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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kjnelson

  1. Well, I had surgery again on May 15th. I was regaining weight and still in the obese category. BMI 40. I think surgery was easier the first time. I saw others had issues but I didn’t. This time I am. It is painful to swallow, I get spasms in my stomach and esophagus. I have a foamy phlegm that stays stuck in my throat. I am learning how to spit that up but I am not getting in very much liquid or food. I hope this gets better soon. Anyone else have foamy phlegm?

  2. I had my 1 year check up a month late. I was 285 at my highest weight, 261 pre-surgery. I now weigh 183. I have only lost 10 pounds in the past 6 months. I stopped focusing on losing weight and just tried to maintain weight. I have been fighting cancer the past 6 months and that has been my focus. I am happy with how I have done as my cancer meds cause weight gain. My battle with cancer will never be over but I am at a place where I feel I can focus on my weight but will admit I could be happy at this weight. My goal is to lose another 15 pounds and settle for weighing around 165 pounds. Let’s not give up the fight. I feel so much better with the weight off.

  3. So, I have been successful at maintaining my weight but still need to lose more. I would like to lose 20 more. I started logging my food again. Hope to get more walking in. I will be getting a stem cell transplant in about 4 weeks so that gives me a little more time to drop a few. After the transplant who knows what will happen. I do know I won’t have a lot of energy. I will probably rely on the Protein Shakes a lot then.

  4. On 12/20/2017 at 15:46, She_whirls said:

    I had to take off my wedding rings and bought silicone ones a size smaller. I bought boots that actually go up my calves.

    HW: 282.2
    SW: 255.4
    CW: 226

    First time ever for me to have knee high boots. I resized my wedding rings.

  5. On 12/20/2017 at 16:42, ChaosUnlimited said:

    I parked in a tight parking space and was still able to squeeze out of my door, without touching the car next to me. In the past I would not have been able to get out of my car.

    Omg, isn’t that a great feeling. I used to have to ask hubby to pull the car out of the parking space so it would be easier for me to get in. No more. Parking is not a problem anymore.

  6. I am real glad I am checking in with all of you. I am getting some real good motivation from all of you to keep working at this. I am down 100 pounds which is awesome. I could really stand to lose another 50 but I think I will set my next goal to lose 20 more pounds. For the past month I have been going up and down 3 pounds. I am not trying real hard. Eating at a maintenance level. It could also be the dexamethasone I take every week too. It can cause severe weight gain and did in the past. It just means I need to try harder I believe. I am fighting cancer again but I am not going to let that stop me from losing this weight. So keep the stories coming, they help.

  7. On 07/09/2018 at 15:27, walleyecrazy said:

    I just got some news today that I’ve been hoping to avoid. Last week I had some pretty bad abdominal pain over the course of about 5 days. After having some tests done it was determined that my gallbladder is full of stones and will have to come out. Not looking forward to another surgery, but it has to be done and I can’t wait to get it over with.
    That does stink but you will feel so much better with the gall bladder out. Your gall bladder gone can cause some irritable bowel issues. Watch for that. I had my gall bladder removed back when they cut you open about 6 inches. Terrible scar from that. Worth it though. The gall bladder pain was worse than child birth. Good luck and quick healing.

  8. On 06/27/2018 at 21:06, clg61753 said:

    I had surgery October 21, I’ve lost right at 52 lbs. I started at 207. It is a struggle. I’m eating more. Takes me more to feel full. I’m not sure if it’s in my head or not. I need to get back on track NOW!!! Today has been a bad day - tomorrow I am focusing on a day of liquid / pre-op - for tomorrow and Friday. If I didn’t lose another pound I’m happy - but I would like to lose another 10 lbs. I need encouragement!!

    Let today go. I had a bad day too. Tomorrow doesn’t have to be the same. Doing a pre-op diet for a couple days is a good idea. You got this.

  9. I was sleeved on October 11, 2017. I feel good about my decision. I am down 75 pounds since surgery. Down 100 pounds from my heaviest weight. Weight loss isn’t as easy now. I really have to work hard on the head game portion. Eating is too easy and nothing bothers my stomach so I really need to pay attention to avoid old habits. I still feel some restriction but I push the limits a lot. I also recently started taking some medication that causes weight gain but so far I have been able to keep my weight in check. So bottom line is, I have done well but it’s getting harder but I refuse to give up. This was a lifestyle change that I must stick too. How is everyone else doing?

  10. Hey all. I was sleeved April 2nd. I had to stay in the hospital extra day because of a low hemoglobin. Anyways I was discharged on Weds night. I discontinued narcotics Thursday (there's a history there) and have been managing with Tylenol. Saturday (yesterday) I felt really great, actually drove around the block to Walgreens. I was all over my incentive spirometer as well, maybe too much? Now when I take a deep breath I get a pain under my right breast. I sent an email to my Dr's service. But would overdoing the spirometer be a potential reason for the pain? I'm afraid to use it more and further injure myself, but know it's crucial to my recovery.
    Anyone else ever experience something similar?

    So I did have some chest pain several days after surgery. I had some Fluid build up around my lungs. Probably due to me not using the spirometer. It took about a week for the pain to subside.

  11. VSG on 10/11/17

    HW 285
    SW 261
    CW 208

    My doctor at my 3 month said I was a little ahead of the game plan in the weight loss. I see so many success stories of larger amounts of weight loss I thought I was doing poorly. I guess it’s an individual thing and shouldn’t stress if I am not losing weight as quickly as others. I keep having struggles with myself to be careful to not add bad food choices into my day. It’s a daily conversation with myself. I am happy with my progress and plan to keep going strong!

  12. IMG_20180207_021151_710.thumb.jpg.32dcd33a5e74dc569f370383570271ed.jpg Here is a picture of the progress I can see in my face since losing the 60 lbs from my heaviest weight last march. I still got 40/50 lbs to go. But haven't lost in almost 2 months. I could use some help

    Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

    Don’t give up. Just make sure you are following your plan. Measure that food and log every bite. My doctor is recommending weight resistance training and increase the intensity level on my exercise. This is so worth it.

  13. Thank you. Yea I am making an emergency call tomorrow morning to get in this week to see my doc for my meds because something has to give. The gym is indeed a stress relief and I do take off days, typically I work out when I don't work, or on the weekend. And it usually helps my mood, but this is a huge chemical shift in my body. 35 pounds in 2 months is a heck of a lot and my brain is going woah boy! It feels like I want to crawl out of my skin and scream if that makes sense. But thanks.

    Glad to hear you are going to see your doctor. It is good you recognize the stresses in your life and are taking steps to manage it. Hugs...

  14. We can go through stalls occasionally but you I think you should evaluate your eating habits. I would recommend you journal every bite of food you eat. If you eat 4 cheetohs, 5 pita chips and a couple handfuls of popcorn then write it down. You maybe surprised at how many extra calories you are eating. If these Snacks are too much temptation then find different snacks for your kids that don’t tempt you. I think the hardest part of our weight loss journey is the head game. We need to redefine our relationship with food and for some of us it may mean counseling to help us deal with our food issues. Best wishes for your success.

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