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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by froufrou

  1. froufrou

    Just not hungry...

    It hasn’t been hard at all. I’m vegetarian - have been for 49 years, so the switch is not that hard and I do add a bit of dairy here and there. It actually forces me to be a better vegetarian because I’m cooking from scratch and a lot of the recipes I use are well balanced. I was finding I was getting really bored of the food that I had in my freezer, so I was reaching for quick easy things like carry snacks because I just didn’t fancy what was on offer.
  2. froufrou

    Just not hungry...

    Can you maybe try switching up what you eat completely? Is it boredom? How about trying Vegan for a bit. I lost my appetite for a lot of foods (except bad things, of course) so I decided to get some books by the Bosh! guys and cook mostly vegan - at least from scratch and then add an egg or cheese here and there.
  3. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Moo Shu Vegetables. It’s so good.
  4. As long as alcohol isn’t a trigger for over eating I personally think it’s fine. This is about quality of lifestyle and continuing on a journey of health, which includes mental health.
  5. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    No after pic - all eaten. I fancied a plate of things to pick at. Salad with tahini and lemon juice, low carb tortilla, vegetarian cheese, 2 veggie sausage links. I was stuffed after this - it was too much really but it all tasted so good!
  6. These were my results recently - needless to say I’m making more of an effort with my vitamins...
  7. froufrou

    Slightly Discouraged

    Oh - for some reason missed your post about it being on the kidney! That’s great news!
  8. froufrou

    Slightly Discouraged

    Thank goodness they found the cyst and you’re getting it seen to. Definitely a priority.
  9. Does your wife have weight issues? Is this her first pregnancy - is she afraid of getting big while you get smaller? Is she worried about your motives for getting surgery? Is your marriage in trouble without the surgery issues? I’m just wondering what is going on behind this to make you guys even bring up divorce.
  10. froufrou

    🎈 Pity Party🎈

    Today is my RNY surgiversary - that year went quick. Today I also have a ton of head stuff that's come crashing down on me - I think PMS/perimenopause is also kicking my arse. I have been yo-yoing the same 5 lbs... this keeps happening. I will take a month or so of yo-yoing to lose a few pounds. There is no other reason than I am eating the wrong things/too much because I am battling years and years of food addiction (and shitty genetics). It's really REALLY doing my head in. I have decided to try weight watchers... to just try to keep me accountable and on track. I don't know if this is a good idea or a bad idea but I'm going to give it a go because I am really scared that I am going to start gaining weight. Anyway, if you haven't already guessed, I'm having a bit of a mini breakdown over here.
  11. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Happy Surgiversary Sheri!! 🎉🎈🎊
  12. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    ok I'm back! It's surgiversary day! Like I said before, I'm kind of stuck... so, today I have signed up to Weight Watchers to help me lose the rest of the weight. I feel like it's a good way to celebrate! 🎉
  13. I really love the zero vitamin water - sweetened with stevia.
  14. If I'm in pain I will take a tylenol or have a hot bath. But, mostly I have found that the reduction in sugar intake has helped enormously.
  15. My fibro definitely got better. I still have flare ups - mainly hormone related though. But on the whole my body is less fibro affected.
  16. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    My surgiversary is tomorrow. Knowing me I'll forget to hop on lol. It's been a great year, but I'm definitely at a standstill. I am not sure what the next move is... I guess really really paying attention to my food and maybe now introducing some exercise. I'm leaning more towards being vegan from being vegetarian... I'm going to see how that goes dietwise. I feel that maybe going vegan will actually help me with my protein intake as it has to be more balanced in diet. Onwards and upwards! edit: It says my surgery date was 5th on the sidebar, but I'm pretty sure it was 4th. I need to double check now haha. edit again: nope - it WAS 5th Feb. ok, well I'm 2 days early.
  17. froufrou

    Forced to do Bypass

    What are you afraid of with gastric bypass?
  18. froufrou

    86 lbs down

  19. I have an HSA and I just use the debit card (for medical expenses only) like I would my own personal debit card. I've never had a problem with it.
  20. froufrou


    Even with the leak (in hospital for 3 months) and the sleeve not working so had to get RNY... no regrets. Could not have lost 130 lbs without it. I felt like I was dying when I was 360 lbs... I'm pretty sure I would be on my way by now to a heart attack. So no... none.
  21. Yes it absolutely should. I use mine all the time for doctors and pharmacies.
  22. I've been wondering where @Frustr8 has gone. I miss seeing her on this board.
  23. I have tried some carbonated drinks and to be honest it puts me in a lot of pain - it's just not worth it any more. I think the gas gets stuck. Not sure about the stretching theory, but the gas pain isn't worth it for me.
  24. That's absolutely not true. The OP asked for advice. She got the advice and now she's going to follow it. We're not all nutritionist on this board and we don't all have the answers, which is why we humble ourselves and get on here and ask. What would be nice is if people could approach some of these questions in a kindly manner and try to help people. If anyone doesn't feel like they can do this... then just don't try. Best to leave it to the rest of us who actually feel empathy.
  25. froufrou

    Weight loss slow down

    sorry, messed up that last post. This bariatric surgeon explains why it's so important to keep to the plan. It can really hurt your surgery. If you can't drink protein drinks... I couldn't either... then ask your nutritionist what you CAN drink or eat. Do they recommend you are on mushies now? That'll be things like applesauce, refried beans, yoghurt etc.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
