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Posts posted by sarhgrif

  1. Yes, I’m going to ask them to retest my blood sugar, when the nurse called with my results she said it was a concern, even though I shared with her I did not fast and was told I didn’t need to fast. She said the normal range for fasting was 65-99. And clearly if I had eaten it would be elevated. I did test my blood sugar this morning before eating or drinking and it was 102. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. I had roux en y last February, I’m over one year out and down 171 pounds and counting! So that’s great 😁
    I had my one year lab results returned and the nurse wants me to talk to my primary about my glucose which was 119 the day of labs. The doctor told me specifically that it was not a fasting lab, and I did eat before the labs.
    My father had type 2 diabetes but has since managed it and is now only on metformin and no longer needing insulin.
    My labs before surgery were around 60, which was fasting and I have never dealt with this issue even weighing over 300 pounds and living off of sweets and junk food.
    Has anyone else experienced this?!

  3. Please give bumble a try, better than any other app I’ve tried and I’m terrible at initiating conversation.still haven’t found the one, but it will happen some day! I’m in no rush and perhaps being picky ;)

  4. Just had my IUD removed after 5 years. Loved it. I did have about 2 months of spotting after getting it and then hardly any periods until this year, not sure if it was WL or that it was getting old but I’m getting another in 2 weeks!! Love it

  5. Dark room- good advice!
    However it doesn’t seem to go that direction. Clearly I’m not a skinny person, clothed or unclothed, I just KNOW it’s not what they’re expecting. I also know some men may not mind, it’s much more a confidence issue with me!
    Lights off, I’ll rock your world. Lights on, I’m timid and shy! 😂😂

  6. I feel you, this whole “dating” thing is a lot of work, especially mentally. I’m down about 130 pounds and the confidence I feel is really high until I start considering a future. (Clothed, I feel I look amazing. Thinking of being with someone intimately scares me to death!)

  7. I hoped to have dumping bc of bypass. Honestly I’ve had dumping symptoms due to fast food too. If dumping is a result of eating things you shouldn’t, it prevents you from doing it again. Which for me was a huge positive. Let’s be honest, there’s absolutely no reason to eat sweets or junk food. I’ve cut out so much significantly. I’ve never heard of someone being hospitalized due to dumping. I guess you could go but not much they can do for you. I’ve never thrown up due to dumping but learned my lesson pretty quickly. It keeps me from trying others so that’s good for me. Dumping sucks but it keeps me on track. I still have to hold my self accountable as it doesn’t do it for everything.

    Sw- 363 (2/27/18)

  8. I opted for bypass bc I knew sweets were my biggest problem, I was really hoping for bad dumping even if I touched a sweet. I wasn’t lucky to get that but still at this point it’s better than craving sweets. I literally might only mentally crave a sweet maybe once a week. I take one maybe two bites and I’m finished. I needing help detoxing from sugar. It’s extremely addictive. But I’m hoping even if I’m the future I’m able to eat it more that I’m so used to not eating it now that I will find it satisfying after a couple of bites or perhaps a serving rather than a whole box!!! Haha. Don’t let yourself get back into the habit though. I’m sure you could push through and then get hooked back on it.
    No regrets at all only wish I would have done it sooner! Good luck. Surgery 2/27 I was 363
    Today 297.6!!!!!!!

    Sw- 363 (2/27/18)

  9. My problem was sweets before surgery. I could pretty good until evening then find myself craving sweets and eat way too many. I don’t have dumping as much as I wish I would. I can manage some sweets without adverse reactions. But honestly, they don’t taste good anymore. Rare occasions my head will crave a bit of ice cream, it’s horrible I can’t stand it anymore. That used to be my favorite.
    I’m almost 4 months post op

    Sw- 363 (2/27/18)

  10. Well I’m up a pound from last week I had a semi-off day with diet this past weekend and woke up to a 5-7 pound increase!!! The next day I was down a few from that and today I was 310. Pretty bummed and not really sure what happened but I am determined to be out of the 300s by the end of May!!

    Sw- 363 (2/27/18)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
