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Mr Edwards

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Everything posted by Mr Edwards

  1. Mr Edwards

    Low fat deserts..

    the Apple sounds great but high in carbs as per my nut..
  2. Good Sunday everyone. I am dealing with the second case of bad constipation...currentky using Senecot S..benefiber for fiber..milk of magnesia and glicern sopostories. nothing is really happening..i am drinking lots of water and excersise as well.. What is everyone else using that really helps them?? Also..before I had surgery my morning coffee always did the trick..have a coffee...then off to the bathroom.. Is anyone having coffee after Gastric Bypass..i was once told by one doc no caffeine.. but many others say everything in moderation...im wondering if that may help me with my being so constipated.... I appreciate everyone's replies..i honestly do thx.
  3. yes..me as well..they are like movies.. more previlant with Oxycodone.
  4. Mr Edwards

    Inches vs pounds

    When speaking to one head nurse of my program regarding my stall ...she said nothing to worry about ..sometimes you lose inches not pounds...sometimes pounds not inches.. Is this true..can anyone comment or this B.S. just something said to patients..
  5. So a week ago I was in emerge with bad constipation..and what I ended up passing scared me.. So now I end up having an anal fissure.. embarrassed to say the least..and pain like I've not had before. anyone have any remedies..?? I am on laxatives.. softeners..lots of water n fiber..n no constipation now..so causes I've licked... now it's treatment I'm looking for.
  6. Mr Edwards

    Im feeling like a failure...already

    I can honestly say...you and I feel the exact same way..gotta keep pushing fwd..the feelings are part and parcel of going through a surgery..it upsets the emotional aspect.... Keep pushing fwd...you will be happy at times.. and not at others...thisis a journey..and you just took off.. cheers
  7. Wow this site has so much information. I have a question about when you eat food..the amounts your supposed to vs not eating..how does that affect losing weight? Example...if I think I am going to lose weight by not eating as opposed to eating the required..how does it work... In my mind..if I don't eat the body goes into starvation mode making it not burn anything to keep it in reserves...is this correct? I am 4 wks post op...and happy to be here.
  8. Good day everyone. I am not sure how many others have went through this, or how common it is but I have not lost anything in 9 days now and I am both frustrated, and very discouraged..how long does this last.? Cheers everyone.
  9. Mr Edwards

    Weight loss stalls.

    I'm 4 wks out..and was Roux n Y. it's when I switched to minced more heavier foods.. dietian says it's nothing to worry about..just an adjustment period. still infuriates me though.
  10. Mr Edwards

    Food intake vs weight loss.

    that's an interesting read...thank you.
  11. Mr Edwards

    Food intake vs weight loss.

    Ok thx.. I have a good idea but was looking for the answer specifically for a bariatric patient pov..but I think I got it now.. Thank you
  12. Mr Edwards

    Food intake vs weight loss.

    see that what mean..im trying to figure why the body slows the weight loss with the less we eat... I can't understand it
  13. Mr Edwards

    Food intake vs weight loss.

    I appreciate the detail, thank you .bug I am trying to understand why I seem to have come to a stall at 4 wks already. I became very constipated last weekend in fact ending up in emerge.. I went 30 hrs no food and barley any for maybe 4 days.. thinking I didn't want to add to my bowel issue..and expected to have lost weight as well..but did not.. so I am wondering why or how am I to expect to lose weight by eating again..?
  14. Mr Edwards

    phases for RnY

    Hello. I am wondering if anyone can spread some light on the two phases after Post Op. The Weight loss Stage vs the Maintenance Stage. How long does the weight loss stage last?
  15. Mr Edwards

    phases for RnY

    7 months eh....mmm well here's hoping for.. thx

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