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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KarenLR75

  1. I'm so confused. I had RNY on 7/25. It has now been over a month and my weight loss is 16 lbs TOTAL since surgery date. The first 2 to 3 weeks I ranged in calories from 100 to 340 calories. The following weeks I'm under 600. I have been walking 1 to 1.5 miles twice a week with my daughter. I am now back in the pool and I work out and also play - but our water volleyball games are intense workouts. It is actually surprising. My 'fit' family and friends even get worn out. So no, I'm not yet exercising every day. My right knee is torn up still but I have been able to sustain/keep pushing through the pain for the small walks we are attempting. I also did not win the 'no hunger' lottery. Seems that many do not. I had true stomach hunger return on either day 2 or 3. At first I chalked it up to stomach acid, etc. but now even almost 5 weeks out, I can almost always discern the difference between head and stomach hunger vs stomach acid. I also have tried to ensure I stay as hydrated as possible. I just needed to come here to VENT. We all know that...these first 3 to 6 months are what...the honeymoon period? The period where the most weight is lost? My dr. recommended RNY for me as I had such a LARGE amt to lose. Now I have those doubts creeping in saying "see, no matter what you do...you are always going to be the slowest loser"..."you just rearranged your anatomy to lose less in 1 month than you did in the first month of doing keto 12 months ago"...."you had RNY to ensure a larger weight loss and ppl within same age and almost same weight range are losing double, triple, what you did". I am struggling mentally and physically. I am INCREDIBLY DISAPPOINTED. I have narrowed search for therapists down to 2 so that SHOULD help but I've missed so much work lately that it will be a couple of weeks before I can schedule an appt. I've gone back to tracking the macros on ANYTHING that I eat or drink to ensure extra calories aren't creeping into what I'm doing...and so far my tracking (am SUPER analytical about it) only backs up the fact that I SHOULD be losing more weight, especially as I was probably the most sedentary person you ever saw prior to surgery and I've incorporated actual ACTIVITY finally. I go with daughter also to stores when the heat is too high to walk outside. All I get from dr's office is 'you will lose more weight after you are fully healed' REALLY?!! Then why are all my July siblings and other friends on here blowing my weight loss out of the water by such a significant amount? We are ALL healing. Forgive me for not being more positive. I haven't been posting as I've been so distressed and didn't feel I had anything helpful to say but then I remembered that this forum is for me as well...so yeah...nothing great to add for me but I REALLY REALLY needed to get my frustrations out and my deep dark..makes me sick to my stomach feeling..that I have just 'yet again' done something that won't work. You'd think that the more than 1 yr of head work I did with other counselors and doctors would have helped out more with this thinking..but as a former person in 'recovery', I know all too well that you can have multiple years behind you and have 'stinking thinking' come creeping back in.
  2. Was admitted last night due to struggling with what my DR. has indicated is out of character for a usual 'oops I overdid it and my pouch is unhappy/overly sensitive. I had an upper GI last week during which I had to try to swallow this horrible dishwater detergent like substance. It was an absolute nightmare. Has anyone else had CT scans done fairly soon after surgery? Did you have to drink soapy crud or ??
  3. KarenLR75

    Barimelts multivitamin

    I don't take the multivitamin, but I do take the Biotin Barimelts. Those suckers dissolve fast! Sorry I don't have a precise answer on the multivitamins..
  4. 4 weeks post op and still have only lost 15 lbs. A bit depressed about that. Am on soft foods, but nervous about what that calorie 'increase" (from 100-300 first 2 weeks post op) to 300-400 in first puree week..now soft foods I'm more at 400 to 600 (actually hit 700 the other day and almost panicked) is going to do to my loss. I asked my dr's office for target macros and they said not to worry about them right now, to just ensure I'm getting in the water and protein. I am a person who is very data driven and I don't trust my unhealthy ways of coping with food not to come rearing its ugly head. I'm not 'recovered' from my food addiction. I'm "in recovery" and I know all too much about relapses and just how long it can take to have a true long and sustainable track record to back up that "recovery". I am actively seeking a therapist closer to me as I have a lot of headwork that still needs to be done...perhaps more now than prior to surgery. My car is no longer reliable so have a therapist super close to the North Fort Worth area is critical. Need them to be skilled at working with WLS clients and I need help with grief...and trauma. I'm so happy to be part of the July siblings group! I've 'met' so many amazing ppl on here (as well as those that I also adore that aren't part of my 'sibling group'. Best wishes everyone!
  5. they refused to do a CT scan even though that is what I was TOLD I was being admitted for. It was such a crushing disappointment and a HUGE waste of time in the hospital. I can't even talk about how awful it was.
  6. OK, I got approval from dr. today to have 1 scrambled egg today and basically start pureed stage tomorrow (couple of days early). I scrambled it in olive oil spray and ate it as slowly as I ever ate anything...carefully chewing it to bits. My stomach was still growling (true hunger growling) but I figured the egg would settle in and that would be that. Instead about 15 mins..maybe 10..after the last bite, I felt the restriction kick in like I had just inhaled an entire protein shake. I have never felt the restriction discomfort as I've been on full liquids and have been very cautious..but I felt it last week badly..and it was when I stupidly made one of my protein shakes into more of a 'pudding' which I should not have done. My dr. did not say 'full liquids' AND puddings...he said full liquids, sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles. I didn't even finish the entire 'pudding/shake' as it hit me suddenly I was FULL...MORE THAN FULL...OH MY GOSH IT FEELS LIKE A NOOSE AROUND MY POUCH FULL. Ended up throwing up. Was miserable...and what a lesson learned. Well, I tried to be uber careful with the egg as 'pudding-gate' is firmly entrenched in my mind. After 15 mins of eating I had that awful feeling again..not even a SUGGESTION that I'm getting 'full'..just hard core full out stop. Now it's been...4+ hrs since then and all I can still feel is that restricted feeling. Even drinking water makes my stomach hurt..is this normal? This is part of how I got so dehydrated last week. I am not even looking forward to pureed items right now as the restricted feeling has lasted afternoon into evening...I had an upper GI scan last week and no leaks observed, etc. Do some ppl have particularly 'tight restrictions'? Does that even make sense or is this normal and I should have stopped @ half an egg?
  7. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    Fluffychix, thank you so much. You had many very good ideas. I had a very rough night last night dry heaving and alternating between constipation and diarrhea. I emailed my my doctor. I was literally almost fetal position last night. Got admitted tonight and they are doing scans in morning. I just would love an answer. I did tell dr. that I think I'm going to need a longer time/more careful transition to purees/soft foods. My surgeon did agree that the extreme restriction response as well as some of the other things are not just a 'good thing'...he said they are definitely 'off'. Discomfort from barely/hardly pushing your restriction (it is still a question that I pushed it at all) should not last hours upon hours and then prevent you from drinking less than 1 oz of water. Going to follow many of your suggestions when I get out of here. again , thank you so very very much
  8. KarenLR75


    Deedee12 - you are doing such an amazing job! I can't wait to hear from you as soon as you are up to getting on a computer. Best Wishes and Virtual Hugs coming your way!!
  9. KarenLR75


    Got admitted to hospital tonight but wanted to send one thing that I had meant to contribute to a 'B side' question asked with the past 10 days..lol I know, I am SOOO behind. B side questions: Best lie you’ve ever told: When my family was living in Guam (Air Force brat) – it was the middle of the summer and I decided to try to get my younger brother to wake up faster so I tip-toed next to his bed and whispered in his ear “Santa Clause came!!”. I’ve never seen my brother move so fast. He was out of bed and into the living room before it dawned on him it wasn’t even Christmas time. That memory makes both of us laugh to this day although I still think he gets a “salty look” in his eye…LOL
  10. Thank you, Goldn02Grl!
  11. Got admitted to hospital tonight. They are running CT scans tomorrow. I just finally got off last 'water weight gain' from last week's IV treatments. I just really need to STAY off the scale when this happens
  12. KarenLR75

    Food Before and After Photos

    Hey all, I've noticed that some of you post the nutrition breakdown for your 'serving' which is helpful. I used to track info on recipes I made, borrowed, etc. so I would know all of the macro/nutrition info for 1 serving. I discontinued my WW's membership though and was wondering what are some of the best tools to use to track your intake, to calculate what a recipe's nutritional breakdown will be once you enter the data, etc. Thanks in advance for the help. I will be posting my 'pureed' items that I finally had some limited success with taking in. I realize they won't be as fun to look at but I thought it wouldn't hurt in case there are some ppl that are somewhat new 'post-op' unless y'all think this is wrong place to post my 'puree pics'...
  13. KarenLR75

    It’s surgery day!!!!

    Stay away from accounts like this for now. Yes, we all know about the small % of complications but the sheer overwhelming majority do not have something like this. You've been on this forum and have seen both newbies and veterans absolutely killing it!
  14. KarenLR75


    That sounds amazing. You don't happen to have the list in a shareable format do you? If so, I'd be truly interested if it's not too much work...
  15. Anyone know of a great deal on one, let me know..lol. I usually try to buy something on sale but I have no idea what a good price is for a vacuum sealer
  16. Ah man, I've come close to getting a vacuum sealer SO many times but haven't. TY for responding. I'll go put it in a bag now.
  17. KarenLR75


    I love vitacost! I used to use them ALL the time and have fallen out of the habit! Thanks for the reminder! Sorry jennj, don't mean to 'thread highjack'. Let us know how you are doing today. I was thinking of you just a little while ago before I came to your topic to check the replies. Hugs to you!
  18. KarenLR75


    I'm still post-op and just given go ahead to pureed stage and after an issue I had last night, I will probably wait days before I add any fruit in which will have to be pureed of course. I did check out of curiosity what fruits are specifically named for this stage (by my dr's office) and it lists the following (I realize you are 6 wks out though). The foods listed on the pureed/soft foods are the same, I guess during our pureed stage we are just simply to do that..puree the food: Skinless Fruit (¼ cup): apple, plums, apricot, peach, banana, grapes, kiwi, strawberries,blueberries, raspberries, papaya, mango I just realized that I don't have a specific number of weeks to do puree vs soft foods - the heading just says Weeks 4-6. How did I not notice that sooner. It makes sense to me now...
  19. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    YES!! I have had that happen with just water which has left me mystified as I wasn't chugging the water. I still use my 1oz and 2 oz disposable cups quite often. I went to Sam's Club with daughter hoping if I walked some the egg or whatever might ease. This was also a few hrs after the incident and the agony had dulled to an ache/uncomfortable feeling. When we got ready to leave, I got clammy and knew I had to sit down ASAP or else. I feel this was due to sheer lack of calories and pushing it for too long (walking for way more time than I'm used to). We chose Sam's to 'walk in' because heat index was 110 yesterday. I had a water bottle with me and tried to just take in enough to 'wet my mouth' which was incredibly dry but when I swallowed the water the agony started coming back. Later I ended up getting crushed ice to chew to help my dry and very very thirsty body out.
  20. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    I wish for relief from true hunger pains and that you get the restriction. While you are waiting your 10 week countdown, you can read accounts from other post-op newbies who mess up like me and hopefully you will be a much savvier post-op WLS patient!!
  21. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    This! I need 'up arrows' ok, i'll settle for an up finger. I did not have a full understanding of just how much pain it could cause..well, not precisely true...where I have read about this much agony is where I thought the OP had eaten way past FULL. I also did not realize the agony could continue for such a long time. I mean, I had RNY. The upper GI confirmed that 'wow things go thru you really FAST" (said the technician)...but the egg..felt like it lodged in my pouch and spread arms and legs in a "nothing else shall pass" type attitude. My head was telling me that from a physiology perspective, that egg should not/could not be in the pouch still 4 to 5 to 6 hrs later..so was I just continuing to feel the pain that I inflicted on my pouch?? Since I was not one of the lucky ones who got relief from hunger pains, I am grateful for my restriction and I know it is a temporary blessing but I want to learn to avoid triggering the agony. I need to find a continued way to ensure smaller amounts, yes smaller than what pouch is supposed to hold because if pouch is not happy with 2 ounces, there is no reason to add even another ounce whether my pouch 'should have room or not'
  22. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    Thank you for sharing @AZHiker. You have been...to me..very kind and responsive. I always am happy to see a post or response from you. When I think about it in hindsight, I wish I had put the egg into 1 oz or 2 oz cups because while mentally I see 1 scrambled egg as a very small meal. I think if I had measured it and it filled up..let's say 2 of the 2 ounce cups...I probably would have done it even slower even though cold eggs just make me...ugh...shudder (unless they are deviled eggs and then yes, please be cold. Am glad you brought up chicken/tuna salad as I've been thinking I have to nix eggs totally. I guess it will be a trial and error type thing but I see no eggs in my future tomorrow. Maybe um...applesauce or puree peaches or pears. Trying to think of a well known 'as gentle as possible' pureed item to start out on a better foot hopefully. I WAS going to do refried beans but I think that will have to wait a few day as well?
  23. KarenLR75


    OH my gosh..1 semi on topic post (from me): Was feeling really bad after the egg saga but still went with youngest daughter to Sam's as our heat index was like 110 and we've been trying to get together a few times a week to walk. We walked for about 1 hr and 45 mins. She really has to stop to see everything. I take off with the cart, holding my water and my 10 lb purse..and I've warned her that it actually hurts me knee and back more to stand in one place for too long...plus I want a more forceful walk effort..
  24. KarenLR75


    Awww...those are both such awesome compliments! FYI - the fact that you LISTENED is indeed something very very special..please know that You sound like a loving and very fun Mommy!! LOL, you also reminded me that after the first small tear or 2 when my girls started kindergarten. ..led into later years..of "I love you, but you have GOT to go back to school..if I got one more call from either about.."I'm bored, when are you coming home"...I thought my eyes would cross. If you have ever seen the movie 'Bad Moms'..it's a bit crude...but it made me and some others laugh out loud...and then in some of the cruder moments...try to ignore them..lol
  25. KarenLR75


    I have SO longed to want to pay DDR! Maybe I can just buy the game/mat stuff and do it in privacy of home??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
