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Posts posted by Mattymatt

  1. 3 hours ago, mportzen said:

    My surgery date is 3/16 so I am on day 4 of the pre-op program. I have fought through the first few days, but I am extremely emotional today and feel so hungry. I hear this is the hardest and then it gets easier.

    My family is extremely supportive, but they don't understand what I am going through. I am hoping someone can give me advice or tips on how to get through these harder days.

    Thank you!

    It does get better ... a lot better. It took me a full 7 days not to have hunger pangs anymore. My surgery is on March 12th. See how you feel tomorrow. I woke up this morning pleased to be free from hunger pangs. It does happen.

  2. I think this is definitely a question you need to ask your surgeon. I asked mine that question and she said to wait one full year before doing it. It's a perfectly fair question to ask. I like wine and beer but I only drink one or two at most. I like the taste, not being sloshed.

  3. 11 hours ago, The Dora Milaje said:

    I'm barely two weeks out from surgery and still on liquids only. A friend threw a party for another friend of ours and I had assumed it was going to be the open house sort of situation she normally hosts, but it turns out it was a small group and a sit down dinner. Neither of these friends know about my surgery and I wasn't ready to share so I had decided to say my stomach was a little upset so I wouldn't be drinking and prolly wouldn't eat much. Well turns out my stomach WAS upset and I had diarrhea (it cleared up before I left for the party, but I was worried it would resurface!!), so I guess I talked it up. In any case, that excuse worked and I put a few things on my plate moved them around, fed some to the dog, sipped Water and nobody cared. But I was determined not to be "niced" into eating something (you know what I mean "have a small bite, it's OK!" or "Just taste this" or "a sip of champagne shouldn't upset your tummy anymore") before I left home and I was glad it turned out to not be needed. Just made me feel good about going forward and my commitment to lifestyle change.

    Good for you for sticking to it! Sorry about the upset stomach though. Upset stomach and diarrhea are just another day in my life. I don't have a gall bladder so this comes and goes.

  4. 2 hours ago, sgc said:

    I guess it should be no surprise I raised a lazy obese cat. For some reason, I see myself in the cat. I don't think he can jump as high as the other cats so he probably gets left out by the other cats. He also gets excited when he gets fed.


    Fantastic weight loss on your part! That took some real dedication! :-) Love the kitty too.

  5. On 2/28/2018 at 8:13 PM, Daveo said:

    The right kind of man will cherish you for the woman you are! Being a guy and having the surgery that dated someone who also has had it was beneficial for the both of us. Cheap dates and a lot in common! since I'm single again I'm hoping to find another WLS person, just seems easier that way.

    Hey dude! Don't limit yourself to someone who had the surgery. Good people can be found if you don't limit yourself.

  6. Let's just stop the blame game right and here and right now. I stopped the blame game today when everything sunk in and I realized just how fragile I am. You know we are only living because of an intricate bio-chemical process that's protected by a perilously thin layer of skin. This means we need to make the best of our circumstances, not berate ourselves for them. This is going to be my 3rd weight loss program. I've been up and down 100+ pounds twice before and each time I regained the weight and blamed myself. Self-blame is something so easy to get mired in and difficult to get out of. The only thing that matters now is your journey up to, and past, your surgery date. My date is effectively a week away and I've got my eyes on it.

    If it helps I am 40 years old and lived most of my life overweight. Dating is very difficult when you don't look good and/or feel good. I've only had two girlfriends in my life, and it was the second one whom I fell in love with. When that ended, I packed on the weight I had lost really quickly. As Abe Lincoln was fond of saying, "It is not the years of your life that count, it is the life in your years." I haven't had much life in those years and I am determined to change that. The past does not matter any more.

  7. Congratulations on catching yourself before the ultimate fall! That's huge! You are still a success because you've kept more than 50% of your weight off. You're even just a success for catching yourself before the fall. Now just go back to the bariatric basics of Protein first and follow this. You'll be back under control in no time.

  8. 1 hour ago, Todd_196 said:

    I got the call yesterday to schedule my WLS. I was in my counselor’s office waiting for my appointment to start and I got the call!

    I’ve got tell you I was floored. I’ve been trying to find out the status of my case, and was checking to make sure they had all of the paper work they needed. I had no idea that they submitted everything to the insurance company for review and approval.

    Like many, I’m sure, I was thrilled, excited scared, worried, uncertain etc., etc. When my counselor came to get me for my appointment she knew right away something was odd. LOL, more so than normal. I told her and I found that I was starting to come up with reasons why I should wait and maybe put this off for a while. It was ridiculous. I was more worried about everyone and everything else and how they would be missing my “help”. She pointed out and I came to realize that I never prioritize for myself; I always do for others and not me. In a good way I agreed that I need to be selfish for once and take care of me. To make me happy, make me feel handsome, make me feel smart, sexy, accepted, loved, wanted, part of life.

    Am I worried and scared? Hell yes! But for once I feel like I’m giving myself the tools and permission to take control of my life and be who I am rather than who I think I should be for others.

    It's very normal to be scared and worried and I'd be concerned if you were not. I am 10 days away from the big day and I am running the emotional gamut. I am on March 12th. When is your big day?

  9. 2 hours ago, bronzemeatloaf said:

    Surgery was successful. Very little pain and I’m able to drink Water and Protein Drinks. Came home yesterday and I’ve been walking like crazy.

    Got on the scale this morning and was surprised that I only lost 1 lb. would this be normal?

    Keep your chin up! :-) Every person's body is a little different and reacts differently to surgery. All you have to do is stick to the plan and the losing will eventually begin. It is easy to get discouraged when we read all these stories about dramatic weight loss. It is also easy to lose patience with the process and expect instant gratification. Believe you me, I am one of those instant gratification types. Trust the process and let things happen.

  10. The entire process leading up to what is going to happen on March 12th has showed me all of the resentment and anger that I've harbored towards the world. There is nothing like confronting a major change to life to make me realize just how human I really am. I am only alive but for the complex chemical processes that happen underneath a frighteningly thin layer of protection. I now know just how fragile and human I am and I really don't want to spend the rest of my life the way I've lived my 40 years until now. I've lived life with a chip on my shoulder and generally expecting to fight for every yard that I needed to gain. No more ... it just is not worth it. No matter how frustrating life can be, it is no longer worthwhile taking it out on someone else or seeking to blame others. It's not even worth blaming myself anymore. For the first time in my life, I don't want to find fault in anyone, including myself, for life's circumstances. The surgery is going to leave the old me in the dust: mentally and physically. I resolve to be a better person when I wake from anesthesia.

  11. I am captivated by the fundamental difference in cat and dog ownership. We cat people always talk about getting owned by a cat whereas people own dogs. I would honestly rather be owned by a cat. Cats are not as independent as many people often perceive. They just have different ways of expressing life in a group or pack. If you take time to understand the nuances, bonds between cats and people become just as strong.

  12. 5 hours ago, Libra_87 said:

    My paperwork and everything was submit to BCBS of IL on 2/20.. and still no answer yet! I know it’s only been 7-days, but it’s been a long 7-days!!!! Anyone else take longer?

    Yeah the waiting game isn't a whole lot of fun. But I've grown patient because I've spent 6 months in the process so what's another week or two at this point?

  13. 5 hours ago, Frikinanni said:

    Next week will be 5 months since my surgery and I’m down 70 lbs!

    I hit a lot of stalls, which led to a lot of frustration but the stalls will come and go!



    Now IMG_1749.JPG IMG_1334.JPG

    It sounds like you have a great attitude about the stalls. You work through them .... which is the best attitude to have. Keep up the hard work.

  14. 6 hours ago, BrittneyH said:

    My surgery was on 2/12. I have been taking time off from dating to focus on myself. I think it would be better to wait until I'm at least at my goal weight. I am concerned what kind of guys will be into me when I am skinny though. I haven't ever been small. The men who usually hit on me say they like curvy women... what if they don't like me when I am 148 lbs.

    You're wise to stay away from dating until you get to goal weight. The last thing you want is something to derail you. I am choosing the same path. I think once you get to goal weight, you'll have a much broader range to date from. I am 40 and there isn't a huge market for overweight, disabled, and unemployed guys right now. LOL! But work on one thing at a time. That's all you can do.

  15. 1 hour ago, BrittneyH said:

    haha this is funny. I have 1 cat. Her name is Charlotte. I much prefer men who like cats then dogs. Cats are feisty and independent but love to cuddle. Like me!

    Then I think you'd like me. I'm not a dog person. I like other people's dogs but I would never own one. Cats rule!

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