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Alicia Duncan

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Alicia Duncan

  1. And, to Deeme, I was kind of spitting up the same white foamy saliva and still do sometimes if I eat something my body doesn't really tolerate well. When you eat, try taking very small bites of bland food and make sure your spacing out your bites to about one every 4-6 minutes. Yeah, it will take a while to eat and chew but at the end of the day it's better for your body. Try going back to liquids for a few days to see if it passes. Maybe try some antacids cause for me, the spitting and gagging is usually due to extra stomach acid splashing up, the antacids didn't work for me but it couldn't hurt too much for you to try. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Thank you all for your responses! The blood stopped after that night and my doctor recommended I backtrack to liquids for a few days which helped a lot. The burning sensation was indeed due to stomach acid which wasn't really helped by antacids but I notice that very bland and blended foods didn't cause the same symptoms. Even though my dietitian has been recommending that I try to get on solid foods, I've been taking it very slow in order to see what i'm able to tolerate.

    Again, thanks so much for all the responses and concern! You are all awesome!

  3. Okay I know it's a little gross, but a few hours ago I ate some chicken (I made sure to chew really really well and I only had about two small bites) because I've been trying to introduce soft foods into my diet. Well it had a little bit of spice in it and since then, I've been having a really giant and painful burning sensation all throughout my esophagus and chest. I've been spitting out a lot of extra mucus and burping a bunch.

    Just a few minutes ago, I noticed some black, thick, mucus come up during my burping/spitting/gagging and there's quite a bit of it now. They are like small little globs and are kind of blackish-brownish. I just gagged up a really big glob and I'm starting to feel a lot better, not as nauseated and not as fatigued, and the burning seems to just come and go within a timespan of a few seconds. I tried to drink some Water and it helps a little bit but it just feels so cold. I also dry heaved once but all that happened was that I spit up some mucus but there was definitely a small amount of blood.

    I called my doctor and the only thing that he said that if it continued to get worse then to go to the ER, which would be very hard since I'm out of state right now. He couldn't really tell me what it was and I was just wondering if anyone out there might know what it could be and how to get rid of this painful burning.

    Thank you all so much!!

  4. Thanks so much to everyone that responded! The advice is great! I know I'll have fun, my doctor said to "take it easy" when it comes to rides but I think that I'll have fun even though I won't be able to go on a lot (lol at least I have a good reason to not go on the Tower of Terror!) And, I'll make sure to get a scooter or wheelchair when I get there just because I'm typically in a constant state of discomfort and wouldn't want to push myself too hard (YAY for handicap line access).

    We're heading there tomorrow and it's going to be awesome thanks to all of the great advice!

  5. So, yeah I'm nearly 2 weeks out currently. And am going to Disney World on the 17th. By that time I'll be slightly over 2 weeks and should be moved onto a soft food diet if everything is going well and healed up properly. I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice for rides, getting around the parks, and food that would be okay to eat while there. I'm going to be there for five days and will have Protein Shakes on hand just in case there's an issue with getting my Protein in.

    Any advice and words of wisdom would be appreciated as this is my first time going and I just had the surgery on the 30th of November. Thanks so much for the help!

  6. Okay so let me begin by saying that I'm still very happy I got this surgery and I don't regret it at all.

    However, I've noticed a sharp pain below my breast bone literally every time I take a deep breath or swallow something. It makes eating very difficult and I'm scared of not being able to take in enough liquids and Protein to keep my body working out okay. It hasn't really seemed to get any better since I left the hospital and to be quite honest I'm not even sure if it's from the Gastric Sleeve procedure or the hiatal hernia repair that my surgeon did when he found one during the procedure. I've never had acid reflux or any indication that I had a hiatal hernia. I didn't even know about it until he told me he "fixed" it after I woke up from the gastric sleeve surgery.

    Anyway, while I'm happy I got the surgery and am starting on my weight loss journey once again, I'm still scared that something might go wrong with my inability to handle swallowing too much and taking deep breaths. If anyone has any answers to what might be causing it, I'd love to hear about it :). I'm going to the surgeons tomorrow for a 2 week post-op appointment so hopefully I'll be able to update this.

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