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Posts posted by MrsGamgee

  1. Day 30 - Visit a new place. Hmm, no where new yesterday (just my bariatric clinic and my family doc) and no where new on the schedule today. But tomorrow, if the wildfire smoke clears out a bit and this wretched cold that's settled on my lungs eases up, I'm going to the farmer's market (new location for it this year)! I want some hummus and there's a local guy that makes the most amazing flavours (dill pickle, spicy curry, peanut butter).

    I've really enjoyed this month, even though I wasn't able to do the push-ups all the way through. Looking forward to June. :)

  2. My first opportunity to post on this thread. Nothing spectacular, just a scrambled egg with 1/8 cup of 1% cottage cheese. A few little bits of chives, and a sprinkle of hot sauce.

    I was in heaven! My first soft foods meal. I managed to eat it all, but I'm thinking I should have left the last couple of bites on the plate.

    I included a shot of one of our regular dinner plates for comparison. 20190530_180236.jpeg 20190530_180245.jpeg

    Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

    Today marks 2 weeks post op for me, and things are going really well. I'm down 12lb from surgery day, I'm easily getting in my liquids, and I'm averaging 40-50g of Protein in each day. Pain is minimal, only when I over do it a bit (like taking a 3km walk the other day... doh!), and Tylenol is more than covering that discomfort.

    I had my 2 week follow ups with my bariatric nurse and with my family doctor. My nurse is very pleased with my progress, and has graduated me to soft foods! Guess who's having a scrambled egg for dinner tonight to Celebrate? :)

    My blood pressure came in at 124/72, which is awesome considering I'm down to one blood pressure med now, and that was with the doctor in the room (I'm famous for having 'white coat syndrome' which makes me nervous when the doc does the checking rather than the machine). When he went through and removed all my unneeded prescriptions from my list, my Rx renewal sheet only had two items on it (rather than being spread over 2 pages).

    My blood sugars have been super steady, 5.9-6.2 mMol (Canadian measurement, not sure what that is in American), which is smack dab right in the normal range, no matter when I check it.

    The only downer right now is that I managed to catch a wretched cold, and combined with the wildfire smoke that has blown into our area (looks like twilight zone out there), breathing is miserable and coughing hurts my belly.

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone else is doing...

  4. My good thought for you... I walked out of the hospital off my diabetes meds (was on 2 just before surgery, and a third just a couple of months prior). Post op my sugars were in the high end of normal, and have been coming down ever since. I've been diabetic (in one form or another) for 8+ years. While it's too early to say for sure, I am hopeful that I will be officially in remission in the next few months. [emoji4]

    Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Good Morning y'all!!!

    B-Side Question:

    What is your realistic goal weight vs fantasy goal weight ? Are there differences between them besides a number ?

    Day 29 - Help someone. I helped my 7yo do a homework assignment this morning. His write-up for his classroom museum.

    B-side - fantasy goal weight... 135. Realistic goal weight 150. I think the difference for me is at 150, I will feel accomplished and healthy. At 135 I think I will feel victorious. But who knows... I'm a heck of a long way from both at the moment.

    Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. On 5/27/2019 at 10:17 AM, ms.sss said:

    GO RAPS GO! Btw, the Raptors finally going to the NBA Finals is a huge deal over here. The entire city effectively went nuts that night. And probably a respectable portion of the rest of the country

    LOL... my poor hubs is so torn right now. He's not normally a big NBA fan, but with the Raptors in the final he feels strongly inclined to watch and cheer them on. Of course there's also the NHL Stanley Cup finals that started last night, and being the good Canadian male that he is, hockey is life, even if his team didn't make it past the first round. AAAAANNNDDD... the Roughriders (CFL football) play their first pre-season game on Friday. Now, I personally could care less about basketball and hockey, but football is my thing. We have a rule in our house that we only watch one sport at a time, but this week is insane. I'm really hoping that the NHL and NBA finals end in 4-game sweeps in both series, just so that they're over.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Cheeseburgh said:

    Went to the gym, the substitute aerobic instructor is pretty tough. I think she doesn’t realize the majority of her class is well over 50 years old. 😅

    My body desperately wants to weigh 143-144 right now and is fighting me every step of the way. I don’t like to use the word stall, I feel like it’s me tricking my metabolism. My body settles on certain weights and it takes longer to get the scale moving again. The same thing happened around 155-156.

    I’ll start losing again, I’m doing everything I can do!

    I totally hear you about your body being comfortable at a certain weight. My body loved loved loved 274. Over the years, I would lose and gain and lose and gain again and 274 seemed to be where things would settle out regularly.

    Day 27 - Confide in someone. Does showing my incisions to one of my besties count? LOL

    Went for my first real walk since surgery this morning. It took me 45 minutes to do 3km (about 1.75 miles) and I was completely done in afterward, but it felt so good. I will get back to my usual pace before long and then I'll start using my Nordic walking poles again. Baby steps!

  8. The head hunger is real! And not being able to eat anything chewable (other than my multi vitamin) is trying. I keep reminding myself that this is only a brief season in my life. Each mushy/liquidy meal I consume is one step closer to being able to eat a scrambled egg. And I'm sure by the time the soft food stage is done, I'll be having to remind myself that I'm only a few egg/cottage cheese meals away from something with real texture. Distraction is good, hope is better. And every morning when I take my meds, I am reminded why I'm doing this... I'm down 3 meds already and my blood sugars have been super steady in the normal zone. That motivates me.

  9. What Briswife said... be kind and patient with yourself. Remember that this isn't some small procedure, and your body will respond like it's experienced trauma. Listen to what your team is telling you, they have your best interests at heart.

    Wishing you luck and many blessings...

    Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. I've been fortunate enough to have mostly supportive people in my life. I've been very honest about my journey toward surgery, and now life after. A few have voiced concerns, mostly about the idea of surgery in general, but when I explain my motivation they have mostly turned into supporters. There's really only one who's still not pleased that I've had the surgery, but I think it's mostly out of jealousy/insecurity on her part, and I've come to terms with the fact that I won't convince her of anything, so why bother waste my energy worrying about her opinion.

    I say, give them the info you think they can handle. Remind them that it's your body, your choice. And then accept that not everyone is going to be on board with your choice. That's on them, not you.

  11. I'm sorry you're struggling, and that your surgeon's team didn't prepare you better for what to expect post op. I respectfully suggest that you find yourself a therapist with experience in dealing with bariatric patients and/or eating disorders. Your surgeon's office should be able to make some recommendations. I'm assuming that you're in your first couple of months post op, when things are toughest. This is a season of your life, and I strongly urge you to find the emotional tools to help you.

    As has been mentioned above, you need to find ways to be social that don't involve food. It is a great lesson for your kids to learn too, to set them up with a healthy relationship with food for down the road.

    I wish you good luck and hope you find a way through the next few months.

  12. Day 26 - Gratitude log. Not really my style, but I am thankful for so much in my life. For eHarmony, where I was matched with my hubs 13+ years ago, our two sweet wee-lings (who came after two hard losses), our home as small as it is, my husband's job, and so many other things.

    Day 27 - What I love about myself. This is a hard question for me, as my self confidence has taken a big hit in the last few years. I guess I would say my creativity is my favourite part of myself. I'm a writer and a good cook, and I get immense joy from both.

  13. 4 hours ago, Krestel said:

    In hospital 8 hous after surgery. Having no problems with Water, slight stomach ache, but having problems walking (getting really dissy) and can't pee yet. Besides that my dreams and thoughts are really kafkaesque. Something tells me that Im kinda (overly?)sensitive to propofol.

    Well done you! Welcome to the loser's bench! Rest, listen to your medical team, and be patient with yourself. :)

  14. On 4/4/2019 at 12:48 AM, BrighterSide said:

    If you only have time to dip your toes in, use your own past experience as benchmark. How often do you post when all is just jogging along nicely and you don’t need advice or support?

    If you have more time, try ignoring the 4 worst experiences and the 2 best ones in every 10 posts and use a search engine to look for medical advice and evidence for things that mess with your head.

    For a number of years I dealt with infertility and was active in several online support communities, and I can affirm this whole-heartedly.

    The competitive nature of similar medically-focussed online communities can lead to the 'pain Olympics' (you couldn't possibly have it as bad as me). It's human nature. Not saying that it's as common here, but we do tend to hear more on these boards about the negative and not as much about the positive. Everyone's experience is just that, their own. My tolerance for pain may not be the same as someone else's, and their food aversions may be far less than those of someone else. Everyone's experience on this journey is valid and everyone needs support at some level or another from folks who understand.

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