter. The LapBand is sort of similar to that, in a way - as we lose, we tighten that belt a little more. In fact, when I meet people of now-normal-weight or goal weight who are banded, they often have a lot more fill than newer LapBand patients. It's not uncommon for these now-smaller folks to have fill levels of 2.8, 2.9, 3.0 or even 3.5! It sounds like a lot but on a smaller stomach, that's a decent level of restriction. So when I hear new Bandsters 'bragging' that they only have XXX amount of fill, I realize that they might have more thickness around their stomachs. But unbeknowst to some of them, as they lose more weight - they need more fill.
  8. NewSho

    No more adjustments

    That's wonderful. You are always so positive about your journey - and that's what I always remind new LapBanders and pre-op's. I tell them 'This isn't just a surgery, it's the beginning of a journey.' Your attitude embodies that Alexandra. I wonder if science could come along and bottle yours, mine, and Bab-In-Tx's LapBand experiences? Then they could just hand them to new patients like a one-time prescription or a pill. They could say : "Here, take this pill. You should have a fascinating, if not always smooth, LapBand journey. It will work for you over time, but you have to expect little twists and turns along the way. Remember, your mileage may vary!" :nervous Anyway, your mention of seasonal allergies and stuffiness sounded very familiar to me. I suffered mightily from persistent allergy symptoms, nasal and sinus pressure and stuffiness. So frankly until I had my sinus surgery - I was always been overly affected by my sinus/allergies/nasal stuffiness in regards to my band. (That's something that was never mentioned in ANY LapBand brochure or seminar! :rolleyes ) Sometimes my restriction seemed to ebb and flow completely by how 'stuffy' I felt. Certain seasons (like when the weather got cooler) made it much worse. Now most people don't have such severe symptoms - nor do most folks need sinus surgery like I did - but I saw a marked improvement in my band's... well, steadiness... after getting my sinuses repaired. Although my sinus surgery (septoplasty with sinus/turbinate repair, as it was called) did not cure my allergies, my body responds a lot less to seasonal allergens, and the effect on my health is a lot more minimal than it was before I got my sinuses worked on. Just thought I mention that I also suffered the nasal/band connection. ((( HUGS )))
  9. NewSho

    Gossip at Work: Vent

    Woodys put it absolutely best. Saying it that way, it makes it clear that you are not defensive or angry but are simply expecting (righfully) that the other person keep your confidence. Well said, Woodys!
  10. Can't say enough about Dr. Rumbaut. Just do a search for "Rumbaut" here on this site and you'll read enough glowing testimony to make you jump on the next plane.
  11. NewSho

    I really NEED some answers

    Babs, me too! It's really hard because now I do TV tapings and I swear people can hear this symphony of gurgling noises on the microphones. How embarrassing is that? Anyway, I've never figured out if it's because I have more restriction (finally, but it's still a struggle to keep my restriction level up) or because I've lost weight and the sound echoes more or something having to do with my TT. I mean, did they cross a wire somewhere? :couch2: Of course, I had my TT after I had lost quite some weight. All I know is that the noises I make would make a high school marching band proud. If your doc provides any answers, I can't wait to hear them. I realize anything is better than being obese, but man when I was fatter, I never burped, hiccuped or gurgled. Now my stomach is a one-woman rhythm section.:phanvan Any info would be helpful.
  12. NewSho

    New gastric bypass scoring system devised

    Congrats on your weight loss. Right, sounds good. Me, too. I don't eat beef, pork, red meat, bread, almost any starches and definitely don't drink sodas in any form. Me, too. Seafood, soy, complete proteins dominate my food intake, rather than lots of fatty foods, empty carbs and worthless starches. I'm very pleased! :Banane27: Yes it is. In fact, many people here have decided to have the Lap-Band. It's wonderful that you found a procedure that works for you (I'm non-partisan about surgeries, frankly) although many patients with the LapBand here have achieved the same goals you have, and lost about the same amount of weight in approximately the same amount of time (or close to it). So you gotta realize that to for those LapBanders who have lost about the same, with a shorter & generally less-complex surgery, with a quicker recovery time, and a lower serious-complication rate, they are feeling pretty good about their decision too. Oh and it costs a lot less, also. I meet very few self-pay Mini-Bypass patients (obviously the Mexican version is more inexpensive) but the LapBand is affordable enough for many patients who pay or finance it, if the insurance companies let them down. And speaking of, I know you had your surgery in Mexico which is a similarity to many Bandsters who were banded South-of-the-Border. But it kind of fascinates me. I mean, I've seen you post on a few threads where people are deciding on RnY-vs-Band and you're always upbeat, but... being a sweets eater alone does not necessarily make the RnY (or the 'mini bypass' RnY) a better choice than the band. :nervous It's great that this particular rationale worked for you, but it's not a standard criteria as you've insinuated in some of your posts. Mini-bypass is not new, but it's not exactly the standard RnY operation, just as LapBanding isn't as common yet. I mean, quite frankly, I think the original CLOS Mini-Bypass program here in the USA, is a good one, but bypass (even the 'mini-bypass' which is kind of a contradition in terms ) is just one of the great Weight Loss Surgery choices we have. :clap2: Isn't choice great? Enjoy your Weight Loss journey.
  13. NewSho

    I am Just a SeaMonkey

    Actually Boomerang is a Cartoon Network Channel that shows the classic cartoons that adults grew up on.. (Lots of Hanna-Barbera classic cartoons from the 60's thru 70's ) TV Land is the full time channel version of Nickelodeon Channel's "Nick at Nite". TV Land used to show classic TV shows from the '50s to '70's. Now it shows TV so-called classics through the late 80's and 90's ("Cheers"? Like that doesn't come on in syndication a thousand times a day?) Just wanted to clarify!
  14. NewSho

    I am Just a SeaMonkey

    How fun. I'm going to go way back... to: School House Rock ("I'm just a bill, yeah I'm only a bill, and I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill...") Sigmund The Sea Monster (Those Sid & Marty Krofft shows were odd. I think they took a lot of drugs back then) Jem & The Holograms (Am I more Jerrica or Jem or Shayna - or am I a closet Misfit? ) not a kids show - but I loved Columbo (go figure) And then later The New Mickey Mouse Club (also Kids Inc.) Boys Meet World Kim Possible
  15. Oh I don't have much to encourage you with LookingOut. I'm a big, tall, solid gal - and you must be a tiny little petite thing. I try not to get myself wrapped up in scale numbers which is why I don't promote them. I follow my BMI closer than anything else. Just remember you're a lighter-weight Bandsters so your loss rate will be slower, and your total amount loss will be less. That's why it's SO important not to measure yourself against what other people. Everyone's height, start weight, body frame size, and metabolism makes their journey different from yours. So just keep yourself positive and know you've made a good choice FOR YOU. Everyone else is on their own path.
  16. NewSho

    Old Crush Weds Super-Obese

    Story of my life. That is exactly what I went through, NJChick. WHY didn't I take advantage then? I was too busy worrying about how I looked to ENJOY the benefits of how I looked. :scared: I won't make that mistake again. If I get the body I hope for, then I promise to only use it for evil, never for good. Just watch me... LOL :paranoid
  17. NewSho


    HUGS & Continued Best of Wishes for her.
  18. Wow, since this happened... I'm seeing more Bandsters in the (very busy, very lively) OH Chat Room now. KEEP COMING IN, it's wonderful to have new, veteran or even PreOp Bandsters come visit in there. Love to see more of you.
  19. I think I'm as about as fair and impartial (some would say TOO impartial) about the LapBanding as anyone. But there is this absolute witch in the OH chat room RIGHT NOW downing the band, she started with "OMG, is that FAILURE still on the market?" Yes, we know how I hate the "F" word - Failure. :mad: She's has now just said it's never worked, saying that the only reason it's still done is doctors stealing money. :cry I've down clear, concise, backed-with-fact responses to her crap - but her argument is, that's why there aren't any Banders in the chat room. They're not successful so they stay away. So please ANY banders - jump into the main OH chat room and show some numbers. Let's prove that we are successful, and we're not going anywhere. See ya over there, LBT folks.
  20. NewSho

    Surgery WITH the Band

    I haven't had to get unfilled before surgeries but my doctors & anesthesiologists were always fully aware of my band status. This is good because I feared being stuck around the house after surgery, and finding myself snacking out of boredom. THANKFULLY this didn't happen since I kept my fill. . I do remember that later, after surgery, it seemed I lost a bit of 'fill' when my band was moved during my TT, but luckily I felt some increased restriction (due to post surgical swelling). Anyway, I was happy I didn't get unfilled before that, either. For my gynecological surgery, I got no unfill and saw no difference. Good Luck & Happy Healing.
  21. NewSho

    conversion vbg to band?

    No, Mark. But there are some VBG (the older non-adjustable gastric band) conversion patients, but I don't know if they converted to the Swedish band. (And there is a Cousin band in Belgium, right?) All the different international band names can be a bit confusing. Hopefully some one will come here with better information. Meanwhile I would also check the ObesityHelp*com forum called "Revision" - I've seen quite a few former VBG patients there. Good Luck. ("Bumping Up" this thread so others will see it.)
  22. So true, Sleepy! Of course, I have to be the oddball. Since my "technical' post-op weight loss period, if I don't include the liquid diet phase, then I think I technically lost more weight more quickly in my 2nd year, but that was because I was better restricted. The first 9 months, I wasn't well restricted at all. In the next 6 months, things started chugging right along. Now I'm down to maybe 5-10# of my doc's (too conservative) goal, so things are going a bit slower. I would prefer to lose at least another 10# more (a bit more might even be OK, but we'll see). The weight loss is a wee bit slower because my body is finally realizing it's losing it's beloved "buffer weight." But this excess flab is being evicted - so it better pack up and get ready to get out! :clap2:
  23. Luckily I gave up carbonated drinks long ago. First I gave up Coke in the 70's and then later I realized I became a Diet Coke addict during college. EEK! I went through several a day.:faint: So in the last few years I'd have maybe 1 or 2 half servings of Diet Coke a year. And since banding? Totally unappealing - it means a ton of burping. {I'm no extremist about these sorts of things. For example, on the other hand, I like a bit of Champagne and even a Mimosa is delicious. }
  24. NewSho

    Throwing in the towel

    As usual, VinesQueen is making major sense. If you're well-restricted, cutting back on eating and really not losing - get some answers to see what else is going on. But if that's not the case - let's see what can possibly get you back on track. Gosh fellow Bandsters no human in the history of American LapBanding has struggled as much as I have. I've been there, I've felt that. Every single thing you've said, I've thought. The only difference was I knew better than to throw money (for me, anyway) at NutriSystem or Jenny Craig. I hate the food, the texture, the friggin' smell and the consistency of that stuff. It's inhumane. I got this band so I could eat real food and not be 'on a diet' for the rest of my life. When I'm well restricted, I don't make brochure-perfect choices, but oh man - my choices get a whole bunch better when I'm not hungry. I hate to see people give in so early. (This is the well-restricted NewSho speaking. When New-Sho does NOT have a good level of restriction, things don't go well.:rolleyes ) In fact, you can see when I have those "Gee,should I have gotten a RnY days" because I always come and post here. Do I want to PB and choke and sputter? No! But when I hear people say that - guess what. I always know they are usually at a higher weight, or are earlier in their banding. Many of those who will complain of this (rightfully so) are banded less than 2.0 in 4cc bands, especially. Why do I say that? Here's the dirty little secret of successful banding: Because the further in your band life you get, the more fill you need. Sounds basic, right? Think of a belt around your waist. The smaller your waist, the tighter it has to be pulled to get it to stay put. The band is not much different. When you're heavier you might need your belt closed on the last notch. But as you lose, you can move more notches inward - same with LapBanding. The more you lose, the smaller your tummy gets - the more you have to adjust the band. Most of the Bandsters I know at their goal weight (or those really skinny Bandsters, darn them :mad: ) have major amounts of fill. It's the funny little secret about the band: it takes more fill to even give you moderate restriction if you're at/near your goal weight. But they aren't PB-ing every night. This is what NOBODY told me, explained to me, or outlined for me - and I've been banded so long that my original Inamed booklet is like Copy #4. No joke! :pray2: So all that you speak of, with the "if I get more fill, I'll PB" is only true if you're generally carrying a bit more tummy around the band. That's why I scream about my fill level so much. The closer I get to goal, the more fill I really need. Please don't think that you will always PB if you get more fill - most of us need a bit of fill to lose weight. The biggest mistake I see most of us Bandsters make - is that we're improperly adjusted. Period. But once you start really losing - don't think it will be PB-ing & acid reflux each time you eat (if that happens over time, you know there's something amiss) but instead you'll be wondering if you will fill your restriction again. Man, I was so happy when I started getting re-filled and my end-of-meal hiccup (that signalled I was 'approaching' capacity ) came back. I was delighted for the restriction.:biggrin1: While still in my active losing period, I got myself a pack of Gas-X (or any Simethicone based tablet) that fought "the foamies". Or a Maximum Strength Rolaids or Rolaids Max (also including Simethicone) helped a ton. Guess what, when I stopped overeating, I had fewer PB's or discomfort. They were my "you went too far" signals and believe me, it wasn't the grilled veggies that was giving me the signal. And folks, I promise you - swear to you - it didn't last. I started eating a bit less and I began losing. And that golfball feeling wasn't around much then. They became rare. You can be banded and eat and drink and have a normal life. You can absolutely do it! I always post that my Four Favourite Food Groups are Seafood - Cheese - Fruit - and Wine. (Yes, I eat veggies, but I realized that eating too much veggies was NOT what was keeping me fat. I need to eat less of the things that were fattening me up. And the band is the only tool that allows me to do that. No diet does that. ) Now, I can drink a glass of wine*, eat seafood, eat some cheese, eat fruit and live very well. That's what I hoped for, and that's what I got. (At least today.) Heck even I may make it (to my doctors goal) and if I do it, we know I managed it without missing Happy Hour. Well, heck. We all need some kind of vices,right? :nervous So please, please, please - don't give up. I know how you're feeling - allow yourselves to really use this tool you have. * yes wine has carbs. But my doc told me I'd probably only slow my loss down a little bit - or virtually none if I watch my other carbs . So a 18-month loss time 'versus' a 21-month loss time if I keep the wine? :nervous Waiter, another Chianti please, LOL.
  25. Ah ha! The LapBanders have arrived. She's gone now, but it sure is nice having other Bandsters in the chat room. [ Oh, Congrats on the upcoming Tummy Tuck, AAA. Best thing I've done for myself, next to the band itself. ]

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