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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KelinTx

  1. KelinTx

    Hair Loss

    The good news is that it does eventually taper off then stop. I lost a TON of hair and when it started growing back in i had all these short new growth pieces that stuck up. I really think that surgery and anesthesia play a part in it also because after i had port replacement surgery 6 months ago i went through a period of hair loss yet again. It was not as severe but it happened.
  2. KelinTx

    sweet spot weight loss

    I think alot of it depends on how much you have to lose. I am thrilled if i lose a pound a week at this stage of the game.
  3. I am one of the folks who could definitely benefit from some plastic surgery. I do have alot of excess skin. Clothed i look great though. For the time being im not pursuing any plastics, perhaps in the future after i reach my goal and maintain it for at least 6 months then i will consider it.
  4. KelinTx

    After Band eating questions

    I can still eat anything that i ate prior to being banded and im filled to 9.2 in the large VG band. Can i eat alot of it , no way. If there is one thing i have learned is that i can be just as happy with 3 or 4 bites of whatever.
  5. Mine also takes a day or two to kick in....then its like WHAMMO!!
  6. KelinTx

    It's been a Minute...

    I think its totally unfair for someone to make a statement in regards to long term banding and problems with out having facts to back up what they said. All this does is freak people out. Im nearing the 3 year mark have been amazingly successful and problem free to boot!
  7. KelinTx

    Vacation ?'s

    I was banded two and a half years ago and have traveled and vacationed frequently during that time. I have never had an issue with flying causing tightness in my band, or issues with metal detectors in the airports. I have done the Disney thing several times.... rode everything without incident. Many a journey out of the country without a problem as well. In fact everything has improved travel wise since being banded!
  8. More often then not when i get pain from eating a certain food 1. It was not chewed well enough 2. Was not a small enough bite 3. Was not something i should of been eating anyhow! The pain deters me from eating lots of things and thank god for that. Don't let it stop you from getting your fill.
  9. KelinTx

    What happens when???????

    Ill second everything that Jachut said in the post above. I asked my doc about the possibility of maxing out on fills. I do not recall his exact words but they were something to the effect of the bands do in fact hold more then the recommended max. I currently am filled to 9.2 in the large VG band. I had a fill exactly 2 weeks ago today. They added only .5 cc . Before i had that fill i was able to eat for example an entire healthy choice dinner. Mind you that is not very much by normal standards but for me it was alot. After this last fill i am only able to eat half of a healthy choice. So yes the more fills you have the less it takes to get the desired effect. Level of restriction also is a personal preference. Myself i prefer to keep my self restricted enough to where its impossible for me to over indulge because i still am learning not to want to eat like my former 359lb self.
  10. Jason what a great attitude you have! Keep up the positive thinking. Best of luck on your journey.
  11. KelinTx

    can you feel your port?

    I had port replacement 6 months ago and now have the low profile small port. I can still feel it though if i press on the area. I do not think it will get to the point where it protrudes.
  12. KelinTx

    Dizzy and Lightheaded

    I also in the very early stages of being banded had alot of lightheaded episodes. What helped me was Gatoraid watered down to half gatoraid half water.
  13. KelinTx

    Texans Bandsters

    Count me in from Mckinney!
  14. KelinTx

    Who loves their band?

    I have been banded 2 and a half years and i LOVE MY BAND. I have never had any major issues. I did need port replacement but not because of any fault of my own. I developed a leak because of a faulty needle (least thats what i was told). So it was really no big deal other then having to recoup a few fills. So i will gladly sing its praises to anyone. The majority of the "nancy negative" posts i see on here in my opinon are from those who are not and have not been compliant with standard band rules and have not done the homework to find out what to expect or rushed into this thinking it was a magical solution.
  15. KelinTx

    My band is a nightmare!

    I hope you will keep us posted when you find out why this happened! I am in shock that this occurred within 6 months of being banded. If i may ask....were you compliant with the post op dietary rules, im just curious.
  16. KelinTx

    Designer Jeans?

    One of the things on my list of to do's was to get an outrageously expensive pair of jeans when i felt small enough to pull it off. My goal is to get a pair of True Religion brand or 7 for all mankind or Rock and Republic. I look at them whenever i go in the upscale hoity toity stores and the brands i see most frequent expensive brands i run across are Chip and Pepper True Religion Rock and Republic Frankie B 7 for all mankind Paper Denim They go in price from the high 100's to 300's.
  17. I can tell you with complete honesty that since i have been banded i have not deprived myself. I find that if i feel that ive neglected myself something that i truly wanted, i do myself worse damage. So when the occasion comes up if i want a piece of candy or cake or pie or ice cream or french fries ......what ever the case may be. I have it, BUT... only a few bites, and i do not make it an every day occasion. I attribute my long term success to this, as i basically eat what i want only VERY LITTLE of it. Its my band that enables me to be content with just a few bites of whatever.
  18. Salad is an iffy thing for alot of bandsters, let alone at 3 weeks post op. Im sure you are fine but i would not try and eat salad again for a few more weeks. Salad greens and the things that are usually accompanying them really make your stomach work hard at digestion. Give yourself and your band a lil more healing time before doing the hard core veggies.
  19. You know ill just toss it out there and say I HATE TO EXERCISE!! At the start of this journey at 359 lbs there was not much i could do. I did a lil walking and a lil treadmill, the weight did fly off. Low and behold the weight stopped FLYING OFF, i joined a gym........and it really has helped me maintain a steady weight loss since.
  20. I am filled to 9.2 cc in the large VG band, i had a very small fill last wed. I would say i am at my sweet spot or even a tad beyond it as i must be VERY VERY carefull when i eat or drink for that matter. Yesterday here is what i was able to eat. First thing in the am 1 small cup of coffee Later in the am 1 bottle Water with ice tea Protein powder 11 am 1 balance Protein Bar 1:30 Mac & cheese (did not go well) ate 4 small bites and threw the rest away 3 pm cup of coffee 4 pm 1 low fat string cheese stick 5:30 bottle of water 6:45 1 lean cuisine cajun shrimp and chicken steamer, left over about 4 bites of it 7:30 1 cadburry Peanut Butter egg ( i know i know! but at least im being honest) 9pm cracked open another water (drank bout half of it)
  21. KelinTx

    Cravings for Sweets - What do you do?

    The jello sugar free puddings are SOOO GOOD and under 100 calories. I buy the light cool whip in a can and swirl some on top and the whole thing is 100 calories. Feels super indulgent cuz it tastes so great and is satisfying to boot! Saw them do this on the biggest loser and i have one a few times a week.
  22. I did not see any mention of how much you needed to lose. If its less then 100 lbs is bypass even an option? I started out needing to lose at least 200 lbs, the only plus side for the bypass surgery for me would have been a quicker result. The number one reason im glad i went the lapband route is this......when properly restricted its impossible for me to overindulge. Of course its my responsiblilty to maintain that certain level of restriction but with the bypass surgery you do not even have the option to adjust the amount of food your able to consume. As far as the loose skin thing goes, that should not even be a factor in considering one surgery over the other in my opinion. If you need to lose over 150 lbs chances are loose skin is just gonna be a fact no matter how old or athletic ya are. But at least its fixable LOL. Good luck to you in whatever path you choose!
  23. KelinTx

    stalling BIG time!! HELPPPPP!!!!!

    Water ...... water........ water and more water and i bet that scale takes a downward dip!
  24. KelinTx

    able to eat anything

    My question is what do you mean by eat anything? Do you mean anything that your doctor has put on your allowed list? Your post indicates that you have not even been banded 2 weeks yet. I can not say strongly enough how important it is to follow the dietary restrictions during the healing phase. You can do great harm to your band and to yourself by ignoring these.
  25. I was very fortunate to never have experienced the dreaded PB till i was banded well over a year and a half. To this day i have only had it happend a handfull of times. Each time it was due to letting myself get overly hungry then taking to big of bites in rapid succession. So if i could offer one piece of advice it would be to eat slowwwwwwwwww and if u feel your bite was to big, chew it to death and dont swallow it all at once.

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