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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NewSho

  1. NewSho

    Help - advice and opinions

    Quite honestly - no one can tell you which surgery is best for you, your metabolism, your lifestyle. But this quote stands out at me: So you think that at nearly 400#, you are a better athlete than you would be if you lost 150# or more pounds with a LapBand? This makes no sense to me, honestly. I mean you can't think that the LapBand is going to interfere with your sporting activity? It doesn't, people are very active after banding with no trouble. But wow, it's incredible to me to think that at just under 400# your concern is how this will affect your sporting. I don't mean to be harsh BRD, but hopefully you will find some method that really works for you. Being obese is the toughest thing in the world, and no matter what surgery you choose I'm sure that getting 150# to 200# off your frame really will 'Transform your life' as you hope it will. Good Luck!
  2. NewSho

    Can you say how much?

    My doc set a very conservative goal of 80# (would have been higher if I had the RnY bypass, but he admitted I'd lose 10#-20# less over longer period, with LapBand) for me, but I am hoping to lose at least 10# more than his goal. We'll see how my body decides - it might have the final say!
  3. On another thread, I recommended doing a search (I'm not spamming - I don't work for him, but he done extensive presentations at ObesityHelp and other bariatric conferences) for "BodyLiftHouston" as that Plastic Surgeon now specialises in Plastics after Weight Loss Surgery. It's his primary area of interest, and let's face it, not many surgeons are devoting themselves to the OTHER half of the Weight Loss Surgery puzzle. Read his web site info - and the pictures will amaze you.
  4. NewSho

    TT vs Body Lift

    Insurance paid for my TT... Best thing I've ever done. I have some tips on getting Insurance Coverage for TT and other PS - on the "Approval" page of my PS blog that talks about it. I think there's a link on my profile page. Also I can recommend (for information) doing an Internet search for BodyLiftHouston - that plastic surgeon specialises in Plastic Surgery after Weight Loss. It's his 'thing' Good Luck!
  5. NewSho

    My NSV List

    CONGRATS! Those are wonderful NSV's indeed. The scale can not measure the pleasure of sitting comfortably in any seat, any where.
  6. NewSho

    need success tips!

    That's not enough info for us to help you BandedShopGirl. The questions about your fills/restriction level will better determine our answers. In my experience, people who want to lose, but aren't actively losing - are sometimes doing the following things (I've been guilty, so I'll use "we" on these): We aren't getting regular fills We are underfilled, and aren't experiencing enough restriction We aren't following up with our LapBand surgeon. Big one! If weight loss slows down or stops, we think we've failed, and stop going. We are taking in far too many calories (being under-restricted can lead to this) and not even Protein - which our bodies need to keep lean muscle and burn unneeded flab. Remember, you have to pick up the phone and make that appointment. The surgeon is NOT going to call you, generally. :phanvan So let us know more details, and maybe we can have suggestions. Good Luck.
  7. NewSho


    I admit it. As a single/childless gal, I like to go to Happy Hour with pals. Before surgery I told my doctor I liked a glass of wine with dinner (or an occasional margarita) and he thought it was fine as long as I was mindful of the calories/carbs. It's important to remember that after banding, we eat less, weigh less and will generally feel a "buzz" much quicker than we did before surgery. So moderation is key. Last month, I went to Vegas which is a nonstop eat and drink fest. :hungry: And although I didn't do much in the way of buffets this trip, I didn't miss a drink. And a drink didn't miss me. In fact, it's hard to not drink in Vegas - they practically push those drinks in your hand. (Not to mention the $1.50 margarita coupons they kept giving us! *hiccup* ) So basically I drank wayyyy more than usual. (Hey it's Vegas, we weren't driving,and we did tons and tons of walking, which helped.) Anyway, because I seemed to spend more time at the casinos & shops than at the dining table - I still lost an outstanding 8 lbs over those few days. And I had a ball. :clap2: Good Luck
  8. NewSho

    questions about the port

    Nana: I can imagine with your dancing that this is a definite concern, Nana. Sure lots of Bandsters here and on other sites, get theirs replaced just so they have a better silhouette. I think the LP's make a smoother line, without bulging. I got switched to a Lower Profile and it's MUCH better. The procedure itself is quick (less than 1/2 hour, sometimes 20+ minutes) and you're not under anesthesia very long - that means you "come to" quicker and recover much faster. I was in a store 2 hours after getting out of recovery, and felt rested :notagree not groggy. Some Bandsters wait until they get plastics, which makes sense. Since you're planning on PS anyway, that's a perfect time to get those little suckers switched out. During a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty, the port is often moved when the abdomen's skin is reconstructed. (My Plastic Surgeon moved my port during my TT, but I'd already replaced mine with a lower profile. I've lost weight since then, but so far it hasn't migrated back closer to the surface. We'll be looking out for any bulging! :nervous ) I recommend LP's for all PreOp Bandsters (I know many surgeons charge $300 or so more for them but it is, in my opinion, worth it) but they're weren't used very widely back when most of us here, were banded. Nowadays some surgeons only do LP's and I think that's the wave of the future. We Bandsters are so techno-savvy! :clap2: Irish: Most surgeons do NOT require you to be at goal to get a Lower Profile. Lots of time it's done whenever the patient feels self-conscious about the other one, or whenever weight loss has been significant. Perhaps your surgeon is saying 'wait til goal' because he wants to make sure you will be happy with how deep it's placed. That makes sense. Or as I said above, if you ever plan on a Nip or Tuck, get it moved then.
  9. NewSho


    And when I do get them they are usually very mild. Well, I always joke that when I get my hiccup, that means "Check, please!" :bananapartyhat: It's like a gentle signal from my band that the meal is about finished. Usuallly when I get "The Hiccup" that means time to put the fork down. (Now were I to be greedy and keep eating :hungry: after getting that first little hiccup, that means the Band is not going to be happy, and hiccups are going to become more frequent and a bit louder.) Lotsa Bandsters get the hiccups, I think they're really harmless.
  10. NewSho

    should i have the lapband surgery?

    Speaking for myself : I've been banded since the dawn of time (feels like :bananapartyhat: ) and I've never paid nor been asked to pay $800-$1000 for a fill under flouro. Fills aren't cheap but in big cities the places to get them tend to be more plentiful, often having more options. And to answer PattyBlueEyes: When all is good in the Band Universe, the insurance covers my fills, and I either pay a Co-Pay (usually $20 or $30) if I've met my deductible. (Even then the most they've ever billed my insurance was for a $425 at hospital, under flouro. I paid $20 CoPay for that. Sometimes I go out-of-network or get fills with a cash band doc. My normal cash price for a fill ranges from $100-$250 depending on whether it's under flouro or not ($100-$150 in office, $200-$250 under flouro). DS is short for Duodenal Switch which is another form of bypass weight loss surgery. We've got a couple of successful Band-to-DS'ers here (like Geezer, Rachele, and others) who can tell you more about this alternative procedure. Oh, and there is tons of information at this website: www.duodenalswitch.com Good Luck on your decision, either way.:bananapartyhat:
  11. NewSho

    I'm gonna be a TV Star!!!

    YAY! Always great to see inspiring stories with the band.
  12. NewSho

    Fill from Dr. Pleatman in Michigan

    Wow, great report. Sounds like those in Michigan have an awesome choice for fills there. Thanks.
  13. Are you seeing a theme here? BEACH? Number one, we tend to eat things at the beach/on vacation that we wouldn't eat at home. Number two, lots of Bandsters experience 'tightening' of the band in extreme heat. My band often tightens up if I'm in the sun all day but oh, if I get dehydrated - it will later SUCK that fluid out and I loose fill. It's a vicious cycle so I make SURE I stay hydrated when I'm at the beach, in extreme heat, etc. Keep it up, it gets easier. When the band is well filled, good restriction can't help but lead you to good weight loss. Good Luck.
  14. Telly There are some great suggestions, information and resources on the OH Plastic Surgery Message Forum. You read a lot of good recommendations, experiences, and see lots of results there. Good Luck
  15. NewSho

    keloids (sp?)

    Nana: Unfortunately no garment can Tighten skin that hasn't been surgically removed. The reason you sometimes get a garment afterward is to 'give support' to the area that has had surgery - it gives the patient some strength in an area that is weakened. Plus it helps keep post-surgical swelling (which is inevitable) to a more manageable minimum. In fact, after surgery almost all patients are given a medical/surgical garment in the hospital then their individual surgeons may recommend particular garments (Design Veronique garments are often recommended after plastic surgery - they are very pricey but you wear them long enough to get your money's worth. There is also Lipo In A Box which is NOT a substitute for Lipo unfortunately, but can be helpful for PreOps who want to temporarily disguise our flab and for PostOps who are dealing with swelling & circulatory isses after surgery. On the budget end - the Flexees all-in-one under garments (sold in stores, online, at Amazon,etc) are popular with Post Ops. Can any of these mimic the effect of surgery? No. Can any of them help tighten skin? No. But can they be effective as Post Op tools? Yes. This is quite a journey, indeed. Good Luck!
  16. NewSho


    DWagner With this surgery there is no relapse - its a tool we can keep working with as long as we need it. So as you've said, just pick up that phone, make that call, and get a fill. Fills don't "stay" forever and if we try to ride out a fill for months or years, we will struggle at maintaining, and might even gain. So please don't be hard on yourself and get filled (you've probably sweated off a bit of whatever you had as a fill before). Keep us posted.
  17. NewSho

    LAP band to bypass....?

    D'oh! Exactly G-Sue. If 190,000 people had Weight Loss Surgery in the USA last year, then we have an incredible number of us (in the 'States at least) for company, at this "terrible low." New Sho A Permanent Resident of "Terrible Low" ~ Population 190,000 *smile*
  18. NewSho

    Email Pal?

    D'oh! I got so excited, I forgot to include my e-mail. Band @ AllNewSho.com (of course get rid of spaces) See/chat with all of you soon.
  19. NewSho

    Surgery Approved!!!!!!

    CONGRATS Diva! We're scooting over to make room for you on the *losing* side! :Banane56:
  20. NewSho

    Fobi Pouch Gastric Bypass

    Randy Jackson? Can you believe he's the spokesman for OREO's now. His pic is right on the package (I saw it in the store, STOP THAT! *LOL*) What a crock. Anyway he did have a Lap Fobi Bypass. http://www.cstobesity.com/obesity_news.html
  21. You've got my commitment! :Banane56: I will try, I'm around, I'm not just at goal yet. Doc says 6# more is his conservative goal the wardrobe I aspire to says I need to get down at least 15# or more. But closer to goal, my weight loss has been SLOW. (*sigh*) Needless to say, I won't be going anywhere for a while. You're all stuck with me!:nervous
  22. NewSho


    Hey, there! I'm there too. See me at www.myspace.com/shosays - or add me as a friend, if you like. I'm going to be checking out the cool links posted above. Fun place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. *LOL* Kidding!
  23. NewSho

    keloids (sp?)

    Well, it looks like the TT scar (part of which was reused for my fibroid surgery) is apparently starting to thicken. UPDATE AGAIN 10 DAYS LATER - This darn scar is changing like the weather, LOL. It's actually lighter than the rest of my skin. So it's not really darker like the older parts of the incision, but lighter (I wonder if this reflects the blistering I had from the Steri-Strips tape. I'm definitely allergic to that stuff.) Hopefully this won't be the beginning of keloiding. What's so sad is, the rest of my TT scar was nice and flat. I know Silicone Sheets have worked on flattening new scars but I hadn't heard about it's results on keloiding or pre-keloiding scars. I do worry about what's going to happen when I have the Boob Lift. But if I have to have revision of the TT scar, I'll do it. Maybe when I get the Boob Lift or Lipo on whatever other procedures I need.
  24. I'm not sure if addressing this to those at goal only - will get you the widest response. Obviously many of us are at different points of our journey. But though I'm not at goal yet, but it's getting closer so maybe we can see if you can help. Your post was very brief Why is it you don't eat? Do you not have much of an appetite? Does eating certain food make you nauseous, or give you distress? Are you eating protein first? At goal it's OK to mix in a few more carbs too Most importantly: What's your band size and fill level?If you're being goal, you are probably very tightly restricted, I assuming. But we won't know until you tell us all details. And finally, what does your doctor's office say? Often I notice people at goal sometimes don't visit their surgeons offices much anymore even though that's the only way to make sure you're at the correct restriction level. Is that your case? Let us know!
  25. I guess that's your take. Don't you think lots of other people have LapBanding recommended by their doctors, for the same health reasons? Of course they do. That is not what is medically indicated for Obesity Surgery - nor by international bariatric standards and certainly not the standards utilised here in the 'States. That's ironic. I'm reading your statistics in your signature. If you're aiming to lose 75kg ( 165#) and you call that vanity? Wow, people really do have different viewpoints on this. I would consider you being 165# more than a vanity issue, it would seem to be a health issue. Obviously you felt differently. I've expressed clearly that I had this surgery to look (and secondarily to feel) better. Now in my case I thought 90 extra pounds was affecting my looks. In your case, you came to that realization at the 165# mark. OK, again, difference in viewpoint. No one suggested it or forced it on me. I very dedicatedly got myself approved (initially for RnY bypass) on my own with sheer will. My aim was to lose about 38kg - 40kg (85-90 lbs) or so. Yet I had been so overweight for so long, and was so weary of fighting obesity that I gladly welcome a tool that offered long term solutions. And I consulted with over a half dozen (more, actually) of the top bariatric professionals with both international (and national) outstanding reputations. They agreed to me seeking bypass due to my incredibly long and generally failed diet history. These surgeons were all quite trustworthy and did lengthy consults with me. The consensus was this: surgeons estimated I'd lose approx. 90-100# with the RnY bypass in just over a year or so. Bingo - right where I wanted to be. In fact, with RnY I might lose a bit more than I needed, which could be a welcome change for once. When I expressed interest in the LapBand (which was done in Europe where I used to study & live) my eventual surgeon said'd probably lose about 80# with the LapBand but it would take somewhat longer due to having no malabsorption. It was a brand new method but I was interested. We both agreed that it was a great choice for a single, childless woman. I thought it was worth trading losing 10#-20# less with the LapBand in light of the benefits. What I didn't realize was that many of the things I thought I was avoiding with the bypass (complications) did pop up with the LapBand, and I still lost far more slowly than either me or my LapBand surgeon thought it would take. So hopefully everyone makes the right choice for them, but it's important to realise we all have different aims, goals and beliefts that may affect our choice. It's good to have faith in having made the right choice, but it's still admirable to be objective about the other choices that are out there.

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