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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by froufrou

  1. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Omg I made my first chaffle!! It’s incredible!
  2. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Roasted butter nut squash with goats cheese and pumpkin seeds.
  3. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Can I ask how you made the Sate sauce? Or is it store bought?
  4. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Did you make this? Do you have a recipe? Looks delicious.
  5. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    It's been really hard for my daughter - she is very anxious around kids, but she considered the kids in her class to be her friends. She was in Grade 5, so Elementary School came to an abrupt end and she'll now be going in to middle school... I'm sure you know what it's like when we 'go off script' with our spectrum kids. She's dealt with it very well, but I know it's hurt her. Yes, I must not let food be the escape - that's how I ended up at 360 lbs in the first place. I was also turning to drink there for a bit too... not much, but enough for it to hurt my weight loss. So I really don't want to come out of this fat AND alcoholic. Thank you for your thought and prayers - I really appreciate it. I appreciate all of you letting me vent on this thread. I know you will understand and it's a safe place with no judgement.
  6. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Yes, we can do this! I'm cheering you on!
  7. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Thank you so much for your support. I'm going to basically stop eating everything in sight lol. But, really, I'm going to cut down on portion size. Stop going for carbs. Get more active. Drink more water/zero water. That's it really - back to basics. If I do have something like icecream, then it's a SMALL amount. That's what I was doing before and it was successful... just a little of what I like, not the whole hog. But for now, I'm going to cut out all sugary things and stick to protein and vegetables. You're right - we definitely need to learn from these moments and move on.
  8. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Thank you Recidivist - I really appreciate your kind words. The thing I have a problem with is that I know we are all going through the same thing, so I just need to pull my socks up and get on with it. No more excuses. I do not want to come out of this total disaster of a pandemic fat and depressed lol. If this has taught us anything it’s how valuable our health is, and I am SO thankful I no longer have type 2 diabetes. I’m sure you all feel the same! I hope all of you are doing ok? How is life in your part of the world? I’m in Colorado and parts of it are opening up... we’ll see how that goes.
  9. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    My weight just kept going up. I put on 15 lbs... I know why. I ate. A lot. But I was surprised how quick it was. Things that haven’t helped physically and mentally are perimenopause... I started taking progesterone to help my symptoms and it did not work. The lock down - just threw me for a loop suddenly having my autistic daughter at home 24/7 and having to be mum, teacher and therapist. And my husband losing his job of 10 years just like that. No warning, no severance. Just gone in a 5 minute zoom call. I’ve managed to get a grip and I’ve lost two of the gained pounds. Just have to keep on doing what I’m doing, but I’m SO mad at myself because those 15 pounds were HARD to lose. I’m a bloody idiot.
  10. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Grilled vegetables in Harissa with Halloumi cheese. None left for the after shot!
  11. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Argh! I've put on weight. There is no mystery... since the lock down I've been eating all of the wrong things, including a lot of chocolate. My restriction is non existent now and I can't get out as much because I have a child at home. We go out for a bike ride and get out in the garden, but it's not enough. I miss just getting out and about all day. I know what I'm doing and I know what I need to do, but it's getting off of this downward spiral I've got myself in to. I'm up about 9 lbs. I don't want to come out of this awful situation we're all in having put on a lot of weight - that would be a disaster. I need to get out of this spiral!
  12. I agree with JRT Mom - I would not want to be near a hospital right now. It IS disappointing but at some point in the future you will get your dates. Everyone is having everything cancelled. Basically, life is cancelled. For now.
  13. We are with you - don't give up. Take each day as it comes... don't look too far in to the future. This WILL pass. Things WILL get better. If there is anything we can do to help, please reach out to us. Sending big hugs.
  14. froufrou

    Air pockets

    Yes, I've been getting this under my left ribs. Very painful. It seems worse when I eat gluten, so I'm trying to modify my diet.
  15. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Anna, I'm so sorry you have had that verbal abuse! It's disgusting. 'fat shaming' seems to be the last 'acceptable' kind of discrimination out there and I cannot wait until it stops. You look absolutely beautiful - and happy. I'm so glad that things are much better for you now with your health. I was also terrorised by an ex-wife. My husband and his first wife (married only because she got pregnant) were only together for 9 months after their daughter was born, and then she walked out on them - went to live with another man and left my husband to raise his daughter on his own. I came along 6 years later and that was it... license for her to call every day and harass us. Get to us through her daughter by questioning her over everything that happened in our house and then call my husband to complain - it got to the point where my step-daughter would just lie about things because she realised that her mum gave her attention when she told some juicy story. My husband would be so traumatised by it all (he had panic attacks) that he would beg me to just go along with it all and not rock the boat, so I was silenced too. It was just a horrible horrible time and all while I was in a new country away from any family and friends. Ugh! She would call and swear down the phone and call me fat. This went on until my step-daughter was no longer receiving child support from us. The day she turned 18 the calls stopped. I really, really understand what you are going through. Are your step-children grown and out of the house now? The day that there are no longer any ties and reason to communicate is just THE BEST.
  16. froufrou

    Recreational Drugs

    Is this why people put coke up their bottom? :D
  17. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    How are you doing with weight loss are you still stalled? It's weird, but I have had the same issue... up and down the same few pounds for the last 3 months. I am going from 236 to 240, over and over again. I don't know if I can have another surgery now.. I had the sleeve, then RNY - I think I'm out of options. I don't think my husband would agree to another surgery anyway. I have at least 80 lbs to lose before I feel I'm where I want to be. Would love to hear how you are doing.
  18. froufrou

    No one has noticed ...

    I guess it really is an individual journey then. Some people want to be notice and others don't.
  19. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Congrats recidivist - I know it’s not all about looks, but you do look amazing! You must feel amazing too. Well done!!
  20. froufrou

    No one has noticed ...

    Well - it’s nice to hear positive feedback. That’s why some of us care. I love hearing how good I look now and I love not hating my reflection. By the way, it took until I was about 100 lbs down before anyone said anything.
  21. My husband didn't want me to go through with the bypass after having a failed (in hospital with a leak for 3 months) gastric sleeve. He said that he didn't want me to have it, but he would support me. i said 'ok then' and did it anyway.
  22. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I remember back in the day - mid 90s - when I lost a ton of weight and was actually skinny. My brain wasn't caught up though and I felt naked. I see weight as layers of protection for some people. You suddenly feel seen and it can be quite painful if you're not ready. Be kind to yourselves and definitely come here and talk to us about it if you need some support.
  23. froufrou

    Liquid restriction

    Yes - I also had the sleeve to rny. With the sleeve all I could do was sip. Now, I can guzzle water!
  24. froufrou

    Weight more now than before surgery

    Yep - you will holding on to a lot of fluid. I gained 9 lbs after my surgery.
  25. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    I’ve been obsessed with falafels lately. We made some last weekend.

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