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Posts posted by emgem

  1. If your nutritionist/dietitian is difficult to relate to, see your family doctor ASAP and have her/him recommend an alternate dietitian or other support.
    She/he may be able to support you too.
    You are probably a tiny way from a weight drop to balance out the last week's gain.
    Is your exercise routine going okay?

    Exercise is ok. Dr actually told me to back off since my calorie intake was so low... but I've been upping it since the scale started moving up.
    I am going to see if a dietitian is open next week... I can't handle waiting any longer. Thank you!

  2. On Monday I weighed 222 pounds and in just one week I have gained 7 pounds!!

    I am six weeks post op and just started adding regular foods back to my diet this week. I must be doing something wrong and I need help! I am tracking EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. I have less than 600 calories a day and less than 15 carbs a day. Most of what I am eating is lean turkey or tuna and I can only get about 2 oz down a meal. (I only eat 3 x a day). I am taking long power walks to burn calories

    What am I doing wrong? I am panicked and terrified I am self sabotaging and don't even know it.

    Should I not be eating meat at all 3 meals?

    Unfortunately my NUT in the hospital was awful, so I need to find someone new after the holidays.

    Any advice would be so appreciated.

  3. Yes! I had exactly the same thing happen and felt EXACTLY the same way!
    I felt embarrassed to be having trouble because everyone told me I'd be the easy patient. I'm young with no prior health issues. But there was nothing I could do to get Water or food down. It just hurt! Don't feel like a failure! After my dr put a scope down to give me some more room where stomach and esophagus connected I stopped throwing up.

    It will get better. I know exactly how you're feeling and dehydration impacts your emotions too. You're doing nothing wrong, your body just went through hell. Hindsight is 20/20, so borrow some of mine and know that you are OK!!

  4. Sorry to hear this! I had a similar issue so I can relate. Unfortunately I don't have much unique advice to fix it. My issue progressed until I was readmitted to the hospital. If it lasts more than 4 days or if it keeps you from getting your Water down, call the dr immediately. Dehydration is not worth it.

    For me they ended up dialating my esophagus and that fixed the issue. Hopefully for you it is just swelling. Keep sipping the water, walk, take hot showers etc. it's probably just gas but water is critical right now!

    I hope you feel better soon! This will pass!

  5. Did anyone do any type of thank you for the nurses that took care of them?

    I stayed 3 nights in the hospital following my surgery then an additional night a few weeks later after some complications. I stayed on the same floor and had all the same nurses

    Each RN and LVN was fantastic. Friendly, caring, etc. I didn't have any family staying or visiting me in the hospital and they all made sure to spend a little extra time with me just chatting.

    I'd like to get them a thank you but I'm not sure if that is weird or what to get. Did anyone else do a thank you for the nurses or doctors office? I was thinking I'd do something for the day shift and something different for the night shift.

    Any thoughts or nurses out there with ideas! These people had the good drugs, they're my hero!

  6. Here are a few potential causes.
    1. If you were diabetic prior to surgery and on meds, you may have to reduce your meds at this point.
    2. You may be experiencing reactive hypoglycemia. Here are a few links that might help.
    3. Dehydration can also cause dizziness and lightheadedness.

    Wow, thank you for such a wonderful reply. I'm not diabetic but I'm gonna check out those dehydration articles!

    Thank you!

  7. This is a weird post... I don't know anyone else who has gone through this surgery so I feel a little isolated

    I'm in my late 20s and I am 4 weeks post op. Surgery went great but two weeks later I couldn't keep anything down so went back to the hospital for dehydration. They couldn't see anything wrong but did an endoscopy with dialation to give me some more space where my stomach and esophagus connect. That was four days ago and I've been getting my fluids down since then.

    Then... last night while washing my hair I got very light headed and dizzy. I sat down and it passed in 5-10 minutes.

    Tonight, the same dizzy spell started but it didn't stop. I completely blacked out and sat in my shower for 5 minutes unable to move. I live alone so I probably freaked out a bit. Crawled out and called my sister. She yelled at me (literally) to call the dr at 8 pm on a Sunday.

    DR wasn't too concerned which I am glad about. But now I fee crazy! I was supposed to be the easy patient! Young with no health issues! Why am I blacking out suddenly and is it all in my head?

    Has anyone else experienced black outs before? I'm still a little light headed hours later

    Sorry for the long post! I needed somewhere to express my frustration and EMBARRASSMENT!!!

  8. Still in a lot of pain since my surgery on Wednesday morning. Staying in hospital for one more night and hopefully getting discharged in the morning pending how well I'm coping with the pain.
    Anyone have advice on dealing with Pain? Does it get better by day 3?

    I was able to take a hot shower in the hospital after my surgery and it really helped with the gas pain. Give that a shot and like everyone says, walk walk walk

    Hope you feel better. Hang in there, the pain does go away

  9. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! For all the November sleevers I hope the temptation wasn't too bad! It was definitely odd sitting at the table with family and having nothing on my plate!

    I have a question for my fellow sleevers in the puree stage. How are you doing get liquid and food down? I am constantly disgusted by food and uncomfortable with slight neausea. For the past week I've averaged an ounce of apple sauce every day. My dr says a few ounces at every meal. Are y'all experiencing the same struggle?

  10. I'm a week and a half post op and I want my energy back!

    I had a really easy time with the surgery. Stopped taking pain meds after a day and have no issues moving around etc. I just have NO energy! I live in a three story home and have to take breaks on the stairs each time. How long does it usually take to start feeling normal again?

  11. oh no that is NOT good. You should tell your team. I have liquid tylenol but have not needed it. My surgeon has me on Prilosec for months. I have to open the pull and put the beads in sugar free applesauce or yogurt & have that each day. He told me we have the same acid being produced with a smaller stomache so this is to keep the acid at bay so that the staple line etc heals. I would def tell my team about that. Also, start sipping constantly. You need to hydrate. My nurse told me it was more important at this stage than trying to get in the Protein. That a whole host of things can happen if we get dehydrated. Good luck...I iwouldn't take anymore of that.

    Yikes!!! Thanks for the info! I'm definitely never taking that stuff again!

    I'll call my dr in the morning, not gonna like the acid has me grouchy!


  12. Has anyone experienced severe acid reflux when they take their liquid Tylenol?
    I was sleeved 11/7 and haven't needed any pain meds yet. Last night I had a maaaasssive head ache ( I'm super dehydrated) and took a half does. HOLY CRAP! Spent the whole night up with acid bubbling up my throat.

    Anyone else experience this?

  13. Before I went into the OR for my surgery, the doctor explained to me that some throat discomfort was normal because of the breathing tube they put in during the surgery. It will go away soon!

    Thanks! I hope it does soon! I've been having such a hard time getting fluids down the dr has be doing ivs at the hospital. I'm a little OVER that place :)

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