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Posts posted by boliramirez

  1. 5 hours ago, Sara Bronson said:

    How did they fix your stricture? I'm going through an issue right now with a stricture. I couldn't even finish the upper GI because the barium wouldn't pass through. The GI dr referred me to a surgeon and now I'm waiting for their call.. I'm just not sure what to expect.. any advice?

    Sorry to hear that. My doctor did not even tried the barium as I was not able to even pass Water , so they did a GI and with little ballon ,they stretched the stricture. It was done under anesthesia and lasted less than 15 minutes , I felt nothing after it was done and was able able to swallow pretty mug normal right after the procedure . They recommended two more weeks of puréed food and I just started eating normal , since Monday , no more issues Thank God.... Do it worry , it is a simple procedure and you will be fine in no time ...

  2. I am from Mexico and had RNY on october 17th 2017. I did a lot of research to choose a good doctor and found Dr. Roberto Rumbaut, he is one of top WLS doctors in Mexico... I would never consider any doctor that is not in one of the main cities in the country like, MExico City, Guadalarja or Monterrey where I had the surgery... The best hospitals in the county and obviously the best doctors are there. Even Tijuana that I know is quite popular in this forum will never be an option for me.....

    Also complications do happen, I had a stricture that had nothing to do with the doctors technic or method, it was simply a scarring issue that was fixed in 20 minutes.....

    I hope you get much better !


  3. 2 hours ago, RobinJoy said:

    Hi boliramirez.. how are you feeling.. ?

    I am much much better, thanks for asking , I am been cautious of that I eat after I got the stricture fixed... And I just finished the two weeks of pureed foods that the doctor recommended after the procedure. I am off 44 pounds !!! If all it helped a lot to loose weight rather quickly !

  4. 11 hours ago, RobinJoy said:

    Thankyou !! I came home and still got sickies after drinking plain Water . But after that I was ok . We shall see in the morning how I feel . If not they want to do an upper gi . I definanately do not want to have to get another procedure like you had to do !! Are you feeling better now ? But I do know that my surgeons office doesn’t charge for something like that . They say it’s all included since I’m still in their care

    This is my Journey to Joy !

    RIght after I had my sticture fixed, I felt great great again, I waited until next day to start fluids and everything went back to normal..... I am on soft foods again 15 days after the procedure... No big deal, but last night I had a pouch of tuna for the first time since WLS and it upset my stomach... It hurts ... I hope to feel better later today.....

  5. I am sorry to hear that, I was in the same spot last week , I spent a week without been able to eat or drink anything... I am afraid that you have an stricture.... I had to get a laparoscopic procedure where they inflated the stricture in order to fix it.... The down side in my case was that I paid for my surgery and had to pay for this procedure as well... It is a matter of 15 minutes and you are sedated so no biggie... You should call your doctor.....

    I hope you get better....

  6. How are you all? I am 3 weeks post op and I am doing pretty well, I have tried all types of foods, meat , chicken and pork and all those went in great, being pork the most heavy to eat.... also milk products are ok, the only thing that i have difficulty eating was egg.... so no big deal, I am 24 pounds lighter and full of energy ! The only change that I noticed is that sometimes after eating I feel sleepy.... how are you guys doing?

  7. That is great that you have choices.... I did pick the best surgeon in Mexico, the most experienced and honestly I do not know what it is , but every person that had WLS with him, did great and felt great really quick... I am out two weeks and Since week one I was ready to do my normal life..... I am now starting to feel hungy, can't wait to eat some solids !!

  8. Not at all, I am 100% as functional as before..... and I can drink the 8oz in 5 minutes... even less.... I feel so good that I been tempted to try small bit of solid food... but, i will wait another 10 days.... oh, the only thing that i have is that i feel or better said I have less sensation when I touch my stomach... I being told this is temporal and normal when you have any surgery.. I would not know as this was the first time I had surgery....

  9. I am six days post op too, i just went to the doctors Office and had my drain removed... that was the only thing that hurt a little bit and now I feel like nothing happened... I feel Great !!

    I have been drinking Regular Gatorade, no issues there, brothes and Tea , I have another appointment tomorrow and I think they will clear me for Protein shakes.... excellent as I have not been getting enough protein since the surgery......

  10. Today is my second day at home, I been sipping gatorade with mixed results, I am bloated and have some gas

    that hurts a little bit. Last night was my first night at home and was not a nice one because of the gas...... I am feeling hungry right now for the first time in two weeks , i am about to have some beef broth....wish me luck !

  11. I am 36 hours post surgery, I did 8 days of liquid diet and lost almost 10 pounds.... my doctor visited today and he said it was

    a text book procedure, my liver was not swollen due to the liquid diet and the bleeding was minimal... I have 4 incisions and a Drain that will be removed in a week.... I just experienced minor pain yesterday... had a great night of sleep in my ultra nice private room... ;)

    Tomorrow I will have a contrast leak test and if everything is OK, I will go home.....

    I hope you guys are doing great too !!

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