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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MissLindseyR

  1. MissLindseyR

    Bingeing with Bypass

    It is just a tool! I enjoyed food too. I think that's my problem, I looked at food and eating almost as an event instead of fuel. How have you overcome some of these mental struggles? I will say I am proud I am realizing what I am doing now and not in denial over it.
  2. MissLindseyR

    Bingeing with Bypass

    Yes it is a good idea. Do you just try to keep within your calories?
  3. MissLindseyR

    Bingeing with Bypass

    I will keep these tips in mind. It is true, life isn't fair, no matter which side you look at. And I enjoy the feeling of being 80lbs smaller, so why does my mind want to sabotage it. Maybe it's an old habit I'm trying to break.
  4. MissLindseyR

    I’m concerned it’s not working

    I'm almost two months out as well, gastric bypass, and I've lost about the same. You have to see that's a great amount to lose! I did have the week three stall though, it lasted forever!
  5. MissLindseyR

    Mashed potatoes

    I can understand that. It was almost like a gateway food for me. I was allowed mashed potatoes at week 3, then I kept eating them and plateaued. Now I stick to a lower carb diet and don't even look at them. Crazy how everyone's meal guidelines are so different.
  6. MissLindseyR

    5-weeks post-op H20 still hurts

    Honestly, I'm 7 weeks and sometimes it still hits hard. I had to do room temp water for a while and I am just now meeting my water goals and drinking with ice again. It's takes some time, but it should ease up some. Just make sure to do small sips. I am constantly sipping. If I do a big gulp or too many sips at a time, it's like bricks hitting my stomach. Good luck!
  7. MissLindseyR

    Liquid Phase

    I tried them, but I will say, anything I liked before surgery, I couldn't stomach after surgery. I loved premier protein, now I can't stomach any whey protein and I have to do plant based. Don't buy too much prior to surgery when it comes to protein and such.
  8. MissLindseyR

    My incisions are itching

    Mine itched as well, but I'm allergic to all adhesives. I also ended up with a yeast infection all over my stomach, weird huh. Just make sure you don't have any rashes.
  9. MissLindseyR

    Mashed potatoes

    Mine was mashed potatoes as well, but by week three, it caught up to me and caused me to have a 3 week stall from week 3 to week 6. Per my surgeon's office, my body held on to those potatoes like I was in a third world country. Once you can add more foods, definitely wean off of them. I will be two months out on Sept 2nd, my go toos are tuna and baby bel cheese! If I need a snack, which I try not to, but I grab a baby bel light. congrats on your surgery!!! ps. the mashed potatoes were on my plan per my doctor
  10. I went and saw my bariatric mid level, we had a talk about what our serving sizes should be. They want us at 1/4 a cup. Three meals, each meal is 1/4 a cup. If you do protein and a veggie, then 1/8 protein and 1/8 veggie. Is that normal for most bariatric requirements? I felt like I may have been a little over that during my soft food stages earlier on. But I eat a babybel for a snack and it's bigger than a 1/4 cup and it's a mini one. I'm just curious...
  11. MissLindseyR

    Serving Sizes Post Surgery

    This is what I thought was normal.
  12. MissLindseyR

    Serving Sizes Post Surgery

    I was wanting to get back into running, but with the amount of calories I'm getting, it seems like it wouldn't work well. I don't go back until Oct. I'm going to try to stick to the 1/4, but if I get back into running, I may have to up it a tad.
  13. MissLindseyR

    Tips for getting your fluid in?

    I'm allowed to use straws. Right after surgery they handed me a cup with a straw and I asked am I allowed to have this and the surgeon said yes. Thank goodness, I love straws
  14. MissLindseyR

    Tips for getting your fluid in?

    Gotcha. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to, but I do drink a large protein shake that I make myself with 16oz of fluids. It would be awesome to count that, I normally don't though. something to ask my dr on Monday!
  15. MissLindseyR

    Tips for getting your fluid in?

    Haha I literally just keep a straw in my mouth except when it's 30 mins before I eat and 30mins after. I just sip constantly. I get about 60oz because I tend to forget to drink once I'm home. So I feel you.
  16. MissLindseyR

    Tips for getting your fluid in?

    Do you count your coffee and skim milk as fluids?
  17. MissLindseyR

    I know everyone has them

    Hello, I am going through the same thing! I lost 20lbs the first two weeks and I have stalled since then, with an actual 5lb gain!!! I'm just trying to up my water and protein. I only get 500 to 800 calories, but I know when I hit closer to the 800 I feel much better. Maybe try to get to that especially with how much you work out. I'm just now adding working out back in. Good luck to you! You've got this, it just takes time. 38lbs is a lot in the first two weeks!!
  18. MissLindseyR

    Weight Gain at Week 3-5- Failing at WLS

    My IUD is in place per my doctor and everything on that end is good. Thank you everyone for the advice.
  19. Hi everyone, I am 5 weeks, almost 6 weeks since my gastric bypass. I did have an IUD put in on day 9 and haven't stopped bleeding. That might be TMI but it might help explain some things. After week 2, I got down to 261lbs. I was 283 in the hospital after surgery. I did really well. Now I'm up to 266.5. Some daily info on me is my BMR is 1962.85, I use about 2,777 calories a day, I take in about 60 to 70 oz of water, and I eat about 800 calories a day. Why am I gaining weight? I've been around this weight for the last 3 weeks. I've heard of stalls, but a 3 week stall right out of the gate? Am I failing at weight loss surgery? As far as exercise, I haven't been released to do anything besides walk, and I could be better at that. I will get on that actually, going to try to hit the gym tomorrow and get back on track with that. My food looks like this: Morning: Protein shake with 20g protein, 9 carbs, 7g fiber, 2g sugar (I have to use plant based for it to not come back up) I add 8oz of almond milk and decaf coffee. I use very low fat low sugar almond milk with 30 calories. Lunch: either 2 pieces of sliced turkey with 2 pieces of thin sliced cheese or Tuna or Greek Yogurt and a baby bel Snack: light baby bel Dinner: Usually the same as lunch, however, I haven't been tolerating much for dinner very well so I have had two night of cherrios and almond milk for a total of 130 calories. I was released to eat cold cereals as long as they have less than 3g of sugar. I will take any advice, any dinner advice, any work out advice. Please help a momma out!!! Thanks
  20. MissLindseyR

    Weight Gain at Week 3-5- Failing at WLS

    I do use the unsweetened almond milk. I try to eat my greek yogurt, but where I was stuck on it for so long, I can't stomach too much. I did eat a bout 75% of one yesterday. I also did not do my cheerios last night, but I only got in about 500 calories. Night time is the hardest, my stomach doesn't seem to want much.
  21. I work with a ton of surgeons, honestly, they don't say much except for my bariatric surgeon, who I also work with. Now my surgical residents, they do check on me often and ask how I'm doing. But I work more closely with them than the attendings. I think some people might find it uncomfortable to really talk about a person's weight or weightloss. Now my close coworkers, we talk about it all the time haha.
  22. MissLindseyR

    Weight Gain at Week 3-5- Failing at WLS

    They gave me the lovenox shots at the hospital, but I did not have to do them at home. I am going to have it checked out via ultrasound today. I'm hoping maybe they can make sure everything is ok with the IUD. I just wanted to make sure my food was up to par and not too much too. I go back to the bariatric doctor on Monday. I was just nervous to not give them a loss.
  23. MissLindseyR

    Weight Gain at Week 3-5- Failing at WLS

    Thank you. I actually go here in about 30mins to have my IUD placement checked. So hopefully they will make sure everything is ok on that end. I haven't done measurements since before surgery. I'll have to check those too. Bowl movements are actually normal, it was a little rough at first, but they do great on their own. I think it's the fiber in my morning protein shake that help with that.
  24. MissLindseyR

    Weight Gain at Week 3-5- Failing at WLS

    Thanks, that's good to hear. I just couldn't figure out what was going on. I think I've just shocked the crap out of it, I'm hoping on Monday they will release me to do my normal workouts. I do love weight lifting, but smaller weights, more reps. And I normally do 30 mins of cardio, but it's pretty hard cardio. I haven't been to the gym since my liquid diet, they told me not to go due to being so low calorie wise during that time. I do hope I start to see more changes soon though.
  25. MissLindseyR

    Veggies Post Op

    Hello all, I made the mistake of trying to eat some veggies last night and it felt like someone was blowing my pouch up like a balloon. I was about to head to the ER when the gas passed via burps and settled down. So with that, what are safe veggies to try? Which ones cause way too much gas? Will salads cause this gas pressure? Lastly, what are your favorite ways to cook your veggies? Thank you!

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