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Posts posted by Fluffygirl45

  1. Thanks everyone, it does seem like one thing after another and when I spoke to the bariatric coordinator and she wouldn't give me another date my heart sank. I ended up in tears the whole day. I am NOT giving up though. She said continue with my testing. Today I got my Upper GI and tomorrow is my pre surgery support group. As soon as I can handle the pain issue and see this specialist I am calling her for a new date. I appreciate all your replies, I really do!!! ((hugs))

  2. So I had my surgery scheduled for March 9th and unfortunately had to reschedule that due to a dental issue. So it was set to March 16th and unfortunately this dental issue has not been resolved and I am waiting to see a specialist. At this point I have been on antibiotics, pain meds, and now trying to get by with OTC pain medicine until I can get it resolved. So today I had to ask for more time for my surgery and I officially have NO date for it right now until I can resolve this dental issue. I am angry, mostly because the dentist that was filling in at my normal office messed up. I won't go into it all, but the whole point of me taking care of this at the end of last year was so it would NOT interfere with my surgery and now...it is. I am frustrated and sad and the surgery coordinator said if I get it done soon she might still be able to fit me in for March. I am very down. Since the beginning of the year I have had an upper respiratory infection, then the flu, then bronchitis and now the tooth. I feel mentally and physically weary (still in tooth pain) and wondering if I will ever get to this surgery I have worked so hard for. I don't even know if I feel well enough FOR surgery...sigh. Just needed to vent.

  3. I saw the doctor yesterday and it is set for March 9th, one month from today! I also lost another 10lbs which puts me down to 50 lost from my highest. I am feeling pretty psyched about it, and a little nervous too. There some blood work and another test I need to, as well as the pre surgery group meeting, so this morning has been about setting those appointments. I know this is the right thing to do and I have been keeping myself on the right track for the most part. I am also a little nervous about starting the pre surgery diet (which I begin the 22nd ( loads of paperwork, I am glad I've kept a folder) but I know I can do it!!! :)

  4. I'm in my middle 40's. I didn't need it in my 20's and I think I still lament how I let myself get so bad off.

    In my 30's I had endometrial hyperplasia and and currently in menopause. Does it restart your periods or are you stuck with where you are on that?

    I'll never be a grandma, but what you said resonates with me. I want to be one of those older people who can go on hikes and travel with ease and not burdened with weight related health issues. I want to RUN and do things I haven't done in a long time, and I guess wrinkled skin or not the surgery will let me do that. :)

  5. Ever since my psych visit (the last thing for me to accomplish and now it's waiting for approval and doctor visit) I have been plagued with doubt. Everyone asks if I am excited and I wish I could say I was, but I just feel afraid, and unsure if I am ready for such a life change. I've not started the pre op diet yet but I've been upping my Water and and lowering portions for my meals. I felt extremely motivated when I first started this process and now..I don't know. I am emotional and wondering if this is the right decision.

    Over a year ago on my own I started my own eating and exercise plan. I lost inches and I lost 30lbs. I improved my BP and cholesterol. I have been proud of myself but....30lbs in year was HARD...and it seemed like it should have been more for all the hard work I was putting in. What if I do this and it doesn't work? If I try to do it on my own without the surgery I feel like I'll be in my 60's and still battling the weight but what if it doesn't work for me? it's bringing up this sense of hopelessness, esp if I end up looking older, and my hair thinning and any skin hanging. (it's already hanging on my arms from where I've lose the (current) 42lbs)

    I know I have to get myself out of this attitude. My apologies for seeming like a downer..maybe I shouldn't write this but it's definitely on my mind. I suppose I asking what doubts anyone else had and did anything help to get past them?

  6. I hope this is an okay place to put this.

    Tonight was my last support group meeting. All I have left is my psych eval on the 2nd and then time to schedule the surgery date pending approval. I've been doing well overall, lost 16 lbs between all 3 nutrition appointments even after Thanksgiving. (Worried about Christmas though.) I have lost a combined total of 42 lbs so far from my highest.

    Anyway, today I didn't eat much, went to the meeting and afterwards I was starving. I went to a drive through...the first one I'd been to in 3 months and what did I do? I overate...BADLY. I was shoving food in like a maniac and still felt hungry after. I let myself overeat due to going into starvation mode, and I let an email I got affect me emotionally and I didn't even know it was until after eating all that mess and the guilt set in. Grrrrr!!!! So pissed at myself for doing this, esp after feeling a little off kilter with Christmas.

    So, this is me making myself accountable...being honest and saying I screwed up...and I can't let myself screw up when I am this close. I think I am trying to sabotage myself because I am afraid of change...afraid of what life could be like when I am comfortable (maybe) where I am. It's okay to embrace this change...it's okay to take care of myself and let myself imagine a better future. I remember the time I was thin and in shape and able to do all sorts of things like ride a bike and run. I WANT to run again. I want to be more than I am. I am the only one who can change my life.

    Okay....sigh. Vented...being honest...feel better. I screwed up and tomorrow is a new day:)

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