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Everything posted by KarenLR75

  1. KarenLR75

    July 2019

    LOL...they were good. The sugar free Outshine popsicles are my favorite by far...don't taste quite as 'artificially flavored'...but considering it is often over 100 degrees here in TX, ANY popsicle sounds good most of the time! My surgery date slid BACK from 7/1 to 7/25 so after being on Day 13 of my pre-op diet...to realize with new dr that orig dr's office was indeed not going to cooperate and send records over...I realized I would have a brief break...which may sound good but since I was on day THIRTEEN of pre-op, I was SO looking forward to getting the surgery and moving into the post-op even knowing I'd be taking in far less for a while. Blah..by the time my surgery date comes around...I'll be like on day 30-something of preop diet. lol Anyone else out there with a 7/25 date? I was given 7/22 as a choice as well but eldest is visiting from PA and she leaves on 7/25 (will be there for my surgery and DFW airport is not far away from hospital). I decided to wait until the tail end of her visit before having the surgery.
  2. KarenLR75

    I had my Gastric Bypass reversed 😞

    By Day 2 in hospitals I'm always on my laptop (heck, sometimes on Day 1). It is a often a much needed...distraction..plus I would get horribly behind if I did not. At least I connect in stealth mode as most of my co-workers are not expecting me to be working - I get quite a bit done actually.
  3. KarenLR75

    I had my Gastric Bypass reversed 😞

    You totally had your laptop at the hospital, didn't you? I am glad to hear you made through it, despite the VERY long surgery and everything else you've been through. Wishing you well!
  4. I have to admit I'm concerned not just about meds given in the hospital, but I was both disappointed and cynically amused when I saw my surgeon had called in pain meds for me to take 'after surgery' and it was Tramadol. I have had NO success for the past 2 yrs with Tramadol alleviating any pain for my chronic/torn up knees that are awaiting replacement. I guess it is part of the whole 'pain med crisis. I finally discontinued seeing the dr who prescribed Tramadol as it was simply not worth it. If it isn't going to help in any way, why take it? Guess we'll just have to see? Seems like much pain is around gas. I'm going to have to pack some gas-ex and a heating pad I guess. Any other recommendations for handling gas pain?
  5. @froufrou - you made me think of something (um besides fact that my surgery has changed this month from being a sleeve to being a bypass).... I had 1 c-section after my cervix swelled shut (they don't tell you about that in childbirth class) from my 1st 'big-headed baby' & then a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) with my 2nd big headed child who because her head was turned slightly, decided she wanted to hang out in the labor process for 36 hrs. The pushing for 4 hrs actually hurt me more the next day than the 36 hr ordeal I still tease her about. I literally blew every muscle that had once been in my abdomen. I actually have a 'high tolerance' in general; however, wise nurses have pointed something out to me that is common with patients with a high tolerance and that is thinking that we are trying to 'stave' off having to take any pain meds, we FAIL to ask for them in time so if the pain actually becomes worse than we realize we can handle, by that time everyone is trying to play 'catch up'. They told me I would be far better off NOT trying to tough it out as the last time I was in ICU with internal bleeding and I'd wait as I don't like to take pain meds...but on a few days, I'd get swept under the pain tsunami. Just something to think about for those of you who may be like me and maybe feel you should tough it out some...or for me, I worry that perhaps they get so used to ppl complaining about every minor ache & pain...and I don't want to be thought of like that. I should probably get over it. I actually have more of a problem dealing with nausea than with pain..which is ironic considering I'm having WLS
  6. KarenLR75

    July 2019 - Surgery Schedule

    Finally! Approved AGAIN. Have a surgery date AGAIN. Phew! July 25! 3 weeks later than originally planned. By time I'm done I'll have done over 30+ days of pre-op diet...oh well, same as post-op from what I've heard/read/etc. Congrats to all that have had their surgery already this month! I hope you are all doing well.
  7. OK, I was on day 13 of my pre-op diet when surgeon and I realized that since medical records were delayed in getting to them..and based on him having some time off and me having some days that would not work based on my job, that my surgery date was sliding back towards end of July. So, I get a 'double helping' of pre-op dieting. Pre-op diet based on new date started yesterday so by the time it is all said and done I will have done pre-op 'dieting' for...33+ days! LOL. I realize the pre-op diet is much like what initial post-op diet will be. I was looking in mirror the other night and freaked out as my forehead decided to suddenly have new lines out of nowhere! I just stood there staring and wondering what the heck happened!! Then the only thing that comes to mind that would explain an almost..what felt like 'overnight' appearance of these new wrinkles..that I had lost an additional 12 lbs in my 13 days (I didn't weigh on last 2 days of pre-op diet). It dawned on me....that it seems I am losing the 'slight padding' I had under my forehead maybe? I know before pre-op diet, I had 1 faint line across forehead. I actually shuddered inside as I know that if this is what happens based on pre-op diet...then within the next 6 months...they only thing I may see on my face is a BUNCH of wrinkles. I think I will look like a Shar Pai. Am at the age where my skin does not have the padding, etc. that estrogen helps to provide. ANOTHER reason I wished I had made this decision a decade ago - better to do when your skin retains some chance of more 'elasticity'. My elastic is 'gone'..LOL I went running to my 'lotions and potions' and have at least ensured my face is hydrated (also drinking tons of water anyways) and moisturized..and protected from the sun. It did help with some of the deeper 'crevices' that suddenly could be seen. I know this sounds so vain....but my best friend always used to fuss at me...even before I was morbidly obese that I 'never had wrinkles'. Before I knew that 'my excess weight was the reason that as I aged..that the wrinkles were not showing up....they were 'buried' under fat. Sigh...this and the hair loss are 2 things that I know will continue to occur (I already have been going thru hair thinning issues..and I am not expecting to be one of the lucky ones who do not experience more hair loss with WLS. Can do hair pieces, wigs, etc. for hair....but no wigs for my ongoing 'wrinkly face'...lol. Anyone else be...prepared for wrinkles to show up...but were astonished by how rapidly and/or how many?
  8. Happy belated birthday! I am 50. I'm looking very forward to getting rid of the "chins" for sure! I've been using face creams, etc. for years to help combat some slight sun damage. I also have to be very diligent on sunscreen since I had a malignant melanoma diagnosis last year (early stage, malignant mole removed..but melanoma is sneaky). I know sun damage can add to the age of your skin's appearance so I will continue to apply the things that I have found that help my skin look better, especially in the 'tone' of my skin. I knew going into this what I'd be getting into in terms of my face and yes...my chest. I was just surprised that I could see such a loss of 'fat/padding' when I haven't yet had surgery..lol. Whether I have craters on my face, a turkey wobble, and a chest that deflates...is not going to stop me as I know I've only 'hidden' what would have been seen if I was not morbidly obese. The world can think what it will think. I'm too old to worry overly much about some of these things but I'd be lying if I said there was no vanity involved whatsoever...or just...some light regret about the excess skin, etc. and wondering how hubby will feel about the changes but in no way will I let that deter me from doing something to help me keep living no matter what I end up looking like (and I believe that most changes will be extremely positive). I love the pics you linked to. She looks great!!
  9. Amen! I totally agree...but I think I wasn't prepared for...just how many. Heck, I haven't even started in on the 'after WLS weight drop'...well, at least it is something I can continue to be ready for. It still doesn't change my mind one little bit. Most of the ones that will show up will be ones I would have likely gotten and already have been noticeable if I hadn't been morbidly obese..
  10. KarenLR75

    I give up on protein :(

    Well, I know one consequence of not getting enough protein is hair loss. More importantly your body will start taking protein from your muscles which will cause you to feel weaker (and that is NOT where you want your body to take it's 'fuel' from. I don't want to say those things to increase your anxiety though as that is counterproductive. What did your doctor say about the situation?
  11. KarenLR75

    July 2019 - Surgery Schedule

    I SO get this! Definitely keep on...keeping on. My original dr's office staff caused my surgery' to be delayed by over TWO months because they refused to listen to me about CIGNA's policy & actually fought me on it. Told me I WAS reason insurance verification was hard as I was 'interfering' and 'didn't understand'. I finally had CIGNA call them when I was at office for appt &I took policy into dr & he had them push it thru. Got approved in 3 days. In hindsight, I wished I pushed harder, but I started to question myself & feeling like...surely I had to be wrong..because they "do this all the time". Turns out I was right the whole time & I started to feel ..down, resentful, frustrated, disappointed, etc. If things had gone right from start, I'd have had surgery by end of May. Now it is July & I originally had surgery date of 7/1. A week before surgery, I realized I was no longer comfortable by many other things that went wrong with office staff, etc. so I switched dr's. New dr assured me (when I voiced concerns they'd not be able to get my records easily) that "we'll get them, don't worry". Well, I finally got email from his staff asking me if I could intervene as they were getting no response.. After over a week, I had CIGNA ready to push original dr's office & after last minute convo, I told them I'd be by next day to pick u precords. They assured me they'd be ready but they weren't. However, I stayed until a different doctor's nurse went,got my records & copied them. So now I missed chance to get surgery done before eldest daughter flies in for visit 7/17. I rarely see her so I treasure any time I get with her. My heart is just..extra happy for any time I can see her. So now, am back to "dealing with cards I've been dealt". I'll be having surgery either 7/22 or 7/25 (both days that she will still be here, she leaves late on 7/25). Yes, this will impact time I spend with her, but she told me to do what I needed to do. We both got setback by roughly same amt of time when I look @ fact that I should have had surgery in May if things had been done right, but I'll tell you it DOES pass quickly even if some days it feels like it is crawling. I'm using extra weeks I didn't expect to have in July reading @FluffyChix 'Headwork' post & joining different FB groups in that thread, watching more youtube videos, etc.. I decided to look at the 'delayed time' as a gift to make sure I am even more informed and better prepared each day. We'll be here to cheer you on!!
  12. KarenLR75

    July 2019 - Surgery Schedule

    Congrats to all of our July siblings below who have already started on the next leg of their journey!!! I'm so proud of all of you and praying for quick recoveries, easing of any pain/discomfort and continued success! 1- @MFaulk3 (GB) @texasnewf (VSG) @Jaybe08 (GB) @Ren951 (RNY) @sweetsagi @DianaP (VSG) @walstreet68 (LB) 2- @amaynard (RNY) @SublimeLemons (VSG) @PantxaPetita (VSG) 3- @alex76 (RNY)
  13. KarenLR75

    July 2019 - Surgery Schedule

    You are such a sweetheart for putting this together and tracking all of it!! LOL, can't put me back into the schedule yet as I've been given 2 possible dates and I won't know for sure until next week (either 7/22 or 7/25).
  14. SIGH, my husband keeps saying that "he knows lots of ppl who have had bariatric surgery when I started looking into WLS, when I got serious about it, when I actively pursued approval..and again today. I have been, perhaps because of vanity, a bit hesitant to bring up the subject of WLS causing potential hair loss..as I've been a bit worried about..well, how he might feel about how i look...and he heard me listening to some youtube videos done by ppl who have had both gastric sleeve and/or bypass. I'm trying to make sure that I get the one that is the best fit for me, not based on just what the doctor says. He kept interrupting but was asking questions so I thought ok, now he is interested that is cool. He asked about difference between bypass and sleeve. I gave him some basics. Just based on the quicker weight loss he 'agrees with new dr' that I should have that. Then I told him my concerns about dumping/malabsorption (do you lose more hair with bypass than with sleeve due to this?)..and he brought out the "no one i know who as had WLS has ever showed any signs of hair loss"... He is a distant co-worker to 2 ppl he THINKS may have had WLS. He doesn't intimately know them. He has told me this before. When I went through diff things (pros and cons of each) he became more horrified and said "maybe you shouldn't be doing this and just keep trying to lose weight". SIGH...I've been "trying to lose weight" most of my life...although I was never super morbidly obese until my late 30's. Anyone else have mixed signals from their 'closest support'? I've invited him to the 3 hr seminar/clinic I went to and to my dr appts. Don't get me wrong, it's not that he doesn't care at all..he just "doesn't get it..that he doesn't get it" I really...could use him "getting it". I guess I'll have to start a pros and cons thread on sleeve vs. bypass. I've looked at many old threads that have been posted here over the years and I've googled, etc. - but mine would be in regards to the fact of my own co-morbidities or lack thereof, etc.
  15. KarenLR75

    Oy Vey! What mixed signals!

    @TattooedSeaStar - Yes! The roller coaster is exactly the right comparison. I agree with people who say he doesn't have to 'get it'....it's the flip flopping back and forth...that is driving me nuts. He is not REQUIRED to learn or get it; however if he did learn MORE, it would help reduce..or maybe it wouldn't..lol, but I like to think it would help reduce his flip flopping.... OR, maybe it would make his flip flopping worse. Just as 5 yrs ago I could not even consider the thought of WLS as my only remaining acceptable option, it took me going on this long journey to realize that I did indeed, need this tool. Wow...so you have an even harder situation, someone who lost a GREAT DEAL of weight "on their own"...yikes! I think that neither of our husbands will feel completely comfortable as they are in a diff head space than we are. It is good to know that he will be supportive after surgery and that may be what we'll have to stay focused on. That is the critical thing.
  16. @DianaP - thinking of you today!! I'm so excited for you!!
  17. @Frustr8 - you always say such nice, encouraging things. You are one of my favorite ppl on here!!
  18. Awww...my "once surgery same day sibling"....I understand. Kind of wistful sitting here since surgery was to be tomorrow but figure that I'd be having mixed feelings if it was still happening. You got this!! Will be looking forward to your first post-op post!!
  19. Thank you so much Briswife!! I can definitely understand about desire for the dumping to help ensure compliance, esp with sweet tooth. I watched one woman's youtube videos..she's from TN? And dumping was actually a huge 'PRO' for her with bypass surgery. Hope your journey is going well in all other aspects too!! I definitely understand about changing tastes and your mental status..it is actually quite a relief in many ways, isn't it?
  20. This is another thing - doing keto off and on for years, I've gotten to the point that if I did take a small bite of...a piece of cake..or eat anything that was highly processed or very rich like creamy Italian dishes, it upsets my 'stomach greatly' and I usually spend quite a bit of time in the bathroom. I like sweets, but I just don't allow myself to indulge in them. I've lost any taste for greasy fast food, I just shudder at the thought. I did 'Opti Fast' back in the Oprah winfrey days and lost 70 lbs and kept if off for a decade. That is one reason the pre-op diet really doesn't bother me that much, there is so much more variety to 'drink' than the 4 to 5 times a day 'shakes' that I drank every single day for almost 4 months. I realize I did not share with my dr that I have very very mild IBS. Stress and any 'break' from my keto WOL is what brings it out. Not sure that it will matter but I will mention it. I agree with you, surgery is not the "easy way" out. To me it's a nuclear detonation option...That is why I waited almost 5 years before allowing myself to finally pursue surgery. I had to make sure that I was fully committed to doing the very hard work that remains in front of me. Surgery is a tool, only a tool.
  21. Exactly...but that is also specifically why after doing some more information, is I want to address any remaining questions and also give him any new information about myself that helps him ensure his initial recommendation is still what he feels is best. I also am of a 'trust, but verify' mindset with doctors..all of them, especially specialists.
  22. One thing I do know is that 2 of my Aunts had this bpyass surgery in PA back in the day when it was "new"..or at least "new to me"....I'd say early 90's? I can ask. One Aunt to this day has kept her weight off and I was going to call (so has other Aunt but she had a 'surgery re-do' at some point..and ask her how it has impacted both of them long term. They are now in their 70's and every time I have been up there - the whole family is very 'food social' and one Aunt bakes and cooks her hiney off...but she doesn't eat much. So I at least know 2 ppl who had it back in the day when you were cut completely open and docs did not have decades upon decades of experience on long term data.
  23. Well, up until noon today, I was scheduled to get a VSG on 7/1 (this coming Monday). Now that I finally listened to my gut instincts telling me I am not confident in my choice of surgeon and am DEFINITELY not comfortable in the anesthesia group he contracts with (they have very poor reviews), I met with another highly recommended dr late today. He said he does not consider me a poor risk for a bypass with a duodenal switch. He stayed after office hrs to meet with me. We are going to talk tomorrow after I've had time to digest the fact that times/dates/etc. may all be changing and try to make the final decisions that will be best for my positive outcome. That being said, my husband has been asking what care/support would I require after I get home from the hospital. This has stumped me as after major hospitalizations even though I've had ppl around a day or 2, I'm used to being the caregiver (ALWAYS) and am used to caring for self. I haven't paid attention nor has my 'old dr' ever said much about post-op except don't lift more than 20 lbs and the post-op diet. I also haven't asked so I don't fault either doctor for that (for the record, my first doctor has good reviews too, it is not about him personally, not the main reasons why I'm changing). I have supplies laid in and probably like most ppl have said, within 1 to 2 weeks, I'll be sick of most of them. Do I truly "need" someone physically present to help me with things? Or maybe I should ask, what would you have liked to have someone help you with in the first few days after being discharged from the hospital (whether errands, being in the house, med runs, um..I would say making food...but yeah...um..bringing me my 'liquid of choice'...lol).? Guess I need to now look up info bypass with duodenal switch. I've been thrown quite a curve here as I've focused mostly on 'sleeve' for the past several months. The only though that comes to mind is silly....but it's "I'm going to lose my hair for sure, aren't I?"
  24. KarenLR75

    July 2019 - Surgery Schedule

    I'm remember that you were one of the first people I became aware of that was going to also have surgery on July 1st. I miss not being on the same day as my surgery siblings! I will be cheering all of you on though..along with all of our "month of July" siblings.

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