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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by froufrou

  1. froufrou

    Cost of surgery -- WOW

    Mine was just under a million... this is because of my gastric leak which kept me in the hospital for 3 months. However, before I knew that insurance would cover this, I was going to be a cash payer. Would I have been liable for the whole million? Makes me panicky to think we could have lost everything.
  2. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Another Trader Joe’s meal... just added an egg.
  3. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Not a before and after but here’s what I had for breakfast the last two days. I was full until 2pm! Stats are pretty good. I know these are easy to make, but I’m lazy sometimes!
  4. No, I get that, but I honestly don't think that is his intention. He said see how you do on the full dose and if it's too much then you can do half that. If I did half the dose he is suggesting, that means I'd only be on 25mg of sertraline, where as before I was on 100. 1ml liquid = 20mg tablet I'm on 100mg tablet, therefore I need to be on 5ml of liquid and not 2.5 he has prescribed. That defeats the purpose of me going in and telling him I'm not absorbing my full dose.
  5. froufrou

    devastating ulcer

    I can't give up coffee!! 😱
  6. I will once I can get through to them - nobody is answering. So annoying! However, don't pharmacists know dosage better than doctors? I kind of trust them more... Doctor didn't mention anything about it absorbing any differently. I have a large suspicion he is just wrong.
  7. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    He agreed that I might be experiencing a decrease in effectiveness and has prescribed me the liquid form. Unfortunately he's gone and prescribed the wrong dose, but I will have to fix that. In other news, I have seen my bariatric surgeon today and he suspects I have a stricture. He said from everything I have described, (vomiting, avoiding protein, etc) he is pretty positive I have one. However, before they do an endoscopy, I have asked for an Upper GI test to make sure. Bah humbug - I wish I could avoid this.
  8. Just to follow up - I read this... "ZOLOFT oral concentrate is available in a multidose 60 mL bottle. Each mL of solution contains sertraline hydrochloride equivalent to 20 mg of sertraline." I was on 100mg of tablet form. I have been told to take 2.5ml of liquid, but that would only add up to 50mg of Sertraline. The doctor is WRONG. gah! That's downright dangerous.
  9. Hi - I went for my appointment. It was with a dr I don't know and I am having some issues... He gave me a prescription for liquid sertraline, but the pharmacist says that the amount that's been prescribed is HALF of my usual dose. I have called the doctor's office and they say it's the correct dose. The pharmacist says it's not. So... I'm confused. I can't get hold of the doctor's office today and so... not sure what to do now.
  10. I went out pretty soon after surgery - about 6 weeks or something. It wasn't that great though and I don't really enjoy the food as much as I think I'm going to.
  11. I've chosen 170 - It's not as low as I should be, but I think it's a good landing point and then I can assess what's going on from there. Just seems like a good attainable number. I'm going to have a lot of loose extra skin and I'm sure that weighs quite a bit! lol. That's my excuse anyway.
  12. froufrou

    Post-Op Depression

    Were/are you taking an antidepressant? Might be lack of absorption?
  13. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    How is everyone doing today? I have pulled back again and my weight is creeping slowly down again. I keep reminding myself that this is a lifetime change... There will be ebbs and flows in the weight loss. Just have to be patient and trust the process. What is just so bizarre is the stuff in the head... I was feeling really great for a while. I felt so much slimmer and even bordering on sexy! lol. I got some new clothes and felt good. However, the last couple of weeks I've been feeling dumpy and fat again. This is all in my head. I'm still the same person I was 2 weeks ago, maybe even a bit smaller, so it's all in the head. I've also figured out (due to another thread) that my ssri isn't working as well as it should be - I've been very weepy and having some panic attacks. I don't think I'm absorbing my sertraline properly and this MUST be having an impact on my mental health and therefore my weight loss process. So I'm going to the dr on Tuesday to figure this out and maybe get on some liquid ssri.
  14. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    I forgot I even had a spiralizer! I'd better get it out haha.
  15. I’ve made an appointment with my Dr for Tuesday so I can update my meds if needed.
  16. This information is really making me think... is this why a lot of us struggle a few months after surgery? If the levels of the ssri were maintained, would we not have so much of the compulsive head stuff? I am definitely coming up against this right now and I am going to go and see my doctor about getting liquid sertraline! Thank you @Briswife15 for bringing this topic up. I would never have thought about it otherwise!
  17. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3583374/ " “Ms. Z” is a 48-year-old white married woman who had failed multiple attempts at weight loss and presented for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Her height was 1.57 m, and her weight was 114 kg (body mass index=46) She had a history of obsessive-compulsive disorder and recurrent major depression and had been successfully treated with sertraline, 100 mg/day, with a 2-year period of remission prior to surgery. Ms. Z underwent a laparoscopic retrocolic, retrogastric Roux-en-Y gastric bypass under general anesthesia. She had an uncomplicated postoperative course. Three months after surgery, she reported a relapse during the previous month, with symptoms of marked anxiety. She had a recurrence of obsessions and compulsions involving keeping objects in an orderly and symmetrical fashion. Ms. Z was the first subject to enter our formal pharmacokinetics study. We confirmed that the bioavailability of sertraline postoperatively was only 36% of the preoperative value. We offered Ms. Z liquid sertraline at the same dosage (100 mg/day) to improve absorption. One month later, she reported a return to baseline, with marked reduction in her anxiety and obsessive-compulsive symptoms."
  18. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I've had my mum staying with me for 6 weeks and I noticed that I was gradually eating more than I normally do. Not a lot, but enough to make a difference to my weight loss. My mum actually ate more than me and lost 2 lbs. I haven't lost anything for a while now, so it's back to basics - measuring and weighing everything. It's amazing what a head thing this is... I have just had half a cup of food, and in my head I am still hungry, though my stomach is saying otherwise! Crazy - it's a constant struggle.
  19. froufrou

    Green_Tealael When Is Surgery Again?

    @greenTealael - thinking of you and hoping all went smoothly! xxx
  20. froufrou

    Thick spit? (TMI)

    Another thing that can cause this is drinking too soon before or after eating. Maybe watch that for a bit too and see if it makes any difference.
  21. froufrou

    slow loss?

    I'm very slow losing. I lost the majority of my weight with the sleeve (during the time I was in hospital with a leak) and then only about 55 lbs since RNY. I have figured out that I don't lose weight during my cycle - I also have PCOS - my hormones are just crazy now since I'm going through perimenopause. I just try to keep calm and figure that I will lose some during the month, but right now it's averaging at about 10 lbs a month I guess.
  22. froufrou

    🏆2 yr Anniversary on BP🏆

    A belated Congrats! Love your posts.
  23. froufrou

    On a scale of sloths, how do you feel today?

    Definitely at a 12. I'm the slothiest of sloths today.
  24. froufrou

    Had Emergency Surgery Just Now

    wow, I hope you feel better soon! Take good care x
  25. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Are you trying to sabotage yourself Anna?

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