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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MG1776

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday February 10

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  1. Today is my first day back at work since my surgery 10/16. I thought I had thought about everything and returning to work, meals, protein, water, etc. One major thing I didn't think about was me getting dressed for work this morning and putting on slacks that I wore pre-surgery...they looked ridiculous and were entirely too big. It was awesome and stressful at the same time. Luckily, as I rummaged through the closet I found a smaller size that I kept for some strange reason, and while still a bit baggy, they were much better. Guess I'll need to get a couple pairs of slacks tonight to get me through the next month or so, then swap those out. What an awesome feeling to get rid of clothes for being to big for a change.

    1. Newme17


      That’s a great problem to have!!! Glad you had a quick remedy.

    2. Rainbow_Warrior


      I had surgery 12th Oct and returned to online work (one of my jobs) after 12 days.

      I did a one-hour home-consultation with a referral customer on the fifteenth day. (Fri Oct 27)

      I returned to my Tuesday evening office job, a 1:45pm-6:45pm regular slot on the 31st (last Tuesday).

      It seems we are on a similar pace with work.

      (I'm officially retired ... July 2016 ... but I have a skill set in demand which means I get almost as much part-time and casual work as I want.)

      Is your work full-time, part-time, casual?

    3. MG1776


      I work full time, usually 8-4 in a professional setting, so slacks, shirt, tie, or polo daily. Today is my 5th day back and all has been great so far. Just keeping up on my liquids and protein. Thankfully, the owners are understanding and supportive so I can do as I please for the most part.

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