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Posts posted by Nicky03

  1. Anyone else’s stomach make fantastical new noises post operation? Just wondering if this is the new normal or if I should be concerned. I’m 4 weeks post-op and on advanced purées. Following all the rules carefully. On a side note my family is getting a real kick out of my stomach noises, which sound like a gurgling Chewbacca and/or predator. Not joking.

    Hahaha... 3 weeks out and I was having my brows done, the lady then hoes ‘You’re REALLY hungry aren’t you’ , 8 weeks out and it’s disappeared, only remembered about it now that I’ve read your post, thank heavens!

  2. I own it. Doll myself up at work. Walk down the hallways like it's a runway and when ppl compliment how good I look or say wow you have lost so much weight. I say THANK YOU! I've lost 51lbs. I'm awesome right?! lol
    I just own it. I am more confident and proud of how much i've lost and how i'm looking these days!
    Obviously, everyone is different and others are shy or uncomfortable because we've hid from everyone and ourselves for so long in our old bodies. But now is the time to practice self love and own that you look great! xo

    I love that - ‘practice self love’ I’m going to make it my new years resolution

  3. Ugh. I dread going back to work. I will have been gone six weeks and thankfully I’m tall so my 50 pounds looks like other people’s 20 pounds but I know it’s noticeable. I was trying on my scrubs the other day and I refuse to go back wearing new scrubs and minus 60 pounds.
    Not sure what I will say.

    Congrats! That’s a whole lot during a six week period. If I were you I’d have it altered, and only once you’re 50-70% of the way with your weight loss then get new scrubs.

  4. I also feel so uncomfortable with the attention. Then it gets so awkward because I don't know what to say or what I say is nonchalantly arrogant. Like I would say oh really thank you and then walk away seemingly stuck up but really I just feel uncomfortable and want to get away. I guess we have to get used to it. I also realize this issue is stunting my weight loss. I feel if I lose any more people will be ruthless with comments. Terrible mindset yet that's what I've discovered about myself. Wls is so hard. I also don't feel pride with my weight loss. Not a sense of accomplishment that I helped myself get better. Whereas if you did it the old fashioned way you feel so proud and accomplished you lost 10 lbs. Here I am 58 pounds less but feel like a cheater. Ugh I hate my analytical mind. I drive myself crazy sometimes.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

    I was thinking the exact same thing, if I had done it the old fashioned way I would have been proudly telling everyone about it and at times I do feel like a cheater but I also think that I could’ve never been on this healthy eating plan which I’m on for 8 weeks if it were not for the surgery. People fail even with the surgery because they go back to their old eating habits. I think our minds work overtime when it comes to weightloss, just so tiring.

  5. I'm just now starting to show slimming in my face, no where else yet. But I'm worried about it too. I just started my nursing school which is 2.5years with the same 100 people. So I know after summer break there will probably be a bigger difference and I don't wanna be fussed over. It makes me uncomfortable but I also haven't told anyone (other than family ofcourse) about my sleeve. I'm worried that as the weight drops off someone's going to ask what I'm doing. But hopefully I'll be more confident in myself as the weight comes off and I'll be more open to sharing my experience. [emoji4] best of luck!

    That’s also the thing, I’m just back from 3 weeks annual leave so it’s a big difference to those at work. My face deflates as soon as I don’t eat carbs so with the all round healthy lifestyle it’s much slimmer. I’ve found myself letting people know I gym everyday so that I get less questions. A pregnant lady told me that I’ve transferred all my fat to her. Good luck with your journey, the whole cover-up is exhausting but it’s worth it on the weekend when you don’t have to see them :-)

  6. Hi All,

    I was sleeved on the 15th Nov 2017 and I’ve lost 22lbs so far which is great. Because I’m short the weightloss looks much more than it is (what a relief) BUT I’m finding that I’ve become shy and a bit uncomfortable about my weight loss. Everyone at work has been commenting and complementing me (I didn’t tell anyone that I got sleeved) to a point where it’s making me uncomfortable. On Tuesday I wore a dress which I wore way back when I was lighter and no one has seen the dress, new job, and everyone was making a fuss. It got to a point where I just sat at my desk for the rest of the day until I went home. The next day I went back to wearing my fat clothes to camouflage my weightloss.

    I know that this is strange but has anyone gone through the same thing?

  7. I had no pain in the largest incision (the tummy out incision) and had my surgery 11/15. Well today out of no where while at work, I'm a sales rep on my feet all day, I felt a bit of pain. Now, its progressed to a full blown tugging, stabbing pain anytime I stand up and walk. Even after surgery I was sore but I didn' have actual pain. Did I possibly over extend? Or pulled something? I'm kinda freaking out. Thanks in advanced?

    I had my surgery on the 16th and had the exact same pain yesterday and I have a office job mostly sitting. I didn’t take time off and went to work 2 days after the surgery, needless to say I stayed home today and the pain has subsided.

  8. I had surgery on the same day! My Clear Liquids are for 7 days and I’m already fantasizing about the yoghurt I’m going to have Friday morning. My surgery was at 7:30 and by 9:30 I was back in my room. At noon I went for my first walk around the ward which was tiring but I made it. My Dr requires that you walk every 2 hours for about 10mins. The only thing really bugging me is the pain just above my belly button incision. The pain isn’t on the site, just a bit higher up, I hope that it will pass soon because I want to start walking on the treadmill on Friday.
    I also did some laundry yesterday which I pretty much avoid doing, seems like the surgery is turning me into a good partner, lol.

  9. Great to hear! Glad all has gone well for you. Congrats on your new journey.
    Don't be afraid of disappointment. I am on my scale daily. I'm almost 4 weeks out and have lost 35lbs 28 of it after surgery. I had a few days of no loss and it picked up quick. While in the "stall" I actually lost inches vs weight. Good luck keep us posted!

    Sent from my LGMS330 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Wow! Congrats on your loss, that’s an amazing amount lost. I think I’m going to bite the bullet and weigh on Friday, it would be 8 days postop then.

  10. I have a question, I am a hypochondriac at times and am freaking out about how much liquid I am getting in which is 2 bottles or propel today and a Premier Protein shake. Also I keep freaking out about bloodclots, leaks, and infected incisions. I feel like I'm driving my self crazy. I was sleeved 11/15/17

    Same here! Surgery was on the 16th and I’m back at work today (Sun to Thur work week). I am mostly worried about infected incisions. My liquid intake is awful, pre-surgery I was gulping down Water because I’m not a big coffee/tea/Juice etc drinker. I feel as if I’m going to collapse from dehydration

  11. This morning I went off to have my blood work done prior to surgery tomorrow and decided to get something to wear to dinner tonight(I’m watching them eat, lol), the BF and I are going out with his friend and wife and wanted to look good.

    I tried on multiple options and the staff in one of the stores saw how this shopping trip affected my mood and they started pulling options for me. Needless to say I walked out with nothing, only a new pair of morning slippers for the hospital.

    While walking up catch a taxi I couldn’t be more grateful that tomorrow would be the start of the new me. I vowed not to buy anything until the new year because I never want to feel the way I did today.

    I tried on the clothes in the store which I never do because I avoid the dreaded lighting which shows all flaws but today while looking at myself I took a look at the last fat me. I can’t wait for the new me.

    I have made the right decision

  12. Looking hot hot hot! You literally wrote what I go through and constantly thinking about. Which diet I’m going to start ‘on Monday’ losing the same 7kgs and having it come back and I am still wondering whether I’ll ever lose the weight. My surgery is on the 16th Nov and scared it won’t work. I’m also on the lower end BMI and self pay. I haven’t told anyone except the BF, no one will notice that I’m eating differently or not eating because I’m always on a diet.

  13. I'm 4 days post op and constantly feel like I have a pill or something stuck in my throat. I'm barely able to get my minimum Water down and it's not necessarily painful, just uncomfortable.
    Did anyone else experience something similar?

    I had a surgery a couple of years ago (not vsg, that will be on the 16th Nov) and experienced the same. It was the equipment, for lack of a better word, which they put down your throat during surgery. It’s a tight feeling where you have difficulty even swallowing your saliva. Mine lasted about a week.

  14. 21 is significantly above average. A portion of that wasn't fat, but Water instead. Now that you are getting rehydrated, the water weight comes back.
    The scale will regularly go up and down by a few pounds. If you weigh every day, you'll get used to it.
    How I minimize the psychological impact for me is I write down my weight only once a week. I weigh every day and keep in mind the lowest number I saw that week. That's what I write down.
    I'm 7 months postop and have only had 2 weeks that logged a zero loss. I'm sure if I didn't do it this way, half my weeks would be zero losses! Lol. (The other half would be double).
    You're doing great!

    Question that might sound silly but I’m still going ask :-) If you go on a pre-op diet, does the water weight not get lost in those eg: 2 weeks? And everything thereafter is then fat? I know, it’s naive of me to think that 21lbs in 2 weeks is pure fat but if you are on a pre-op does the water weight not get lost there?

  15. I recommend you stop and take stock of the big picture. Yes, you'll lose weight for 6 months eating pizza. The surgery will do that for you.
    BUT, after this "honeymoon period", if you haven't changed WHAT you eat, your ability to eat more and more is going to lead you to eating too many calories, and you'll start regaining.
    By time I was 3 months postop, I could already eat 2 pieces of pizza. That was the first time I tried it postop. It is a slider for me (and a weak point). I had to decide right then and there that pizza has to be limited to 4 times a year (once a season). That's it. That way I can still have it, but it doesn't figure in my day to day meals, and won't impact my monthly caloric intake.
    Here is the nutritional breakdown of two slices of Papa John's chicken and Veggie lighter choice pizza: (from a large)
    Nutritional Facts Total Calories 560 Cal Total Fat 14.0 g Sodium 1240 mg Total Carbohydrate 78.0 g Dietary Fiber 4.0 g Sugars 10.0 g Protein 20.0 g
    Half my daily calories, almost all my daily sodium, all my carbs, but only 1/4 my daily protein. Too bad I don't have the Vitamin breakdown, but it's not gonna be good.
    Pizza is junk food, and needs to be thought of that way.

    Hi berry,

    I’ve been following the topics for a while now, I’m 2 weeks pre-op (can’t wait for next week!) and my understanding from research and speaking to my surgeon is that the surgery limits your food intake and thus weightloss occurs. From what you’ve said, ‘honeymoon period’ and from what I’ve seen on the forum it seems to imply that you can basically eat for a period and still lose weight. I’m in no way implying that that is what I’m planning on doing but I find this phenomenon, if you want call it such, interesting. My understanding is that this mostly occurs with bypass surgery because there isn’t enough time to absorb all the calories and nutrients before it gets to your digestive system. I understand with VSG that this is not the case because your stomach is smaller but the absorption still takes place as normal.
    Can you please help me better understand. Sorry for highjacking the post[emoji51]. From previous posts you seem to have quite a bit of knowledge all vsg.

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