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Posts posted by Mattymatt

  1. That I wonder why I am doing this? LOL! Wake up, blood sugar is in the low 130s. How the hell is this possible when it was 98 before I went to bed!? Hey, I know the answer but it still doesn't make sense: body makes sugar at night. My pancreas and liver are at mortal combat with each other. My energy is really super duper low today ... I am ready for a tweet from Donald Trump to confirm my "low energy" so I can join the ranks of Ben Carson. Before anyone says anything, yes, I put down 48 oz of liquid this morning including the 8 oz of that foul product called Optifast. Yes, I took my Metformin. Yes, everything ran through me faster than 1 lap of the Indy 500. Yes, you missed the opportunity to see a fat man sprint for the white porcelain throne in a record 9.9. No, it wasn't pretty.

    This sucks a$$! Please tell me it gets better than this, because if it don't, I've got my eye on the biggest pasture made for human beings that goes by the unlikely name of Old Country Buffet. More like Obsessive Compulsive Buffet because you can't leave until you get your money's worth. I mean heaven fore fend if you leave without sampling each and every desert as it would simply be a travesty.

  2. 53 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    Great tunes for being high on pre-anesthesia:

    Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd

    Free Fallin' - Tom Petty

    Under Pressure - David Bowie & Freddie Mercury

    Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf

    This Is The End - The Doors

    Go Ask Alice - Jefferson Airplane

    I could go on and on! :D You'll do great. Ask for a "mother's little helper" pill for anxiety! They have you as their Number 1 priority! They are focused 100% on YOU. You are very safe, coddled, cared for and they'll do damn near anything for you short of peelin' you a grape! :D

    Good luck!!

    This Is The End is perfect! It's the beginning of the end of obesity.

  3. 1 hour ago, blizair09 said:

    To be honest, the mental battle of this journey is a lot more difficult than the physical battle. You have to change your relationship with food to make it positive and healthy. You don't need to worry about what you CAN eat after the surgery (specifically after the diet progression after the surgery), but instead you should worry about what you SHOULD eat after the surgery.

    I have a horrible carb addiction; therefore, I have minimized them (less than 25g per day) since six months BEFORE my surgery. I am 17 months post-op now, so I haven't had more than 20-25g of carbs on any one day in almost 2 years. Do I love bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar, etc.? Of course, I do. But I am choosing not to eat those things because weighing 170ish pounds at 6'0", and wearing small shirts and 31 waist pants is more important to me than any food and drink. And notice that I said that I HAVE a carb addiction, not that I HAD a carb addiction. I feel it is the same situation as an alcoholic has with booze. I will never be "cured" of it; I can just manage it.

    I say all of this to you to encourage you to get your head in the right place before the surgery as you still have a little bit of time. Immediately post-op, your body is trying to heal, and that is a full-time job in itself. If you don't prepare yourself for the mental battle and work on changing your relationship with food, you likely won't be successful long term.

    Wishing you the best!

    This is an astute observation and I can personally attest to it. The battle is much more mental. I am on Day 7 of my 14 day pre-op diet and while I don't have physical hunger, the head hunger symptoms are real. My neighbors in my apartment complex must've whipped up a special dinner because all of the smells are wafting in my apartment. I don't feel physically hungry but man that food smells SO DAMN GOOD.

  4. 1 minute ago, jenn0176 said:

    I have started my 9 day diet..:: my surgery day is March 13... I absolutely love chocolate... I have had my choc funeral... just Incase I can’t have it after surgery... (my mother in law also had the sleeve about 7 months ago, she said choc now gives her such horrible heart burn.. she said it isn’t worth it anymore hahaha).. does anyone know if there is a limit of fluids I should be taking in a day on the liquid diet... it says 64oz.. but I get well over that... is that going to be an issue?????

    Hydration is important. If your getting in more than 64 oz and you still feel good, you're fine. I need to get better about hydration so I downloaded an app to alert me to hydration time.

  5. 3 hours ago, abefroman329 said:

    Did anyone else wake up one morning and find it’s suddenly really difficult to get their junk to fit in their underwear?

    That would be a good day to wake up to. Alas, I wouldn't know ....

  6. Just now, logicwand said:

    Do you know why it's required? I pretty much threw all my pre-bought cream Soups away cuz they tasted so gross. I hope I'm not missing out on something important. Eek!

    Nah, you're not. I compared the Optifast Soups to the shakes and the difference between them is that the soups have 300mg more of sodium. I just feel guilty for wasting them.

  7. Just now, logicwand said:

    Crystalbear, I've also read that your tastes can change. You may not even like certain foods anymore. I only got sleeved last week, but apparently I don't like cream Soups anymore. LOL It literally tastes like I'm putting flour in my mouth.

    I never really liked cream Soups to begin with at all. I am suffering through having the one per day that is required on Optifast.

  8. From the support groups I have attended, many of the participants have said that their tastes and desires in food changed radically. One guy related a really telling story. He used to love burgers and fries and now just the sight of red meat makes his stomach flip. I think rather than worry, you kind of have to ride it out and see what happens.

  9. Anyone else on the pre-op diet running to piss almost every hour? This started happening to me today and I am half way through the pre-op diet. Is this just the body letting go of the excess Water being held from diets high in sodium? LOL! It's almost to the point where I don't want to be more than a few minutes from the toilet.

  10. The reason surgeons require a (sometimes) stringent pre-operation diet is actually to make surgery safer and faster. An enlarged liver and spleen can obstruct the view of the laprascopic camera making the surgery more difficult. As my surgeon says, this is especially the case in larger patients coming to the operating table. I just happen to be one of those too.

    I also reason that this pre-operation diet could work really well in my favor if for some reason the surgeon must abort the surgery. If that unlikely scenario does occur, I will already be adapted to the Optifast diet that the surgeon prescribed so I might as well continue with it while the issue gets resolved. I am 6'4" and 356 pounds so I can get to a low of about 290 before losing the qualification for weight loss surgery. If it will be the case that I am not going to be safe for surgery, I will ride OptiFast to its natural conclusion and continue to work with a therapist. There can be bright spots in dark times.

  11. 1 hour ago, VSG_Meow_Bitch said:

    Hi guys,

    Tmrm will be 12 weeks post sleeve surgery and i am only down 35 ish pounds. I guess that still good though.

    Staring weight: 250 preop diet

    Surgery weight: 243 on 11/11/17

    Current weight: 215 on 3/4/18

    Im going to start working out and i am hoping that by my birthday in April i will be in onederland.

    That's still not bad at all! It's above the average of 1.5 - 2lbs per week. Your average is actually 3 pounds per week. You also have less to lose than a lot of other people. The less weight you have to lose the harder it is. Just keep at it and you'll get there. Remember, you didn't gain this weight overnight.

  12. 29 minutes ago, PCOSSUCKS said:

    My dad doesn’t understand either. He isn’t as hateful as your sister in law sounds about it but he is not happy about it AND IM 40! Lol

    I just turned 41 and my dad reacted the same way. I finally told him in no uncertain terms that if he wants to have a relationship with me of any kind that I will have nothing but his support. I told him that he either supports me or goes his own way. There are always people that have their uneducated opinions. I tell them that once you've walked a mile or more in my shoes, with repeated and failed attempts at weight loss, surgery looks like a better and better option.

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