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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lex2287

  1. On 09/21/2022 at 07:14, Hop_Scotch said:

    15lb in three weeks while healing is pretty good as far as I am concerned regardless of surgery date weight. Is your profile up todate? It shows your current weight as 245lb.

    No my current weight is 255. Day of revision is was 270. My mom made a comment about I looked like I was losing weight but the scale doesn’t budge. It goes up like a pound but never down. 😩

  2. I am 3 weeks post-op revision from sleeve to bypass. I have only lost 14 lbs in total since surgery. I have been following my plan and increasing my Protein. I brought up my concerns at my follow up and the surgeon said I most likely will not lose anymore weight. I am extremely frustrated and discouraged. Only thing is my gerd is better but I am and was hoping for additional weight loss since I gained about 50 lbs since my original sleeve surgery 5 years ago.. due to pregnancy and gerd. Anyone else in this boat or experience this on their journey that can help me out!

  3. I haven’t really paid much attention to my clothing since I literally wear the same thing everyday since I am a uniformed employee. I really hope the Dr is wrong because I really was hoping for additional weight loss that I couldn’t achieve with the sleeve. I have been doing everything I’m supposed to do minus cheating once and having a few sips of coffee. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  4. I had sleeve to bypass revision on Aug 29. I have only lost 14 lbs. I had the revision due to severe reflux.. my dr told me he doubted I would lose anymore than I already have at my follow up Monday. It was really discouraging. I have about 80 lbs to lose and hearing I probably wouldn’t lose more with this surgery was a blow. I have been getting my fluids and Proteins in with no issues. I don’t feel like I have restriction either. The scale hasn’t budged since I was 1 week post op. My concerns were shrugged off at my drs office and I didn’t know where else to turn. Can someone give me some insight or point me in another direction? I need this additional weight off too :( help.

  5. I am looking for revision due to GERD and a little weight gain back from sleeve. My GERD is so bad I have been waking up choking on it. I called BCBS to ask them their requirements and the woman referenced me to a page in the book that clearly states NOTHING about revision requirements. I’m miserable. The dr office won’t even look at me u til I find out if revision is covered by my insurance and they simply just won’t give me a yes or no answer.

  6. I was sleeved in nov 2017 and lost 120 lbs then I fell pregnant and just had my baby nov 2019. I did fairly well during my pregnancy and only put on 22 lbs.. since giving birth, I was put on antidepressants for PPD and have had a raging appetite and have definitely gained back some weight. With the gyms being closed and raising an infant on my own, I haven’t been taking the best care of myself or making good food decisions. PLEASE help me get back on track! How can I start the weight loss again? I am miserable and want to be healthy for my baby boy 😭

  7. I had VSG in November 2017. I lost 121 lbs in 12 months following my surgery. I got pregnant in December of 2018 and it resulted in a miscarriage. However, I fell pregnant again not even 2 months after I miscarried and did not follow any specific nutrition while I was pregnant. I gained 40 lbs during my pregnancy and I lost 23 of them and want to lose the remaining and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight plus lose more to get back on track. What is the best and easiest way to get back to this and nix my bad eating/drinking habits??? I am suffering from postpartum depression too so I food has been a crutch for me 😩 please no rude comments as I’m trying to overcome the PPD and my weight gain.

  8. Anyone have blue cross blue shield (federal) that has had revision or going thru the process? I am trying to get options/opinions.. I have about 6 months before I will be able to do this (pregnancy) but my gerd has been a monster for the last year and even worse with this pregnancy.. I have only gained 7 lbs so not worried about weight loss issue, although it will be helpful after my pregnancy to lose the additional baby weight.. called my insurance today and I think they were confused on what I was asking.. I just want to know what I have to do to be covered by my insurance to have revision done??

  9. Hi everyone! I am approximately 9 weeks pregnant and feel super bloated and have already gained a few pounds and it is making me extremely nervous.. I had wanted to talk to my surgeon about my constant stall no matter what I was doing and my terrible reflux to get revision surgery prior to me getting pregnant.. now, I am not due until November, and was wondering how long after I give birth should I approach the revision? I am not going to breast feed due to my line of work and would like to have the revision done while I’m on maternity leave so I don’t have to take additional time off from work. Anyone do this or have any pointers? I’m super stressed about the weight gain :(

  10. I need help... I fell off the wagon... not too terrible but I have gained about 12 lbs. I got pregnant in October and just miscarried about 5 weeks ago and I have been severely depressed and eating things that are not good for me... I haven’t been to the gym or done anything except go to work. I lay in bed all day and sleep. I have recently seeked help for the depression and I finally got out of bed today and went shopping and felt good until I got home.. what can I do to get back to lose the 12 lbs I gained plus more? I’m about 20 months out from surgery... I’m just terrified I will never lose again and keep gaining. Please no negative comments about my poor eating habits. Kicking those to the curb starting now.. thank you.

  11. I am 13 months post-op and got a positive pregnancy test today. I am really worried that I am going to gain so much weight back and never be able to lose it after working so hard these last 13 months. I have yet to tell the guy I am seeing about it too, because I am not sure how to approach it and tell him. I am mainly worried about gaining all my weight back and really don’t want to :( anyone out there that has been thru this and can help me feel better about this? :(

  12. I seemed to fall off the wagon after my ex boyfriend assaulted me and I can’t seem to get out of the funk.. I haven’t gained, but I haven’t lost. I started at 324 and am sitting at 228. I really need to start getting more Protein again.. only getting about 20g a day now and that is extremely low. I am going to try intermittent fasting and see if that helps.. thinking about doing a pouch reset as well to get rid of the cravings for sweets and carbs that I have been finding comfort in... thanks!

  13. I was sleeved 11/29/17.. I have lost a total of 96 lbs and I have been stalled for the last 5 weeks at the same weight.. I have tried incorporating more to my workouts and nothing is helping.. I am getting really discouraged and have been making poor food/drink choices the last few weeks! I really need to get back on track and start losing again but I don’t know what to do!!! Am I done losing? I still weigh 228 lbs and that isn’t anywhere close to my goal :(

  14. This is very common in many Protein shakes.. it is where the protein settles.. it is not bad.. just is unpleasant from the texture. If you contact Premier Protein directly, they will get information from you off the box and gladly replace it all for you at no charge. I know this because it happened to me and the chunks creeped me out. They’re nothing but easy and great to deal with!

  15. I had my gallbladder out on Thursday and have been extremely fatigued, way more than I was with my VSG 7 months ago.. not sure what is different but I sleep all day and am still extremely tired when I wake up. I never felt this way with my sleeve.. I was back to work 2 days after my sleeve and had a decent amount of energy. My gallbladder surgery has literally drained what life I had left in me.. ready for a nap again after sleeping 13 hours last night.

  16. I will be 7 mos post-op on Friday and will be having my gallbladder out on Thursday.. I am so much more nervous for this.. what can I expect? Is the pain as much as it is after being sleeved? Dreading it! Just want to feel better and eat without feeling like I’m being stabbed to death :-/

  17. I was checked pre-op for gallstones and I didn’t have any. My Bariatric surgeon is doing my gallbladder surgery too and he said that a lot of bariatric patients develop gallbladder issues and have to have them removed due to a lot of factors like rapid weight loss and acid reflux. Just glad to finally know what was wrong and now we can fix that!

  18. Ok... so for all of you that wanted to know what was wrong with me, I FINALLY got answers today! The same thing happened again to me on June 8... and stopped on June 11.. then again Tuesday so I was sent for an ultrasound.. doctor called me today and told me my gallbladder needed to come out ASAP! So I just scheduled my gallbladder removal surgery for next Thursday! :( ugh I’m a mess over it... hate the feeling from the gas from surgery. Dreading it so much... just excited to be feeling better after it’s gone!

  19. Ok... so for all of you that wanted to know what was wrong with me, I FINALLY got answers today! The same thing happened again to me on June 8... and stopped on June 11.. then again Tuesday so I was sent for an ultrasound.. doctor called me today and told me my gallbladder needed to come out ASAP! So I just scheduled my gallbladder removal surgery for next Thursday! :( ugh I’m a mess over it... hate the feeling from the gas from surgery. Dreading it so much... just excited to be feeling better after it’s gone!

  20. I have BCBS federal and the doctors office did all my paperwork. I was approved in 3 days and had to do supervised diet for 3 months prior to my surgery but after I was approved I had my surgery less than a week after the insurance was notified and I was back to work 4 days after surgery and I work as a law enforcement officer

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