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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by shanna234

  1. Hi all,

    I'm just wondering if anyone else developed a rash after surgery? I've had it since I came home after surgery and it hasn't gone

    away. My whole body itches and I have white splotches and dots all over in different places. It comes and goes, but it is really

    frustrating and uncomfortable. At first I thought it was just irritation from the tape at the hospital, but I have the rash on my legs, arms, and back...all places that didn't have tape and whatnot.

    Has anyone else experienced this?



  2. My doctor said that I couldn't drink soda because even if you let the soda sit and get flat, the warmth of your stomach will cause it to fizz up again and then stretch your pouch. I wasn't a big soda drinker anyway, but I do miss the concept of possibly having it once in awhile. I've only been banded for a week and a half, so it really hasn't been a big deal for me so far.

    The only soda I can really see myself missing is the old fashioned Orange Cream kind. I love that stuff and it used to be a special treat once in awhile. Another thing I thought of was the sparkling apple cider. I saw a four-pack at costco the other day. I don't drink alcohol, so I would have that for a toast at Christmas or New Years. Now I'll have to just have plain apple juice or whatever.

  3. Hi, I also had to do a sleep apnea test. I was already approved for the surgery because of my weight and the co-morbidity of hypertension. I just had a bunch of things I needed to complete before they would schedule the surgery. I needed the psych eval, nutritionist and exercise therapist counseling, etc.

    The sleep study was the last thing I did and it was really quite easy. I went in about 6 in the evening. They had me put on my pajamas and then put all sorts of wires and monitors. It was kind of hard to fall asleep and I moved a lot which got me tangled in the wires. They said that I moved more than a lot of people they had seen.

    I got my sleep study results mid-June and didn't get my pre-op date until Sept. 19th when they scheduled my surgery. So, it took about 3 1/2 months for me.

    They determined that my sleep apnea wasn't bad enough to warrant a cpap machine, but they did watch me for it during my recovery after the surgery.

  4. I didn't get lovenox, but my surgeon did shoot me with heparin in my thigh right before surgery. He did it at the same time as they were putting in the IV and so I was torn as to what hurt more, but the heparin definitely did. It burned for about a minute or so, but then I was over it.

    Afterwards, I got 4 more shots while in the hospital. They put those in the fatty tissue of my butt. I have bruises from those, but they didn't hurt as much. Probably because I was on the Morphine.

  5. Thanks everyone for your replies and words of encouragement. I called my surgeon the next morning and he said it was "very unlikely" that anything happened, especially since I was feeling better that morning and not worse.

    I am doing great now. I am still a little sore in my port area, especially if I sit for too long. But, other than that, I have continued to improve. My post-op is on Tuesday the 14th, so I'll be able to check my status then. I can't wait to get on mushies!:wink2:

    Thanks again everyone!


  6. Tonight I was coming down the stairs and my foot slipped. I was banded on Oct. 1st, so I am 5 days out. I landed on my bottom on the next stair down, so I didn't fall far. However, I fell hard and had a very bad pain at my port incision. I am feeling better now, still very sore though. Has anyone else been clumsy like me and fell after just having surgery? If so, what happened? Did your port come off? Did your band move? Would there be excruciating pain if either of these things happened?

    I'm going to call my doctor in the morning. I have a follow up appointment next Tuesday, but I'm not sure if I should go in sooner or what.

    Am I being paranoid? Please help!



  7. Slim N TN my doc also told me 48-64 oz of Fluid a day to make sure stay hydrated..

    So everyone else .. All those who said they feel pressure in chest like they have to belch and can not.. I know this is stupid sounding, but I have found if I am standing up and lean forward putting my hands on the bed or table I am able to get a belch or two out at a time and let me tell you when it comes out it is like such a relief even though i is only for a short amount of time.. ha ha best of luck to everyone

    Haha! That's what I've been doing too. I was banded on Oct. 1st as well. I have been walking around my house a lot. I even went out into the back yard for a few minutes yesterday and today. When I feel the pressure moving up into my chest, I stop what I am doing and lean forward, put my hands on the couch, bed or table and wait a bit. A rumbly burp usually comes out, giving me instant relief for a bit.:crying:

  8. I had my surgery on Oct. 1st. I had one bm yesterday, but nothing else. I have been burping a lot and passing gas occasionally. Today my shoulder started to hurt. I was expecting that from the gas right after surgery, but for it to start now kinda surprised me. I have felt bloated all day today though. I don't know if it is gas or what. Anyway, I am taking colace 2x a day but I don't know how much it is helping. I do have a cup of warm broth in the morning and that usually helps with gas though.

  9. Hi, I am on day 8 of my liquid diet. It was very hard the first few days for me, but it has gotten better. One thing that I do is I am constantly drinking Water or crystal light. Then about 1/2 hour before I need to drink a shake, I stop drinking liquid. I try to drink my shake as slowly as possible and then wait to drink anything else until about 1/2 later. It helps me feel more satisfied somehow. I've already lost almost 14 lbs! Hope this helps.


  10. Well, I'm not sure how it feels to be banded because I haven't had my surgery yet, but if you are getting stuck then it seems like you are not eating slow enough or chewing your food enough. My doctor and nutritionist told me to start practicing way ahead of time eating very slowly and chewing each bite 20 to 30 times before I swallow. Also, they told me that I am supposed to put my fork down between bites and wait a minute before taking the next bite.

    Are you drinking with your meals? If so, you shouldn't. The info I got is to stop drinking liquids 30 min before eating and don't drink liquids until 30 after you are done eating. Liquids make the foods move through your stomach quicker, making you hungry sooner and not keeping you satisfied.

    I am on a liquid diet now in prep for my surgery. I have been drinking Water constantly throughout the day, except when I have my shakes, then I make sure not to drink Water for 30 min before and 30 min after. It helps me feel fuller and I haven't had as hard a time as I would have thought.

    Hope you are able to work out your problems.


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