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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JadeVT

  1. 2 hours ago, FluffyChix said:

    I'm grateful and blessed to be part of this community and want to thank each of you for alternately inspiring, supporting, and making me laugh or at least think deeply! I've learned so much from each of you and look forward to learning even more in the coming years!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day filled with good times!!!! ((hugs)) Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving FluffyChix and everybody on here!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    giphy (4).gif

  2. Ground Turkey (first), Dressing, Mashed Potatoes (my mom makes the best), cauliflower mac & cheese, a bite of real baked mac & cheese, and a tablespoon of cranberry sauce (the can shaped kind) --- all sample portions of course. I've already logged the food into MyFitnessPal and I'm staying under the limits set for me by my NUT. It's just my parents and I for this T-giving, so they're up for the modifications. For Breakfast though, I'm having some minced ham and soft-scrambled eggs. I'm so happy my stomach is taking to well minced/pureed/soft foods. :)

  3. On 9/21/2017 at 6:42 AM, StephersSweet said:

    Haha aint that the truth, I am talking to one guy who seems very interested in talking about my surgery as if he's writing a paper on the subject matter or something, it was super embarrassing because we went out for our first date and he starts asking me about the surgery and what happens if I end up with lose skin. I wasn't used to someone asking so many questions about it beyond the dreaded "why would you do something so drastic when all you need to do is go to the gym" because clearly WLS is the "easy" way out. -_- I'm not worried about finding anything yet, right now I am 100% focused on me.

    Dude sounds like a lame. Drop him.

  4. On 9/21/2017 at 8:19 AM, StephersSweet said:

    Seriously though, any time you venture into the subject of WLS surgery and someone asks you why? I just get annoyed by it at this point. So I tell them I'm morbidly obese which leads to the "why don't you go to the gym, why don't you try this new diet, why would you want to do something so crazy when there are better ways to lose weight it just takes hard work?" Then I tell them about all the fad diet programs I've tried, that I go to the gym 4 times a week 1.5 hour each time alternation on strength training and cardio, which leads to more Why questions. Honestly I'm really tired of the why question, I'm all for educating the people around me but 9/10 times there questioning not because they care or want to know but because they think I'm taking the "easy way out", and that really irritates me.

    So is anyone else out there sick and tired of explaining themselves?

    I don't explain to anyone, it's none of their business.

    If they ask you "Why?", just say "Don't worry about it." :P

  5. 2 minutes ago, megamedic691 said:

    Day 2 of liquid diet. I am hurting so bad. The hunger and fatigue and everything. Please tell me it gets easier !

    I'm here to tell you that at Day 4, I stopped thinking about how hard it was and found it to be a relief lol. I didn't have to think about cooking and debating on whether or not I should be eating such and such. Also, I had more energy. The first 3 days were somewhat of a withdrawl stage. Also, I had to get out of the mindset of it "being too hard".

    When I put on my clothes on the 4th day and they fit better, I knew I was doing something awesome. :)

    However, I cannot lie.....I had a bite of my mom's Italian Wedding Soup on Day 10. But that was the only "cheatation". :P sugar-free popsicles were my saving grace. I had every kind you could think of lol.

  6. 3 hours ago, Patrick powers said:

    I'm getting concerned, my surgery was a little over 2 weeks ago and I'm just starting stage 2. honestly before the surgery everyone was telling me how afterwards I wouldn't be hungry and I would only be able to take in about the amount of 3 shot glasses. I haven't noticed that at all.. I'm still always hungry and I can take in as much liquid as I want. It doesn't seem like my stomach is smaller.. Lol has anyone else that is farther along in this journey had that experience? Please someone give me some good news

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

    To be honest, I'm having the same issue. The ONLY thing that makes me remotely "full" or not hungry is sugar-free pudding, or anything with a pudding-like consistency. It's weird to me, but I just stick with the small portions b/c I know that's what I'm supposed to do. I swear, it feels like a tapeworm is inside of me.

    Part of me thinks it has something to do with the boredom hunger, since I'm off work for another week. When I was going through my pre-op liquid diet, I was working so much to where I didn't care about eating or feeling hungry all of the time, so shockingly enough, I'm excited to get back to work lol.

  7. 26 minutes ago, A New Jenn said:

    Hello everyone- I had my surgery on 11/2...Im now on a full liquid diet. I have been trying different things but finding that some things are giving me a sore tummy ☹. Has anyone started excersie after 3 weeks...??

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    EDIT: Just wanted to update you and let you know my doc/NUT approved of these; my NUT even subscribed after I showed her lol.

    I have and I was sleeved on 11/8, but I don't do exercises that are "stomach/ab focused" (if that makes any sense lol).

    I just go on my eliptical machine (found a great deal on Craig's List) and upper-body focused workouts from Youtube. I love the XHIT channel and Rebecca Louise's channel. The workouts are quick but get you burning quick. I've been doing arms every day for the past 4 days and I have already noticed quite the difference in the "Bingo Wings" (under arm/tricep area) and my upper back (no more camel hump). Here are the two I do every morning after I wake up and stretch. However, I modify the ones where you get on the ground b/c I'm not too comfortable with that yet, I just do curls during those parts:

  8. I agree with Berry78, just focus on the requirements/goals first and foremost. Do whatever you can to get those 60g of Protein and 64oz of Fluid. Remember, Protein Shakes like Premier Protein count towards your "fluids", so does your Soup.

    Also, I noticed that pudding would make me feel fuller really quickly and made it harder for me to reach my goals at first, so just put the puddings aside for now and perhaps switch to sugar-free popsicles?

  9. 2 minutes ago, CamillaCallie said:

    It's weird though because the past 3 days I've only had Water. Who knows, maybe my body is just retaining water?

    Hmmm, that could be a possibility. And well, I just thought of something! You're "time of the month", could that be coming up soon? I noticed that when I was 2 weeks into the pre-op diet, mine came a whole week early, and during the 2nd week, I was worried that I was gaining weight b/c I wasn't "peeing enough". Sorry for the TMI, but I just know with me, I bloat like crazy before it hits.

  10. 1 hour ago, CamillaCallie said:

    Has anyone gained a few pounds post op? I'm 12 days post op and noticed I gained 2 pounds? I've only been drinking Powerade and Water so I'm a little confused? I've lost 10 pounds since surgery and 31 pounds total but I'm annoyed by this two pound increase. Any tips?

    Ooooooh, please tell me you're drinking Powerade Zero and not just regular Powerade. :/

  11. 2 hours ago, Lauren_jos19 said:

    So, I'll be a little over 2 weeks post-op on Thanksgiving Day. My surgery was 11/8. My Dr. said I could start trying soft/mushy foods this week. My family is going to our extended family's big dinner(s). It will be interesting trying to hide the fact that I'm not eating. I plan to use my 10 month old and just hold her and feed her "off my plate." :P Oh, I guess I should mention, I have kept my surgery a secret. No one knows but my husband. How did everyone do/doing with soft foods? What about like a bite of mashed potatoes? pumpkin? Are these typically well tolerated? I know everyone is different, but just getting an idea. Anything that I should totally not try? I definitely don't plan on eating much at all. I don't have an appetite. Just wondering what everyone else is doing. Anyone in the same shoes?

    Hey there Same-Day Sleevie (11/8)!!!!!! I've planned a little something with just my mom, dad, and I (family is on the otherside of the country or out of the country).

    Here's what's on the menu (for me):

    • Mashed Potatoes (not chunky for me)
    • Cranberry Sauce
    • Peas (mashed)
    • Ground Turkey with Stuffing (cooked soft - might not eat it)
    • Baked Cauliflower Mac & cheese (won't eat that day; will freeze for next week)
    • Ricotta Bake

    Granted, I'm not going to eat that all at one time (will be spaced out for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner that day, along with one Premier Protein blended with Plain Greek Yogurt for extra Protein -- to drink at two separate times)

    We're lucky we're in the stage of pureed/soft foods around this time lol. My doc and nutritionist is fine with it, as long as I get my exercise in every day lol.

  12. Hey guys! The name is Jade, I'm 28 and I was sleeved 11/8 of this year and have lost 40lbs so far (including the 33lbs I lost during the 2 week pre-op liquid diet phase).

    Haven't weighed myself since my post-op appt. on the 16th (I don't own a scale.....yet lol).

    So far, it's been pretty good. The only time I had nausea was chewing those nasty Bariatric Advantage chewable Multivitamins (Orange Flavored) and drinking Water right after. YUCKY! I can't wait until I'm able to take swallow-type pills (?) Also, I was happy to be able to have started my pureed diet a day early. Made some pretty good tuna egg salad (chopped like crazy).

    Message me for any broth & Soup recipes for pre and post-op......I have TONS. haha


  13. Guys, trust, you will see just how much you've lost when you go for your post-op doc's appt. It's completely normal to gain weight due to all of the fluids and lack of movement during your hospital stay and a bit after. Just try to walk as much as you can, even standing up for small periods of time and doing some arm stretches help. Also, remember to get in your Water, it definitely helps.

  14. Any Sleevies in Chicago?!!?! Perhaps we could start some kind of support group that hangs out now and then, like coffee or something? I'd love to get one started! Let's all be friends dangit!!!!!!!! :D


    My name's JadeVT, just turned 28 and reside on the Northside. :D Had my surgery done by Dr. Rami Lutfi at Presence Saint Joseph.

  15. I still can't believe I lost 33 lbs in 2 weeks with that dang liquid diet before surgery!!! Did anyone else experience a massive weight loss with the pre-liquid diet? Just curious.

    I'm a week post-op and already lost another 7lbs, which brings my total to 40lbs lost already. Still on full liquids at the moment but, I'm itching for this soft foods stage to get her in 2.5 weeks lol.

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