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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by {.Narin.}

  1. Sorry I haven’t been replying or posting much..I’ve been sooooo low on energy and mood wise the last couple of days.. day 5 post op today and so far I’ve tried 1/4 of cream of wheat ( was so excited to have warm food), couldn’t finish it or have anything other than Water for the rest of that day

    Next day I tried SF chocolate pudding made with chocolate Protein Shake instead of milk and ate 2 1/4 cups (separate meals) and since that day been having bouts of nausea and weird taste in my mouth that meds weren’t helping

    also crazy bad back pain and my energy is barely enough to take me to/ from the bathroom

    tried a popsicle this afternoon, was refreshing and it actually made me feel a little better so i had another one and now thinking about number 3

  2. 45 minutes ago, Keira Fae said:

    I am so... pissed, annoyed, name it.

    My surgery was set for tomorrow they called me this afternoon to cancel it. i have been for 28 days on that stupid liquid diet and now i need to still be on it for i dont know how long.

    it was hard to do all these days, now i am out of their specific freaking Protein unless they tell me i can eat like if i was post-op. I need to talk to them but today no one can answer me for anything.

    OMG that’s very unthoughtful of them! They should understand how hard the pre op diet is. I’m so sorry Keira, i’d be furious! Hope it works out soon

  3. 9 hours ago, Road2Newme3 said:

    Anyone with early December dates, do you have advice for nausea?? Surgery went well and I did great in the hospital. Hit my 4oz and hour and was sent home. But I'm battling really bad nausea. I've been dry heaving and have barely got in 5 oz today since 10am.

    Any advice? I can't believe how much I'm struggling with Water and other liquids.< br />
    Sent from my SM-G892A using BariatricPal mobile app

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this! But you definitely need to contact your surgeon’s office ASAP

    since I’m terrified of throwing up and with the slightest nausea my body can’t stand talking about food or drinks , i was very clear with my surgeon and before surgery they gave me medication for it and the whole time at the hospital post op they’ve been giving me medication for nausea and since being discharged, have little pills that i take every six hours as needed for nausea.

    hope it leaves you alone soon

  4. On 11/18/2017 at 7:08 PM, eastcoastNB said:

    Yes you are correct.. they didn’t show concern, they just told me to keep trying ...
    As for dehydration... yup I know it!! Which is why I had called them. I seem to get more Water in at night (8/16 oz) .. I feel nauseous when trying to get my water in the am or mid day ( not sure why)
    All I can do is think positive and keep trying !!!

    Are you taking any medication for nausea ? I’m only one day post op but when I told my surgeon about my strong gag reflex and how my body and appetite completely shun food/drinks specially water, he prescribed me with weeks worth of nausea meds that I’ll put under my tung.

    i’m also told to alternate between things, Protein Shakes, water, watered down purées, then Protein shakes etc etc..

    i hope you are doing better and good luck to you and all of us

  5. 5 hours ago, SKF said:

    Good Luck! Yes it’s great to here veryines stories.

    I have a question for you all.

    i am picking my date this Thursday.. fo you think before Dec 21?22 Xmas or Dec 27? Time enough to be able to do things? Or is it just walking and resting? How do you all feel?

    Is it liquid for different time frames for each patient? I’ll find out Thurs.


    Regarding your surgery date, how long are you taking off if you’re working? And how long are you supposed to be on pre op liquids diet? If your pre op clear diet doesn’t start till 4-5 days before op, I’d choose the 27th

    but if you’re working and going back to it soon after New Years then as early as possible that way you have time to focus on your food and liquids intake and measurements and getting some rest .

    Pre op food requirements AND post op food stages differ tremendously from one surgeon to another.

    After surgery, i’m supposed to do Clear Liquids only at the hospital. Then first day back home start on liquified puréed food

  6. I had mine on the 12th, was told it’ll start at 10 but it actually started at 11

    It felt like one sec they were prepping me for it and the next sec (an hour and 6 mins later) I’m hearing voices in the recovery room of more than one nurse telling me its ovver! You did it! It’s already done!! Meanwhile I’m struggling to say that I’m having difficulty breathing my voice was beyond hoarse. It took several mins for me to finally give up saying it out loud and just kept mouthing it and they finally realized what’s going on and quickly hooked me up was oxygen mask and kept monitoring it. They said they stopped it to see how I’d do one my own and it wasn’t looking good so they put me back on it till around 5 pm.

    I dozed off after the first oxygen mask for about two hours and surprisingly I’ve not had gas pain yet! Its 12:50 am and i feel great!

    Been getting medications and pain and nausea meds every time I feel a little pain or nausea wave coming. Been to the bathroom twice walking on my own , then circled the nurses station three times and feeling good.

    What else... trying to remember everything

    oh they made 4 little cuts on my tummy and because of my super dry mouth and throat, I’ve been having a spoonful of crushed ice (less than 1 oz) every few mins and it helps very much

    will post as I remember more

  7. 5 hours ago, Mary Stokley Gromer said:

    My stomach growled last night for the first time since surgery last Tues. I decided to growl back, saying it cannot have it's way any more with me!! Then I patted myself on the back. .

    LOL! Good job Mary keep growling right back at it =D and thanks for making me laugh i needed it!

    Going to take my measurements per your recommendation

    wishing you well:455_rosette:

  8. 4 hours ago, Road2Newme3 said:

    Hi guys! I'm post op and feeling fine. Nausea is kicking my butt but getting up to walk really helps and actually feels good. Gas pains are weird. They are uncomfortable but it's almost like my stomach is super hungry like you now how your stomach growls and it hurts? It almost feels like that when the gas moves except upper chest. Surgery went really well and so far recovery is going great! I just keep falling asleep due to anesthesia.. Still trying to work that out of my system. Good luck to everyone! So happy to be on the losers bench!

    Sent from my SM-G892A using BariatricPal mobile app

    Congrats on finally getting it done! Glad its all going well

    did they give something for the nausea? That’s actually my biggest fear post op.

    i figured if the gas bothers me i’ll just request to walk more till i feel better

    Mine is tomorrow and im so nervous right now! I’m ready to see tomorrow around this time so it’ll be over with

  9. 5 hours ago, Road2Newme3 said:

    It's going down this morning! I'm so excited . Still not too nervous, I'm sure that will change once I get there. I'll update you guys today if possible otherwise I'll update you all tomorrow! Good luck to everyone going in today and tomorrow!

    Sent from my SM-G892A using BariatricPal mobile app

    YAY! You must be in the operating room right now

    I will be keeping you in my prayers!! Hopefully everything goes well and can’t wait to hear your updates

  10. 58 minutes ago, nurse123 said:

    Hi guys,

    I had my surgery December 4th.

    still having pain when moving but the pain has gotten to be a lot more tolerable.

    im day 6 and I am truly starving. I feel a little discouraged because I’ve read posts about people not being hungry at all after surgery. I’m literslly putting cheese doodles in my mouth and spitting them out just to get rid of the cravings. Anyone else struggling?

    ive lost about 12 pounds since december 4th

    Wow! 12 pounds is awesome!! Just think about how hard losing 5 pounds was before surgery :452_medal:

    what are you eating at this stage so far? And are you able to stay on track when it comes to Protein intake?

    i undrestand what you mean about the hunger though before i even have my surgery

    mine is mental hunger and as hard as i try not to, I find myself looking at food pics on my photo gallery and pinterest:unsure: and craving things which i never craved before like salad and lentil Soup (only broth/soup i tolerate)

    but then i see the hundreds of healthy meal pics I’ve eaten and taken pictures of and tell myself even when i tried that hard to lose weight I didn’t lose more than 10 pounds and i need to appreciate this big chance that I’m getting with the sleeve and try as hard as i can to make it work this time!

    i really hope it gets easier on you:455_rosette:

  11. Congrats and speedy recovery to all that just had the surgery!:452_medal::452_medal::452_medal:

    I’m at the freaking out stage realizing that i just have two days before my surgery (not counting today) and I’ve had “little” mess ups since the start of my liquids diet up until yesterday morning:48_weary:

    but definitely no more mess ups please lol

    my mind is so scattered from working double shifts the last 2 days and my fear of what’s coming.

    i’d love it though if we could all keep the tradition the early December sleevers started of posting a recount of what we are going through at every stage, pre/ op day/post op. Kinda treat this post as a sleeve journal:blush:

    Good luck to ALL of us! WE GOT THIS!!!!!!

  12. 13 hours ago, Road2Newme3 said:

    Thanks! It's at 10:30, I have to be there by 8:30 though. I'm the second one of the day. It's my first surgery so I'm kind of nervous but definitely more excited than anything! What about you?

    Sent from my SM-G892A using BariatricPal mobile app

    Wow we almost have the same time! My surgery is next Tuesday at 10 am and i have to be there by 8 am. I was there yesterday to get my pre-op labs and EKG done and was kinda glad i got the chance to know the ins and outs of the huge hospital and where to go for my surgery. That would sure would help ease some of surgery day’s tensions

    I’ve Had a laparoscopic surgery before and i can tell u aside from my tummy being sore being cut wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. Of course in the sleeve, they’ll be removing 3/4 of an organ lol so I’m expecting more soreness than before and i have a strong gag reflex so kinda worried about nausea and throwing up.

    we will be ok though and God willing everything is going to go smoothly!

    i failed but survived my first day of liquids diet :60_sweat: When cooking dinner i had 3 bites of some steamed potatoes and ground beef:51_scream: so husband declared that there will be no more cooking for me

    i’ll be working though from tomorrow all the way till surgery day so I’ll do better

  13. 1 minute ago, Road2Newme3 said:

    Hello!! I'm scheduled for Monday the 11th. I'm on day 3 of my liquid only diet. Its been a struggle but I've basically been living off broth and shakes. Plus side is that I'm down 5lbs in 3 days! Woohoo! Can't wait to have the surgery done with and the lbs melting away!

    Sent from my SM-G892A using BariatricPal mobile app

    5 pounds is a motivation to keep going!

    What time is your surgery?

  14. Hi everyone

    I’m scheduled for December 12, was supposed to start my liquids diet yesterday but starting today:unsure: it’ll basically be Protein Shakes, sugar free Jello and sugar free popsicles. I don’t like broth or Soups for that matter so it’ll be a struggle having no hot/warm food for a while

    starting to feel more nervous than before but I’m ready for this! I go in today for my last pre-op blood work and EKG.

    I’m going to be off work for 23 days but i work a 7 days on/7days off schedule so I’m really just taking 9 days off

    wishing y’all the best

  15. 1 hour ago, aberry said:

    Mine is at 7:30, I’m the first of the day. I can’t sleep though. I think I’m too nervous. I’m really, really excited. But also super nervous about being put under and having a complication or even of having the surgery cancelled (but mainly the other part). So many thoughts and emotions! emoji51.pngemoji51.pngemoji854.pngemoji854.png

    25 yo
    CW: 256

    Omg I pictured myself in your spot for a sec and now I’m nervous too!!

    YOU GOT THIS!!! Everything is going to go as planned and if you have someone taking you to the hospital in the morning don’t worry about the lack of sleep since you’ll be resting all day tomorrow .. you just make sure you’ve got everything you need ready and focus on what will calm your nerves.

    Good luck and again, YOU GOT THIS!!!!!

  16. 4 hours ago, njgal said:

    Hmm... difficult situation. I don’t know anything about your general make up or how you are going to fair obviously, however, if there are no complications you should be able to get through it. Even if you have a couple of days of crappiness like I did you’ll be fine as long as you rest and stay hydrated. It’s not ideal of course but unless you’re willing to reconsider your own date I don’t see another option. It’s a tough spot to be in, no doubt. Good luck!!

    Ohh thanks! My surgeon said the same thing.. i pray to God I don’t have any complications so i can be there with her.

    how are you doing lately? Hope you’re not dealing with constipation anymore.

    how come you didn’t update your ticker after 30 lbs loss! I have a feeling I’ll be updating every .5 lb xD

    ok so I wanted to ask you ( and everyone on here who’d like to share) these questions: are you driving yet? how many days post op did it take before you felt somewhat normal and went back to doing normal daily things? Have you been working out or walking?

    sooo I’m going to do a two weeks of the pre op diet :/ i think i’ll try to just stick with the clear liquids for both weeks. Don’t trust myself to tasting real food for one meal only a day. Will see how it goes

  17. On 11/18/2017 at 3:35 PM, njgal said:

    Ok folks... 6 weeks out and a TMI post for y’all:

    Ok so THIS is Constipation. 45 mins of agony on the toilet emoji37.png then an enema, which, 5-7 mins after being inserted, burned like hell. I must’ve damaged something beforehand. Needless to say hubby and I are a new kind of close now emoji4.png

    At the risk of being gross; didn’t realize this much had accumulated, I mean, I’ve been having bms daily so what gives? And I’d been taking Fiber too so I guess it’s time to up it even more 🤨

    Feeling better now.

    Aww I hope you’re feeling better now!

    I'm at my surgeon’s office waiting to be seen for my pre op session

    i just found out that my mom is having surgery on the 18th, my surgery is on the 12th and I’ve been stressing about it ever since (nightmares of running hospital hallways looking for her drowning in my own guilt). We are really close and she’d be expecting me to be there with her the day of surgery and the next 2 days that she knows I’m off work on.

    I’m so nervous as to what to do and if I’ll be ok enough to be there with her without her and the rest of my family (big fam) noticing anything.

  18. On 11/17/2017 at 11:17 AM, njgal said:

    Hahahaha... yeah, the goodbye eating... I either didn't do it at all or did it for about 6 months, depends on how you look at it.

    My recovery is going well, I had 1 week liquid, 1 week mush, 1 week mush with **** and 1 week modified solids before I started on everything. I experimented a bit and advanced my diet a little bit as necessary but my surgeon's program seems to be a lot more accommodating than most. I mean, I got to have Breakfast the day before surgery and then liquids for the rest of the day, that's it.. So I totally respect that you're doing liquids for as long as you are but the more you read the more you'll see that each surgeon's system is different.. vastly different so whatever yours says goes for you, no cheating! ou'll be fine :)

    I'm almost 6 weeks out and have lost about 30 lbs so I really can't complain.

    LOL i hear ya about the six months of saying goodbye to food:D I have a feeling i’ll be easily nauseated after surgery and even if I crave things I won’t be able to eat much of them so I’m giving in to ALL my cravings at the moment till pre op diet

    Wow! Not even a whole day of clear liquids? That’s awesome 😍

    I don’t think I’ll have a problem with the liquids if i only do 1 week.. I’ve done almost a month of juicing before and even though this won’t be the same it is similar.

    Did you tell people around you about the sleeve?

    I’m not telling anyone at work and I don’t know how I’m going to explain to people around me why I’m only having liquids on lunch and dinner breaks.

    right now only my cousin/best friend, hubby know about my surgery. I plan on telling mom and my sister after the surgery just so i can focus on my own feelings/nervousness around and on surgery day vs worrying about them worrying about me if that makes any sense LOL

    you lost a good chunk in this short time! I wish you more and more losings till you reach your goal!

  19. On 11/17/2017 at 11:39 AM, Ken S. said:

    If you click your username in the header, you'll see a "My Tickers" option there. Click that and you'll be directed to the tickers management area. I suspect, however, that you've located it as it appears that you have a surgery countdown ticker setup :-)

    Yes I did! Thank you 🙏🏼

  20. Oh you need all the support you can get so definitely have a talk with him

    im so dreading the pre-op liquid diet

    pre-op diet length will depend on my BMI 2 weeks before surgery. I’m between 43-45 BMI at the moment

    if its 45 or less then its a week of clear liquids only *horrified*

    if its over 45 then its two weeks of clear liquids + one meal of lean Protein and veggies a day

  21. 3 hours ago, njgal said:

    Thank you ***blush***

    December 12th is a good day, I wish you all the best. How is your surgeon’s post-op program? 1 week liquids or 2? Do you feel you’re ready? When the going gets tough think of how this time you’ll stay true on your new year’s resolution and actually become a healthier person in 2018!!

    Thank you & wishing you the same 🙏🏼 I’m so ready for the new me in 2018!

    How’s recovery been treating you so far?

    Post -op is one day of Clear Liquids and 3 weeks of full liquid diet. What about yours?

    pre-op diet length depends on my BMI 2 weeks before surgery. I’m between 43-45 BMI at the moment

    if its 45 or less then its a week of clear liquids only

    if its over 45 then its two weeks of clear liquids + one meal of lean Protein and veggies a day

    These days I’ve basically been eating everything i crave😅 mentally and physically saying goodbye to all the Mediterranean and pizza/pasta buffets i enjoy so much

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