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Posts posted by erin09

  1. Oh and I should say, I've had zero complications with my RYN! It's way better than the band ever was. It has a more natural 'full' feeling. It's literally the best thing I did for myself!!

    Ask me anything, I'm an open book

    Erinn [emoji2]
    P.s. Great name BTW!

    Thank you! I'm so looking forward to it!

  2. Hi Erin!
    I had a lap band in 2011, lost 70ish pound, clinic went bankrupt in 2013, got pregnant 2014, then came the complications!! Constant vomiting and discomfort, gained all the weight back as could only eat sliders, and no clinic to turn too [emoji30]
    Had baby Dec 2014, in june 2015 found out band slipped up esophagus. Referral to provincial Bariatric services Dec 2015.
    Gained another 20. Had to go through months of waiting to have
    OHIP (I'm in Ontario) convert lap band to RYN - surgery was Oct 2016 I was 292.
    With lap band I got to about 204 and it was a struggle even with daily exercise.
    Today I was 186 [emoji2] My goal weight is 180-185, so basically there and so comfortable and easy to maintain and lose.
    3 weeks ago I had plastics and I'm still in shock at the changes. They took off 15lbs! Day of surgery I was 197.
    Here are some pictures:
    Aug 2015
    July 2017
    Before and after plastics - Aug 2017
    Sept 2016/now

    Good luck on your journey!

    Thank you! You look amazing!!!! Congratulations [emoji2]
    Definitely an inspiration [emoji173]️

  3. I have had to wait almost a year, due to having a stent put in last August. I was put on a blood thinner called Plavix for a year. My doc at that point asked me if I had ever considered weight loss surgery and I said I had thought about it, but figured it would be too costly for me. She told me that it wouldn't be as much as I had imagined due to my Insurance paying most of it. I got interested and said I would like to hear more. She put me in touch with the Bariatric Dept at Kaiser South San Francisco, and I went to a couple of meetings which I enjoyed. Cut a long story short, I started my 1,000 calorie diet last January. I have always been a very slow loser and had told my surgeon this. He wanted me to lose 25lbs by August, when I would be able to come off my Plavix tablet and be considered for my bypass.
    So, a date was set two weeks ago for me to have my surgery on 9/22/17 and today I went to see the Dr for my pre-op appointment. I have lost 34lbs and he is delighted. I am so eager to start this next part of my journey. I am fully motivated, and raring to go.
    The waiting for a year has not been easy, but believe me, it will come around faster than you might think. It's just a mindset thing, and once you realize you have to wait, (in your case 90 days), it's not going to be do hard.
    The best advice I can give you is....during this year I have exercised more than I have my entire life. Gym 3 times a week, I bought a bicycle and can go with my husband on short bike rides now, and can now walk 2-3 miles pretty easily. Back in January, when I started this program, I couldn't walk 1/2 mile.
    Good luck Erin...I hope my message helps you.

    Thank you! I'm so excited for you! You have two weeks to go! I definitely plan on working out more! I even bought a Gastric Bypass recipe book to help and Portion Control containers! Eek I'm excited! Best of luck to you!

  4. First timer here on this... I just had my appointment with my doctor and I have decided on the gastric bypass since I want to lose 200lbs+. Today I had my first nutritionist appointment and now I have to do my 90 days for insurance approval! Patience is not my virtue! Haha I want it now!

    My story: I had lap band done in 2010 and was doing great had lost about 70lbs (from 352 to 278) and then I started having complications. I started throwing up everything I ate or drank. I would have Fluid removed from the band and then we would add more. It was a constant battle, so in 2014 I had it removed. And now... I've gained all my weight back plus some.

    I was shocked to find out that they no longer do the band where I go. They are taking more bands out. [emoji52]

    So I am super excited that I have decided to take this step in having the bypass done! I really want this to work out for me! I need all the support I can get! Friends and family are great but they don't know how it feels. They never will.

    What have you all been doing to keep yourself busy while you wait?!


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