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Posts posted by NickM

  1. On 3/19/2016 at 2:36 PM, acuri08 said:

    I'm almost afraid to say it, but at the same time I feel like I need to go outside and shout it from the roof tops! I feel amazing! I am an entirely new person. These first two months from surgery have been the most trying time in my entire life. Most days I couldn't get out of bed, and I wanted nothing more than to lay there and die. I struggled for the first month with muscle pain so severe I couldn't move. After that I struggled debilitating nausea. It got so bad that I hadn't eaten in over a month. On the rare occasion I would try the food would come right back up. Early last week it got so bad that I could no longer keep down Water. At this point I had been in the hospital 5 times for dehydration and different tests. I was taking protonix, Zofran, scopolamine Patches, Reglan, and I was wearing sea bands for motion sickness. None of these things could even take the edge off my nausea. My CT and my Upper GI were clear. My surgeons team kept telling me jit was all in my head. I was so severely depressed and felt like I had no where to go. I was beginning my surgeon for an EDG and she was refusing to give me one. After being unable to keep Water down for two days I went back to the ER and finally demanded I get the care I deserved. I was not going to leave there without answers. I was immediately admitted upon arrival where they found that my potassium levels were dangerously low. Lower than they have ever seen. I was given 6 bags of potassium and countless bags of Fluid to clear the dehydration. I also demanded the do the scope. The scope found slight narrowing that was able to be fixed on the spot. I don't know if it's the scope or the fluids, or potassium that cured me, but whatever it was I finally have my life back. I wake up ready to live every single day! I'm taking half the anti depressants I was before. I hated hated hated hated hated hearing people say it gets better. I was so convinced there was no way out for me. I would lay in bed waiting to die. But it got better. It got so much better. I am living breathing proof that it can all change. I encourage anyone struggling the way I did to advocate for themselves, the doctors and surgeons won't do it for you. I still can't say I would do this all over again, currently I am still too traumatized, but I have learned so much from this surgery. I had this surgery for myself and it was like I had forgotten that after surgery. I needed to still be fighting for myself. I know this is long but I just hope my story can help.

    I just read your post and wanted to know how you are doing.

  2. 6 hours ago, Lisa Kasen/UnstapledLisa said:

    Nick and Ro (and anyone else who might need a reversal)

    There is if you're on Facebook, a group for people who have had or will need a gastric bypass reversal. There are so many factors that play into gastric bypass reversals, that questions about what to expect post reversal, will depend on what kind of complications one has had, how long they've had them, how many surgical interventions they had to fix complications prior to reversal are factors that play into reversals and how one recovers from them.

    Closed and private group on Facebook can be found by using search terms gastric bypass reverses and takedowns, otherwise if you google "life in my frankenbelly", my Facebook friend Misty who owns and is an admin for that for that group blogs and vlogs about reversals, my Facebook friend Sue Joan who's blogged about gastric bypass and reversals for a long time, even though she hasn't had one, she was the only one who could help me, because when I had to have one to save my life in , NO ONE else in 2010 , seriously knew about them or was talking about them, so I help people online and via my blog about my reversal and that can be found by "googling" unstapledlisa or lisa kasen gastric bypass reversal. Or you can email me privately by emailing unstapledlisa@gmail.com.

    Hope this helps. Lisa

    p.s. due to my unique disability sets, I apologize for not being able to paste links when on a mobile device.......

    Thanks for the information. I appreciate it.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Mbrock said:

    Hi, Nick. I don't get on here much but it looks like you asked me over a year ago and just recently if I've had long term issues with my reversal. The 1st time I had not had it yet and now I'm post o and my answer is yes. ( if I'm not correct about the posts please forgive me. This site is a little confusing for me and especially using a mobile browser).

    I've developed something called Gastroparesis. Basically a damaged nerve that causes me nighttime vomiting and severe heartburn. I take heartburn meds and try to follow yet another diet. There's no quick fix surgery that I'm aware of. I'm still learning about it as I go.

    I hope this helps at least a little. You can email me anytime, mbrockgreat@gmail.com

    Thank you for the information. How long after bypass did you develop gastreoparesis? Did you get a mild case and how long does it take your stomach to empty? Also, how long was it between your bypass and the reversal. Sorry if you already answered that above.

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