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Everything posted by KarenLR75

  1. KarenLR75


    Got admitted to hospital tonight but wanted to send one thing that I had meant to contribute to a 'B side' question asked with the past 10 days..lol I know, I am SOOO behind. B side questions: Best lie you’ve ever told: When my family was living in Guam (Air Force brat) – it was the middle of the summer and I decided to try to get my younger brother to wake up faster so I tip-toed next to his bed and whispered in his ear “Santa Clause came!!”. I’ve never seen my brother move so fast. He was out of bed and into the living room before it dawned on him it wasn’t even Christmas time. That memory makes both of us laugh to this day although I still think he gets a “salty look” in his eye…LOL
  2. Thank you, Goldn02Grl!
  3. Got admitted to hospital tonight. They are running CT scans tomorrow. I just finally got off last 'water weight gain' from last week's IV treatments. I just really need to STAY off the scale when this happens
  4. KarenLR75

    Food Before and After Photos

    Hey all, I've noticed that some of you post the nutrition breakdown for your 'serving' which is helpful. I used to track info on recipes I made, borrowed, etc. so I would know all of the macro/nutrition info for 1 serving. I discontinued my WW's membership though and was wondering what are some of the best tools to use to track your intake, to calculate what a recipe's nutritional breakdown will be once you enter the data, etc. Thanks in advance for the help. I will be posting my 'pureed' items that I finally had some limited success with taking in. I realize they won't be as fun to look at but I thought it wouldn't hurt in case there are some ppl that are somewhat new 'post-op' unless y'all think this is wrong place to post my 'puree pics'...
  5. KarenLR75

    It’s surgery day!!!!

    Stay away from accounts like this for now. Yes, we all know about the small % of complications but the sheer overwhelming majority do not have something like this. You've been on this forum and have seen both newbies and veterans absolutely killing it!
  6. KarenLR75


    That sounds amazing. You don't happen to have the list in a shareable format do you? If so, I'd be truly interested if it's not too much work...
  7. Anyone know of a great deal on one, let me know..lol. I usually try to buy something on sale but I have no idea what a good price is for a vacuum sealer
  8. Ah man, I've come close to getting a vacuum sealer SO many times but haven't. TY for responding. I'll go put it in a bag now.
  9. KarenLR75


    I love vitacost! I used to use them ALL the time and have fallen out of the habit! Thanks for the reminder! Sorry jennj, don't mean to 'thread highjack'. Let us know how you are doing today. I was thinking of you just a little while ago before I came to your topic to check the replies. Hugs to you!
  10. KarenLR75


    I'm still post-op and just given go ahead to pureed stage and after an issue I had last night, I will probably wait days before I add any fruit in which will have to be pureed of course. I did check out of curiosity what fruits are specifically named for this stage (by my dr's office) and it lists the following (I realize you are 6 wks out though). The foods listed on the pureed/soft foods are the same, I guess during our pureed stage we are just simply to do that..puree the food: Skinless Fruit (¼ cup): apple, plums, apricot, peach, banana, grapes, kiwi, strawberries,blueberries, raspberries, papaya, mango I just realized that I don't have a specific number of weeks to do puree vs soft foods - the heading just says Weeks 4-6. How did I not notice that sooner. It makes sense to me now...
  11. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    YES!! I have had that happen with just water which has left me mystified as I wasn't chugging the water. I still use my 1oz and 2 oz disposable cups quite often. I went to Sam's Club with daughter hoping if I walked some the egg or whatever might ease. This was also a few hrs after the incident and the agony had dulled to an ache/uncomfortable feeling. When we got ready to leave, I got clammy and knew I had to sit down ASAP or else. I feel this was due to sheer lack of calories and pushing it for too long (walking for way more time than I'm used to). We chose Sam's to 'walk in' because heat index was 110 yesterday. I had a water bottle with me and tried to just take in enough to 'wet my mouth' which was incredibly dry but when I swallowed the water the agony started coming back. Later I ended up getting crushed ice to chew to help my dry and very very thirsty body out.
  12. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    I wish for relief from true hunger pains and that you get the restriction. While you are waiting your 10 week countdown, you can read accounts from other post-op newbies who mess up like me and hopefully you will be a much savvier post-op WLS patient!!
  13. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    This! I need 'up arrows' ok, i'll settle for an up finger. I did not have a full understanding of just how much pain it could cause..well, not precisely true...where I have read about this much agony is where I thought the OP had eaten way past FULL. I also did not realize the agony could continue for such a long time. I mean, I had RNY. The upper GI confirmed that 'wow things go thru you really FAST" (said the technician)...but the egg..felt like it lodged in my pouch and spread arms and legs in a "nothing else shall pass" type attitude. My head was telling me that from a physiology perspective, that egg should not/could not be in the pouch still 4 to 5 to 6 hrs later..so was I just continuing to feel the pain that I inflicted on my pouch?? Since I was not one of the lucky ones who got relief from hunger pains, I am grateful for my restriction and I know it is a temporary blessing but I want to learn to avoid triggering the agony. I need to find a continued way to ensure smaller amounts, yes smaller than what pouch is supposed to hold because if pouch is not happy with 2 ounces, there is no reason to add even another ounce whether my pouch 'should have room or not'
  14. KarenLR75

    Freakish Restriction???

    Thank you for sharing @AZHiker. You have been...to me..very kind and responsive. I always am happy to see a post or response from you. When I think about it in hindsight, I wish I had put the egg into 1 oz or 2 oz cups because while mentally I see 1 scrambled egg as a very small meal. I think if I had measured it and it filled up..let's say 2 of the 2 ounce cups...I probably would have done it even slower even though cold eggs just make me...ugh...shudder (unless they are deviled eggs and then yes, please be cold. Am glad you brought up chicken/tuna salad as I've been thinking I have to nix eggs totally. I guess it will be a trial and error type thing but I see no eggs in my future tomorrow. Maybe um...applesauce or puree peaches or pears. Trying to think of a well known 'as gentle as possible' pureed item to start out on a better foot hopefully. I WAS going to do refried beans but I think that will have to wait a few day as well?
  15. KarenLR75


    OH my gosh..1 semi on topic post (from me): Was feeling really bad after the egg saga but still went with youngest daughter to Sam's as our heat index was like 110 and we've been trying to get together a few times a week to walk. We walked for about 1 hr and 45 mins. She really has to stop to see everything. I take off with the cart, holding my water and my 10 lb purse..and I've warned her that it actually hurts me knee and back more to stand in one place for too long...plus I want a more forceful walk effort..
  16. KarenLR75


    Awww...those are both such awesome compliments! FYI - the fact that you LISTENED is indeed something very very special..please know that You sound like a loving and very fun Mommy!! LOL, you also reminded me that after the first small tear or 2 when my girls started kindergarten. ..led into later years..of "I love you, but you have GOT to go back to school..if I got one more call from either about.."I'm bored, when are you coming home"...I thought my eyes would cross. If you have ever seen the movie 'Bad Moms'..it's a bit crude...but it made me and some others laugh out loud...and then in some of the cruder moments...try to ignore them..lol
  17. KarenLR75


    I have SO longed to want to pay DDR! Maybe I can just buy the game/mat stuff and do it in privacy of home??
  18. KarenLR75


    This is just one of the many things I like about reading what you post...love your sense of humor! You also have now somewhat countered Nancy's back end explosion although you did put 6 month caveat in there which seems reasonable to me. There are so many things we have to learn out of trial and error and if there are things in the 'probably don't try until after 6 months'...I'm planning to do just that... WAIT 6 months. Ah man, no watermelon on the cruise ship...oh Lord, I would hate to have an experience like Nancy's on a cruise ship. There will be other fruit that would be safer to try at that point if I haven't already. Am trying to figure out what fruit might be easiest with a picky pouch to try in the pureed week...strawberries? bananas? pears? peaches? I guess sometimes we just have to try?
  19. KarenLR75


    I'm onto you now NancyLF and fellow July surgery sibling!!! You've been giving yourself watermelon enemas with a different 'entry point'!! LOL, all in good fun I hope you know. I know you have worked hard and had awesome weight loss results but as soon as I read what you posted...I grinned and thought 'aha, there is her secret'! I love having ppl I can joke/tease with I'm actually grateful to OP for bringing this up. I ADORE watermelon but with a hissy-fit throwing pouch..there just is no way I'm going near it unless I'm SO constipated and in pain..that I decide that an 'explosion' would be an acceptable exchange..LOL
  20. Mikeyy, it's definitely going on my list of questions for my Dr. I'd like to think that all of us have chosen wisely and our surgeons do..as you said, the best procedure possible...but now I am SO CURIOUS. That is great that your BMI is lower! Since the definition I pasted was one of several...hundreds in my google search..I skimmed just a few but they all seemed to talk bout ppl with higher BMI's. My doctor likes to educate so I gonna run it by him just for grins
  21. Ah, here they are, yes I have forgotten and started to drink while eating a meal. Since I just had my first egg today, that is what I was thinking of. Maybe down the road this would change but until then...I'm trying really hard to find a system to remind me of the 30/30/30. I had realized that I was drinking water @ the same time as my protein shakes and while that is likely NOT as big an issue as drinking with an actual meal, I did realize I was filling up volume in my pouch with water and not allow the protein drink to be the main focus. I have started setting 30 mins alarms now before I start on a protein drink. Didn't get in their daily protein intake - yep, on multiple days although I always tried hard & kept track of what I missed, esp when I started to get really impacted week 2 due to dehydration & a few days with no intake of calories whatsoever, not even from shakes. Ended up on IV's for hrs due to this and yeah, it was more about water than protein but my 1st wk post-op I was doing well and on point not only for protein but also water and decent 200 to 340 calories. Was humbled quickly in wk 2 & am struggling both with protein & water but water worries me more right now. I hope having the dialogue was interesting for ppl. I like to be able to discuss things with openness and honesty and I don't mind if ppl care enough about me or the topic to ask where I'm coming from or to take time enough to comment and gently..sometimes even bluntly try to share their experience with me or get clarification, etc.
  22. I also took your post as a conversation starter. That is a big issue sometimes with all of this 'written communication' is interpretation of tone and intent sometimes. My answers to your inquiry are as follows: 1) Vitamin query - I'm still on vitamin patches only and I have had 1 day each week where I've forgotten to put on a new patch. The 2nd time I forgot, I was back at the hospital getting IV fluids and find out my blood thinning levels were way too high. I let the vitamin patch slide when I got home as I momentarily was simply overwhelmed. I also have huge invested interest in trying to do anything to stave off as much hair loss as possible. I understand that I can still do all the very SMALL things that MAY have a slight impact (or not) on trying to reduce hair loss and it may not matter one iota. However, I will at least know that I did all that anyone has suggested/can think of/ dr input/ veteran input, etc. In the end, what will come...will come. And probably on Month 4 when I'm on a cruise ship! 2) Regarding NSAID's - ABSOLUTEY not cuz am on a blood thinner so I've been used to avoiding these since 2011. It would be a great threat to me physically, especially these days. I also remember a woman I worked with for 10 yrs who downed multiple doses of Ibuprofen throughout the day..way more than suggested & ended up with MAJOR issues in the hospital with her stomach/intestines and that sticks in the back of my mind. 3) Eating out - too afraid & am supposed to just start purees tomorrow. After my experience today, am going to throttle that back & talk to Dr. When time comes that I felt am ok with eating out, I'll go to places where I know I can order a healthy/clean meal. This is an area I identified as potential weakness as my emotional/mental wellbeing needs more work. I do however follow a fun thread of BEFORE & AFTER food/meal pics and have learned a lot of easy things. Also learned that I'm online with some AMAZINGLY gifted cooks and meal 'wonder workers'. There are also ppl like Fluffychix and others that will help out with ppl seeking easier ways to get their meals at home. One mental/or experience advantage I have is that I was a member of AA/NA for many yrs and I still keep at heart the warning to stay away from people, places and things that can jeopardize my 12 step program or 'insert goal here' Err..I forgot the other questions! LOL
  23. @slady - I do know my Dr. doesn't want us to take vitamins for a month after surgery but he has no problem with Vitamin Patches. I also have encountered some folks on here who take the vitamin patches as an alternative to ones that give them enough trouble where they need an alternate way to supplement. Maybe talk to your doctor about this as an alternative? Just a thought....
  24. KarenLR75

    New here

    Girl, you are still rocking it!! I am so very pleased for you!!
  25. I so get this! Except it is a bar my husband and eldest daughter like to go as they are both crazy about beer. I have been to ashamed of how I look to even want to show up . I just have become so incredibly large and somehow I was still semi-blind to the magnitude and then a picture would come up that someone managed to snag and I was even more horrified. I'm also afraid to buy any tickets to concerts and bands coming through (Like Queen in October) as I'm afraid I won't fit in the seats. Flying on Southwest at X-mas and had to buy an extra seat. Afraid of trying new restaurants until I have been able to 'scope out their seating arrangements'. Had too many times I've been OBVIOUSLY stuck when trying to sit in a booth...I won't even try it...at least NOT YET. I had accepted for a brief period that my life was going to be defined on my large physical mass...and then I realized I could NOT keep living this way. Trapped. Like you said...in prison

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
