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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by froufrou

  1. I've done both. Surgery first and it didn't stop me thinking about food constantly. The wegovy has stopped the chatter in my brain. It's a miracle for me to be honest. In my opinion, I do think it's something chemical in some of us and we need medication to help.

    Can I ask why your insurance has stopped paying for it?

  2. On 3/30/2023 at 3:14 PM, Mia2515 said:

    Thank you for that information. I'm having nonstop stomach discomfort. Gastroenterologist prescribed me dicyclomine for stomach pain it helps a bit, not a lot. My last endoscopy he did he was confused to as why everything inside of me wasn't were it was supposed to be. My stomach has moved to the other side. I was very confused by this. I'm pretty sure that's because of the gastric bypass right?? I just don't know anymore but I can't handle these post complications with this surgery at all. It's running my life

    Is your gastroenterologist and bariatric surgeon talking? They need to communicate. As someone who has had a LOT of post surgery complications, I do sympathise a lot. Hang in there, but get these people to talk to each other and get them to come up with some answers.

  3. On 3/25/2023 at 12:18 PM, L. Knight said:

    @froufrou how are you doing with the wegovy and how much weight have you lost since taking it?

    Hi! I am doing really well with the Wegovy - no bad side effects - it stops all of the food chatter in my head and makes me less obsessive. I LOVE it and I hope I can stay on it. It's what I hoped the surgery had done instead. I have lost 30 lbs since beginning of December. It might seem slow, but I am ok with it. There's no rush. I'm getting close to what I was pre pandemic, which was my goal, and then hopefully back on track.

  4. How are your Vitamin levels? Have they checked them? Vitamin B deficiency can cause a LOT of mental and emotional issues, as do other vitamin deficiencies. If you were already having issues with mental health, then vitamin deficiency will most likely compound that.

    I’m constantly having problems with super low Iron, D and B12 and my panic attacks have been worse since surgery. Add to that my impending menopause… fun times 🤪

  5. I am just wondering if anyone else here has suffered from severe anemia. Just a quick background, I had the sleeve, which leaked. Then RNY. I am vegetarian. I am wondering if the surgeries (I had stents put in when I had the leak (total of 7 attempts and then it had to be sewn in place) have damaged something that is leading to anemia?

    I have had anemia for a couple of years now - I had a series of 5 infusions of Iron, but it didn't do much for me.

    I asked my obgyn (who was checking hormones) to add in my Iron levels, and sure enough it's still low and so I am going back to see her. I KNOW she's going to flag me now for a colonoscopy, because I guess that's a conclusion you could make from my anemia. I really don't want to have to go through a whole slew of testing if this is a common thing in bariatric surgeries.

    Here are my blood test results - no other bloods were out of whack.

    Ferritin 6

    Iron Binding Capacity 395

    Saturation 6

    Iron Total 23

    Hemoglobin 11.6

    Hemocrit 35.3

    MCV 79.3

    MCH 26.1

    RDW 16

    I would just really appreciate some feedback from people who might have been through the same thing.

  6. Hello hello... just checking in. Not much to report except a weight gain. Now up to 270... been bouncing around that for a while. I am incredibly anemic and find it hard to keep my levels up and think that I may just have to have Iron infusions for the rest of my life. I'm vegetarian and I am just wondering if my stomach has become injured after the sleeve leak and then the RNY... I don't think I can absorb iron.

    I've been on Saxenda for a bit, but it's not doing a lot for me, except maybe keeping my weight stable, which is good I guess! I'm thinking of going on Wegovy when it's available. Apparently it's low on stock because people love it so much.

    How is everyone doing? I'd love to hear how everyone is. Anyone else having issues with keeping their Vitamin levels up?

    @Goody222 you look amazing! You must feel great! Well done!!

    Love to all xxx

  7. On 05/10/2021 at 20:32, JulieCab said:

    Froufrou, was the doctor able to tell you how stretched it was ? That is something I am curious about. I really think perhaps DS would be better for me, but because of reflux issues I’m not sure I will be able to.

    He didn’t give me figures but the gastroenterologist said he was surprised I lost any weight at all. The stretching came from all of the stents they tried to place (about 4 until they went in and SEWED one in place!). I don’t think there is any stretch this time round.

  8. On 05/08/2021 at 07:20, TheMarine79 said:

    Hang in there froufrou. You are doing great. I had to wear a heart monitor and do a stress test. Things came back all good. When I did my 2 year appointment, the surgeon was surprised to see I lost and did not gain with covid and everything going on. She said a majority of her patients have gained some. So don’t feel bad. You just have to jump back on the wagon.

    Thank you for the encouragement! I am getting all of my hospital requirements done - just need the psych eval and Bariatric class and I will be good to go for the revision.

  9. On 05/07/2021 at 19:16, Recidivist said:

    Hi, FrouFrou. 25 pounds isn't that much in the grand scheme of things, and it sounds like you are ready to get things back on track. What is a "distal bypass?"

    It isn’t THAT much but it will be if I keep going like this. Have to put the brakes on now before it’s too late. A distal is where they take one part of a tube and stick it somewhere else... lengthening the limb so that there is more malabsorption. That’s kind of the idea haha.

    I’m planning on staying on the Saxenda till my surgery - it’s really holding me accountable especially with alcohol. I had a drink on it my first night and felt terribly ill - my guess is my blood sugar went very low. So, I’ve given up alcohol and I have to say it’s really hard! It’s been my go to, to destress. Doing a lot of deep breathing and positive self talk lol.

  10. Hi fellow Feb ‘19ers - well, I was doing extremely well and as for all of us, Covid hit... child with autism at home, zero therapy for her, husband lost his job, yada yada I gained 25 lbs back. I really fell off the wagon, especially with alcohol. I hardly drank before but used it to get through those hard months. Even though I have gained, I have actually done pretty well by my standards haha.

    Skip to now - kid back at school 2 days a week, husband working again (from home) and I’m getting a grip on life again. I went to see my surgeon and we are working towards getting a distal bypass done. I’m currently taking Saxenda to get me started on the journey and so far so good.

    Anyway, I hope you are all doing well. The photos you have posted are amazing!

  11. I have the same problem @roses436 - I think about food ALL the time and graze ALL the time. Not good for RNY... I’ve gained 25 lbs back (I didn’t even reach goal) and am now going to be having a revision (3rd surgery - went from sleeve to RNY and now to distal). THIS time though I am going to get some therapy for my stupid brain... hopefully I can sort this out once and for all because I do not want to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

    Like you I smoked - I used to smoke 20 a day and gave up. The thing is, you can avoid cigarettes but you can’t avoid food.

    My advice is to get some therapy - I honestly think it’s the only way otherwise it seems some of us are doomed to repeat our ways. Surgery does not fix it - not for eaters like us.

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