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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by CyclicalLoser

  1. CyclicalLoser

    Drinking too fast?

    I'm 4 weeks out tomorrow, but I've been more or less putting the brakes on when drinking. Today I was distracted and drank 17oz in less than an hour. No problems whatsoever - no feeling like I'm going to throw up, no weird abdominal issues, no strange sounds, gas or anything. Only difference is the liquid disappeared faster than normal and my urine was nearly clear. I talked with my surgeons office about this a while back, namely that I was able to drink much faster than 1oz over 15 minutes. They weren't concerned with my ability to drink twice to 4 times as fast. I've always been able to drink fast. Even with my lap band, I could consume 20oz in less than a minute, so consuming 17oz in less than an hour is still very, very slow for me. I'm worried I'm somehow doing damage or stretching the pouch, but like I said, I don't feel anything abnormal. Is this normal/okay only 4 weeks out?
  2. CyclicalLoser

    Drinking too fast?

    Thank you Matt, I really appreciate the feedback. At 4 weeks out, I still feel very much like a freshman wandering the halls just trying to find class
  3. CyclicalLoser

    Internal Hernia post surgery?

    I'm sorry I forgot to respond. Unfortunately the pain has gotten worse for me. My biggest incision is on my right side and is about 1.5" in length. I would say it is "Dented in" about an inch or so. I would say the first few weeks it was a bit sensitive, but the sensitivity went away after that time - up until about a week ago, when (I think) I had a hernia. When I was going #2 today, I pushed in on the dent because of the pain, and at one point, I felt a pop, and the pain got worse. The dent didn't change at all, but I'm fairly sure that something popped through a hole in my abdominal wall - something I can't see or feel. The doctor's office hasn't called back yet though and I will call them shortly. I don't want to run to the ER because it will cost (a lot) more for services, I'll probably get the flu from someone next to me, Also I'd rather not have an ER doctor, not really familiar with the procedure, perform an open surgery when (maybe) it isn't needed. Oh and then there's my anxiety. I won't bore with details, but when you have an anxiety problem like I do, to be effective, you have to double-think yourself - determine if going to the hospital is to satisfy the anxiety (bad - "giving in" and encouraging it) or if it is medically needed (good). I've thought about going to urgent care, and then see if they will admit me to the hospital, but at the same time, I don't want to go, pay the copay, and then have them tell me to go to the er. (us anxious types overthink just about everything as you can see)
  4. CyclicalLoser

    Going back to school

    I don't know what degree you are going for, but should it work out, you can check out some online colleges. I did my undergrad at WGU and finished my Masters at Champlain University in December of last year (Quite a bit older than 27 LOL). WGU is extremely cheap, Champlain is exactly the opposite. Both of the schools did not have "live" classes, so you could work around bad days and so forth.
  5. This is a long shot, but I would imagine you're open to any ideas. When I had my lap band, sometimes when I ate too much, I would get radiated pain into my left shoulder. Occasionally, it would happen even if I wasn't eating. It turns out that in the case of the lap band, sometimes it would rub against the vagas nerve, and cause those pains. Now I realize you don't have the band, and so far, since I had the band revision to bypass, I have not felt the pain, but maybe there is a possibility that when you are drinking, something is hitting the vagas (or some other) nerve. I don't think that is something that is going to show up on conventional imaging, but maybe an MRI? Again, just a thought. If you search for vagas nerve, you will see it is somewhat common with the lap banders.
  6. CyclicalLoser

    Depression Meds post op

    Your first several sentences are exactly what I felt, although to be honest, I am still (After 10 years) trying to find a complete remission of anxiety. I don't think the average person understands how much these mental issues physiologically affect someone. Many a friend had an isolated bout of anxiety and as I walked them through it, they would often remark "Boy you're good at this" and then after it was over "Is this literally what you deal with, all the time" - Yep. Sucks doesn't it? I wouldn't wish these things on anyone. And frankly I wish mental disorders didn't have such negative connotations against them.
  7. CyclicalLoser


    On the Gatorade G2 issue...I travel all over the country because of my Job (Including Alaska). It is part of my normal routine after landing to get some drinks because I don't like water and I don't like paying hotel chains $4 for a drink I could buy elsewhere for a buck. In the past, I always first looked for Vitamin Water, but they are very hard to find - CVS stores are a hit and miss, and Wal-mart usually has it less than 10% of the time. So my fallback was Gatorade G2, but as of lately, that is almost nonexistent in CVSs and Walmarts. I am convinced that vast areas of the country simply do not like low calorie beverages. In a pinch, I will buy half liter spring water (No purified for me, can't stand the reverse-osmosis taste) and dump in crystal light or hawaiian punch packets. They aren't particularly tasty because they do not really dissolve, but it beats a full sugar replacement. I haven't traveled yet for work after my surgery, but I'm already forming plans. Like it or not, I think crystal light is going to be on the menu.
  8. I have just a small update, I got the Celebrate Chewables in "Citrus" flavor. I think I like them better than the watermelon, but it's kind of like saying I like drinking motor oil better than asphalt.
  9. CyclicalLoser

    Post Op Recipes

    This is my favorite one, although I'm in the pureed stage - Italian Cheese Bake 1c low fat ricotta cheese 1 large egg 1/4 c parmesan cheese 1/4 c reduced fat mozzarella cheese 1/2 c marinara sauce 1 tsp italian seasoning 4-second olive oil spray (Note: I personally like it with more marinara and more italian seasoning) (Makes 4 servings) directions: pre-heat over to 400*F. Beat egg in lg bowl, mix in ricotta and parmesan and italian seasoning. Spray 4 ramekins with cooking spray. put 1/3c of cheese mixture into each ramekin. top with 1 Tbsp of mozzarella and 2 Tbsp marinara. Bake for 20 minutes. 140 calories | 12g protein | 9g fat | 3g sat fat | 6g carbs | 2g fiber | 5g sugar | 350mg sodium Of course the above depends on your exact ingredients. I use fat free cheeses and it is a little bit less calories.
  10. CyclicalLoser

    Depression Meds post op

    Cymbalta is a SNRI's, of which I've only taken Effexor. Being that it is in capsule form, I would think that you could open the capsule and consume the "beads". If it is an extended release, perhaps there is a standard release version. Otherwise, you might be able to either increase your dose, assuming a certain percentage lost due to malabsorption, or take a smaller dose at multiple times of the day. See my posts above for lamotrigine/lamictal because that has really helped me. If I remember correctly, lexapro/Escitalopram was a small tablet (I took it for years a while back). If the small tablet isn't an extended release (I don't recall there being such a thing when I took it), then you should be able to crush the tablets, even though it will probably taste awful. What is strange to me is that your Serotonin receptors are getting hit pretty hard twice as Cymbalta and Lexapro affect it. While I'm far from a doctor, but maybe you could avoid cymbalta and instead take a larger does of Lexapro and a NRI (Such as wellbutrin) separately. This might help with the dosing. Your psychiatrist or pharmacologist is probably going to know the most, however I doubt most of them specialize in treating people post RNY. I would do some of your own research on the absorption issues based on peer-reviewed medical journals. To make it easy, include "NIH" in your googling as the National Institute of Health usually pays for, or is affiliated with the research -- That's where I found info about Lamictal needing the stomach to absorb the meds (Until Missouri-Lee's Summit found the sublingual version). I hope you can get them figured out!
  11. CyclicalLoser

    You look different, did you lose weight?

    It has a lot to do with mathmatics if you ask me. Allow me to use myself as an example. I'm 5'9 and probably have a 50" waist even though pre surgery I crammed myself into 48" waist pants. According to https://www.health-calc.com/body-composition/waist-to-height-ratio, my waist should be between 28 and 35 inches. Suppose the most correct answer is 32" which is about the middle of the range. So knowing that area of a circle is pi*r^2 means that I should have a cross-sectional area of 804 square inches. I realize this is not a proper way to compute this because we are more oval than a perfect circle, but I think this assumption will hold for this example. We know that the density of fat is constant, no matter what we weigh. So, as a means to estimate this for me, we do a bit more math. According to https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm, the average of the "normal weight" BMI is 21.7, which is 147 pounds. So going by my highest weight of 303, I am 156 pounds overweight. At a waist of 50", my area is 1963 square inches. So I need to lose 1963-804 = 1159 square inches and 156 pounds. Knowing this, we can approximate (for me) that each square inch of excess weight weighs .13 pounds. (I realize this is impossible for a 2-dimensional measurement to equal any volume, but in reality, the math here assumes a cylinder of height 5'9, and that figure represents a square inch * 5'9...But again, bear with me here) So, now to the fun part. Let's see how much weight I need to lose to go from a 50" waist to a 44" waist (A 6" difference, which I would say is probably the minimum for one to notice). 50" area = 1963 from above. 44" area = 1520. So weight loss needed ~ (1963 - 1520) * .13 = 57 pounds. Now, lets see what it would take to go from 38 inches to the "perfect" number of 32 inches (Keep in mind, same 6 inches off the waist measurement) 38" = 1134 32" = 804 So weight loss needed ~ (1134 - 804) * .13 = 43 pounds. In essence, it is much easier to lose inches off your waist as you get closer to your ideal weight. Now, for those that disagree with my 6" assumption, you could calculate this another way. Suppose that instead of an arbitrary waist measurement, it is a percentage, such as 10%. In that case, I would need to reduce my waist 10% = 5" at 300#. But, if I needed to lose 10% of weight at 38", then I would only need to lose 3.8#. So my numbers above would be even more exaggerated. I won't do that math for those, but rest assured, it would show it is even easier as you get close to the ideal weight. I think any yo-yo dieter here would have probably noticed this as well, it takes a long time to go from a 50 to 48 inch waist, but much less time to go from a 40 to a 38 inch waist.
  12. CyclicalLoser


    "Brought to you by Carl's Junior" "Time Masheen" "Upgradde" I love that movie, so many good quotes. Thank you for confirming I'm not the only one here with a sarcastic sense of humor!
  13. CyclicalLoser


    Have you tried Brawndo? It's got electolytes! I apologize, if you've seen the parody film "Idiocracy" you will recognize the tag line. (There is no such thing as Brawndo). In all seriousness, I found Gatorade zero at Sam's club in a 24-pack variety of 3 flavors. I haven't tasted any of them because I've been drinking the premier protein tropical punch because I need the protein, but my family likes them.
  14. CyclicalLoser

    Depression Meds post op

    Gracias and Danke Sehr for that by the way. So far 100mg of morning ODT is working much better. It doesn't taste like I'm crunching dishwasher detergent pellets and the discontinuation symptoms have completely went away. Thank you again. Interestingly, my Psychiatrist said that it came out first as ODT and that in general ODT is the "purest" way to get absorption into one's system.
  15. CyclicalLoser

    Depression Meds post op

    I'm still tweaking my dose, but the bottom of the line, you want to find out where the meds are absorbed, and then you want to find out if there is a sublingual or patch you can take. I take Luvox and Lamictal. The Luvox seems to be okay, and my research did not indicate absorption issues with RNY patients. The Lamictal is mostly metabolized in the stomach, which we basically don't have. Another person on the board told me that it was available as a sublingual, and after meeting with my psychiatrist, I am now a few days in with the sublingual and the discontinuation symptoms have went away and I generally feel better. If they are capsules, you might be able to mix them in with food. You also might be able to take a smaller dose several times a day. If they are "extended dose" meds, then I think you should switch to the standard form. At the end of the day though, I think you need to be prepared to experiment (Of course at your doctor's permission) to find the right combination. I wish you the best!
  16. CyclicalLoser

    Problems with gas

    For me, as of right now, my gas is relatively quiet and doesn't smell like anything. I'm not eating regular foods yet though, so that might change. I will say, when I had the band it was the same though, most of my gas didn't have a smell.
  17. singerliny, I currently take the Celebrate Multi-45 vitamins per my doctor. I can't say I like the watermelon flavor, but I have the citrus on order. Nevertheless, it has 45mg of iron in each pill and does not contain the calcium. The 500mg of calcium I take (3x a day) is via calcium chews (My "candy" for the day LOL). They have several different iron amounts, 18, 36, 45 and 60mg. Like I said, I'm not a fan of the flavor, but it does make it easy because you just have a vitamin and a calcium supplement instead of fistfuls of pills LOL. https://www.celebratevitamins.com/shop/multi-with-iron.html
  18. CyclicalLoser

    gastric bypass reversal

    At the end of the day I think your post illustrates the best in a bariatric patient. The intense thought process considering all of the possible complications for getting, revising, or removal of the surgery. Going into this blind after watching a few "My 600# life" shows is about the worst thing one can do (And yes, I watch the show myself). It sounds to me that your mind is in the right place - considering what is going to improve your life the most, and yet doing lots of research on it. I applaud you for your research and I am very sorry for what seems like an awful number of years. I'm only 3 weeks out from my revision from a band to a RNY, but there were a number of reasons I went with a RNY over the sleeve. One of which is the possibility to do a reversal. Yes, it is not without complications, and no, it is not a complete reversal, but yes, it is still possible. With the sleeve? not so much. I would imagine that something as complex as a reversal would be quite variable between patients - what reason for each reversal is probably drastically different. So while I do think it is really good to see how outcomes were, I would postulate that your surgeon is probably going to be the best to trust. I was told that my surgeon was very "conservative" when it came to revisions. I was told he would go in and remove the band, and if things were really bad from scarring, he would not do the revision, and instead allow me to heal for 3 months before coming in and doing the revision. Maybe have a frank talk with your surgeon and make the same request. Maybe when he goes in, there is an obvious problem that can be fixed without actually reversing the procedure? Just throwing out another idea, if there is someone in your life that you trust your life with, consider filling out a medical power of attorney, and have a long conversation with them about your desires. Then, if doing the surgery the doctor would have a person to turn to and present both options...Your medical power of attorney, knowing your intents, could make the decision instead of a doctor who has spent an insignificant amount of time with you determining your interests. For my revision surgery, I did the above with a family member, so I'm not recommending something I didn't do myself. I will be praying for you and I wish you the best outcome, no matter what needs to be done to improve it!
  19. My nutritionist kind of scolded me because I was taking things really slow, and was getting maybe 400 calories on a good day. He told me that I should shoot for 800 for the first couple of months and that my general lethargy would subside once I got to at least 600. I'm 3 weeks out today actually, I have noticed my weight loss slow quite a bit, I swear my digital scale "remembers" the weight from yesterday and if you're within a few ounces, it displays the remembered weight. I say this because if I grab some extra weight, the number will change, and then if I dump the same weight, the number usually changes +/- of the remembered weight. I'm a pretty OCD person, but I work heavily against my OCD, so now I write down the identical number and magically a day or two later I lose an entire pound. I'm still under 600, but I started integrating pureed foods into the diet, which taste pretty good, so that has helped. I suppose my answer doesn't help at all, but giving you what's happening to me since we're in kind of the same boat.
  20. I was told I had a few choices, an unjury product, a bariatric advantage product, or the celebrate product. I'm taking the watermelon flavored vitamin by celebrate and it tastes bad. Not terrible, but definitely bad. I need to look into those fusions...I think they specified a gastric bypass specific one.
  21. CyclicalLoser

    Surgery tomorrow morning, can’t sleep!

    Tomorrow will go fine, actually, it will go faster for you than anybody else. What seemed like a little nap for me turned out to be 8 hours for my family that were with me. Try not to be anxious. Maybe take a hot shower to wear you out? I know you probably can't take any meds, so that's all I can think of. Do your best not to focus on it, try to think about anything else. If you have the TV on (Or your computer or phone ) studies have shown that the blue spectrum of light given off prevents your body from releasing melatonin, thereby keeping you awake.
  22. CyclicalLoser

    Did I even just have gastric bypass

    There is a small possibility you are now lactose intolerant. Give it a few days, but if it still causes gas and you are the opposite of constipated...then you might have the same problem as me. You could also water down the protein drink in case it is a viscosity problem. Just a few ideas.
  23. CyclicalLoser

    Beverages with stevia

    I was addicted to Vitamin Water Zero "Squeezed" Pre-Surgery. LOL I was addicted for about 7 years. Once I got out of the hospital, I started drinking it, and I didn't like it very much. I would say it was not really any better than aspertame or sucralose flavored drinks. I even tried one with ace-k. I basically haven't found anything that I really like, but the premier protein clear drinks actually taste the best to me (+20g protein is a great extra). But to get back to your question, no, I don't think it caused any issues. Maybe some gas, but I say only maybe because I'm only 2.5 weeks out and I'm still trying to figure out what foods like me LOL.
  24. I thought this would be fun because I was so skeptical about this when I heard it would happen, yet almost immediately I am noticing things. Prior to surgery I was addicted to Vitamin Water Zero Rise. Sweetened with Truvia and tasted great. I spent around $200 a month on it because I hate drink mixes and don't like the taste of plain water. That was then. Now, although I still drink it, and it is better than water, it still tastes lousy. It has a terrible initial taste, and a terrible after taste. Very chemical smelling even though it's not sweetened with synthetic sugar. In the past, I really didn't like crystal light. In the hospital, they gave me (pre-bottled) crystal light lemonaide, and it had a very strong acidic bite to it. Much more than I remember. I would say I like it more than the Vitamin water though, so I'm having family go get me some. I noticed that I don't smell things "correct" anymore. I went to In-n-out today with a family member (No, I didn't even think about eating) and all I could smell was sour cleaning chemicals. I couldn't smell the hamburgers, or the onions like I normally did. My family were reheating some steak and other foods and I told them that it smelled like toast. What about you? Does apple juice smell like paint thinner and eggs smell like turkey?
  25. CyclicalLoser

    How have your smells and tastes changed?

    Wow thank you Ronnysgal - Not a lot to argue about that, if it isn't absorbed fast, then the money (and nutrients) are literally going down the toilet. I noticed a number of the recipes provided by the program's nutritianist supplied us with a lot of recipes and they did call for unflavored whea protein isolates. The good news is that the premier protein clear drinks have only whea protein isolates.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
