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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by froufrou

  1. froufrou

    Stalling for over a month???

    Happened to me too in my 6th month. Kept going up and down 2 lbs. I managed to break it by cutting all carbs out of my evening meal. I had just vegetables with a bit of cheese. I’m down another 12 lbs.
  2. froufrou

    My Stomach Aches When Empty

    Yes - 7 months out now and it’s lessened. I can still get it when I wake up. String cheese before bed helps though.
  3. Fill up on good foods and don’t even consider buying sweets. If you buy them you will eat them. It’s really as simple as that.
  4. froufrou


    I had surgery back in September... day after I got back, I had excruciating pain radiating up my left shoulder and I could barely breathe. Messaged my surgeon and asked if I should be feeling like this (duh!) and he said no. Ended up in the ER having my stomach looked at, washed out, drain put in and then a stent. I was in hospital for 2 months and had several operations for stent placements, that ultimately didn't work. Had to go and have one put in that required being stitched in to place. That one ended up coming loose and I still had the leak. Had it stitched again and that did the trick. Stent is out now, leak has healed (I hope it stays that way!). Anyway - I'm out of hospital now. Trying to get my life back in order. Still dealing with some pain, and some mental trauma. My mother had to fly out from England to take care of me whilst in hospital and to take care of my child who has autism. Nightmare. We have massive bills... airline, hospital, etc. My surgeon was amazing though and I love him. He stood by me the whole way. Anyway, I just wanted to put myself on this board so that I can help other people if they go through the same thing, or if any of you have questions. One of the scariest things about the leak is the unknown.
  5. froufrou


    Hi Smariev - I was not able to do anything while I had my stent. It was just too painful. I found out how long I had the last stent in and it was a month from the time it was put in again till the time my leak healed. I know that's probably not the news you were hoping for. I have heard of people working with a stent in and on TPN, but I know I couldn't have done it. I looked back over your past posts and is it true that you have had this leak since August?! What did your surgeons do for you... did they just leave a drain in and hope that the leak would heal itself?
  6. froufrou


    Hi - I'm so sorry you are going through this! Yes I was in pretty bad pain and threw up a lot. Are you in hospital? I'm asking because I'm wondering what kind of pain meds you are on. If you are in hospital then dilauded was what helped me the most. At home I was on tablet form of dilauded but it didn't work as well as the IV version. Also I just had to sit with a hot water bottle on my chest most of the time - heat really did help. I was prescribed Carafate to prevent ulcers - are you taking that? I didn't realise I was supposed to take it during the time I had the stent, so I didn't take it, but my GI surgeon said it would have helped with nausea. It might be worth a try. I can assure you that when the stent is taken out, it'll be like night and day. The pain will go... so just hold on to that thought. I can't remember right now how long it took to heal up, but I will try to find out for you. My mother has a record of it (I was too out of it to notice!).
  7. froufrou

    Severe left shoulder pain

    This was one of my symptoms of a leak. I also had a rapid heartbeat, temp over 100 and found it hard to breathe. I would honestly say you should get checked out to be on the safe side. Leaks caught early are best.
  8. I had a leak and had a temp over 100, left side pain going up to my shoulder and difficulty breathing. I think you would probably know if it was a leak, but always check with your doctor if you are in doubt.
  9. Just want to send you a hug and let you know I sympathise. I was in hospital for 2 months for a leak - only just got out. Did you get the results of your leak test? Only pain killer that worked for me was dilaudid. Have you tried that?
  10. I had a staple line leak, so was in hospital for 2 months. However, I've lost nearly 40 lbs... so that made up for the pain and misery I went through.
  11. froufrou

    Bariatric Vegetarian Life

    I've been vegetarian for 47 years and even I am wondering what the hell I'm going to do for protein. I was not a very good vegetarian (hence me having to get surgery) - I relied on bread, cheese, pastas, etc. I get my surgery done next week and I'm kind of winging it I guess. I will figure it out as I go. Nothing like being thrown in at the deep end

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
