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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Rose400491

  1. Age: 19

    Sleeved 10/17/2017



    Down 70 pounds.

    I’m feeling so discouraged because I’m very strict with my diet and exercise and I seem to be gaining some weight which I can only assume is gaining muscle. But my doctor is looking at me like I’m not trying when I’m following everything to the t. I feel so crappy cause he told me that me being down 70 pounds in 5 months was “nothing”.

    -My workouts consist of cardio for 45 minutes to an hour then weights twice a week

    -My diet is 80g of Protein a day, 800 Calories, mostly vegetarian diet (when I rarely eat meat it’s fish), no bread, Water and sugar free drinks.< /p>

    My doctor isn’t helping me cause I’m already following everything they tell me and I’m just depressed and feel hopeless. Maybe someone here can help me. Anything I can do to improve and maybe push my weight loss faster again?

  2. Sleeved: October 17th 2017

    I’ve heard gallbladder problems are common after gastric surgery and a lot of people get their gallbladder out when they get surgery.

    I’m in the hospital right now and I just found out I have gallstones! Then to further testing mild pancreatitis I’m assuming that was caused from the gallstones because I do not drink alcohol. I have never had problems pre or post op (until now) wondering if anyone else has had experience like this?

  3. Sleeved 10/17/17

    Age: 19

    HW: 297

    CW: 241

    Heeelllpppp all my life I’ve always gotten compliments on my hair, how long and thick it is. I know hairloss is something that is bound to happen but I’m losing so much. It’s EVERYWHERE and everytime I shower I just have a big clump that scares me, then another big clump after the shower when I comb.

    I’ve been lazy on my Vitamins so I’m sure that’s an #1 thing but I’m getting better on it and setting reminders for myself!

    Would extra Biotin help?


    Sleeved 10/17/17

    Age: 19

    HW: 297

    CW: 246

    So my bathroom trips have been weird for weeks now. Some days I’ll have diarrhea and sometimes I’m constipated for days. I have a problem with Water retention and that along with Constipation I’m bloated a lot and uncomfortable.

    Saw this on Amazon and I’m wondering if it’s safe to take?

    I’ve tried everything for constipation and it either doesn’t agree with me or i get uncontrollable diarrhea for days and after awhile it’s painful and don’t wanna deal with it. Anyone familiar with this?


  5. Sleeved October 17 2017

    Age: 19

    HW: 297

    CW: 246

    Alittle over two and a half months post op. I’m having a hard time figuring out how often to eat, how much, and what my calorie intake should be. Right now I’m kinda just eating when I remember to and eating to get energy. I burn about 500-700 calories from cardio at the gym and I’m trying to go everyday.

    I need some help and advice

  6. Same here. Honestly I think the human body is just too different due to genetics for any single diet/exercise program/routine to work for everyone. I'm sure for some doing fasted cardio is great. For me there wouldn't be any point because I'd lack any energy and would end up quitting early. You may instead want to look into foods that are good energy sources but don't necessarily cause your blood sugar to spike like certain carbs/foods can do.

    From my personal experience I've always felt HIIT (high intensity interval training) is better. I always did a modified program. The core idea is to do 30 seconds of sprints followed by 30 seconds of jogging. Granted my body would explode if I tried doing that starting out...lol. So what I would do is 30 seconds of a moderate pace followed by 60 seconds of walking. You can pretty much do this on any type of cardio machine (bike, stair climber, etc). Over time I got into better shape and could push myself more. Most of the time I kept to doing 30 seconds of walking rather than jogging. The main takeway is that you want to change up the pace to keep your body in state of flux. Like anything what works for me may not work for you or anyone else. I also didn't do this all the time. It was just one other cardio routine that I did. Most machines at a gym will have some sort of interval program so maybe try that out and see how it goes.

    It’s funny that you said the walking/jogging thing! I actually just starting doing that at the gym to push myself. I do it on the arc trainer but I just started it so this week I’m doing 30 seconds “running”, 30 seconds of faster “walking” then after 5 sets of sprints I get a 2 minutes recovery. I’m trying to switch it up every other day so my body doesn’t get used to the same workout

  7. Sleeved 10/17/17

    Age: 19

    HW: 297

    CW: 245

    Doing some research on cardio exercises for the gym I came across something called “Fasted Cardio” which means working out in a fasted state, usually in the morning hitting the gym to do cardio before your first meal.

    Fasted Cardio is saying that doing this forces your body to not use your food for energy and goes straight to the fat source, along with explain components about insulin, glycogen levels, and carbohydrate utilization.

    Finding mixed research, some say it’s bogus, some swear by it. Looking for some advice

  8. Sleeved October 17 2017

    Age: 19

    SW: 297

    CW: 255

    GW: Healthy and happy.

    Any medications that are a no go for post op Gastric Sleeve patients. I tried to contact my surgeons office but they haven’t gotten back to me yet. I’ve had no previous health problems before my surgery other than depression and anxiety that I’m taking Remeron for.

    Specifically asking about Lasix, tmi but ladies you know when you’re bloating before that time of the month for me I retain ALOT of Water up to 7-8 pounds difference in my weight no matter how hard I watch my sodium intake.

    Is Lasix 45mg safe to take???

  9. I know I probably sound crazy or ungrateful for what I already have lost. But that isn’t the case! I’m still new to this surgery and getting used to adjusting to the journey. I know everyone is different and it’s way you use this tool to get the results.

    Sleeved October 17th 2017

    Age: 19

    SW: 296

    CW: 255


    My surgeons program wants me to be down 50 pounds at my 3 month mark. I’m 8 weeks out and down 41 pounds! I’m a full time college student and work almost full time at work so managing working out on top of that was difficult for me and I was on a stall for awhile but I’m back on my grind!

    This past month i wasn’t exercising as much (maybe once or twice a week) and I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks. A part of me feels like that’s great! I’d be happy if I can lose 10-15 pounds every month but I don’t know if that’s an average amount to lose with Gastric sleeve surgery.

  10. Age: 19

    Sleeved: October 17th 2017

    SW: 297

    CW: 255


    I’m almost 8 weeks post op and I’m down 42 pounds! I’m ahead of my surgeons program (at 12 weeks I should be down 50 pounds so I’m alittle ahead).

    I know everyone is different when it comes to this and how we use this tool but I’m just curious on other peoples experiences, how fast they lost with types of diet and exercises they do.

    Share your progression stories!

  11. Dinner is the most calories I eat a day.
    I eat about 3-4 meals a day with my dinner being the most calories. Usually my breakfast consist of one egg and fruit or just a fruit salad. lunch is usually vegetables w/hummus or a Protein shake/bar. Dinner being the most calories with it being around 180-230 calories. All are about the same amount of food quantity wise

    For dinner I stick with baked fish or chicken and a serving of vegetables

  12. How many meals are you eating a day? And are they are comparable size/calorie wise to what you had for dinner

    Dinner is the most calories I eat a day.
    I eat about 3-4 meals a day with my dinner being the most calories. Usually my Breakfast consist of one egg and fruit or just a fruit salad. lunch is usually vegetables w/hummus or a Protein shake/bar. Dinner being the most calories with it being around 180-230 calories. All are about the same amount of food quantity wise

  13. Age: 19

    Sleeved October 17th

    HW: 297


    CW: 257 (down 40 pounds WOOP!!!)

    Hello! I’m 7 weeks post op and back on a “regular diet” obviously healthy meals. I no longer touch fast food or processed foods I make everything fresh at home.

    My NUT instructed me to set alarms and eat every 3-4 hours (or else I’ll literally forget to eat that day not that I’m not hungry).

    I feel like I eat too much in one sitting, maybe it seems a lot of food now that I get full super easy. But tonight for dinner I had a soy-free vegan “chicken” patty with a serving of diced sweet potatoes with snap peas (maybe alittle more than 1/2 cup). I ate it in about 45 minutes.

    How much should I be eating 7 weeks out?

  14. Age: 19

    HW: 296

    SW: 280

    CW: 257

    I’m 7 weeks post-op and I was solid at the gym for about two weeks when I got the approval from my surgeon then my schedule got pretty hectic and stopped but I’m down 39 pounds so far and ready to get back to the gym!

    What’s your favorite workouts to do at the gym (or at home)?

    I currently work out at LA Fitness I mainly do cardio but I’m interested in signing up for the classes they offer there such as yoga and kick boxing.

  15. While I agree, it's not so easy. I mean how many times do you see posts on here about somebody eating pizza or a cheeseburger one week after having bariatric surgery (not to suggest you can't incorporate them in a balanced diet) . Unfortunately most of us have addictive behavior, and to get ahead of the curve you just have to acknowledge it and actively attempt to improve it.
    The OP acknowledges this, and I think was trying to justify their behavior as not that bad. But at least she's willing to learn and hopefully will use that knowledge to make better decisions going forward.
    I mean there's a big difference between thinking smoking will just delay your healing, and learning that it could cause a perforated ulcer causing you to completely get cut open possibly septic and have a visit to the ICU for a few weeks.
    Honestly I've seen that ****, and I'd rather them just kill me than put me through it.

    Thank you for understanding and being kind with your response. I appreciate this response! Like I said I didn’t post this for people to jump on me, i was hoping some other people could relate to me. I had a binge eating disorder before my surgery and this could be a habit I’m switching over to. Especially with mental illness’ like depression and anxiety it’s not as easy for people to just stop. I posted this to get info from others who experienced the same thing or have advice on the situation. I agree I was justifying my behavior with a “it could be worst” mindset but I’m willing to change and get better.
    Thank you again for being kind with your response

  16. Sleeved October 17th 2017.

    Had no complications during surgery or post op. Healthy (no previous health problems) down 36 pounds.

    I know cigarettes are bad I don’t need people telling me and I’m not posting this for people to jump on me I’m honestly looking for advice. I smoked cigarettes for about 3 months before surgery and quit two weeks before. I wasn’t severely addicted, it was very easy for me to quit. Id smoke one cigarette every day, or one every other day.

    I haven’t smoked since October 1st and I just smoked today and I feel like everyone freaks out about this but I don’t see it as a big deal especially since one pack of cigarettes last me 3 weeks to a month. I know it can affect the healing process but everyone deals with stress, anxiety and depression differently I’m sure all smokers who have quit know the feeling of just craving a cigarette when you’re having a bad day.

    Anyone out here have experience with smoking post op?

  17. Do not drop your calories by 240. Without knowing how many calories you are taking in at 5-6 weeks that advice could mean you could only be consuming 400 calories at this stage. ( I am 4 weeks out and consuming average 625 calories in a day.) I would try to use real food as opposed to the processed Protein bars, opt for string cheese, or some cubed turkey instead.

    I eat anywhere from 400-600 a day then I burn off about 250-300 at the gym. On gym days I allow myself to eat alittle more

  18. I’m five weeks post op from my gastric sleeve.

    Starting weight pre-op: 296

    Weight on the day of surgery: 280

    Current weight: 265

    For awhile I wasn’t getting my Protein in but now that I can eat food again I’ve been eating Protein Bars to meet my requirements (I make sure I get high protein, low calorie, no added sugar and low carb)

    So currently I’m down 31 pounds. The past 2 weeks I’ve fluctuating up and down 3 pound (also believe that could have been from my period) it’s just alittle discouraging not losing weight. I know I’m still fresh and new and that I just need to have patience.

    I’m hoping now that I’m getting all my Water and protein in I could have longer workouts at the gym (instead of just 30-45 minutes).

    I feel like maybe I’m just obsessing about losing weight alittle too much. Im 19 and I’ve been big all my life so this kind of gets me down especially since I was losing weight so quick before

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